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## v1.0.2 (2021-05-24)
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2 3 4

### New features

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5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- **jap-ids**
  - Add the `enableDynamicIssuer` in `IdsConfig`. When `enableDynamicIssuer=true`, jap ids will automatically extract `issuer` from the currently requested domain name.
  - Add the `loginPageUrl` in `IdsConfig`:
    - `loginPageUrl`: login form page url
    - `loginUrl`: The api url for login
  - Add the `externalLoginPageUrl` in `IdsConfig`. when the login page is not provided by an authorized service (the login page is hosted by other services), you need to enable this configuration.
  - Add the `externalConfirmPageUrl` in `IdsConfig`. When the authorization confirmation page is not provided by an authorized service (the authorization confirmation page is hosted by other services), you need to enable this configuration.
  - Add the `authorizeAutoApproveUrl` in `IdsConfig`. When the authorize url contains `autoapprove=true`, it will not jump to the `confirmPageUrl`, but will jump directly to the `authorizeAutoApproveUrl`.
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  - Add some scopes, such as `profile`, `address`, `read` and `write`.
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14 15 16 17 18
  - Add the `uid` in the `OauthUtil#createAuthorizeUrl(String, IdsRequestParam)`.
  - Add the `IdsUserStoreService` interface to support custom operations on user data after login.
  - Add the `IdsPipeline` interface, developers can customize the process, currently only supports the process of customizing `IdsxxFilter` and `LoginEndpoint`.
  - Add `SPI` plugin mechanism

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19 20 21
- **jap-social**
  - `SocialStrategy` provides methods of `refreshToken`, `revokeToken`, and `getUserInfo`
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22 23
### Modified

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24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
- **jap**
  - `javax.servlet-api` -> `jakarta.servlet-api`
- **jap-ids**
  - Modify `IdsConfig.confirmUrl` to `confirmPageUrl`.
  - Modify the return value of `ApprovalEndpoint#getAuthClientInfo(HttpServletRequest)` to `IdsResponse<String, Map<String, Object>>`.
  - Modify the return value of `Ap provalEndpoint#authorize(HttpServletRequest)` to `IdsResponse<String, String>`.
  - Modify the return value of `AuthorizationEndpoint#agree(HttpServletRequest)` to `IdsResponse<String, String>`.
  - Modify the return value of `LoginEndpoint#signin(HttpServletRequest)` to `IdsResponse<String, String>`.
  - Modify the return value of `LogoutEndpoint#logout(HttpServletRequest)` to `IdsResponse<String, String>`.
  - Modify the comment content of `ClientDetail`.
  - Modify the return type of `IdsResponse#getData()` to the specified generic.
  - Remove `IdsScopeProvider#initScopes(List<IdsScope>)`.
  - When `response_type=id_token`, the resulting Claims are returned in the ID Token.
  - Optimize the process of `UserInfoEndpoint#getCurrentUserInfo(HttpServletRequest)`, Response UserInfo Claims using Scope Values.
  - Modify the `loginByUsernameAndPassword` and `getByName` methods of the `IdsUserService` interface, and add the `clientId` parameter, which can be used to distinguish multi-tenant scenarios
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40 41 42

### PR

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43 44 45 46 47 48
- Gitee
  - Merge PR [#11]( by [@dreamlu](
  - Merge PR [#12]( by [@sywd](
  - Merge PR [#13]( by [@dreamlu](
  - Merge PR [#14]( by [@dreamlu](

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49 50 51
### Issue

## v1.0.1(2021-04-21)
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52 53 54

### New features

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- Add `com.fujieid.jap.core.util.RequestUtil`
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56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
- **Complete the development of the `jap-ids` module, and provide oauth services externally based on `jap-ids`**
  - **Supported features**
    - Authorization Code Grant
    - Proof Key for Code Exchange
    - Implicit Grant
    - Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
    - Client Credentials Grant
    - Refresh access token
    - Revoke access token
    - Get the currently authorized user
    - Verify login status
    - Abnormal prompt
    - Sign out
    - OpenID Connect Discovery
    - JWK Endpoint
    - Custom jwt encryption and decryption certificate
    - Support multiple response types, such as: `code`, `token`, `id token`, `id token token`, `code id token`, `code token`, `code id token token`
    - ...
For more details about the use of `jap-ids`, please refer to the sample project: [jap-ids-demo](, or refer to the document: [IDS OAuth 2.0 服务端](
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76 77

