提交 9e3722d1 编写于 作者: C chencheng 提交者: 偏右

fix: dll and analyze

上级 b16102fb
......@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ export default {
polyfills: ['ie11'],
...(!process.env.TEST && os.platform() === 'darwin'
? {
dll: ['dva', 'dva/router', 'dva/saga', 'dva/fetch'],
dll: {
include: ['dva', 'dva/router', 'dva/saga', 'dva/fetch'],
exclude: ['@babel/runtime'],
hardSource: true,
: {}),
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"scripts": {
"precommit": "npm run lint-staged",
"presite": "npm run generate-mock && cd functions && npm install",
"start": "cross-env APP_TYPE=site ANALYZE=1 umi dev",
"start": "cross-env APP_TYPE=site umi dev",
"start:no-mock": "cross-env MOCK=none umi dev",
"build": "umi build",
"site": "npm run presite && cross-env APP_TYPE=site npm run build && firebase deploy",
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