defaultSettings.ts 1.1 KB
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export declare type SiderTheme = 'light' | 'dark';

export interface DefaultSettings {
  navTheme: string | SiderTheme;
  primaryColor: string;
  layout: string;
  contentWidth: string;
  fixedHeader: boolean;
  autoHideHeader: boolean;
  fixSiderbar: boolean;
  menu: { disableLocal: boolean };
  title: string;
  pwa: boolean;
  iconfontUrl: string;
  colorWeak: boolean;

export default {
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  navTheme: 'dark', // theme for nav menu
  primaryColor: '#1890FF', // primary color of ant design
  layout: 'sidemenu', // nav menu position: sidemenu or topmenu
  contentWidth: 'Fluid', // layout of content: Fluid or Fixed, only works when layout is topmenu
  fixedHeader: false, // sticky header
  autoHideHeader: false, // auto hide header
  fixSiderbar: false, // sticky siderbar
陈小聪 已提交
  colorWeak: false,
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  menu: {
    disableLocal: false,
陈帅 已提交
  title: 'Ant Design Pro',
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  pwa: true,
  // your iconfont Symbol Scrip Url
  // eg://
  // 注意:如果需要图标多色,Iconfont图标项目里要进行批量去色处理
  iconfontUrl: '',
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} as DefaultSettings;