提交 9daae4a2 编写于 作者: yanghye's avatar yanghye

U: upgrade command-line tool

上级 119a288b
// Copyright © yanghy. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// 构建编译 energy 项目
package internal
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const (
const (
cefKey = "cef"
energyKey = "energy"
liblclKey = "liblcl"
frameworkCache = "EnergyFrameworkDownloadCache"
EnergyHomeKey = "ENERGY_HOME"
......@@ -33,3 +33,43 @@ const (
isLinux = runtime.GOOS == "linux" //support
isDarwin = runtime.GOOS == "darwin" //support
const (
CefEmpty = ""
CefWin7 = "windows7" // CEF 109.1.18
Cef109 = "cef-109" // CEF 109.1.18
CefGtk2 = "gtk2" // CEF 106.1.1
Cef106 = "cef-106" // CEF 106.1.1
CefFlash = "flash" // CEF 87.1.14
Cef87 = "cef-87" // CEF 87.1.14
const (
Windows64 = "Windows64"
Windows32 = "Windows32"
WindowsARM64 = "WindowsARM64"
MacOS64 = "MacOS64"
MacOSARM64 = "MacOSARM64"
Linux64 = "Linux64"
Linux64GTK2 = "Linux64GTK2"
Linux64GTK3 = "Linux64GTK3"
LinuxARM64 = "LinuxARM64"
LinuxARM64GTK2 = "LinuxARM64GTK2"
LinuxARM64GTK3 = "LinuxARM64GTK3"
var SupportOSArchList = []string{
const ()
......@@ -69,12 +69,6 @@ const (
GTK3 = iota + 1
const (
CefEmpty = ""
CefWin7 = "windows7"
CefGtk2 = "gtk2"
CefFlash = "flash"
// https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_107.1.11%2Bg26c0b5e%2Bchromium-107.0.5304.110_windows64.tar.bz2
// 运行安装
......@@ -85,20 +79,34 @@ func runInstall(c *CommandConfig) error {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err.Error(), "\n")
var extractConfig map[string]any
extractData = bytes.TrimPrefix(extractData, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf"))
if err := json.Unmarshal(extractData, &extractConfig); err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err.Error(), "\n")
extractOSConfig := extractConfig[runtime.GOOS].(map[string]any)
// 获取安装版本配置
downloadJSON, err := httpRequestGET(DownloadVersionURL)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err.Error()+"\n")
var edv map[string]any
downloadJSON = bytes.TrimPrefix(downloadJSON, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf"))
if err := json.Unmarshal(downloadJSON, &edv); err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err.Error()+"\n")
// -c cef args value
// default(empty), windows7, gtk2, flash
cef := strings.ToLower(c.Install.CEF)
//if cef != CefEmpty && cef != CefWin7 && cef != CefGtk2 && cef != CefFlash {
// fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "-c [cef] Incorrect args value\n")
// os.Exit(1)
if cef != CefEmpty && cef != CefWin7 && cef != Cef109 && cef != CefGtk2 && cef != Cef106 && cef != CefFlash && cef != Cef87 {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "-c [cef] Incorrect args value\n")
if c.Install.Path == "" {
// current dir
......@@ -115,26 +123,20 @@ func runInstall(c *CommandConfig) error {
os.MkdirAll(installPathName, fs.ModePerm)
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, frameworkCache), fs.ModePerm)
println("Start downloading CEF and Energy dependency")
var edv map[string]interface{}
downloadJSON = bytes.TrimPrefix(downloadJSON, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf"))
if err := json.Unmarshal(downloadJSON, &edv); err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err.Error()+"\n")
// 所有版本列表
var versionList = edv["versionList"].(map[string]interface{})
var versionList = edv["versionList"].(map[string]any)
// 当前安装版本
var installVersion map[string]interface{}
var installVersion map[string]any
if c.Install.Version == "latest" {
// 默认最新版本
if v, ok := versionList[edv["latest"].(string)]; ok {
installVersion = v.(map[string]interface{})
installVersion = v.(map[string]any)
} else {
// 自己选择版本
if v, ok := versionList[c.Install.Version]; ok {
installVersion = v.(map[string]interface{})
installVersion = v.(map[string]any)
println("Check version")
......@@ -144,8 +146,7 @@ func runInstall(c *CommandConfig) error {
// 当前版本 cef 和 liblcl 版本选择
var (
cefVersion, energyVersion string
cefModuleName, energyModuleName string
cefModuleName, liblclModuleName string
// 使用提供的特定版本号
if cef == CefGtk2 {
......@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ func runInstall(c *CommandConfig) error {
} else if cef == CefFlash {
// cef 87 要和 liblcl 87 配对
cefModuleName = "cef-87" // CEF 87.1.14
energyModuleName = "liblcl-87" // liblcl 87
liblclModuleName = "liblcl-87" // liblcl 87
// 如未指定CEF参数、或参数不正确,选择当前CEF模块最(新)大的版本号
if cefModuleName == "" {
......@@ -180,50 +181,64 @@ func runInstall(c *CommandConfig) error {
cefModuleName = cefDefault
// liblcl, 在未指定flash版本时,它是空 ""
if energyModuleName == "" {
energyModuleName = "liblcl"
if liblclModuleName == "" {
liblclModuleName = "liblcl"
// 根据模块名拿到版本号
cefVersion = ToRNilString(installVersion[cefModuleName], "")
energyVersion = ToRNilString(installVersion[energyModuleName], "")
// 当前安装版本的所有模块
var modules map[string]any
if m, ok := installVersion["modules"]; ok {
modules = m.(map[string]any)
// 根据模块名拿到对应的模块配置
fmt.Println("log:", modules)
var downloadURL map[string]interface{}
