提交 7f704c4f 编写于 作者: D ddcat1115

translation of DescriptionList

上级 b07d8cb3
order: 0
title: Basic
zh-CN: 基本
en-US: Basic
## zh-CN
## en-US
Basic DescriptionList.
import DescriptionList from 'ant-design-pro/lib/DescriptionList';
order: 1
title: Vertical
zh-CN: 垂直型
en-US: Vertical
## zh-CN
## en-US
Vertical layout.
import DescriptionList from 'ant-design-pro/lib/DescriptionList';
title: DescriptionList
cols: 1
order: 4
Groups display multiple read-only fields, which are common to informational displays on detail pages.
## API
### DescriptionList
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| layout | type of layout | Enum{'horizontal', 'vertical'} | 'horizontal' |
| col | specify the maximum number of columns to display, the final columns number is determined by col setting combined with [Responsive Rules](/components/DescriptionList#Responsive-Rules) | number(0 < col <= 4) | 3 |
| title | title | ReactNode | - |
| gutter | specify the distance between two items, unit is `px` | number | 32 |
| size | size of list | Enum{'large', 'small'} | - |
#### Responsive Rules
| Window Width | Columns Number |
| `≥768px` | `col` |
| `≥576px` | `col < 2 ? col : 2` |
| `<576px` | `1` |
### DescriptionList.Description
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| term | item title | ReactNode | - |
en-US: DescriptionList
zh-CN: DescriptionList
title: DescriptionList
subtitle: 描述列表
cols: 1
order: 4
......@@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ order: 4
| col | 指定信息最多分几列展示,最终一行几列由 col 配置结合[响应式规则](/components/DescriptionList#响应式规则)决定 | number(0 < col <= 4) | 3 |
| title | 列表标题 | ReactNode | - |
| gutter | 列表项间距,单位为 `px` | number | 32 |
| size | 列表型号,可以设置为 `large` `small` | Enum{'large', 'small'} | - |
| size | 列表型号 | Enum{'large', 'small'} | - |
#### 响应式规则
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