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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
    <entry key="java.naming.AbstractClassShouldStartWithAbstractNamingRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Abstract class [%s] names must start with Abstract or Base]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ArrayNamingShouldHaveBracketRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[An array variable [%s] brackets position error]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.AvoidStartWithDollarAndUnderLineNamingRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s] should not start or end with an underline or a dollar sign]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.BooleanPropertyShouldNotStartWithIsRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Boolean variable [%s] should not add prefix is]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ClassNamingShouldBeCamelRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s] not conform to the UpperCamelCase]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ConstantFieldShouldBeUpperCaseRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Constant [%s] should be written in upper characters separated by underscores]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ExceptionClassShouldEndWithExceptionRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s] must be ended with Exception]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.LowerCamelCaseVariableNamingRule.violation.msg.method">
        <![CDATA[method [%s] not conform to the lowerCamelCase]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.LowerCamelCaseVariableNamingRule.violation.msg.variable">
        <![CDATA[variable [%s] not conform to the lowerCamelCase]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.PackageNamingRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Package [%s] should be named in lowercase characters]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ServiceOrDaoClassShouldEndWithImplRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[class [%s] should be ended with Impl]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.TestClassShouldEndWithTestNamingRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Test cases [%s] should be ended with Test]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.IbatisMethodQueryForListRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[iBatis built in com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient.queryForList(String statementName,int start,int size) is not recommended]]>

    <entry key="java.exception.AvoidReturnInFinallyRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Never use return within a finally block. A return statement in a finally block will cause exceptions or result in a discarded return value in the try-catch block.]]>

    <entry key="java.exception.AvoidReturnInFinallyRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[return in finally is prohibited]]>

    <entry key="java.exception.MethodReturnWrapperTypeRule.violation.msg">
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        <![CDATA[the return type is primitive[%s], return a value of wrapper class[%s], may cause NullPointerException]]>
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54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

    <entry key="java.exception.MethodReturnWrapperTypeRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[If the return type is primitive, return a value of wrapper class may cause NullPointerException]]>

    <entry key="java.exception.TransactionMustHaveRollbackRule.violation.msg.simple">
        <![CDATA[Attribute rollbackFor of annotation Transactional must be set.]]>
    <entry key="java.exception.TransactionMustHaveRollbackRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Annotation of Method [%s] should set value of rollbackFor attribute or call rollback() method explicitly.]]>
    <entry key="java.exception.TransactionMustHaveRollbackRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Make sure to invoke the rollback if a method throws an Exception.]]>

    <entry key="java.naming.IbatisMethodQueryForListRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[iBatis built in queryForList(String statementName, int start, int size) is not recommended]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ClassNamingShouldBeCamelRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Class names should be nouns in UpperCamelCase except domain models: DO, BO, DTO, VO, DAO, etc]]>
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76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
    <entry key="java.naming.AbstractClassShouldStartWithAbstractNamingRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Abstract class names must start with Abstract or Base]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ExceptionClassShouldEndWithExceptionRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Exception class names must be ended with Exception]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.TestClassShouldEndWithTestNamingRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Test cases shall be started with the class names to be tested and ended with Test]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.LowerCamelCaseVariableNamingRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Method names, parameter names, member variable names, and local variable names should be written in lowerCamelCase]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.AvoidStartWithDollarAndUnderLineNamingRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[All names should not start or end with an underline or a dollar sign]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ConstantFieldShouldBeUpperCaseRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Constant variable names should be written in upper characters separated by underscores. These names should be semantically complete and clear]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ServiceOrDaoClassShouldEndWithImplRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[All Service and DAO classes must be interface based on SOA principle. Implementation class names should be ended with Impl]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.PackageNamingRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[All Service and DAO classes must be interface based on SOA principle. Implementation class names]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.BooleanPropertyShouldNotStartWithIsRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not add 'is' as prefix while defining Boolean variable, since it may cause a serialization exception in some Java Frameworks]]>
    <entry key="java.naming.ArrayNamingShouldHaveBracketRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Brackets are a part of an Array type. The definition could be: String[] args]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidUseTimerRule.violation.msg">Use ScheduledExecutorService instead.</entry>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidUseTimerRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Run multiple TimeTask by using ScheduledExecutorService rather than Timer because Timer will kill all running threads in case of failing to catch exceptions.]]>

