提交 ee2c33c5 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

add doc for PATH var settings

上级 4e237686
# 方法一,将ZTF命令加入系统环境变量中:
## Windows系统
1. 在命令行输入sysdm.cpl,打开系统属性窗口;
2. 依次点击"高级"标签、"环境变量"按钮,打开环境变量编辑窗口;
3. 在上部"用户变量"列表中,点击"编辑"按钮修改Path变量;若无Path变量,则点击"新建"按钮;
4. 填入或追加ztf.exe文件所在的目录绝对路径,Win7中为单行编辑模式,路径间用英文分号隔开;
5. 重新打开命令行窗口,使设置生效。
## Linux/Mac系统
1. 编辑用户目录下的.bash_profile文件;
2. 在文件末尾添加export PATH=$PATH:<ztf文件所在目录绝对路径>
3. 执行source ~/.bash_profile使设置生效。
# 方法二,拷贝ztf命令到PATH变量所在的目录:
## Windows系统
以管理员身份打开cmd行,执行copy /Y ztf.exe C:\Windows
## Linux/Mac系统
在命令行执行cp -f ztf /usr/local/bin/
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ ZentaoATF is an automation testing framework written in Golang.
## QuickStart
### Run from release file
1. Download last release file from [here](https://github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/releases);
2. Type 'atf-*.exe -h' to get the help doc.
2. Type 'ztf/ztf.exe help' to get the help doc.
### Run from Golang codes
1. Enter 'git clone https://github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf.git' to get the source codes;
2. Overwrite edit.go and view.go from https://github.com/rocket049/gocui to fix the Chinese related bug;
3. Type 'go run src/atf.go -h' to get the help doc.
3. Type 'go run src/atf.go help' to get the help doc.
## Licenses
All source code is licensed under the [GPLv3 License](LICENSE.md).
......@@ -10,5 +10,7 @@ list ls -l 查看测试用例列表。可指定目录和文件的列表
view -v 查看测试用例详情。可指定目录和文件的列表,之间用空格隔开。
sort -sort 将脚本文件中的步骤重新排序。
clean -c 清除脚本执行日志。
--verbose 增加此参数,用于显示详细日志,如Http请求、响应、错误等信息。
--verbose 显示详细日志,如Http请求、响应、错误等信息。
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
"language": "en-US",
"messages": [
"id": "windows_permission",
"translation": "Windows系统下,需以管理员身份打开cmd命令行窗口。"
"id": "for_example",
"translation": "e.g. %s"
"language": "zh",
"messages": [
"id": "windows_permission",
"translation": "Windows系统下,需以管理员身份打开cmd命令行窗口。"
"id": "for_example",
"translation": "例如 %s"
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package action
import (
commonUtils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/common"
fileUtils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/file"
i118Utils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/i118"
logUtils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/log"
......@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ func AddPath() {
if commonUtils.IsWin() {
} else {
os.Setenv("PATH", pathEnv+":"+ztfPath)
fileUtils.CopyFile("./ztf", "/usr/local/bin")
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
commonUtils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/common"
constant "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/const"
......@@ -193,3 +194,28 @@ func GetLogDir() string {
func getLogNumb(numb int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%03s", strconv.Itoa(numb))
func CopyFile(src, dst string) (int64, error) {
sourceFileStat, err := os.Stat(src)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !sourceFileStat.Mode().IsRegular() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a regular file", src)
source, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer source.Close()
destination, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer destination.Close()
nBytes, err := io.Copy(destination, source)
return nBytes, err
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
commonUtils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/common"
fileUtils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/file"
i118Utils "github.com/easysoft/zentaoatf/src/utils/i118"
......@@ -21,26 +22,36 @@ var (
func PrintUsage() {
PrintToStdOut("Usage: ", color.FgCyan)
content := fileUtils.ReadResData(usageFile)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", content)
usage := fileUtils.ReadResData(usageFile)
exeFile := "ztf"
command := ""
tips := ""
if !commonUtils.IsWin() {
command = "cp -f ztf /usr/local/bin/"
} else {
exeFile += ".exe"
tips = i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("windows_permission")
command = "copy /Y ztf.exe c:\\Windows"
usage = fmt.Sprintf(usage, exeFile, exeFile, command, tips, exeFile)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", usage)
PrintToStdOut("\nExample: ", color.FgCyan)
content = fileUtils.ReadResData(sampleFile)
sample := fileUtils.ReadResData(sampleFile)
if !commonUtils.IsWin() {
regx, _ := regexp.Compile(`\\`)
content = regx.ReplaceAllString(content, "/")
sample = regx.ReplaceAllString(sample, "/")
regx, _ = regexp.Compile(`ztf.exe`)
content = regx.ReplaceAllString(content, "ztf")
sample = regx.ReplaceAllString(sample, "ztf")
regx, _ = regexp.Compile(`/bat/`)
content = regx.ReplaceAllString(content, "/shell/")
sample = regx.ReplaceAllString(sample, "/shell/")
regx, _ = regexp.Compile(`\.bat\s{4}`)
content = regx.ReplaceAllString(content, ".shell")
sample = regx.ReplaceAllString(sample, ".shell")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", content)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", sample)
func PrintTo(str string) {
// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocui
import (
const maxInt = int(^uint(0) >> 1)
// Editor interface must be satisfied by gocui editors.
