提交 166e8533 编写于 作者: yanghye's avatar yanghye

energy-command-line, 增加全自动安装energy整个开发环境

上级 dc87bb5b
......@@ -20,6 +20,20 @@ const (
CheckUpgradeURL = domain + "/api/cmd/upgrade"
CheckCreateURL = domain + "/api/cmd/create"
const (
// GolangDownloadURL 下载地址, 默认 1.18.10
// https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.18.10.darwin-amd64.tar.gz
// https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.18.10.darwin-arm64.tar.gz
// https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.18.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
// https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.18.10.linux-arm64.tar.gz
// https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.18.10.windows-386.zip
// https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.18.10.windows-amd64.zip
// https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.18.10.windows-arm64.zip
GolangDownloadURL = "https://dl.google.com/go/%s"
GolangDefaultVersion = "1.18.10"
const (
CefKey = "cef"
LiblclKey = "liblcl"
// Copyright © yanghy. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package env
import (
toolsCommand "github.com/energye/golcl/tools/command"
func SetEnergyHomeEnv(key, value string) {
println("\nSetting environment Variables [ENERGY_HOME] to", value)
func SetGoEnv(goRoot string) {
var goexe = "go"
if command.IsWindows {
goexe += ".exe"
gobin := filepath.Join(goRoot, "bin", goexe)
if !tools.IsExist(gobin) {
println("\nError: Failed to set the Golang environment variable, not a correct Golang installation directory. ", goRoot)
println("\nSetting Golang environment Variables")
cmd := toolsCommand.NewCMD()
cmd.MessageCallback = func(s []byte, e error) {
fmt.Println("CMD:", string(s), " error:", e)
defer cmd.Close()
if command.IsWindows {
// setx
// GOROOT=/to/go/path
var args = []string{"GOROOT", goRoot}
cmd.Command("setx", args...)
// GOCACHE=%GOROOT%\go-build
args = []string{"GOCACHE", "%GOROOT%\\go-build"}
cmd.Command("setx", args...)
args = []string{"GOBIN", "%GOROOT%\\bin"}
cmd.Command("setx", args...)
// PATH=%GOROOT%\bin
args = []string{"path", "%path%;%GOROOT%\\bin"}
cmd.Command("setx", args...)
} else {
println("\nHint: reopen the cmd window for the Go command to take effect.")
func SetEnergyHomeEnv(homePath string) {
var cef string
if command.IsWindows {
cef = "libcef.dll"
} else if command.IsLinux {
cef = "libcef.so"
} else if command.IsDarwin {
cef = "cef_sandbox.a"
cefPath := filepath.Join(homePath, cef)
if !tools.IsExist(cefPath) {
println("\nError: Setting the ENERGY_HOME environment variable failed and is not a correct CEF Framework installation directory. ", homePath)
println("\nSetting environment Variables [ENERGY_HOME] to", homePath)
cmd := toolsCommand.NewCMD()
cmd.MessageCallback = func(s []byte, e error) {
fmt.Println("CMD:", s, " error:", e)
defer cmd.Close()
if command.IsWindows {
var args = []string{"/c", "setx", key, value}
var args = []string{"/c", "setx", command.EnergyHomeKey, homePath}
cmd.Command("cmd.exe", args...)
} else {
var envFiles []string
var energyHomeKey = fmt.Sprintf("export %s", key)
var energyHome = fmt.Sprintf("export %s=%s", key, value)
var energyHomeKey = fmt.Sprintf("export %s", command.EnergyHomeKey)
var energyHome = fmt.Sprintf("export %s=%s", command.EnergyHomeKey, homePath)
if command.IsLinux {
envFiles = []string{".profile", ".zshrc", ".bashrc"}
} else if command.IsDarwin {
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ func checkEnv(init *command.Init) {
if strings.Index(data, "go version") != -1 {
d := strings.Split(data, " ")
if len(d) == 4 {
version = d[2][2:]
version = d[2][2:] // x.x.x
......@@ -204,9 +204,12 @@ func checkEnv(init *command.Init) {
if version != "" {
d := strings.Split(version, ".")