    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule.violation.msg">[%s()] may cause thread-safety issues.
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[SimpleDataFormat is unsafe, do not define it as a static variable. If have to, lock or DateUtils class must be used.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule.rule.desc"><![CDATA[
Note: In JDK8, Instant can be used to replace Date, Calendar is replaced by LocalDateTime, SimpleDateFormat is replaced by DateTimeFormatter.

    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidConcurrentCompetitionRandomRule.violation.msg.math.random">
        <![CDATA[Avoid using [Math.random()] by multiple threads.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidConcurrentCompetitionRandomRule.violation.msg.random">
        <![CDATA[Avoid using Random instance [%s] by multiple threads.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidConcurrentCompetitionRandomRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Avoid using Random instance by multiple threads. Although it is safe to share this instance, competition on the same seed will damage performance. Note: Random instance includes instances of java.util.Random and Math.random().]]>

    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidManuallyCreateThreadRule.violation.msg">
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        <![CDATA[Explicitly creating threads is not allowed, use thread pool instead.]]>
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134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidManuallyCreateThreadRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Threads should be provided by thread pools. Explicitly creating threads is not allowed.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.AvoidManuallyCreateThreadRule.rule.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note: Using thread pool can reduce the time of creating and destroying thread and save system resource. If we do not use thread pools, lots of similar threads will be created which lead to "running out of memory" or over-switching problems.]]>

    <entry key="java.concurrent.CountDownShouldInFinallyRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s()] should be called in finally block.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.CountDownShouldInFinallyRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[When using CountDownLatch to convert asynchronous operations to synchronous ones,each thread must call countdown method before quitting. Make sure to catch any exception during thread running, to let countdown method be executed. If main thread cannot reach await method, program will return until timeout.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.CountDownShouldInFinallyRule.rule.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note: Be careful, exception thrown by sub-thread cannot be caught by main thread.]]>

    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadLocalShouldRemoveRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Field [%s] of type 'ThreadLocal' must call remove() method at least one times.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadLocalShouldRemoveRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Customized ThreadLocal variables must be recycled,especially when using thread pools in which threads are often reused. Otherwise, it may affect subsequent business logic and cause unexpected problems such as memory leak.]]>

    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadPoolCreationRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Manually create thread pool is better.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadPoolCreationRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[A thread pool should be created by ThreadPoolExecutor rather than Executors. These would make the parameters of the thread pool understandable. It would also reduce the risk of running out of system resource.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadPoolCreationRule.rule.desc">
Note: Below are the problems created by usage of Executors for thread pool creation:
1) FixedThreadPool and SingleThreadPool:
 Maximum request queue size Integer.MAX_VALUE. A large number of requests might cause OOM.
v2.0.0 已提交
2) CachedThreadPool:
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171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
 The number of threads which are allowed to be created is Integer.MAX_VALUE. Creating too many threads might lead to OOM.]]>

