提交 8a3b9564 编写于 作者: yanghye's avatar yanghye

add: demo proxy

上级 c9ce867d
package main
import (
//go:embed resources
var resources embed.FS
func main() {
//全局初始化 每个应用都必须调用的
cef.GlobalInit(nil, &resources)
cefApp := cef.NewApplication()
cef.BrowserWindow.Config.Url = "https://energy.yanghy.cn"
cef.BrowserWindow.Config.IconFS = "resources/icon.ico"
cef.BrowserWindow.SetBrowserInit(func(event *cef.BrowserEvent, window cef.IBrowserWindow) {
// 使用右键菜单切换需要代理的 url s
var (
loadEnergyUrl consts.MenuId
loadBaiduUrl consts.MenuId
event.SetOnBeforeContextMenu(func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *cef.ICefBrowser, frame *cef.ICefFrame, params *cef.ICefContextMenuParams, model *cef.ICefMenuModel) {
loadEnergyUrl = model.CefMis.NextCommandId()
model.AddCheckItem(loadEnergyUrl, "load-energy")
loadBaiduUrl = model.CefMis.NextCommandId()
model.AddCheckItem(loadBaiduUrl, "load-baidu")
event.SetOnContextMenuCommand(func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *cef.ICefBrowser, frame *cef.ICefFrame, params *cef.ICefContextMenuParams, commandId consts.MenuId, eventFlags uint32, result *bool) {
if commandId == loadEnergyUrl {
} else if commandId == loadBaiduUrl {
// 使用 load start 和 load end 回调观察当前加载的url
event.SetOnLoadStart(func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *cef.ICefBrowser, frame *cef.ICefFrame, transitionType consts.TCefTransitionType) {
fmt.Println("load-start:", frame.Url())
event.SetOnLoadEnd(func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *cef.ICefBrowser, frame *cef.ICefFrame, httpStatusCode int32) {
fmt.Println("load-end:", frame.Url())
// 在 on before browser 配置代理
event.SetOnBeforeBrowser(func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *cef.ICefBrowser, frame *cef.ICefFrame, request *cef.ICefRequest, userGesture, isRedirect bool) bool {
requestContext := browser.GetRequestContext()
if strings.Index(request.URL(), "www.baidu.com") != -1 {
// 需要配置代理的 url
proxyDict := cef.DictionaryValueRef.New()
// 配置字典参数参考
// ProxyType: consts.PtAutodetect,
// ProxyScheme: consts.PsSOCKS4,
// ProxyServer: "",
// ProxyPort: 8888,
// ProxyUsername: "username",
// ProxyPassword: "password",
// ProxyScriptURL: "scriptURL",
// ProxyByPassList: "aaa,bbb,ddd",
// MaxConnectionsPerProxy: 100,
proxyDict.SetString("mode", "fixed_servers")
proxyDict.SetString("server", "")
// 最后通过 Value 将代理字典值设置到 requestContext.SetPreference("proxy", proxy)
proxy := cef.ValueRef.New()
errMsg, ok := requestContext.SetPreference("proxy", proxy)
fmt.Println("\tproxy errMsg:", errMsg, "ok:", ok)
} else {
// 不需要代理的 url value 设置 nil
errMsg, ok := requestContext.SetPreference("proxy", nil)
fmt.Println("\tproxy errMsg:", errMsg, "ok:", ok)
return false
// 如果代理需要用户名和密码
window.Chromium().SetOnGetAuthCredentials(func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *cef.ICefBrowser, originUrl string, isProxy bool, host string, port int32, realm, scheme string, callback *cef.ICefAuthCallback) bool {
fmt.Println("AuthCredentials:", originUrl, "isProxy:", isProxy)
if isProxy {
return true
return false
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
button {
height: 50px;
width: 100px;
margin: 10px;
<script type="application/javascript">
function reset() {
function dec() {
function inc() {
<body style="overflow: hidden;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;width: 100%;text-align: center;">
<button onclick="inc()">放大</button>
<button onclick="dec()">缩小</button>
<button onclick="reset()">重置</button>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ func main() {
//fmt.Println("\tGetPageRanges:", pageRanges)
fmt.Println("OnBeforeBrowser-Identifier:", browser.Identifier(), "userGesture:", userGesture, "isRedirect:", isRedirect)
//requestContext := browser.GetRequestContext()
//proxyDict := cef.DictionaryValueRef.New()
//proxyDict.SetString("mode", "fixed_servers")
//proxyDict.SetString("server", "")
//proxy := cef.ValueRef.New()
//errMsg, ok := requestContext.SetPreference("proxy", proxy)
//fmt.Println("\tproxy errMsg:", errMsg, "ok:", ok)
requestContext := browser.GetRequestContext()
proxyDict := cef.DictionaryValueRef.New()
proxyDict.SetString("mode", "fixed_servers")
proxyDict.SetString("server", "")
proxy := cef.ValueRef.New()
errMsg, ok := requestContext.SetPreference("proxy", proxy)
fmt.Println("\tproxy errMsg:", errMsg, "ok:", ok)
//callbackRef := cef.CompletionCallbackRef.New()
//callbackRef.OnComplete(func() {
// fmt.Println("callbackRef.OnComplete")
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