提交 2fc196b8 编写于 作者: D devil_gong


上级 b7ff24ee
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace app\plugins\petscms;
use think\Db;
use app\service\ResourcesService;
use app\service\RegionService;
use app\service\PluginsService;
* 宠物管理系统 - 服务层
......@@ -111,8 +112,8 @@ class Service
$v['lose_features'] = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $v['lose_features']);
// 二维码
$v['qrcode_url'] = MyUrl('index/qrcode/index', ['content'=>urlencode(base64_encode(PluginsHomeUrl('petscms', 'pets', 'detail', ['id'=>$v['id']])))]);
$v['qrcode_download'] = MyUrl('index/qrcode/download', ['url'=>urlencode(base64_encode($v['qrcode_url']))]);
$v['qrcode_url'] = empty($v['qrcode_images']) ? MyUrl('index/qrcode/index', ['content'=>urlencode(base64_encode(PluginsHomeUrl('petscms', 'pets', 'detail', ['id'=>$v['id']])))]) : ResourcesService::AttachmentPathViewHandle($v['qrcode_images']);
$v['qrcode_download'] = MyUrl('index/qrcode/download', ['url'=>urlencode(base64_encode($v['qrcode_url'])), 'filename'=>$v['pest_no']]);
// 地址
$v['province_name'] = RegionService::RegionName($v['lose_province']);
......@@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ class Service
$v['upd_time_date'] = empty($v['upd_time']) ? '' : date('Y-m-d', $v['upd_time']);
return DataReturn('处理成功', 0, $data);
......@@ -406,8 +406,12 @@ class Service
$data['pest_no'] = date('YmdHis').GetNumberCode(6);
$data['add_time'] = time();
if(Db::name('PluginsPetscmsPets')->insertGetId($data) > 0)
$pets_id = Db::name('PluginsPetscmsPets')->insertGetId($data);
if($pets_id > 0)
// 生成二维码
return DataReturn('添加成功', 0);
return DataReturn('添加失败', -100);
......@@ -421,6 +425,37 @@ class Service
* 宠物二维码生成
* @author Devil
* @blog http://gong.gg/
* @version 1.0.0
* @date 2019-04-19
* @desc description
* @param [type] $pets_id [description]
private static function PetsQrcodeCreate($pets_id)
$base = PluginsService::PluginsData('petscms', ['logo']);
$params = [
'path' => DS.'static'.DS.'upload'.DS.'images'.DS.'plugins_petscms'.DS.'qrcode'.DS.date('Y').DS.date('m').DS.date('d').DS,
'content' => PluginsHomeUrl('petscms', 'pets', 'detail', ['id'=>$pets_id]),
'logo' => empty($base['data']['logo']) ? '' : $base['data']['logo'],
$ret = (new \base\Qrcode())->Create($params);
if($ret['code'] == 0)
if(!Db::name('PluginsPetscmsPets')->where(['id'=>$pets_id])->update(['qrcode_images'=>$ret['data']['path'].$ret['data']['filename'], 'upd_time'=>time()]))
return DataReturn('二维码生成失败', -10);
return DataReturn('二维码生成成功', 0);
* 获取宠物相册
* @author Devil
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `s_plugins_petscms_pets` (
`user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '用户id',
`pest_no` char(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '宠物编号',
`status` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '状态(0正常, 1丢失, 2去世, 3关闭)',
`qrcode_images` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '宠物二维码',
`title` char(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '标题',
`name` char(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名字',
`birthday` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '出生日期',
......@@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ CREATE TABLE `s_plugins_petscms_pets` (
# 宠物管理系统宠物丢失帮助数据
CREATE TABLE `s_plugins_petscms_help` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增id',
......@@ -215,34 +215,36 @@
{{else /}}
<div class="pets-not-bind">
<p><i class="am-icon-github-alt am-animation-slide-top"></i></p>
<p><i class="am-icon-github-alt"></i></p>
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['not_bind_desc'])}}
<div class="am-alert am-alert-secondary am-animation-shake" data-am-alert>
<a href="{{:PluginsHomeUrl('petscms', 'pets', 'saveinfo', ['pest_no'=>$data['pest_no']])}}" class="am-btn am-btn-primary am-radius am-icon-get-pocket am-animation-slide-bottom"> {{if empty($plugins_base_data['pets_take'])}}我要领取{{else /}}{{$plugins_base_data.pets_take}}{{/if}}</a>
<a href="{{:PluginsHomeUrl('petscms', 'pets', 'saveinfo', ['pest_no'=>$data['pest_no']])}}" class="am-btn am-btn-primary am-radius am-icon-get-pocket"> {{if empty($plugins_base_data['pets_take'])}}我要领取{{else /}}{{$plugins_base_data.pets_take}}{{/if}}</a>