    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadShouldSetNameRule.violation.msg.ThreadPoolExecutor">
        <![CDATA[Use ThreadPoolExecutor's constructor with parameter of type ThreadFactory to set a thread name.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadShouldSetNameRule.violation.msg.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor">
        <![CDATA[Use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor's constructor with parameter of type ThreadFactory to set a thread name.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadShouldSetNameRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[A meaningful thread name is helpful to trace the error information,so assign a name when creating threads or thread pools.]]>
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
    <entry key="java.concurrent.LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Lock operation [%s] must immediately follow by try block, and unlock operation must be placed in the first line of finally block.]]>
    <entry key="java.concurrent.LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[When getting the lock by blocking methods, such as waiting in the blocking queue, lock() must be put outside the try block. Besides, make sure there is no method that throws Exception between the lock() and try block, in case the lock won't be released in the finally block.
Explain 1: If there was any Exception thrown between the lock() and try block, it won't be able to release the lock, causing that the other threads cannot get the lock.
Explain 2: If there was lock() in the try block and a method that throw Exception between the try block and lock(), it is possible that unlock() won't work. Then AQS(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer) method will be called(depends on the implementation of the class) and IllegalMonitorStateException will be thrown.
Explain 3: It is possible that when implementing the lock() method in Lock object, it would throw unchecked Exception, resulting in the same outcome of the Explain 2.]]>
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192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
    <!-- flowcontrol -->
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.SwitchStatementRule.violation.nodefault">
        <![CDATA[missing default statement in switch block]]>
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.SwitchStatementRule.violation.notermination">
        <![CDATA[every case should end with break or return etc.]]>
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.SwitchStatementRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[ In a switch block, each case should be finished by break/return. If not, a note should be included to describe at which case it will stop. Within every switch block, a default statement must be present, even if it is empty.]]>

    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.NeedBraceRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[missing brace in %s statement]]>
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.NeedBraceRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Braces are used with if, else, for, do and while statements, even if the body contains only a single statement. Avoid using the following example: if (condition) statements;]]>

    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.AvoidComplexConditionRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not use complicated statements in conditional statements]]>
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.AvoidComplexConditionRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not use complicated statements in conditional statements (except for frequently used methods like getXxx/isXxx). Use boolean variables to store results of complicated statements temporarily will increase the code's readability.]]>
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.AvoidComplexConditionRule.rule.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note: Logic within many if statements are very complicated. Readers need to analyze the final results of the conditional expression to decide what statement is to be executed in certain conditions.]]>

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220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.AvoidNegationOperatorRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[The negation operator is not easy to be quickly understood.]]>
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.AvoidNegationOperatorRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Avoid using the negation operator '!'.]]>
    <entry key="java.flowcontrol.AvoidNegationOperatorRule.rule.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note: The negation operator is not easy to be quickly understood. There must be a positive way to represent the same logic.]]>

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230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
    <!-- set -->
    <entry key="java.set.ClassCastExceptionWithSubListToArrayListRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[The result of [%s] can't cast in class ArrayList]]>
    <entry key="java.set.ClassCastExceptionWithSubListToArrayListRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not cast subList in class ArrayList, otherwise ClassCastException will be thrown. ]]>
    <entry key="java.set.ClassCastExceptionWithSubListToArrayListRule.rule.msg.desc">
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        <![CDATA[Note:Do not cast, if you have to do, please use new Conllection(sublist result). ]]>
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239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349
    <entry key="java.set.ClassCastExceptionWithToArrayRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s] should use arguments with  array size.]]>
    <entry key="java.set.ClassCastExceptionWithToArrayRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not use toArray method without arguments. Since the return type is Object[], ClassCastException will be thrown when casting it to a different array type.]]>
    <entry key="java.set.CollectionInitShouldAssignCapacityRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s] should set a size when initializing ]]>
    <entry key="java.set.CollectionInitShouldAssignCapacityRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Set a size when initializing a collection if possible.]]>
    <entry key="java.set.CollectionInitShouldAssignCapacityRule.rule.msg.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note:HashMap does not set the size of the capacity, with the elements continue to increase, the capacity is often forced to expand, resize the need to rebuild the hash table, seriously affecting performance.]]>
    <entry key="java.set.ConcurrentExceptionWithModifyOriginSubListRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s] could cause ConcurrentModificationException]]>
    <entry key="java.set.ConcurrentExceptionWithModifyOriginSubListRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[When using subList, be careful to modify the size of original list. It might cause ConcurrentModificationException when performing traversing, adding or deleting on the subList.]]>
    <entry key="java.set.DontModifyInForeachCircleRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not use [%s] to a collection in a foreach loop.]]>
    <entry key="java.set.DontModifyInForeachCircleRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not remove or add elements to a collection in a foreach loop. Please use Iterator to remove an item. Iterator object should be synchronized when executing concurrent operations.]]>
    <entry key="java.set.UnsupportedExceptionWithModifyAsListRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Use [%s] can cause UnsupportedOperationException ]]>
    <entry key="java.set.UnsupportedExceptionWithModifyAsListRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Do not use methods which will modify the list after using Arrays.asList to convert array to list, otherwise methods like add/remove/clear will throw UnsupportedOperationException. ]]>
    <!-- constant -->
    <entry key="java.constant.UndefineMagicConstantRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Magic value [%s] ]]>
    <entry key="java.constant.UndefineMagicConstantRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Magic values, except for predefined, are forbidden in coding.]]>
    <entry key="java.constant.UpperEllRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[ [%s] shoud use upper L ]]>
    <entry key="java.constant.UpperEllRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[ 'L' instead of 'l' should be used for long or Long variable because 'l' is easily to be regarded as number 1 in mistake.]]>

