hashset.d 3.5 KB
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module thrift.util.hashset;

import std.algorithm : joiner, map;
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : isImplicitlyConvertible, ParameterTypeTuple;
import std.range : ElementType, isInputRange;

struct Void {}

 * A quickly hacked together hash set implementation backed by built-in
 * associative arrays to have something to compile Thrift's set<> to until
 * std.container gains something suitable.
// Note: The funky pointer casts (i.e. *(cast(immutable(E)*)&e) instead of
// just cast(immutable(E))e) are a workaround for LDC 2 compatibility.
final class HashSet(E) {
  this() {}

  this(E[] elems...) {

  void insert(Stuff)(Stuff stuff) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, E)) {
    aa_[*(cast(immutable(E)*)&stuff)] = Void.init;

  void insert(Stuff)(Stuff stuff) if (
    isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, E)
  ) {
    foreach (e; stuff) {
      aa_[*(cast(immutable(E)*)&e)] = Void.init;

  void opOpAssign(string op : "~", Stuff)(Stuff stuff) {

  void remove(E e) {
  alias remove removeKey;

  void removeAll() {
    aa_ = null;

  size_t length() @property const {
    return aa_.length;

  size_t empty() @property const {
    return !aa_.length;

  bool opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(E e) const {
    return (e in aa_) !is null;

  auto opSlice() const {
    // TODO: Implement using AA key range once available in release DMD/druntime
    // to avoid allocation.
    return cast(E[])(aa_.keys);

  override string toString() const {
    // Only provide toString() if to!string() is available for E (exceptions are
    // e.g. delegates).
    static if (is(typeof(to!string(E.init)) : string)) {
      return "{" ~ to!string(joiner(map!`to!string(a)`(aa_.keys), ", ")) ~ "}";
    } else {
      // Cast to work around Object not being const-correct.
      return (cast()super).toString();

  override bool opEquals(Object other) const {
    auto rhs = cast(const(HashSet))other;
    if (rhs) {
      return aa_ == rhs.aa_;

    // Cast to work around Object not being const-correct.
    return (cast()super).opEquals(other);

  Void[immutable(E)] aa_;

/// Ditto
auto hashSet(E)(E[] elems...) {
  return new HashSet!E(elems);

unittest {
  import std.exception;

  auto a = hashSet(1, 2, 2, 3);
  enforce(a.length == 3);
  enforce(2 in a);
  enforce(5 !in a);
  enforce(a.toString().length == 9);
  enforce(a.length == 2);
  enforce(2 !in a);
  enforce(a.toString() == "{}");

  void delegate() dg;
  auto b = hashSet(dg);
  static assert(__traits(compiles, b.toString()));