type Editor interface {
Edit(v *View, key Key, ch rune, mod Modifier)
// The EditorFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary functions as
// Editors. If f is a function with the appropriate signature, EditorFunc(f)
// is an Editor object that calls f.
type EditorFunc func(v *View, key Key, ch rune, mod Modifier)
// Edit calls f(v, key, ch, mod)
func (f EditorFunc) Edit(v *View, key Key, ch rune, mod Modifier) {
f(v, key, ch, mod)
// DefaultEditor is the default editor.
var DefaultEditor Editor = EditorFunc(simpleEditor)
// simpleEditor is used as the default gocui editor.
func simpleEditor(v *View, key Key, ch rune, mod Modifier) {
switch {
case ch != 0 && mod == 0:
case key == KeySpace:
v.EditWrite(' ')
case key == KeyBackspace || key == KeyBackspace2:
case key == KeyDelete:
case key == KeyInsert:
v.Overwrite = !v.Overwrite
case key == KeyEnter:
case key == KeyArrowDown:
v.MoveCursor(0, 1, false)
case key == KeyArrowUp:
v.MoveCursor(0, -1, false)
case key == KeyArrowLeft:
v.MoveCursor(-1, 0, false)
case key == KeyArrowRight:
v.MoveCursor(1, 0, false)
// EditWrite writes a rune at the cursor position.
func (v *View) EditWrite(ch rune) {
v.writeRune(v.cx, v.cy, ch)
v.MoveCursor(runewidth.RuneWidth(ch), 0, true)
// EditDelete deletes a rune at the cursor position. back determines the
// direction.
func (v *View) EditDelete(back bool) {
x, y := v.ox+v.cx, v.oy+v.cy
if y < 0 {
} else if y >= len(v.viewLines) {
v.MoveCursor(-1, 0, true)
maxX, _ := v.Size()
if back {
if x == 0 { // start of the line
if y < 1 {
var maxPrevWidth int
if v.Wrap {
maxPrevWidth = maxX
} else {
maxPrevWidth = maxInt
if v.viewLines[y].linesX == 0 { // regular line
v.mergeLines(v.cy - 1)
if len(v.viewLines[y-1].line) < maxPrevWidth {
v.MoveCursor(-1, 0, true)
} else { // wrapped line
ch, _ := v.deleteRune(len(v.viewLines[y-1].line)-1, v.cy-1)
v.MoveCursor(0-runewidth.RuneWidth(ch), 0, true)
} else { // middle/end of the line
ch, _ := v.deleteRune(v.cx-1, v.cy)
v.MoveCursor(0-runewidth.RuneWidth(ch), 0, true)
} else {
if x == len(v.viewLines[y].line) { // end of the line
} else { // start/middle of the line
v.deleteRune(v.cx, v.cy)
// EditNewLine inserts a new line under the cursor.
func (v *View) EditNewLine() {
v.breakLine(v.cx, v.cy)
v.ox = 0
v.cx = 0
v.MoveCursor(0, 1, true)
// MoveCursor moves the cursor taking into account the width of the line/view,
// displacing the origin if necessary.