    <!-- oop -->
    <entry key="java.oop.EqualsAvoidNullRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[[%s] should be argument of equals, but not caller]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.EqualsAvoidNullRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Since NullPointerException can possibly be thrown while calling the equals method of Object, equals should be invoked by a constant or an object that is definitely not null.]]>

    <entry key="java.oop.WrapperTypeEqualityRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[should use equals method instead of ==]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.WrapperTypeEqualityRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[The wrapper classes should be compared by equals method rather than by symbol of '==' directly.]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.WrapperTypeEqualityRule.rule.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note: Consider this assignment: Integer var = ?. When it fits the range from -128 to 127, we can use == directly for a comparison. Because the Integer object will be generated by IntegerCache.cache, which reuses an existing object. Nevertheless, when it fits the complementary set of the former range, the Integer object will be allocated in Heap, which does not reuse an existing object. This is a pitfall. Hence the equals method is recommended.]]>

    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustUsePrimitiveFieldRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[field [%s] should use wrapper type]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustUsePrimitiveFieldRule.rule.msg">
 Rules for using primitive data types and wrapper classes:
 1) Members of a POJO class must be wrapper classes.
 2) The return value and arguments of a RPC method must be wrapper classes.
 3) [Recommended] Local variables should be primitive data types.
    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustUsePrimitiveFieldRule.rule.msg.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note: In order to remind the consumer of explicit assignments, there are no initial values for members in a POJO class. As a consumer, you should check problems such as NullPointerException and warehouse entries for yourself.]]>

    <entry key="java.oop.PojoNoDefaultValueRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[field [%s] should not has default value]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.PojoNoDefaultValueRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[While defining POJO classes like DO, DTO, VO, etc., do not assign any default values to the members.]]>

    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustOverrideToStringRule.violation.msg.notostring">
        <![CDATA[[%s] not override the toString method]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustOverrideToStringRule.violation.msg.usesuper">
        <![CDATA[should call super.toString]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustOverrideToStringRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[The toString method must be implemented in a POJO class. The super.toString method should be called in front of the whole implementation if the current class extends another POJO class.]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustOverrideToStringRule.rule.desc">
        <![CDATA[ We can call the toString method in a POJO directly to print property values in order to check the problem when a method throws an exception in runtime.]]>

