TSocket.h 7.7 KB
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 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <string>

#include <thrift/transport/TTransport.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TVirtualTransport.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TServerSocket.h>
#include <thrift/transport/PlatformSocket.h>

#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netdb.h>

namespace apache {
namespace thrift {
namespace transport {

 * TCP Socket implementation of the TTransport interface.
class TSocket : public TVirtualTransport<TSocket> {
   * Constructs a new socket. Note that this does NOT actually connect the
   * socket.

   * Constructs a new socket. Note that this does NOT actually connect the
   * socket.
   * @param host An IP address or hostname to connect to
   * @param port The port to connect on
  TSocket(const std::string& host, int port);

   * Constructs a new Unix domain socket.
   * Note that this does NOT actually connect the socket.
   * @param path The Unix domain socket e.g. "/tmp/ThriftTest.binary.thrift"
  TSocket(const std::string& path);

   * Destroyes the socket object, closing it if necessary.
  virtual ~TSocket();

   * Whether the socket is alive.
   * @return Is the socket alive?
  virtual bool isOpen();

   * Calls select on the socket to see if there is more data available.
  virtual bool peek();

   * Creates and opens the UNIX socket.
   * @throws TTransportException If the socket could not connect
  virtual void open();

   * Shuts down communications on the socket.
  virtual void close();

   * Reads from the underlying socket.
   * \returns the number of bytes read or 0 indicates EOF
   * \throws TTransportException of types:
   *           INTERRUPTED means the socket was interrupted
   *                       out of a blocking call
   *           NOT_OPEN means the socket has been closed
   *           TIMED_OUT means the receive timeout expired
   *           UNKNOWN means something unexpected happened
  virtual uint32_t read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);

   * Writes to the underlying socket.  Loops until done or fail.
  virtual void write(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);

   * Writes to the underlying socket.  Does single send() and returns result.
  uint32_t write_partial(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);

   * Get the host that the socket is connected to
   * @return string host identifier
  std::string getHost();

   * Get the port that the socket is connected to
   * @return int port number
  int getPort();

   * Set the host that socket will connect to
   * @param host host identifier
  void setHost(std::string host);

   * Set the port that socket will connect to
   * @param port port number
  void setPort(int port);

   * Controls whether the linger option is set on the socket.
   * @param on      Whether SO_LINGER is on
   * @param linger  If linger is active, the number of seconds to linger for
  void setLinger(bool on, int linger);

   * Whether to enable/disable Nagle's algorithm.
   * @param noDelay Whether or not to disable the algorithm.
   * @return
  void setNoDelay(bool noDelay);

   * Set the connect timeout
  void setConnTimeout(int ms);

   * Set the receive timeout
  void setRecvTimeout(int ms);

   * Set the send timeout
  void setSendTimeout(int ms);

   * Set the max number of recv retries in case of an THRIFT_EAGAIN
   * error
  void setMaxRecvRetries(int maxRecvRetries);

  void setKeepAlive(bool keepAlive);

   * Get socket information formatted as a string <Host: x Port: x>
  std::string getSocketInfo();

   * Returns the DNS name of the host to which the socket is connected
  std::string getPeerHost();

   * Returns the address of the host to which the socket is connected
  std::string getPeerAddress();

   * Returns the port of the host to which the socket is connected
  int getPeerPort();

   * Returns the underlying socket file descriptor.
  THRIFT_SOCKET getSocketFD() { return socket_; }

   * (Re-)initialize a TSocket for the supplied descriptor.  This is only
   * intended for use by TNonblockingServer -- other use may result in
   * unfortunate surprises.
   * @param fd the descriptor for an already-connected socket
  void setSocketFD(THRIFT_SOCKET fd);

   * Returns a cached copy of the peer address.
  sockaddr* getCachedAddress(socklen_t* len) const;

   * Sets whether to use a low minimum TCP retransmission timeout.
  static void setUseLowMinRto(bool useLowMinRto);

   * Gets whether to use a low minimum TCP retransmission timeout.
  static bool getUseLowMinRto();

   * Get the origin the socket is connected to
   * @return string peer host identifier and port
  virtual const std::string getOrigin();

   * Constructor to create socket from file descriptor.
  TSocket(THRIFT_SOCKET socket);

   * Constructor to create socket from file descriptor that
   * can be interrupted safely.
  TSocket(THRIFT_SOCKET socket, boost::shared_ptr<THRIFT_SOCKET> interruptListener);

   * Set a cache of the peer address (used when trivially available: e.g.
   * accept() or connect()). Only caches IPV4 and IPV6; unset for others.
  void setCachedAddress(const sockaddr* addr, socklen_t len);

  /** connect, called by open */
  void openConnection(struct addrinfo* res);

  /** Host to connect to */
  std::string host_;

  /** Port number to connect on */
  int port_;

  /** UNIX domain socket path */
  std::string path_;

  /** Underlying socket handle */
  THRIFT_SOCKET socket_;

  /** Peer hostname */
  std::string peerHost_;

  /** Peer address */
  std::string peerAddress_;

  /** Peer port */
  int peerPort_;

   * A shared socket pointer that will interrupt a blocking read if data
   * becomes available on it
  boost::shared_ptr<THRIFT_SOCKET> interruptListener_;

  /** Connect timeout in ms */
  int connTimeout_;

  /** Send timeout in ms */
  int sendTimeout_;

  /** Recv timeout in ms */
  int recvTimeout_;

  /** Keep alive on */
  bool keepAlive_;

  /** Linger on */
  bool lingerOn_;

  /** Linger val */
  int lingerVal_;

  /** Nodelay */
  bool noDelay_;

  /** Recv EGAIN retries */
  int maxRecvRetries_;

  /** Cached peer address */
  union {
    sockaddr_in ipv4;
    sockaddr_in6 ipv6;
  } cachedPeerAddr_;

  /** Whether to use low minimum TCP retransmission timeout */
  static bool useLowMinRto_;

  void unix_open();
  void local_open();
} // apache::thrift::transport

#endif // #ifndef _THRIFT_TRANSPORT_TSOCKET_H_