提交 4a0a54e2 编写于 作者: S songzhibin97


上级 2e4bc2bd
......@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ import (
type tplData struct {
......@@ -65,12 +66,12 @@ func CreateTemp(autoCode model.AutoCodeStruct) (err error) {
origFileName := strings.TrimSuffix(trimBase[lastSeparator+1:], ".tpl")
firstDot := strings.Index(origFileName, ".")
if firstDot != -1 {
dataList[index].autoCodePath = autoPath + trimBase[:lastSeparator] + "/" + autoCode.PackageName + "/" +
origFileName[:firstDot] + "/" + autoCode.PackageName + origFileName[firstDot:]
dataList[index].autoCodePath = filepath.Join(autoPath, trimBase[:lastSeparator], autoCode.PackageName,
origFileName[:firstDot], autoCode.PackageName+origFileName[firstDot:])
if lastSeparator := strings.LastIndex(dataList[index].autoCodePath, "/"); lastSeparator != -1 {
if lastSeparator := strings.LastIndex(dataList[index].autoCodePath, string(os.PathSeparator)); lastSeparator != -1 {
needMkdir = append(needMkdir, dataList[index].autoCodePath[:lastSeparator])
......@@ -186,26 +187,31 @@ func GetColumn(tableName string, dbName string) (err error, Columns []request.Co
func addAutoMoveFile(data *tplData) {
dir := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(data.autoCodePath))
base := filepath.Base(data.autoCodePath)
if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "server") {
if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "router") {
fileSlice := strings.Split(data.autoCodePath, string(os.PathSeparator))
n := len(fileSlice)
if n <= 2 {
if strings.Contains(fileSlice[1], "server") {
if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "router") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join(dir, base)
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "api") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "api") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join(dir, "v1", base)
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "service") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "service") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join(dir, base)
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "model") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "model") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join(dir, base)
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "request") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "request") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join("model", dir, base)
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "web") {
if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "js") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[1], "web") {
if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-1], "js") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join("../", "web", "src", dir, base)
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "workflowForm") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "workflowForm") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join("../", "web", "src", "view", filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(data.autoCodePath))), strings.TrimSuffix(base, filepath.Ext(base))+"WorkflowForm.vue")
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "form") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "form") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join("../", "web", "src", "view", filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(data.autoCodePath))), strings.TrimSuffix(base, filepath.Ext(base))+"Form.vue")
} else if strings.Contains(data.autoCodePath, "table") {
} else if strings.Contains(fileSlice[n-2], "table") {
data.autoMoveFilePath = filepath.Join("../", "web", "src", "view", filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(data.autoCodePath))), base)
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