func (v *View) MoveCursor(dx, dy int, writeMode bool) {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
cx, cy := v.cx+dx, v.cy+dy
x, y := v.ox+cx, v.oy+cy
var curLineWidth, prevLineWidth int
// get the width of the current line
if writeMode {
if v.Wrap {
curLineWidth = maxX - 1
} else {
curLineWidth = maxInt
} else {
if y >= 0 && y < len(v.viewLines) {
curLineWidth = len(v.viewLines[y].line)
if v.Wrap && curLineWidth >= maxX {
curLineWidth = maxX - 1
} else {
curLineWidth = 0
// get the width of the previous line
if y-1 >= 0 && y-1 < len(v.viewLines) {
prevLineWidth = len(v.viewLines[y-1].line)
} else {
prevLineWidth = 0
// adjust cursor's x position and view's x origin
if x > curLineWidth { // move to next line
if dx > 0 { // horizontal movement
if writeMode || v.oy+cy < len(v.viewLines) {
if !v.Wrap {
v.ox = 0
v.cx = 0
} else { // vertical movement
if curLineWidth > 0 { // move cursor to the EOL
if v.Wrap {
v.cx = curLineWidth
} else {
ncx := curLineWidth - v.ox
if ncx < 0 {
v.ox += ncx
if v.ox < 0 {
v.ox = 0
v.cx = 0
} else {
v.cx = ncx
} else {
if writeMode || v.oy+cy < len(v.viewLines) {
if !v.Wrap {
v.ox = 0
v.cx = 0
} else if cx < 0 {
if !v.Wrap && v.ox > 0 { // move origin to the left
v.ox += cx
v.cx = 0
} else { // move to previous line
if prevLineWidth > 0 {
if !v.Wrap { // set origin so the EOL is visible
nox := prevLineWidth - maxX + 1
if nox < 0 {
v.ox = 0
} else {
v.ox = nox
v.cx = prevLineWidth
} else {
if !v.Wrap {
v.ox = 0
v.cx = 0
} else { // stay on the same line
if v.Wrap {
v.cx = cx
} else {
if cx >= maxX {
v.ox += cx - maxX + 1
v.cx = maxX
} else {
v.cx = cx
// adjust cursor's y position and view's y origin
if cy < 0 {
if v.oy > 0 {
} else if writeMode || v.oy+cy < len(v.viewLines) {
if cy >= maxY {
} else {
v.cy = cy
// writeRune writes a rune into the view's internal buffer, at the
// position corresponding to the point (x, y). The length of the internal
// buffer is increased if the point is out of bounds. Overwrite mode is
// governed by the value of View.overwrite.
func (v *View) writeRune(x, y int, ch rune) error {
v.tainted = true
x, y, err := v.realPosition(x, y)
if err != nil {
return err
if x < 0 || y < 0 {
return errors.New("invalid point")
if y >= len(v.lines) {
s := make([][]cell, y-len(v.lines)+1)
v.lines = append(v.lines, s...)
olen := len(v.lines[y])
var s []cell
if x >= len(v.lines[y]) {
s = make([]cell, x-len(v.lines[y])+1)
} else if !v.Overwrite {
s = make([]cell, 1)
v.lines[y] = append(v.lines[y], s...)
if !v.Overwrite || (v.Overwrite && x >= olen-1) {
copy(v.lines[y][x+1:], v.lines[y][x:])
v.lines[y][x] = cell{
fgColor: v.FgColor,
bgColor: v.BgColor,
chr: ch,
return nil
// deleteRune removes a rune from the view's internal buffer, at the
// position corresponding to the point (x, y).
func (v *View) deleteRune(x, y int) (ch rune, err error) {
v.tainted = true
x, y, err = v.realPosition(x, y)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if x < 0 || y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) || x >= len(v.lines[y]) {
return 0, errors.New("invalid point")
chx := v.lines[y][x]
v.lines[y] = append(v.lines[y][:x], v.lines[y][x+1:]...)
return chx.chr, nil
// mergeLines merges the lines "y" and "y+1" if possible.
func (v *View) mergeLines(y int) error {
v.tainted = true
_, y, err := v.realPosition(0, y)
if err != nil {
return err
if y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) {
return errors.New("invalid point")
if y < len(v.lines)-1 { // otherwise we don't need to merge anything
v.lines[y] = append(v.lines[y], v.lines[y+1]...)
v.lines = append(v.lines[:y+1], v.lines[y+2:]...)
return nil
// breakLine breaks a line of the internal buffer at the position corresponding
// to the point (x, y).