fmt.Println("d:", d)
if len(d) == 3 {
if tools.ToInt(d[0]) < 1 || tools.ToInt(d[1]) < 18 {
println(`Warning: current installed Go version should be greater than 1.18. version:`, version)
fmt.Println("version:", version)
println("\tGolang OK")
init.IGo = true
// Copyright © yanghy. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package install
import (
......@@ -5,6 +15,7 @@ import (
......@@ -33,6 +44,108 @@ type downloadInfo struct {
func Install(c *command.Config) {
// 创建安装目录
// 检查Go开发环境
//if !tools.CommandExists("go") {
println("Golang development environment not installed!")
// 如未安装Go开发环境,自动安装Go环境
goRoot := installGolang(c)
//goRoot := "C:\\go"
// 安装CEF二进制框架
// 设置 energy 环境变量
// 设置 go 环境变量
if goRoot != "" {
func cefInstallPathName(c *command.Config) string {
return filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, c.Install.Name)
func initInstall(c *command.Config) {
if c.Install.Path == "" {
// current dir
c.Install.Path = c.Wd
if c.Install.Version == "" {
// latest
c.Install.Version = "latest"
// 创建安装目录
os.MkdirAll(c.Install.Path, fs.ModePerm)
os.MkdirAll(cefInstallPathName(c), fs.ModePerm)
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, command.FrameworkCache), fs.ModePerm)
func installGolang(c *command.Config) string {
print("Do you want to install the Go development environment? Y/n: ")
var s string
if strings.ToLower(s) == "y" {
s = c.Install.Path // 安装目录
exts := map[string]string{
"darwin": "tar.gz",
"linux": "tar.gz",
"windows": "zip",
// 开始下载并安装Go开发环境
version := command.GolangDefaultVersion
gos := runtime.GOOS
arch := runtime.GOARCH
gos = "darwin"
arch = "amd64"
ext := exts[gos]
if !tools.IsExist(s) {
println("Directory does not exist. Creating directory.", s)
if err := os.MkdirAll(s, fs.ModePerm); err != nil {
println("Failed to create goroot directory", err.Error())
return ""
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("go%s.%s-%s.%s", version, gos, arch, ext)
downloadUrl := fmt.Sprintf(command.GolangDownloadURL, fileName)
savePath := filepath.Join(s, command.FrameworkCache, fileName)
var err error
println("Golang Download URL:", downloadUrl)
println("Golang Save Path:", savePath)
if !tools.IsExist(savePath) {
// 已经存在不再下载
bar := progressbar.NewBar(100)
err = downloadFile(downloadUrl, savePath, func(totalLength, processLength int64) {
bar.PrintBar(int((float64(processLength) / float64(totalLength)) * 100))
if err != nil {
bar.PrintEnd("Download [" + fileName + "] failed: " + err.Error())
} else {
bar.PrintEnd("Download [" + fileName + "] success")
if err == nil {
// 使用 go 名字做为 go 安装目录
targetPath := filepath.Join(s, "go")
// 释放文件
if !command.IsWindows {
ExtractUnZip(savePath, targetPath)
} else {
ExtractUnTar(savePath, targetPath)
return targetPath
return ""
return ""
func installCEFFramework(c *command.Config) {
// 获取提取文件配置
extractData, err := tools.HttpRequestGET(command.DownloadExtractURL)
if err != nil {
......@@ -67,21 +180,9 @@ func Install(c *command.Config) {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "-c [cef] Incorrect args value\n")
if c.Install.Path == "" {
// current dir
c.Install.Path = c.Wd
installPathName := filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, c.Install.Name)
installPathName := cefInstallPathName(c)
println("Install Path", installPathName)
if c.Install.Version == "" {
// latest
c.Install.Version = "latest"
// 创建安装目录
os.MkdirAll(c.Install.Path, fs.ModePerm)
os.MkdirAll(installPathName, fs.ModePerm)
