提交 64b21cc0 编写于 作者: yanghye's avatar yanghye

energy command-line tools: 优化 install

上级 215fe347
......@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ set GOARCH=amd64
set GOOS=windows
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o energy-windows-64.exe energy.go
set GOARCH=arm64
set GOOS=windows
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o energy-windowsarm-64.exe energy.go
set GOARCH=amd64
set GOOS=darwin
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o energy-darwin-64 energy.go
......@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
package command
type OS string
type Arch string
type Config struct {
Index int
Wd string
......@@ -33,11 +36,14 @@ type Install struct {
Name string `short:"n" long:"name" description:"Name of the framework directory after installation" default:"EnergyFramework"`
Download string `short:"d" long:"download" description:"Download Source, 0:gitee or 1:github, Default empty" default:""`
All bool `short:"a" long:"all" description:"Install all, skip installation prompts (Y/n)"`
OS OS `long:"os" description:"Specify install OS: [windows, linux, darwin], default current system: os"`
Arch Arch `long:"arch" description:"Specify install ARCH: [386, amd64, arm64], Default current system: architecture"`
CEF string `short:"c" long:"cef" description:"Install system supports CEF version, provide 4 options, default empty. default, windows7, gtk2, flash" default:""`
IGolang bool
ICEF bool
INSIS bool
IUPX bool
IGolang bool // 是否已安装Golang
ICEF bool // 是否已安装CEF
INSIS bool // 是否已安装nsis
IUPX bool // 是否已安装upx
IsSame bool // 安装的OS和Arch是否为当前系统架构, 默认当前系统架构
type Package struct {
......@@ -70,3 +76,27 @@ type Build struct {
Upx bool `short:"u" long:"upx" description:"Set this parameter and install upx. Use upx to compress the execution file. windows"`
UpxFlag string `long:"upxFlag" description:"Upx command line parameters" default:""`
func (m OS) IsWindows() bool {
return m == "windows"
func (m OS) IsLinux() bool {
return m == "linux"
func (m OS) IsDarwin() bool {
return m == "darwin"
func (m Arch) Is386() bool {
return m == "386" || m == "32" // windows32
func (m Arch) IsAMD64() bool {
return m == "amd64"
func (m Arch) IsARM64() bool {
return m == "arm64"
......@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ const (
IsWindows = runtime.GOOS == "windows" //support
IsLinux = runtime.GOOS == "linux" //support
IsDarwin = runtime.GOOS == "darwin" //support
IsAMD64 = runtime.GOARCH == "amd64"
IsARM64 = runtime.GOARCH == "arm64"
Is386 = runtime.GOARCH == "386"
const (
......@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ import (
var CmdInstall = &command.Command{
UsageLine: "install -p [path] -v [version] -n [name] -d [download] -a [all] -c [cef]",
UsageLine: "install -p [path] -v [version] -n [name] -d [download] -a [all] -c [cef] -os -arch",
Short: "Automatic installation and configuration of the energy framework complete development environment",
Long: `
-p Installation directory Default current directory
-v Specifying a version number,Default latest.\
-n Name of the framework directory after installation, Default EnergyFramework.\
-d Download Source, 0:gitee or 1:github, Default empty
-a Install all, skip installation prompts (Y/n), default empty:n
-a Install all, skip installation prompts (Y/n), default empty:false
-os Specify install OS: [windows, linux, darwin], default current os
-arch Specify install ARCH: [amd64, arm64, 386], default current arch
-c Install system supports CEF version, provide 4 options, default empty
default : Automatically select support for the latest version based on the current system.
109 : CEF 109.1.18 is the last one to support Windows 7.
