提交 0d0d73ae 编写于 作者: C Catouse

* display packag table in start/edition.

上级 288ed5e3
......@@ -87,14 +87,17 @@
<td colspan="5" class="text-muted">正在加载列表...</td>
<td colspan="5" class="text-muted"><i class='icon icon-spin icon-spinner-indicator'></i> 正在加载列表...</td>
function afterPageLoad() {
if($.doc) {
......@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
if(debug) console.error("DEBUG ENABLED.");
var chapters = {
learn: {col: 1},
start: {col: 1},
basic: {col: 1},
control: {col: 2},
component: {col: 2},
javascript: {col: 3},
learn: {col: 1},
start: {col: 1},
basic: {col: 1},
control: {col: 2},
component: {col: 2},
javascript: {col: 3},
view: {col: 3},
promotion: {col: 1, row: 2},
resource: {col: 1, row: 2},
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
// 'index.json': null
if(debug) window.dataset = dataset;
var pkgLibs = {standard: null, lite: null, separate: null};
var documentTitle = 'ZUI';
var sectionsShowed;
......@@ -1001,7 +1002,7 @@
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var getBuildList = function(pkg, build, lib, list)
list = [];
list = [list];
$.each(build.bundles, function(idx, val)
getBuildList(pkg, pkg.builds[val], lib, list);
list = getItemList(lib, [val], list);
if(build.basicDpds) list = getItemList(lib, build.basicDpds, list);
list = getItemList(lib, build.includes, list, build.ignoreDpds);
return list;
var getItemList = function(lib, list, items, ignoreDpds, ignoreCombine)
items = items || [];
$.each(list, function(idx, name)
getItemList(lib, name, items, ignoreDpds);
var item = lib[list];
if(item && items.indexOf(list) < 0)
if(!ignoreDpds && item.dpds)
getItemList(lib, item.dpds, items, ignoreDpds);
if(item.src || !ignoreCombine) items.push(list);
return items;
var loadPackage = function (){
loadData(PKG_JSON, function(pkg) {
$('.zui-version').text('v' + pkg.version);
$('.zui-version').text('v' + pkg.version);
pkgLibs.standard = getBuildList(pkg, pkg.builds.standard, pkg.lib);
pkgLibs.lite = getBuildList(pkg, pkg.builds.lite, pkg.lib);
pkgLibs.separate = getBuildList(pkg, pkg.builds.separate, pkg.lib);
var displayPkgLibTable = function($table) {
if(!$table.length) return;
loadData(PKG_JSON, function(data){
var $tbody = $('<tbody></tbody>');
var getChildCompsList = function(val){return data.lib[val].name;};
var $tr, $td;
for(var itemName in data.lib)
var item = data.lib[itemName];
if(item.custom) continue;
var childComps = '';
if(!item.src && item.dpds)
var childList = getItemList(data.lib, item.dpds, null, true, true);
childComps = '合并组件包含:';
childComps += $.map(childList, getChildCompsList).join('');
$tr = $('<tr/>');
$td = $('<td/>');
$td.attr('title', item.desc);
$td.html('<strong>' + item.name + '</strong> (' + itemName + ((item.pver) ? (' v' + item.pver) : '') +')');
$.each(pkgLibs, function(idx, sLib)
$td = $('<td class="text-center"/>');
if(sLib.indexOf(itemName) > -1)
$td.addClass('success').html('<i class="text-success icon-ok"></i>');
$td.html('<i class="text-muted icon-remove"></i>');
$td = $('<td/>');
$td.html(item.ver ? (' v' + item.ver + '+') : childComps);
$table.datatable({rowHover: false, fixedHeaderOffset: 200});
......@@ -1186,7 +1302,7 @@
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// Load index.json
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var firstLoad = !sectionsShowed;
......@@ -1374,7 +1490,7 @@
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$queryInput.focus().on('change keyup paste input propertychange', function(){
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if(val === lastQueryString) return;
......@@ -1416,6 +1532,7 @@
openSection: openSection,
closePage: closePage,
loadData: loadData,
mutePageLoading: mutePageLoading
mutePageLoading: mutePageLoading,
displayPkgLibTable: displayPkgLibTable
}(window, jQuery));
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