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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
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module thrift.transport.base;

import core.stdc.string : strerror;
import std.conv : text;
import thrift.base;

 * An entity data can be read from and/or written to.
 * A TTransport implementation may capable of either reading or writing, but
 * not necessarily both.
interface TTransport {
   * Whether this transport is open.
   * If a transport is closed, it can be opened by calling open(), and vice
   * versa for close().
   * While a transport should always be open when trying to read/write data,
   * the related functions do not necessarily fail when called for a closed
   * transport. Situations like this could occur e.g. with a wrapper
   * transport which buffers data when the underlying transport has already
   * been closed (possibly because the connection was abruptly closed), but
   * there is still data left to be read in the buffers. This choice has been
   * made to simplify transport implementations, in terms of both  code
   * complexity and runtime overhead.
  bool isOpen() @property;

   * Tests whether there is more data to read or if the remote side is
   * still open.
   * A typical use case would be a server checking if it should process
   * another request on the transport.
  bool peek();

   * Opens the transport for communications.
   * If the transport is already open, nothing happens.
   * Throws: TTransportException if opening fails.
  void open();

   * Closes the transport.
   * If the transport is not open, nothing happens.
   * Throws: TTransportException if closing fails.
  void close();

   * Attempts to fill the given buffer by reading data.
   * For potentially blocking data sources (e.g. sockets), read() will only
   * block if no data is available at all. If there is some data available,
   * but waiting for new data to arrive would be required to fill the whole
   * buffer, the readily available data will be immediately returned – use
   * readAll() if you want to wait until the whole buffer is filled.
   * Params:
   *   buf = Slice to use as buffer.
   * Returns: How many bytes were actually read
   * Throws: TTransportException if an error occurs.
  size_t read(ubyte[] buf);

   * Fills the given buffer by reading data into it, failing if not enough
   * data is available.
   * Params:
   *   buf = Slice to use as buffer.
   * Throws: TTransportException if insufficient data is available or reading
   *   fails altogether.
  void readAll(ubyte[] buf);

   * Must be called by clients when read is completed.
   * Implementations can choose to perform a transport-specific action, e.g.
   * logging the request to a file.
   * Returns: The number of bytes read if available, 0 otherwise.
  size_t readEnd();

   * Writes the passed slice of data.
   * Note: You must call flush() to ensure the data is actually written,
   * and available to be read back in the future.  Destroying a TTransport
   * object does not automatically flush pending data – if you destroy a
   * TTransport object with written but unflushed data, that data may be
   * discarded.
   * Params:
   *   buf = Slice of data to write.
   * Throws: TTransportException if an error occurs.
  void write(in ubyte[] buf);

   * Must be called by clients when write is completed.
   * Implementations can choose to perform a transport-specific action, e.g.
   * logging the request to a file.
   * Returns: The number of bytes written if available, 0 otherwise.
  size_t writeEnd();

   * Flushes any pending data to be written.
   * Must be called before destruction to ensure writes are actually complete,
   * otherwise pending data may be discarded. Typically used with buffered
   * transport mechanisms.
   * Throws: TTransportException if an error occurs.
  void flush();

   * Attempts to return a slice of <code>len</code> bytes of incoming data,
   * possibly copied into buf, not consuming them (i.e.: a later read will
   * return the same data).
   * This method is meant to support protocols that need to read variable-
   * length fields. They can attempt to borrow the maximum amount of data that
   * they will need, then <code>consume()</code> what they actually use. Some
   * transports will not support this method and others will fail occasionally,
   * so protocols must be prepared to fall back to <code>read()</code> if
   * borrow fails.
   * The transport must be open when calling this.
   * Params:
   *   buf = A buffer where the data can be stored if needed, or null to
   *     indicate that the caller is not supplying storage, but would like a
   *     slice of an internal buffer, if available.
   *   len = The number of bytes to borrow.
   * Returns: If the borrow succeeds, a slice containing the borrowed data,
   *   null otherwise. The slice will be at least as long as requested, but
   *   may be longer if the returned slice points into an internal buffer
   *   rather than buf.
   * Throws: TTransportException if an error occurs.
  const(ubyte)[] borrow(ubyte* buf, size_t len) out (result) {
    // FIXME: Commented out because len gets corrupted in
    // thrift.transport.memory borrow() unittest.
    version(none) assert(result is null || result.length >= len,
       "Buffer returned by borrow() too short.");