if c.Install.Download == "gitee" {
downloadURL = edv["gitee"].(map[string]interface{})
} else if c.Install.Download == "github" {
downloadURL = edv["github"].(map[string]interface{})
} else {
println("Invalid download source, only support github or gitee:", c.Install.Download)
var (
cefModule, liblclModule map[string]any
if module, ok := modules[cefModuleName]; ok {
cefModule = module.(map[string]any)
if module, ok := modules[liblclModuleName]; ok {
liblclModule = module.(map[string]any)
if cefModule == nil {
println("error: cef module", cefModuleName, "is not configured in the current version")
libCEFOS, isSupport := cefOS()
libEnergyOS, isSupport := energyOS(0)
var downloadCefURL = downloadURL["cefURL"].(string)
var downloadEnergyURL = downloadURL["energyURL"].(string)
if liblclModule == nil {
println("hint: liblcl module", liblclModuleName, `is not configured in the current version, You need to use built-in binary build. [go build -tags="tempdll"]`)
var replaceSource = func(url, source string, sourceSelect int) string {
s := strings.Split(source, ",")
if len(s) > sourceSelect {
return strings.ReplaceAll(url, "{source}", s[sourceSelect])
return url
// 下载集合
var downloads = make(map[string]*downloadInfo)
// 根据模块名拿到版本号
cefVersion := ToRNilString(installVersion[cefModuleName], "")
// 当前模块版本支持系统,如果支持返回下载地址
libCEFOS, isSupport := cefOS(cefModule)
downloadCefURL := ToString(cefModule["downloadUrl"])
downloadCefURL = replaceSource(downloadCefURL, ToString(cefModule["downloadSource"]), ToInt(cefModule["downloadSourceSelect"]))
downloadCefURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadCefURL, "{version}", cefVersion)
downloadCefURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadCefURL, "{OSARCH}", libCEFOS)
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{version}", energyVersion)
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{OSARCH}", libEnergyOS)
downloads[liblclKey] = &downloadInfo{isSupport: isSupport, fileName: urlName(downloadCefURL), downloadPath: filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, frameworkCache, urlName(downloadCefURL)), frameworkPath: installPathName, url: downloadCefURL}
// 获取安装环境配置
var extractConfig map[string]interface{}
extractData = bytes.TrimPrefix(extractData, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf"))
if err := json.Unmarshal(extractData, &extractConfig); err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err.Error(), "\n")
liblclVersion := ToRNilString(installVersion[liblclModuleName], "")
if liblclModule != nil {
libEnergyOS, isSupport := liblclOS(liblclModule)
downloadEnergyURL := ToString(liblclModule["downloadUrl"])
downloadEnergyURL = replaceSource(downloadEnergyURL, ToString(liblclModule["downloadSource"]), ToInt(liblclModule["downloadSourceSelect"]))
module := ToString(liblclModule["module"])
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{version}", liblclVersion)
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{module}", module)
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{OSARCH}", libEnergyOS)
downloads[liblclKey] = &downloadInfo{isSupport: isSupport, fileName: urlName(downloadEnergyURL), downloadPath: filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, frameworkCache, urlName(downloadEnergyURL)), frameworkPath: installPathName, url: downloadEnergyURL}
extractOSConfig := extractConfig[runtime.GOOS].(map[string]interface{})
var downloads = make(map[string]*downloadInfo)
downloads[cefKey] = &downloadInfo{isSupport: isSupport, fileName: urlName(downloadCefURL), downloadPath: filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, frameworkCache, urlName(downloadCefURL)), frameworkPath: installPathName, url: downloadCefURL}
downloads[energyKey] = &downloadInfo{isSupport: isSupport, fileName: urlName(downloadEnergyURL), downloadPath: filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, frameworkCache, urlName(downloadEnergyURL)), frameworkPath: installPathName, url: downloadEnergyURL}
// 获取安装环境配置
for key, dl := range downloads {
fmt.Printf("Download %s: %s\n", key, dl.url)
if !dl.isSupport {
......@@ -259,7 +274,7 @@ func runInstall(c *CommandConfig) error {
ExtractFiles(key, tarName, di, extractOSConfig)
removeFileList = append(removeFileList, tarName)
} else if key == energyKey {
} else if key == liblclKey {
ExtractFiles(key, di.downloadPath, di, extractOSConfig)
println("Unpack file", key, "success\n")
......@@ -270,62 +285,110 @@ func runInstall(c *CommandConfig) error {
setEnergyHomeEnv(EnergyHomeKey, installPathName)
println("\n", CmdInstall.Short, "SUCCESS \nVersion:", c.Install.Version, "=>", energyVersion)
println("\n", CmdInstall.Short, "SUCCESS \nVersion:", c.Install.Version, "=>", liblclVersion)
return nil
func cefOS() (string, bool) {
func cefOS(module map[string]any) (string, bool) {
buildSupportOSArch := ToString(module["buildSupportOSArch"])
mod := ToString(module["module"])
archs := strings.Split(buildSupportOSArch, ",")
var isSupport = func(goarch string) bool {