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, command.FrameworkCache), fs.ModePerm)
println("Start downloading CEF and Energy dependency")
// 所有版本列表
var versionList = edv["versionList"].(map[string]any)
......@@ -224,7 +325,6 @@ func Install(c *command.Config) {
// 解压文件, 并根据配置提取文件
println("Unpack files")
var removeFileList = make([]string, 0, 0)
for key, di := range downloads {
if !di.isSupport {
println("Warn module is not built or configured 【", di.module, "】")
......@@ -239,20 +339,13 @@ func Install(c *command.Config) {
ExtractFiles(key, tarName, di, extractOSConfig)
removeFileList = append(removeFileList, tarName)
} else if key == command.LiblclKey {
ExtractFiles(key, di.downloadPath, di, extractOSConfig)
println("Unpack file", key, "success\n")
for _, rmFile := range removeFileList {
println("Remove file", rmFile)
env.SetEnergyHomeEnv(command.EnergyHomeKey, installPathName)
println("SUCCESS \nInstalled version:", c.Install.Version, liblclVersion)
println("\nSUCCESS \nInstalled version:", c.Install.Version, liblclVersion)
if liblclModule == nil {
println("hint: liblcl module", liblclModuleName, `is not configured in the current version, You need to use built-in binary build. [go build -tags="tempdll"]`)
......@@ -396,29 +489,33 @@ func ExtractFiles(keyName, sourcePath string, di *downloadInfo, extractOSConfig
func filePathInclude(compressPath string, files ...any) (string, bool) {
for _, file := range files {
f := file.(string)
tIdx := strings.LastIndex(f, "/*")
if tIdx != -1 {
f = f[:tIdx]
if f[0] == '/' {
if strings.Index(compressPath, f[1:]) == 0 {
return compressPath, true
if len(files) == 0 {
return compressPath, true
} else {
for _, file := range files {
f := file.(string)
tIdx := strings.LastIndex(f, "/*")
if tIdx != -1 {
f = f[:tIdx]
if f[0] == '/' {
if strings.Index(compressPath, f[1:]) == 0 {
return compressPath, true
if strings.Index(compressPath, f) == 0 {
return strings.Replace(compressPath, f, "", 1), true
} else {
if f[0] == '/' {
if compressPath == f[1:] {
if strings.Index(compressPath, f) == 0 {
return strings.Replace(compressPath, f, "", 1), true
} else {
if f[0] == '/' {
if compressPath == f[1:] {
return f, true
if compressPath == f {
f = f[strings.Index(f, "/")+1:]
return f, true
if compressPath == f {
f = f[strings.Index(f, "/")+1:]
return f, true
return "", false
......@@ -433,12 +530,28 @@ func dir(path string) string {
func ExtractUnTar(filePath, targetPath string, files ...any) {
reader, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: cannot read tar file, error=[%v]\n", err)
fmt.Printf("error: cannot open file, error=[%v]\n", err)
defer reader.Close()
tarReader := tar.NewReader(reader)
var tarReader *tar.Reader
if filepath.Ext(filePath) == ".gz" {
gr, err := gzip.NewReader(reader)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: cannot open gzip file, error=[%v]\n", err)
defer gr.Close()
tarReader = tar.NewReader(gr)
} else {
tarReader = tar.NewReader(reader)
bar := progressbar.NewBar(100)
for {
header, err := tarReader.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
......@@ -448,14 +561,16 @@ func ExtractUnTar(filePath, targetPath string, files ...any) {
compressPath := header.Name[strings.Index(header.Name, "/")+1:]
// 去除压缩包内的一级目录
compressPath := filepath.Clean(header.Name[strings.Index(header.Name, "/")+1:])
//compressPath := filepath.Clean(header.Name[])
includePath, isInclude := filePathInclude(compressPath, files...)
