awaitable.d 5.5 KB
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module thrift.util.awaitable;

import core.sync.condition;
import core.sync.mutex;
import core.time : Duration;
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.socket/+ : Socket, socketPair+/; // DMD @@BUG314@@
import thrift.base;

// To avoid DMD @@BUG6395@@.
import thrift.internal.algorithm;

 * An event that can occur at some point in the future and which can be
 * awaited, either by blocking until it occurs, or by registering a callback
 * delegate.
interface TAwaitable {
   * Waits until the event occurs.
   * Calling wait() for an event that has already occurred is a no-op.
  void wait();

   * Waits until the event occurs or the specified timeout expires.
   * Calling wait() for an event that has already occurred is a no-op.
   * Returns: Whether the event was triggered before the timeout expired.
  bool wait(Duration timeout);

   * Registers a callback that is called if the event occurs.
   * The delegate will likely be invoked from a different thread, and is
   * expected not to perform expensive work as it will usually be invoked
   * synchronously by the notifying thread. The order in which registered
   * callbacks are invoked is not specified.
   * The callback must never throw, but nothrow semantics are difficult to
   * enforce, so currently exceptions are just swallowed by
   * TAwaitable implementations.
   * If the event has already occurred, the delegate is immediately executed
   * in the current thread.
  void addCallback(void delegate() dg);

   * Removes a previously added callback.
   * Returns: Whether the callback could be found in the list, i.e. whether it
   *   was previously added.
  bool removeCallback(void delegate() dg);

 * A simple TAwaitable event triggered by just calling a trigger() method.
class TOneshotEvent : TAwaitable {
  this() {
    mutex_ = new Mutex;
    condition_ = new Condition(mutex_);

  override void wait() {
    synchronized (mutex_) {
      while (!triggered_) condition_.wait();

  override bool wait(Duration timeout) {
    synchronized (mutex_) {
      if (triggered_) return true;
      return triggered_;

  override void addCallback(void delegate() dg) {
    scope (failure) mutex_.unlock();

    callbacks_ ~= dg;

    if (triggered_) {


  override bool removeCallback(void delegate() dg) {
    synchronized (mutex_) {
      auto oldLength = callbacks_.length;
      callbacks_ = removeEqual(callbacks_, dg);
      return callbacks_.length < oldLength;

   * Triggers the event.
   * Any registered event callbacks are executed synchronously before the
   * function returns.
  void trigger() {
    synchronized (mutex_) {
      if (!triggered_) {
        triggered_ = true;
        foreach (c; callbacks_) c();

  bool triggered_;
  Mutex mutex_;
  Condition condition_;
  void delegate()[] callbacks_;

 * Translates TAwaitable events into dummy messages on a socket that can be
 * used e.g. to wake up from a select() call.
final class TSocketNotifier {
  this() {
    auto socks = socketPair();
    foreach (s; socks) s.blocking = false;
    sendSocket_ = socks[0];
    recvSocket_ = socks[1];

   * The socket the messages will be sent to.
  Socket socket() @property {
    return recvSocket_;

   * Atatches the socket notifier to the specified awaitable, causing it to
   * write a byte to the notification socket when the awaitable callbacks are
   * invoked.
   * If the event has already been triggered, the dummy byte is written
   * immediately to the socket.
   * A socket notifier can only be attached to a single awaitable at a time.
   * Throws: TException if the socket notifier is already attached.
  void attach(TAwaitable awaitable) {
    enforce(!awaitable_, new TException("Already attached."));
    awaitable_ = awaitable;

   * Detaches the socket notifier from the awaitable it is currently attached
   * to.
   * Throws: TException if the socket notifier is not currently attached.
  void detach() {
    enforce(awaitable_, new TException("Not attached."));

    // Soak up any not currently read notification bytes.
    ubyte[1] dummy = void;
    while (recvSocket_.receive(dummy) != Socket.ERROR) {}

    auto couldRemove = awaitable_.removeCallback(&notify);
    awaitable_ = null;

  void notify() {
    ubyte[1] zero;

  TAwaitable awaitable_;
  Socket sendSocket_;
  Socket recvSocket_;