for _, v := range archs {
if goarch == v {
return true
return false
if isWindows { // windows arm for 64 bit, windows for 32/64 bit
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
return "windowsarm64", true
return "windowsarm64", isSupport(WindowsARM64)
if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
return fmt.Sprintf("windows%d", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(Windows32)
return fmt.Sprintf("windows%d", strconv.IntSize), true
return fmt.Sprintf("windows%d", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(Windows64)
} else if isLinux { //linux for 64 bit
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
return "linuxarm64", true
if mod == Cef106 {
return "linuxarm64", isSupport(LinuxARM64GTK2)
return "linuxarm64", isSupport(LinuxARM64) || isSupport(LinuxARM64GTK3)
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
return "linux64", true
if mod == Cef106 {
return "linuxarm64", isSupport(Linux64GTK2)
return "linux64", isSupport(Linux64) || isSupport(Linux64GTK3)
} else if isDarwin { // macosx for 64 bit
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
return "macosarm64", true
return "macosarm64", isSupport(MacOSARM64)
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
return "macosx64", true
return "macosx64", isSupport(MacOS64)
//not support
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH), false
func energyOS(gtk int) (string, bool) {
func liblclOS(module map[string]any) (string, bool) {
buildSupportOSArch := ToString(module["buildSupportOSArch"])
mod := ToString(module["module"])
archs := strings.Split(buildSupportOSArch, ",")
var isSupport = func(goarch string) bool {
for _, v := range archs {
if goarch == v {
return true
return false
if isWindows {
return fmt.Sprintf("Windows %d bits", strconv.IntSize), true
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
return fmt.Sprintf("WindowsARM %d bits", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(WindowsARM64)
if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
return fmt.Sprintf("Windows %d bits", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(Windows32)
return fmt.Sprintf("Windows %d bits", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(Windows64)
} else if isLinux {
if gtk == GTK3 {
return "Linux x86 64 bits", true
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
if mod == Cef106 {
return "LinuxARM GTK2 x86 64 bits", isSupport(LinuxARM64GTK2)
return "LinuxARM x86 64 bits", isSupport(LinuxARM64) || isSupport(LinuxARM64GTK3)
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
if mod == Cef106 {
return "Linux GTK2 x86 64 bits", isSupport(LinuxARM64GTK2)
return "Linux x86 64 bits", isSupport(LinuxARM64) || isSupport(LinuxARM64GTK3)
return "Linux GTK2 x86 64 bits", true
} else if isDarwin {
return "MacOSX x86 64 bits", true
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
return "MacOSXARM x86 64 bits", isSupport(MacOSARM64)
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
return "MacOSX x86 64 bits", isSupport(MacOS64)
//not support
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH), false
// 提取文件
func ExtractFiles(keyName, sourcePath string, di *downloadInfo, extractOSConfig map[string]interface{}) {
func ExtractFiles(keyName, sourcePath string, di *downloadInfo, extractOSConfig map[string]any) {
println("Extract", keyName, "sourcePath:", sourcePath, "targetPath:", di.frameworkPath)
files := extractOSConfig[keyName].([]interface{})
files := extractOSConfig[keyName].([]any)
if keyName == cefKey {
ExtractUnTar(sourcePath, di.frameworkPath, files...)
} else if keyName == energyKey {
} else if keyName == liblclKey {
ExtractUnZip(sourcePath, di.frameworkPath, files...)
func filePathInclude(compressPath string, files ...interface{}) (string, bool) {
func filePathInclude(compressPath string, files ...any) (string, bool) {
for _, file := range files {
f := file.(string)
tIdx := strings.LastIndex(f, "/*")
......@@ -360,7 +423,7 @@ func dir(path string) string {
return path[:lastSep]
func ExtractUnTar(filePath, targetPath string, files ...interface{}) {
func ExtractUnTar(filePath, targetPath string, files ...any) {
reader, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: cannot read tar file, error=[%v]\n", err)
......@@ -427,7 +490,7 @@ func ExtractUnTar(filePath, targetPath string, files ...interface{}) {
func ExtractUnZip(filePath, targetPath string, files ...interface{}) {
func ExtractUnZip(filePath, targetPath string, files ...any) {
if rc, err := zip.OpenReader(filePath); err == nil {
defer rc.Close()
for i := 0; i < len(files); i++ {
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
package internal
import (
......@@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ func ToString(v interface{}) string {
return v.(string)
func ToInt(v interface{}) int {
return common.ValueToInt(v)
func ToRNilString(v interface{}, new string) string {
if v == nil {
return new
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