### Modified
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- [jap-oidc] Optimize the `OidcStrategy#authenticate` method, cache the `OidcDiscoveryDto`, and reduce unnecessary http
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80 81
- [jap-oidc] Optimize the code of `OidcUtil`, fix known bugs
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- [jap-social] fix known bugs
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- Refactor `com.fujieid.jap.core.cache.JapLocalCache`, implement timer manually, clean local cache regularly
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84 85 86 87

### PR

- Merge Gitee PR [#9]( by [@dreamlu](
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89 90 91 92
### Issue

- Fix Gitee Issue [#I3DC7N](

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93 94 95
## v1.0.1-alpha.1(2021-03-07)

### Modified
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96 97 98

- Fix the description error in `JapErrorCode`
- Improve the `JapTokenHelper`
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99 100 101

### PR

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- Merge Gitee PR [#8](
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## v1.0.1-alpha(2021-03-05)
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105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216

### jap-core

#### New features

- Add `JapErrorCode` enumeration class to manage exception codes and exception prompts
- Add `JapResponse` class to standardize interface return content
- Add `JapTokenHelper` class to manage user tokens uniformly
- Add `JapContext` class to maintain jap context information
- Add `JapAuthentication` class, unified management of login status information and jap context information

#### Modified

- Package structure
  - Move `AuthenticateConfig`, `JapConfig` to `com.fujieid.jap.core.config` package
  - Move `JapUtil` to `com.fujieid.jap.core.util` package
- delete
  - Delete `JapCacheContextHolder`
  - Delete `JapUserStoreContextHolder`
- Code
  - Refactored `AbstractJapStrategy`, introduced `JapContext` and `JapAuthentication` classes
  - Refactor the `JapConfig` class, only retain the `sso` and `ssoConfig` attributes, and add the `tokenExpireTime`
    and `cacheExpireTime` attributes at the same time
  - Modify the default validity period of the cache in `JapCacheConfig` to 7 days
  - Modify the default content in the `JapUserService` interface class
  - Add the `void remove key( string key)` method to `JapCache`
  - Add `errorCode` and `errorMessage` attributes in `JapException` to facilitate the processing of exception
    information into unified format return data
  - Add the `token` attribute to `JapUser`, and the jap token will be automatically returned after login
  - In the `JapStrategy` interface, the return type of the `authenticate` method is changed to `JapResponse`, and the
    strategy methods of all modules return data in a unified format
  - Mark the `redirect` method with `@Deprecated` in the `JapUtil` class, and it may be deleted in the future. At the
    same time add the `createToken` method

### jap-oauth2

- Modify the `authenticate` method of `Oauth2Strategy` to return` JapResponse`

### jap-oidc

- Modify the `authenticate` method of `OidcStrategy` to return` JapResponse`

### jap-simple

- Modify the `authenticate` method of `SimpleStrategy` to return` JapResponse`

### jap-social

- Modify the `authenticate` method of `SocialStrategy` to return` JapResponse`

### jap-sso

- Modify the return value of the `JapSsoHelper#login` method to the jap token of the current user
- Add `JapSsoUtil`
- In the `japSsoConfig` class, delete the `login url` and `logout url` attributes

### Other

- Add some unit tests

## v1.0.0(2021-02-18)

### New features

- added `jap-mfa` module to realize TOTP verification
- The `logout` method is added to the `JapUserStoreContextHolder` to support clearing cookies and sessions
- added test cases

### Modified

- Updated ``, support a variety of common commands
- The `options` attribute in `JapConfig` is deleted, and the `justathConfig` attribute is added to `SocialConfig`
- Change the name of `RemberMeDetailsUtils` to `RembermeUtils`
- Move the `Oauth2Strategy#checkOauthConfig()` and `Oauth2Strategy#isCallback()` to the `Oauth2Util`

### Other

- Improved code
- Reconstruct the `SimpleConfig`, and move the unnecessary configuration items and business logic to
  the `RememberMeUtils`

## v1.0.0-alpha.1(2021-02-01)

### New features

- Add cache module `com.fujieid.jap.core.cache.JapCache`
- Add 'state' verification logic in `jap-oauth2`
- Add some ``

### Modified

- Revision notes
- To solve the problem that 'codeverifier' in 'pkceutil' can only be cached locally
- Upgrade `simple-json` to `0.0.2`

### other

- Fix Javadoc compilation failure

## 1.0.0-alpha(2021-01-28)

JA Plus(JAP) is an open source authentication middleware, it is highly decoupled from business code and has good
modularity and flexiblity. Developers could integrate JAP into web applications effortlessly.

## Completed

- [login of username-password](
- [login of Social](
- [login of OAuth 2.0](
- [login of oidc](
- [SSO](