提交 a8adf85c 编写于 作者: P piexlmax

后端增加 setSelfInfo 接口防止越权操作

上级 43f36d64
......@@ -286,6 +286,26 @@ func (b *BaseApi) SetUserInfo(c *gin.Context) {
// @Tags SysUser
// @Summary 设置用户信息
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @accept application/json
// @Produce application/json
// @Param data body system.SysUser true "ID, 用户名, 昵称, 头像链接"
// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"设置成功"}"
// @Router /user/SetSelfInfo [put]
func (b *BaseApi) SetSelfInfo(c *gin.Context) {
var user system.SysUser
_ = c.ShouldBindJSON(&user)
user.ID = utils.GetUserID(c)
if err, ReqUser := userService.SetUserInfo(user); err != nil {
global.GVA_LOG.Error("设置失败!", zap.Error(err))
response.FailWithMessage("设置失败", c)
} else {
response.OkWithDetailed(gin.H{"userInfo": ReqUser}, "设置成功", c)
// @Tags SysUser
// @Summary 获取用户信息
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ func (s *UserRouter) InitUserRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
userRouter.POST("setUserAuthority", baseApi.SetUserAuthority) // 设置用户权限
userRouter.DELETE("deleteUser", baseApi.DeleteUser) // 删除用户
userRouter.PUT("setUserInfo", baseApi.SetUserInfo) // 设置用户信息
userRouter.PUT("setSelfInfo", baseApi.SetSelfInfo) // 设置自身信息
userRouter.POST("setUserAuthorities", baseApi.SetUserAuthorities) // 设置用户权限组
userRouter.POST("resetPassword", baseApi.ResetPassword) // 设置用户权限组
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ func (a *api) Initialize() error {
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "DELETE", Path: "/user/deleteUser", Description: "删除用户"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/register", Description: "用户注册(必选)"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/getUserList", Description: "获取用户列表"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "PUT", Path: "/user/setUserInfo", Description: "设置用户信息(必选)"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "PUT", Path: "/user/setUserInfo", Description: "设置用户信息"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "PUT", Path: "/user/setSelfInfo", Description: "设置自身信息(必选)"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "GET", Path: "/user/getUserInfo", Description: "获取自身信息(必选)"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/setUserAuthorities", Description: "设置权限组"},
{ApiGroup: "系统用户", Method: "POST", Path: "/user/changePassword", Description: "修改密码(建(选择)"},
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ func (c *casbin) Initialize() error {
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/user/getUserInfo", V2: "GET"},
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/user/setUserInfo", V2: "PUT"},
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/user/setSelfInfo", V2: "PUT"},
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/user/getUserList", V2: "POST"},
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/user/deleteUser", V2: "DELETE"},
{PType: "p", V0: "888", V1: "/user/changePassword", V2: "POST"},
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