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['alipay_qrcode_images']) or !empty($plugins_base_data['weixin_qrcode_images'])}}
<ul class="qrcode am-animation-slide-bottom">
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['alipay_qrcode_images'])}}
<img src="{{$plugins_base_data.alipay_qrcode_images}}" alt="二维码" />
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['alipay_qrcode_name'])}}
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['weixin_qrcode_images'])}}
<img src="{{$plugins_base_data.weixin_qrcode_images}}" alt="二维码" />
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['weixin_qrcode_name'])}}
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['alipay_qrcode_images']) or !empty($plugins_base_data['weixin_qrcode_images'])}}
<div class="pets-qrcode-related">
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['alipay_qrcode_images'])}}
<img src="{{$plugins_base_data.alipay_qrcode_images}}" alt="二维码" />
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['alipay_qrcode_name'])}}
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['weixin_qrcode_images'])}}
<img src="{{$plugins_base_data.weixin_qrcode_images}}" alt="二维码" />
{{if !empty($plugins_base_data['weixin_qrcode_name'])}}
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ class FileUpload
public function __construct($params = [])
$this->config['root_path'] = isset($params['root_path']) ? $params['root_path'] : ROOT_PATH;
$this->config['path'] = isset($params['path']) ? $params['path'] : DS.'Public'.DS.'Upload'.DS.'file'.DS.date('Y').DS.date('m').DS.date('d').DS;
$this->config['root_path'] = isset($params['root_path']) ? $params['root_path'] : ROOT.'public';
$this->config['path'] = isset($params['path']) ? $params['path'] : DS.'static'.DS.'upload'.DS.'file'.DS.date('Y').DS.date('m').DS.date('d').DS;
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ namespace base;
class Qrcode
// 配置
private $config;
* 构造方法
* @author Devil
......@@ -29,6 +32,10 @@ class Qrcode
public function __construct()
require_once ROOT.'extend'.DS.'qrcode'.DS.'phpqrcode.php';
// 默认配置
$this->config['root_path'] = isset($params['root_path']) ? $params['root_path'] : ROOT.'public';
$this->config['path'] = isset($params['path']) ? $params['path'] : DS.'static'.DS.'upload'.DS.'images'.DS.'qrcode'.DS.date('Y').DS.date('m').DS.date('d').DS;
......@@ -45,7 +52,7 @@ class Qrcode
$level = isset($params['level']) && in_array($params['level'], array('L','M','Q','H')) ? $params['level'] : 'L';
// 大小,最小1,最大10
$point_size = isset($params['size']) ? min(max(intval($params['size']), 1), 10) : 6;
$point_size = isset($params['size']) ? min(max(intval($params['size']), 1), 30) : 6;
// 外边距
$mr = isset($params['mr']) ? intval($params['mr']) : 1;
......@@ -57,6 +64,98 @@ class Qrcode
\QRcode::png($content, false, $level, $point_size, $mr);
* 二维码创建
* @author Devil
* @blog http://gong.gg/
* @version 1.0.0
* @date 2019-04-19
* @desc description
* @param [array] $params [输入参数]
public function Create($params = [])
// 数据参数
return DataReturn('内容不能为空', -1);
// 自定义路径
$this->config['root_path'] = $params['root_path'];
$this->config['path'] = $params['path'];
// 存储目录校验
$dir = str_replace(['//', '\\\\'], ['/', '\\'], $this->config['root_path'].$this->config['path']);
$ret = $this->IsMkdir($dir);
if($ret['code'] != 0)
return $ret;
// 文件名称
$filename = empty($params['filename']) ? $this->RandNewFilename().'.png' : $params['filename'];
// 容错率
$level = isset($params['level']) && in_array($params['level'], array('L','M','Q','H')) ? $params['level'] : 'L';
// 大小,最小1,最大10
$point_size = isset($params['size']) ? min(max(intval($params['size']), 1), 30) : 10;
// 外边距
$mr = isset($params['mr']) ? intval($params['mr']) : 2;
// 生成二维码
\QRcode::png($params['content'], $dir.$filename, $level, $point_size, $mr);
return DataReturn('二维码创建失败', -100);
$logo = @file_get_contents($params['logo']);
if($logo !== false)
$qr = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($dir.$filename)); //目标图象连接资源
$logo = imagecreatefromstring($logo); //源图象连接资源
$qr_width = imagesx($qr);
$qr_height = imagesy($qr);
$logo_width = imagesx($logo);
$logo_height = imagesy($logo);
$logo_qr_width = $qr_width / 5; //组合之后logo的宽度(占二维码的1/5)