   * Remove len bytes from the transport. This must always follow a borrow
   * of at least len bytes, and should always succeed.
   * The transport must be open when calling this.
   * Params:
   *   len = Number of bytes to consume.
   * Throws: TTransportException if an error occurs.
  void consume(size_t len);

 * Provides basic fall-back implementations of the TTransport interface.
class TBaseTransport : TTransport {
  override bool isOpen() @property {
    return false;

  override bool peek() {
    return isOpen;

  override void open() {
    throw new TTransportException("Cannot open TBaseTransport.",

  override void close() {
    throw new TTransportException("Cannot close TBaseTransport.",

  override size_t read(ubyte[] buf) {
    throw new TTransportException("Cannot read from a TBaseTransport.",

  override void readAll(ubyte[] buf) {
    size_t have;
    while (have < buf.length) {
      size_t get = read(buf[have..$]);
      if (get <= 0) {
        throw new TTransportException(text("Could not readAll() ", buf.length,
          " bytes as no more data was available after ", have, " bytes."),
      have += get;

  override size_t readEnd() {
    // Do nothing by default, not needed by all implementations.
    return 0;

  override void write(in ubyte[] buf) {
    throw new TTransportException("Cannot write to a TBaseTransport.",

  override size_t writeEnd() {
    // Do nothing by default, not needed by all implementations.
    return 0;

  override void flush() {
    // Do nothing by default, not needed by all implementations.

  override const(ubyte)[] borrow(ubyte* buf, size_t len) {
    // borrow() is allowed to fail anyway, so just return null.
    return null;

  override void consume(size_t len) {
    throw new TTransportException("Cannot consume from a TBaseTransport.",

  this() {}

 * Makes a TTransport which wraps a given source transport in some way.
 * A common use case is inside server implementations, where the raw client
 * connections accepted from e.g. TServerSocket need to be wrapped into
 * buffered or compressed transports.
class TTransportFactory {
   * Default implementation does nothing, just returns the transport given.
  TTransport getTransport(TTransport trans) {
    return trans;

 * Transport factory for transports which simply wrap an underlying TTransport
 * without requiring additional configuration.
class TWrapperTransportFactory(T) if (
  is(T : TTransport) && __traits(compiles, new T(TTransport.init))
)  : TTransportFactory {
  override T getTransport(TTransport trans) {
    return new T(trans);

 * Transport-level exception.
class TTransportException : TException {
   * Error codes for the various types of exceptions.
  enum Type {
    UNKNOWN, ///
    NOT_OPEN, ///
    TIMED_OUT, ///
    END_OF_FILE, ///
    BAD_ARGS, ///

  this(Type type, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) {
    static string msgForType(Type type) {
      switch (type) {
        case Type.UNKNOWN: return "Unknown transport exception";
        case Type.NOT_OPEN: return "Transport not open";
        case Type.TIMED_OUT: return "Timed out";
        case Type.END_OF_FILE: return "End of file";
        case Type.INTERRUPTED: return "Interrupted";
        case Type.BAD_ARGS: return "Invalid arguments";
        case Type.CORRUPTED_DATA: return "Corrupted Data";
        case Type.INTERNAL_ERROR: return "Internal error";
        case Type.NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "Not implemented";
        default: return "(Invalid exception type)";
    this(msgForType(type), type, file, line, next);

  this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__,
    Throwable next = null)
    this(msg, Type.UNKNOWN, file, line, next);

  this(string msg, Type type, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__,
    Throwable next = null)
    super(msg, file, line, next);
    type_ = type;

  Type type() const nothrow @property {
    return type_;

  Type type_;

 * Meta-programming helper returning whether the passed type is a TTransport
 * implementation.
template isTTransport(T) {
  enum isTTransport = is(T : TTransport);