func (v *View) breakLine(x, y int) error {
v.tainted = true
x, y, err := v.realPosition(x, y)
if err != nil {
return err
if y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) {
return errors.New("invalid point")
var left, right []cell
if x < len(v.lines[y]) { // break line
left = make([]cell, len(v.lines[y][:x]))
copy(left, v.lines[y][:x])
right = make([]cell, len(v.lines[y][x:]))
copy(right, v.lines[y][x:])
} else { // new empty line
left = v.lines[y]
lines := make([][]cell, len(v.lines)+1)
lines[y] = left
lines[y+1] = right
copy(lines, v.lines[:y])
copy(lines[y+2:], v.lines[y+1:])
v.lines = lines
return nil
// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocui
import (
// A View is a window. It maintains its own internal buffer and cursor
// position.
type View struct {
name string
x0, y0, x1, y1 int
ox, oy int
cx, cy int
lines [][]cell
readOffset int
readCache string
tainted bool // marks if the viewBuffer must be updated
viewLines []viewLine // internal representation of the view's buffer
ei *escapeInterpreter // used to decode ESC sequences on Write
// BgColor and FgColor allow to configure the background and foreground
// colors of the View.
BgColor, FgColor Attribute
// SelBgColor and SelFgColor are used to configure the background and
// foreground colors of the selected line, when it is highlighted.
SelBgColor, SelFgColor Attribute
// If Editable is true, keystrokes will be added to the view's internal
// buffer at the cursor position.
Editable bool
// Editor allows to define the editor that manages the edition mode,
// including keybindings or cursor behaviour. DefaultEditor is used by
// default.
Editor Editor
// Overwrite enables or disables the overwrite mode of the view.
Overwrite bool
// If Highlight is true, Sel{Bg,Fg}Colors will be used
// for the line under the cursor position.
Highlight bool
// If Frame is true, a border will be drawn around the view.
Frame bool
// If Wrap is true, the content that is written to this View is
// automatically wrapped when it is longer than its width. If true the
// view's x-origin will be ignored.
Wrap bool
// If Autoscroll is true, the View will automatically scroll down when the
// text overflows. If true the view's y-origin will be ignored.
Autoscroll bool
// If Frame is true, Title allows to configure a title for the view.
Title string
// If Mask is true, the View will display the mask instead of the real
// content
Mask rune
type viewLine struct {
linesX, linesY int // coordinates relative to v.lines
line []cell
type cell struct {
chr rune
bgColor, fgColor Attribute
type lineType []cell
// String returns a string from a given cell slice.
func (l lineType) String() string {
str := ""
for _, c := range l {
str += string(c.chr)
return str
// newView returns a new View object.
func newView(name string, x0, y0, x1, y1 int, mode OutputMode) *View {
v := &View{
name: name,
x0: x0,
y0: y0,
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
Frame: true,
Editor: DefaultEditor,
tainted: true,
ei: newEscapeInterpreter(mode),
return v
// Size returns the number of visible columns and rows in the View.
func (v *View) Size() (x, y int) {
return v.x1 - v.x0 - 1, v.y1 - v.y0 - 1
// Name returns the name of the view.
func (v *View) Name() string {
return v.name
// setRune sets a rune at the given point relative to the view. It applies the
// specified colors, taking into account if the cell must be highlighted. Also,
// it checks if the position is valid.
func (v *View) setRune(x, y int, ch rune, fgColor, bgColor Attribute) error {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
if x < 0 || x >= maxX || y < 0 || y >= maxY {
return errors.New("invalid point")
var (
ry, rcy int
err error
if v.Highlight {
_, ry, err = v.realPosition(x, y)
if err != nil {
return err
_, rcy, err = v.realPosition(v.cx, v.cy)
if err != nil {
return err
if v.Mask != 0 {
fgColor = v.FgColor
bgColor = v.BgColor
ch = v.Mask
} else if v.Highlight && ry == rcy {
fgColor = v.SelFgColor
bgColor = v.SelBgColor
termbox.SetCell(v.x0+x+1, v.y0+y+1, ch,
termbox.Attribute(fgColor), termbox.Attribute(bgColor))
return nil
// SetCursor sets the cursor position of the view at the given point,
// relative to the view. It checks if the position is valid.