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func Install(c *command.Config) {
// 安装CEF二进制框架
cefFrameworkRoot, cefFrameworkSuccessCallback = installCEFFramework(c)
// 设置 energy cef 环境变量
if cefFrameworkRoot != "" {
if cefFrameworkRoot != "" && c.Install.IsSame {
// success 输出
......@@ -121,7 +121,11 @@ func Install(c *command.Config) {
func cefInstallPathName(c *command.Config) string {
return filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, consts.ENERGY, c.Install.Name)
if c.Install.IsSame {
return filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, consts.ENERGY, c.Install.Name)
} else {
return filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, consts.ENERGY, fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s%s", c.Install.Name, c.Install.OS, c.Install.Arch))
func goInstallPathName(c *command.Config) string {
......@@ -217,6 +221,15 @@ func initInstall(c *command.Config) {
// latest
c.Install.Version = "latest"
if c.Install.OS == "" {
c.Install.OS = command.OS(runtime.GOOS)
if c.Install.Arch == "" {
c.Install.Arch = command.Arch(runtime.GOARCH)
if string(c.Install.OS) == runtime.GOOS && string(c.Install.Arch) == runtime.GOARCH {
c.Install.IsSame = true
// 创建安装目录
os.MkdirAll(c.Install.Path, fs.ModePerm)
os.MkdirAll(cefInstallPathName(c), fs.ModePerm)
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
......@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ func installCEFFramework(c *command.Config) (string, func()) {
fmt.Println("Error:", err.Error())
return "", nil
extractOSConfig := extractConfig[runtime.GOOS].(map[string]any)
extractOSConfig := extractConfig[string(c.Install.OS)].(map[string]any)
// 获取安装版本配置
downloadJSON, err := tools.HttpRequestGET(consts.DownloadVersionURL)
......@@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ func installCEFFramework(c *command.Config) (string, func()) {
// 根据模块名拿到版本号
cefVersion := tools.ToRNilString(installVersion[cefModuleName], "")
// 当前模块版本支持系统,如果支持返回下载地址
libCEFOS, isSupport := cefOS(cefModule)
libCEFOS, isSupport := cefOS(c, cefModule)
downloadCefURL := tools.ToString(cefModule["downloadUrl"])
downloadCefURL = replaceSource(downloadCefURL, tools.ToString(cefModule["downloadSource"]), tools.ToInt(cefModule["downloadSourceSelect"]), "cef")
downloadCefURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadCefURL, "{version}", cefVersion)
......@@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ func installCEFFramework(c *command.Config) (string, func()) {
// 最后根据模块名称来确定使用哪个liblcl
liblclVersion := tools.ToRNilString(installVersion[liblclModuleName], "")
if liblclModule != nil {
libEnergyOS, isSupport := liblclOS(cef, liblclVersion, tools.ToString(liblclModule["buildSupportOSArch"]))
libEnergyOS, isSupport := liblclOS(c, cef, liblclVersion, tools.ToString(liblclModule["buildSupportOSArch"]))
downloadEnergyURL := tools.ToString(liblclModule["downloadUrl"])
downloadEnergyURL = replaceSource(downloadEnergyURL, tools.ToString(liblclModule["downloadSource"]), tools.ToInt(liblclModule["downloadSourceSelect"]), "liblcl")
module := tools.ToString(liblclModule["module"])
......@@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ func installCEFFramework(c *command.Config) (string, func()) {
func cefOS(module map[string]any) (string, bool) {
func cefOS(c *command.Config, module map[string]any) (string, bool) {
buildSupportOSArch := tools.ToString(module["buildSupportOSArch"])
mod := tools.ToString(module["module"])
archs := strings.Split(buildSupportOSArch, ",")
......@@ -258,27 +257,58 @@ func cefOS(module map[string]any) (string, bool) {
return false
if consts.IsWindows { // windows arm for 64 bit, windows for 32/64 bit
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
//if consts.IsWindows { // windows arm for 64 bit, windows for 32/64 bit
// if consts.IsARM64 {
// return "windowsarm64", isSupport(consts.WindowsARM64)
// }
// if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
// return fmt.Sprintf("windows%d", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(consts.Windows32)
// }
// return fmt.Sprintf("windows%d", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(consts.Windows64)
//} else if consts.IsLinux { //linux for 64 bit
// if consts.IsARM64 {
// if mod == consts.Cef106 {
// return "linuxarm64", isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64GTK2)
// }
// return "linuxarm64", isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64) || isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64GTK3)
// } else if consts.IsAMD64 {
// if mod == consts.Cef106 {
// return "linux64", isSupport(consts.Linux64GTK2)
// }
// return "linux64", isSupport(consts.Linux64) || isSupport(consts.Linux64GTK3)
// }
//} else if consts.IsDarwin { // macosx for 64 bit
