提交 8a468a9f 编写于 作者: 李滨

Merge branch 'doc' into 'master'

Complement HOW-TO-DEBUG docs

See merge request !941
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How to debug
Log debug info
Debug correctness
MACE provides tools to examine correctness of model execution by comparing model's output of MACE with output of training platform (e.g., Tensorflow, Caffe).
Three metrics are used as comparison results:
* **Cosine Similarity**:
.. math::
Cosine\ Similarity = \frac{X \cdot X'}{\|X\| \|X'\|}
This metric will be approximately equal to 1 if output is correct.
* **SQNR** (Signal-to-Quantization-Noise Ratio):
.. math::
SQNR = \frac{P_{signal}}{P_{noise}} = \frac{\|X\|^2}{\|X - X'\|^2}
It is usually used to measure quantization accuracy. The higher SQNR is, the better accuracy will be.
* **Pixel Accuracy**:
.. math::
Pixel\ Accuracy = \frac{\sum^{batch}_{b=1} equal(\mathrm{argmax} X_b, \mathrm{argmax} X'_b)}{batch}
It is usually used to measure classification accuracy. The higher the better.
where :math:`X` is expected output (from training platform) whereas :math:`X'` is actual output (from MACE) .
MACE automatically validate these metrics by running models with synthetic inputs.
If you want to specify input data to use, you can add an option in yaml config under 'subgraphs', e.g.,
.. code:: yaml
platform: tensorflow
model_file_path: https://cnbj1.fds.api.xiaomi.com/mace/miai-models/mobilenet-v1/mobilenet-v1-1.0.pb
model_sha256_checksum: 71b10f540ece33c49a7b51f5d4095fc9bd78ce46ebf0300487b2ee23d71294e6
- input_tensors:
- input
- 1,224,224,3
- MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1
- 1,1001
- https://cnbj1.fds.api.xiaomi.com/mace/inputs/dog.npy
If model's output is suspected to be incorrect, it might be useful to debug your model layer by layer by specifying an intermediate layer as output,
or use binary search method until suspicious layer is found.
Debug memory usage
The simplest way to debug process memory usage is to use ``top`` command. With ``-H`` option, it can also show thread info.
For android, if you need more memory info, e.g., memory used of all categories, ``adb shell dumpsys meminfo`` will help.
By watching memory usage, you can check if memory usage meets expectations or if any leak happens.
Debug performance
Using MACE, you can benchmark a model by examining each layer's duration as well as total duration. Or you can benchmark a single op.
The detailed information is in :doc:`../user_guide/benchmark`.
Debug model conversion
After model is converted to MACE model, a literal model graph is generated in directory `mace/codegen/models/your_model`.
You can refer to it when debugging model conversion.
Debug engine using log
Mace defines two sorts of logs: one is for users (LOG), the other is for developers (VLOG).
......@@ -23,14 +102,7 @@ By using Mace run tool, vlog level can be easily set by option, e.g.,
If models are run on android, you might need to use ``adb logcat`` to view logs.
Debug memory usage
The simplest way to debug process memory usage is to use ``top`` command. With ``-H`` option, it can also show thread info.
For android, if you need more memory info, e.g., memory used of all categories, ``adb shell dumpsys meminfo`` will help.
By watching memory usage, you can check if memory usage meets expectations or if any leak happens.
Debug using GDB
Debug engine using GDB
GDB can be used as the last resort, as it is powerful that it can trace stacks of your process. If you run models on android,
things may be a little bit complicated.
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