func (v *View) SetCursor(x, y int) error {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
if x < 0 || x >= maxX || y < 0 || y >= maxY {
return errors.New("invalid point")
v.cx = x
v.cy = y
return nil
// Cursor returns the cursor position of the view.
func (v *View) Cursor() (x, y int) {
return v.cx, v.cy
// SetOrigin sets the origin position of the view's internal buffer,
// so the buffer starts to be printed from this point, which means that
// it is linked with the origin point of view. It can be used to
// implement Horizontal and Vertical scrolling with just incrementing
// or decrementing ox and oy.
func (v *View) SetOrigin(x, y int) error {
if x < 0 || y < 0 {
return errors.New("invalid point")
v.ox = x
v.oy = y
return nil
// Origin returns the origin position of the view.
func (v *View) Origin() (x, y int) {
return v.ox, v.oy
// Write appends a byte slice into the view's internal buffer. Because
// View implements the io.Writer interface, it can be passed as parameter
// of functions like fmt.Fprintf, fmt.Fprintln, io.Copy, etc. Clear must
// be called to clear the view's buffer.
func (v *View) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
v.tainted = true
for _, ch := range bytes.Runes(p) {
switch ch {
case '\n':
v.lines = append(v.lines, nil)
case '\r':
nl := len(v.lines)
if nl > 0 {
v.lines[nl-1] = nil
} else {
v.lines = make([][]cell, 1)
cells := v.parseInput(ch)
if cells == nil {
nl := len(v.lines)
if nl > 0 {
v.lines[nl-1] = append(v.lines[nl-1], cells...)
} else {
v.lines = append(v.lines, cells)
return len(p), nil
// parseInput parses char by char the input written to the View. It returns nil
// while processing ESC sequences. Otherwise, it returns a cell slice that
// contains the processed data.
func (v *View) parseInput(ch rune) []cell {
cells := []cell{}
isEscape, err := v.ei.parseOne(ch)
if err != nil {
for _, r := range v.ei.runes() {
c := cell{
fgColor: v.FgColor,
bgColor: v.BgColor,
chr: r,
cells = append(cells, c)
} else {
if isEscape {
return nil
c := cell{
fgColor: v.ei.curFgColor,
bgColor: v.ei.curBgColor,
chr: ch,
cells = append(cells, c)
return cells
// Read reads data into p. It returns the number of bytes read into p.
// At EOF, err will be io.EOF. Calling Read() after Rewind() makes the
// cache to be refreshed with the contents of the view.
func (v *View) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if v.readOffset == 0 {
v.readCache = v.Buffer()
if v.readOffset < len(v.readCache) {
n = copy(p, v.readCache[v.readOffset:])
v.readOffset += n
} else {
err = io.EOF
// Rewind sets the offset for the next Read to 0, which also refresh the
// read cache.
func (v *View) Rewind() {
v.readOffset = 0
// draw re-draws the view's contents.
func (v *View) draw() error {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
if v.Wrap {
if maxX == 0 {
return errors.New("X size of the view cannot be 0")
v.ox = 0
if v.tainted {
v.viewLines = nil
for i, line := range v.lines {
if v.Wrap {
if len(line) < maxX {
vline := viewLine{linesX: 0, linesY: i, line: line}
v.viewLines = append(v.viewLines, vline)
} else {
for n := 0; n <= len(line); n += maxX {
if len(line[n:]) <= maxX {
vline := viewLine{linesX: n, linesY: i, line: line[n:]}
v.viewLines = append(v.viewLines, vline)
} else {
vline := viewLine{linesX: n, linesY: i, line: line[n : n+maxX]}
v.viewLines = append(v.viewLines, vline)
} else {
vline := viewLine{linesX: 0, linesY: i, line: line}
v.viewLines = append(v.viewLines, vline)
v.tainted = false
if v.Autoscroll && len(v.viewLines) > maxY {
v.oy = len(v.viewLines) - maxY
y := 0
for i, vline := range v.viewLines {
if i < v.oy {
if y >= maxY {
x := 0
for j, c := range vline.line {
if j < v.ox {
if x >= maxX {
fgColor := c.fgColor
if fgColor == ColorDefault {
fgColor = v.FgColor
bgColor := c.bgColor
if bgColor == ColorDefault {
bgColor = v.BgColor
if err := v.setRune(x, y, c.chr, fgColor, bgColor); err != nil {
return err
x += runewidth.RuneWidth(c.chr)
return nil
// realPosition returns the position in the internal buffer corresponding to the
// point (x, y) of the view.