    <entry key="java.oop.PojoMustOverrideToStringRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[do not concat string with "+" in loop]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.StringConcatRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Use the append method in StringBuilder inside a loop body when concatenating multiple strings.]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.StringConcatRule.rule.msg.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note: According to the decompiled bytecode file, for each loop, it allocates a StringBuilder object, appends a string, and finally returns a String object via the toString method. This is a tremendous waste of memory.]]>

v2.0.0 已提交
350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359
    <entry key="java.oop.BigDecimalAvoidDoubleConstructorRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[Constructor BigDecimal(double) is invoked]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.BigDecimalAvoidDoubleConstructorRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Avoid using the constructor BigDecimal(double) to convert double value to a BigDecimal object.]]>
    <entry key="java.oop.BigDecimalAvoidDoubleConstructorRule.rule.msg.desc">
        <![CDATA[Note:Use the constructor BigDecimal(String) or valueOf method of BigDecimal. Inside valueOf the toString of Double is executed, which truncate the mantissa according to the precision of double.]]>

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360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405
    <!-- comment -->
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Javadoc should be used for classes, class variables and methods. The format should be '/** comment **/', rather than '// xxx'.]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.rule.desc">
In IDE, Javadoc can be seen directly when hovering, which is a good way to improve efficiency.
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.violation.msg.class">
        <![CDATA[class [%s] should use javadoc format comment]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.violation.msg.constructor.default">
        <![CDATA[constructor [%s()] should use javadoc format comment]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.violation.msg.constructor.parameter">
        <![CDATA[constructor [%s(%s)] should use javadoc format comment]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.violation.msg.method">
        <![CDATA[method [%s] should use javadoc format comment]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.violation.msg.field">
        <![CDATA[field [%s] should use javadoc format comment]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.CommentsMustBeJavadocFormatRule.violation.msg.enum">
        <![CDATA[enum [%s] should use javadoc format comment]]>

    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Abstract methods (including methods in interface) should be commented by Javadoc.]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.rule.desc">
Javadoc should include method instruction, description of parameters, return values and possible exceptions.
    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.violation.msg.abstract">
        <![CDATA[abstract method [%s] should have javadoc]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.violation.msg.interface">
        <![CDATA[method [%s] in interface should have javadoc]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.violation.msg.desc">
        <![CDATA[please javadoc the purpose of method [%s] in detail]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.violation.msg.parameter">
v2.0.0 已提交
        <![CDATA[parameter [%s] of method [%s] should have javadoc]]>
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407 408 409 410 411
    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.violation.msg.return">
        <![CDATA[return value of method [%s] should have javadoc]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.violation.msg.exception">
v2.0.0 已提交
        <![CDATA[exception [%s] of method [%s] should have javadoc]]>
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413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441

    <entry key="java.comment.AvoidCommentBehindStatementRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Single line comments in a method should be put above the code to be commented, by using // and multiple lines by using /* */.]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.AvoidCommentBehindStatementRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[avoid put comment behind statement]]>

    <entry key="java.comment.ClassMustHaveAuthorRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Every class should include information of author(s) and date.]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.ClassMustHaveAuthorRule.rule.desc">
Note: When setting template in IDE, the format of author in IDEA is ${USER}, while in Eclipse is ${user} (Case sensitive).
The format of date is 'yyyy/MM/dd'.
    <entry key="java.comment.ClassMustHaveAuthorRule.violation.msg.comment">
        <![CDATA[[%s] should have @author javadoc]]>
    <entry key="">
        <![CDATA[javadoc of [%s] should contain @author tag]]>

    <entry key="java.comment.EnumConstantsMustHaveCommentRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[All enumeration type fields should be commented as Javadoc style.]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.EnumConstantsMustHaveCommentRule.violation.msg">
骏烈 已提交
        <![CDATA[fields of enum [%s] should have javadoc]]>
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443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492

    <entry key="java.comment.RemoveCommentedCodeRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Codes or configuration that is noticed to be obsoleted should be resolutely removed from projects.]]>
    <entry key="java.comment.RemoveCommentedCodeRule.rule.desc">
Note: Remove obsoleted codes or configuration in time to avoid code redundancy.