$scale = $logo_width/$logo_qr_width; //logo的宽度缩放比(本身宽度/组合后的宽度)
$logo_qr_height = $logo_height/$scale; //组合之后logo的高度
$from_width = ($qr_width - $logo_qr_width) / 2; //组合之后logo左上角所在坐标点
imagecopyresampled($qr, $logo, $from_width, $from_width, 0, 0, $logo_qr_width,$logo_qr_height, $logo_width, $logo_height);
imagepng($qr, $dir.$filename);
$result = [
'dir' => $dir.$filename,
'root' => $this->config['root_path'],
'path' => $this->config['path'],
'filename' => $filename,
return DataReturn('创建成功', 0, $result);
* 二维码下载
* @author Devil
......@@ -71,7 +170,7 @@ class Qrcode
$url = base64_decode(urldecode($params['url']));
// 随机文件名
$filename = time().GetNumberCode().'.png';
$filename = empty($params['filename']) ? date('YmdHis').GetNumberCode().'.png' : $params['filename'].'.png';
// 设置头信息
header('Pragma: public');
......@@ -84,5 +183,76 @@ class Qrcode
header('Connection: close');
* 生成新的文件名称
* @author Devil
* @blog http://gong.gg/
* @version 1.0.0
* @date 2018-06-29
* @desc description
* @return [string] [文件名称]
private function RandNewFilename()
return date('YmdHis').rand(0,9).rand(0,9).rand(0,9).rand(0,9).rand(0,9);
* 路径不存在则创建
* @author Devil
* @blog http://gong.gg/
* @version 1.0.0
* @date 2018-06-29
* @desc description
* @param [string] $dir [文件路径]
private function IsMkdir($dir)
// 目录是否有权限
$ret = $this->IsWritable($dir);
if($ret['code'] != 0)
return $ret;
// 创建目录
if(mkdir($dir, 0777, true) === false)
return DataReturn('目录创建失败', -1);
return DataReturn('操作成功', 0);
* 目录是否有权限
* @author Devil
* @blog http://gong.gg/
* @version 1.0.0
* @date 2019-04-19
* @desc description
* @param [string] $dir [文件路径]
private function IsWritable($dir)
$dirs = str_replace($this->config['root_path'], '', $dir);
$dll = explode(DS, $dirs);
if(!empty($dll) && is_array($dll))
$dstr = '';
foreach($dll as $d)
$dstr .= empty($d) ? '' : DS.$d;
if(is_dir($this->config['root_path'].$dstr) && !is_writable($this->config['root_path'].$dstr))
return DataReturn('目录没有权限['.$dstr.']', -1);
return DataReturn('有权限', 0);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ form.am-form .am-form-group-label-tips-must { color: #f00; }
.am-tagsinput input[type="text"]:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff !important; border: 0 !important; }
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.am-tagsinput input[type="text"]:focus { border-color: #fff; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 0 !important; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 0 !important; }
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.chosen-container-single .chosen-single { height: 32px; line-height: 32px; }
.chosen-choices { padding: 0px 3px !important; min-height: 28px; }
.chosen-container-single .chosen-single { height: 28px; line-height: 28px; }
.chosen-container-multi .chosen-choices li.search-field { padding-left: 3px; }
.chosen-container-single .chosen-single { color: #444 !important; }
.chosen-container-single .chosen-default { color: #999 !important; }
......@@ -74,29 +74,37 @@
.pets-not-bind .am-btn {
margin-top: 10px;
.pets-not-bind ul.qrcode {
overflow: hidden;
* 相关二维码
.pets-qrcode-related {
margin-top: 30px;
.pets-qrcode-related ul {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 600px;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid;
border-top: 5px solid;
border-color: #eee;
border-color: #1aa9f3;
.pets-not-bind ul.qrcode li {
.pets-qrcode-related li {
width: 50%;
float: left;
text-align: center;
padding: 20px;
.pets-not-bind ul.qrcode li:first-child {
.pets-qrcode-related li:first-child {
border-right: 1px solid #eee;
.pets-not-bind ul.qrcode li:last-child {
.pets-qrcode-related li:last-child {
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.pets-not-bind ul.qrcode li img {
.pets-qrcode-related li img {
max-width: 150px;
.pets-not-bind ul.qrcode li p {
.pets-qrcode-related li p {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 500;
color: #666;
......@@ -237,7 +245,7 @@ form.form-validation #map {
@media only screen and (max-width: 641px) {
.base, .lose, .content {
.base, .lose, .content, .pets-qrcode-related {
padding: 0 5px;
.base h1 {
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