if !isInclude {
info := header.FileInfo()
targetFile := filepath.Join(targetPath, includePath)
fmt.Println("compressPath:", compressPath, "-> targetFile:", targetFile)
fmt.Println("compressPath:", compressPath)
if info.IsDir() {
if err = os.MkdirAll(targetFile, info.Mode()); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: cannot mkdir file, error=[%v]\n", err)
......@@ -478,14 +593,12 @@ func ExtractUnTar(filePath, targetPath string, files ...any) {
defer file.Close()
bar := progressbar.NewBar(100)
writeFile(tarReader, file, header.Size, func(totalLength, processLength int64) {
bar.PrintBar(int((float64(processLength) / float64(totalLength)) * 100))
if err != nil {
......@@ -500,32 +613,48 @@ func ExtractUnTar(filePath, targetPath string, files ...any) {
func ExtractUnZip(filePath, targetPath string, files ...any) {
if rc, err := zip.OpenReader(filePath); err == nil {
defer rc.Close()
for i := 0; i < len(files); i++ {
if f, err := rc.Open(files[i].(string)); err == nil {
defer f.Close()
st, _ := f.Stat()
targetFileName := filepath.Join(targetPath, st.Name())
if st.IsDir() {
os.MkdirAll(targetFileName, st.Mode())
if targetFile, err := os.Create(targetFileName); err == nil {
fmt.Println("extract file: ", st.Name())
bar := progressbar.NewBar(100)
writeFile(f, targetFile, st.Size(), func(totalLength, processLength int64) {
bar.PrintBar(int((float64(processLength) / float64(totalLength)) * 100))
} else {
fmt.Printf("error: cannot open file, error=[%v]\n", err)
bar := progressbar.NewBar(100)
var createWriteFile = func(info fs.FileInfo, path string, file io.Reader) {
targetFileName := filepath.Join(targetPath, path)
if info.IsDir() {
os.MkdirAll(targetFileName, info.Mode())
if targetFile, err := os.Create(targetFileName); err == nil {
fmt.Println("extract file: ", path)
writeFile(file, targetFile, info.Size(), func(totalLength, processLength int64) {
bar.PrintBar(int((float64(processLength) / float64(totalLength)) * 100))
// 所有文件
if len(files) == 0 {
zipFiles := rc.File
for _, f := range zipFiles {
r, _ := f.Open()
name := filepath.Clean(f.Name)
createWriteFile(f.FileInfo(), name, r.(io.Reader))
_ = r.Close()
} else {
// 指定名字的文件
for i := 0; i < len(files); i++ {
if f, err := rc.Open(files[i].(string)); err == nil {
info, _ := f.Stat()
createWriteFile(info, files[i].(string), f)
_ = f.Close()
} else {
fmt.Printf("error: cannot open file, error=[%v]\n", err)
} else {
if err != nil {
......@@ -545,14 +674,18 @@ func UnBz2ToTar(name string, callback func(totalLength, processLength int64)) st
defer fileBz2.Close()
dirName := fileBz2.Name()
dirName = dirName[:strings.LastIndex(dirName, ".")]
r := bzip2.NewReader(fileBz2)
w, err := os.Create(dirName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("%s", err.Error())
if !tools.IsExist(dirName) {
r := bzip2.NewReader(fileBz2)
w, err := os.Create(dirName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("%s", err.Error())
defer w.Close()
writeFile(r, w, 0, callback)
} else {
println("File already exists")
defer w.Close()
writeFile(r, w, 0, callback)
return dirName
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func runSetenv(c *command.Config) error {
if !tools.IsExist(c.Setenv.Path) {
return errors.New("Directory [" + c.Setenv.Path + "] does not exist")
env.SetEnergyHomeEnv(command.EnergyHomeKey, c.Setenv.Path)
return nil
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