// //if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
// // return "macosarm64", isSupport(MacOSARM64)
// //} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
// // return "macosx64", isSupport(MacOSX64)
// //}
// // Mac amd64 m1 m2 架构目前使用amd64, m1,m2使用Rosetta2兼容
// return "macosx64", isSupport(consts.MacOSX64)
if c.Install.OS.IsWindows() { // windows arm for 64 bit, windows for 32/64 bit
if c.Install.Arch.IsARM64() {
return "windowsarm64", isSupport(consts.WindowsARM64)
if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
return fmt.Sprintf("windows%d", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(consts.Windows32)
if c.Install.Arch.Is386() {
return "windows32", isSupport(consts.Windows32)
return fmt.Sprintf("windows%d", strconv.IntSize), isSupport(consts.Windows64)
} else if consts.IsLinux { //linux for 64 bit
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
return "windows64", isSupport(consts.Windows64)
} else if c.Install.OS.IsLinux() { //linux for 64 bit
if c.Install.Arch.IsARM64() {
if mod == consts.Cef106 {
return "linuxarm64", isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64GTK2)
return "linuxarm64", isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64) || isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64GTK3)
} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
} else if c.Install.Arch.IsAMD64() {
if mod == consts.Cef106 {
return "linux64", isSupport(consts.Linux64GTK2)
return "linux64", isSupport(consts.Linux64) || isSupport(consts.Linux64GTK3)
} else if consts.IsDarwin { // macosx for 64 bit
} else if c.Install.OS.IsDarwin() { // macosx for 64 bit
//if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
// return "macosarm64", isSupport(MacOSARM64)
//} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
......@@ -288,7 +318,7 @@ func cefOS(module map[string]any) (string, bool) {
return "macosx64", isSupport(consts.MacOSX64)
//not support
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH), false
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", c.Install.OS, c.Install.Arch), false
var liblclFileNames = map[string]string{
......@@ -308,25 +338,31 @@ var liblclFileNames = map[string]string{
"darwin64_old": "MacOSX x86 64 bits",
func liblclName(version, cef string) (string, bool) {
func liblclName(c *command.Config, version, cef string) (string, bool) {
var key string
var isOld bool
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
if consts.IsLinux && cef == consts.Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
if c.Install.Arch.IsARM64() {
if c.Install.OS.IsLinux() && cef == consts.Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
key = "linuxarm64gtk2"
} else {
if consts.IsDarwin {
if c.Install.OS.IsDarwin() {
// Mac amd64 m1 m2 架构目前使用amd64, m1,m2使用Rosetta2兼容
key = fmt.Sprintf("%samd64", runtime.GOOS)
key = fmt.Sprintf("%samd64", c.Install.OS)
} else {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%sarm64", runtime.GOOS)
key = fmt.Sprintf("%sarm64", c.Install.OS)
} else {
if consts.IsLinux && cef == consts.Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
if c.Install.OS.IsLinux() && cef == consts.Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
key = "linux64gtk2"
} else {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", runtime.GOOS, strconv.IntSize)
var arch command.Arch
if c.Install.Arch.Is386() {
arch = "32" // windows32
} else {
arch = c.Install.Arch
key = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", c.Install.OS, arch)
if tools.Compare("2.2.4", version) {
......@@ -344,15 +380,15 @@ func liblclName(version, cef string) (string, bool) {
// 命名规则 OS+[ARCH]+BIT+[GTK2]
// ARCH: 非必需, ARM 时填写, AMD为空
// GTK2: 非必需, GTK2(Linux CEF 106) 时填写, 非Linux或GTK3时为空
func liblclOS(cef, version, buildSupportOSArch string) (string, bool) {
func liblclOS(c *command.Config, cef, version, buildSupportOSArch string) (string, bool) {
archs := strings.Split(buildSupportOSArch, ",")
var goarch string
if consts.IsWindows && runtime.GOARCH == "386" {
if c.Install.OS.IsWindows() && c.Install.Arch.Is386() {
goarch = "32" // windows32 = > windows386
} else {
goarch = runtime.GOARCH
goarch = string(c.Install.Arch)
noSuport := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", runtime.GOOS, goarch)
noSuport := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", c.Install.OS, goarch)
var isSupport = func(goarch string) bool {
for _, v := range archs {
if goarch == v {
......@@ -361,7 +397,7 @@ func liblclOS(cef, version, buildSupportOSArch string) (string, bool) {
return false
if name, isOld := liblclName(version, cef); isOld {
if name, isOld := liblclName(c, version, cef); isOld {
if name == "" {
return noSuport, false
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