func (v *View) realPosition(vx, vy int) (x, y int, err error) {
vx = v.ox + vx
vy = v.oy + vy
if vx < 0 || vy < 0 {
return 0, 0, errors.New("invalid point")
if len(v.viewLines) == 0 {
return vx, vy, nil
if vy < len(v.viewLines) {
vline := v.viewLines[vy]
x = vline.linesX + vx
y = vline.linesY
} else {
vline := v.viewLines[len(v.viewLines)-1]
x = vx
y = vline.linesY + vy - len(v.viewLines) + 1
return x, y, nil
// Clear empties the view's internal buffer.
func (v *View) Clear() {
v.tainted = true
v.lines = nil
v.viewLines = nil
v.readOffset = 0
// clearRunes erases all the cells in the view.
func (v *View) clearRunes() {
maxX, maxY := v.Size()
for x := 0; x < maxX; x++ {
for y := 0; y < maxY; y++ {
termbox.SetCell(v.x0+x+1, v.y0+y+1, ' ',
termbox.Attribute(v.FgColor), termbox.Attribute(v.BgColor))
// BufferLines returns the lines in the view's internal
// buffer.
func (v *View) BufferLines() []string {
lines := make([]string, len(v.lines))
for i, l := range v.lines {
str := lineType(l).String()
str = strings.Replace(str, "\x00", " ", -1)
lines[i] = str
return lines
// Buffer returns a string with the contents of the view's internal
// buffer.
func (v *View) Buffer() string {
str := ""
for _, l := range v.lines {
str += lineType(l).String() + "\n"
return strings.Replace(str, "\x00", " ", -1)
// ViewBufferLines returns the lines in the view's internal
// buffer that is shown to the user.
func (v *View) ViewBufferLines() []string {
lines := make([]string, len(v.viewLines))
for i, l := range v.viewLines {
str := lineType(l.line).String()
str = strings.Replace(str, "\x00", " ", -1)
lines[i] = str
return lines
// ViewBuffer returns a string with the contents of the view's buffer that is
// shown to the user.
func (v *View) ViewBuffer() string {
str := ""
for _, l := range v.viewLines {
str += lineType(l.line).String() + "\n"
return strings.Replace(str, "\x00", " ", -1)
// Line returns a string with the line of the view's internal buffer
// at the position corresponding to the point (x, y).
func (v *View) Line(y int) (string, error) {
_, y, err := v.realPosition(0, y)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) {
return "", errors.New("invalid point")
return lineType(v.lines[y]).String(), nil
// Word returns a string with the word of the view's internal buffer
// at the position corresponding to the point (x, y).
func (v *View) Word(x, y int) (string, error) {
x, y, err := v.realPosition(x, y)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if x < 0 || y < 0 || y >= len(v.lines) || x >= len(v.lines[y]) {
return "", errors.New("invalid point")
str := lineType(v.lines[y]).String()
nl := strings.LastIndexFunc(str[:x], indexFunc)
if nl == -1 {
nl = 0
} else {
nl = nl + 1
nr := strings.IndexFunc(str[x:], indexFunc)
if nr == -1 {
nr = len(str)
} else {
nr = nr + x
return string(str[nl:nr]), nil
// indexFunc allows to split lines by words taking into account spaces
// and 0.
func indexFunc(r rune) bool {
return r == ' ' || r == 0
......@@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ztf/ztf.exe src/ztf.go
GO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ztf/ztf-linux src/ztf.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ztf/ztf-mac src/ztf.go
cd ztf && zip -r ztf-win-2.0.RC.zip ztf.exe demo conf log
zip -r ztf-linux-2.0.RC.zip ztf-linux demo conf log
zip -r ztf-mac-2.0.RC.zip ztf-mac demo conf log
cd ztf
zip -r ztf-win-2.0.RC.zip ztf.exe demo conf log
cp -r ztf-linux ztf
zip -r ztf-linux-2.0.RC.zip ztf demo conf log
cp -r ztf-mac ztf
zip -r ztf-mac-2.0.RC.zip ztf demo conf log
rm ztf
cd ..
error_log(json_encode($_POST, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT));
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