    <!-- jave other -->
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidPatternCompileInMethodRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[When using regex, precompile needs to be done in order to increase the matching performance.]]>
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidPatternCompileInMethodRule.rule.desc">
Note: Do not define Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(.); within method body.
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidPatternCompileInMethodRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[variable [%s] should be defined as constant or field]]>

    <entry key="java.other.AvoidApacheBeanUtilsCopyRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Avoid using *Apache Beanutils* to copy attributes.]]>
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidApacheBeanUtilsCopyRule.rule.desc">
Note: *Spring BeanUtils* and *Cglib BeanCopier* are recommended to be used, which have better performance.

    <entry key="java.other.AvoidNewDateGetTimeRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Use System.currentTimeMillis() to get the current millisecond. Do not use new Date().getTime(). ]]>
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidNewDateGetTimeRule.rule.desc">
Note: In order to get a more accurate time, use System.nanoTime(). In JDK8, use Instant class to deal with situations like time statistics.
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidNewDateGetTimeRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[please use System.currentTimeMillis() instead of new Date().getTime()]]>

    <entry key="java.other.AvoidMissUseOfMathRandomRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[The return type of Math.random() is double, value range is 0<=x<1 (0 is possible). If a random integer is required, do not multiply x by 10 then round the result. The correct way is to use nextInt or nextLong method which belong to Random Object.]]>

骏烈 已提交
493 494 495 496 497 498
    <entry key="java.other.MethodTooLongRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[The total number of lines for a method should not be more than 80.]]>

    <entry key="java.other.MethodTooLongRule.rule.desc">
v2.0.0 已提交
Note: The total number of lines, including the method signature, closing brace, codes, blank lines, line breaks and any invisible lines, should not be more than 80 (comments are not included).
骏烈 已提交
500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515

    <entry key="java.other.MethodTooLongRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[The total number of lines for method [%s] should not be more than 80.]]>

    <entry key="java.other.UseRightCaseForDateFormatRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Date format string [%s] is error,When doing date formatting, 'y' should be written in lowercase for 'year'.]]>
    <entry key="java.other.UseRightCaseForDateFormatRule.rule.desc">
        <![CDATA[When doing date formatting, "yyyy" represents the day in which year, while "YYYY" represents the week in which
 * year (a concept introduced in JDK7). If a week is across two years, the returning "YYYY"represents the next year.]]>

骏烈 已提交
516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528
    <!--other -->
    <entry key="vm.other.UseQuietReferenceNotationRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[Variables must add exclamatory mark when passing to velocity engine from backend, ${var}--add '!' after '$'.]]>
    <entry key="vm.other.UseQuietReferenceNotationRule.rule.desc">
Note: If attribute is null or does not exist, ${var} will be shown directly on web pages.
    <entry key="vm.other.UseQuietReferenceNotationRule.violation.msg">
        <![CDATA[variable [%s] should add ! after $]]>

v2.0.0 已提交
529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidDoubleOrFloatEqualCompareRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[To judge the equivalence of floating-point numbers, == cannot be used for primitive types, while equals cannot be used for wrapper classes.]]>
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidDoubleOrFloatEqualCompareRule.rule.desc">
Floating-point numbers are composed by mantissa and exponent, which is similar to the coefficient and exponent of scientific notation. Most decimal fractions cannot be represented precisely by binary. For more details please refer to "Easy Coding".
Positive example:
1) Specify an error range. Consider two floating-pointing numbers as equal if the difference between them is within this range.

    float a = 1.0f - 0.9f;
    float b = 0.9f - 0.8f;
    float diff = 1e-6f;

    if (Math.abs(a - b) < diff) {
2) Use BigDecimal to operate.

    BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal("1.0");
    BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal("0.9");
    BigDecimal c = new BigDecimal("0.8");

    BigDecimal x = a.subtract(b);
    BigDecimal y = b.subtract(c);

    if (x.equals(y)) {
    <entry key="java.other.AvoidDoubleOrFloatEqualCompareRule.rule.msg">
        <![CDATA[To judge the equivalence of floating-point numbers, == cannot be used for primitive types, while equals cannot be used for wrapper classes.]]>

骏烈 已提交