提交 d8979177 编写于 作者: W wwccss

* add the support for multi language.

上级 495ea841
......@@ -40,6 +40,29 @@ $config->ansi->green = "\033[32m";
$config->ansi->yellow = "\033[33m";
$config->ansi->purple = "\033[35m";
/* Supportted languages. */
$config->langs['en']['label'] = 'English';
$config->langs['cn']['label'] = 'Chinese Simplified';
$config->langs['cn']['charsets']['gbk'] = 'GBK';
$config->langs['cn']['charsets']['utf-8'] = 'UTF-8';
/* Languages. */
$lang = new stdclass();
$lang->en = new stdclass();
$lang->cn = new stdclass();
$lang->en->foundScripts = "%s, found %s scripts.\n\n";
$lang->en->failedScripts = "\nFailed scripts:\n";
$lang->en->summary = "\n%s run %s scripts in %s seconds. ";
$lang->en->reportFile = "Report: %s\n";
$lang->cn->foundScripts = "%s, 共发现了%s个脚本。\n\n";
$lang->cn->failedScripts = "\n失败的用例:\n";
$lang->cn->summary = "\n%s 共执行了%s个用例,耗时%s秒. ";
$lang->cn->reportFile = "报表文件:%s\n";
/* Run testing. */
zentaotest::run(isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : './');
......@@ -54,6 +77,14 @@ class zentaotest
public $config;
* The language object.
* @var int
* @access public
public $lang;
* The os type.
......@@ -196,6 +227,7 @@ class zentaotest
......@@ -273,7 +305,6 @@ class zentaotest
$this->home = getenv('HOME') . DS;
......@@ -315,6 +346,68 @@ class zentaotest
file_put_contents($this->profile, json_encode($this->settings));
* Set language.
* @access public
* @return void
public function setLang()
$langs = array_keys($this->config->langs);
echo "Please select your favorite language:\n";
$i = 1;
foreach($this->config->langs as $lang)
echo "($i) $lang[label]\n";
$i ++;
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
$langCode = isset($langs[$input - 1]) ? $langs[$input - 1] : '';
if(!$langCode) continue;
$lang = $this->config->langs[$langCode];
$charset = 'utf-8';
$charsets = array_keys($lang['charsets']);
echo "Please select charset:\n";
$i = 1;
foreach($lang['charsets'] as $charset)
echo "($i) $charset\n";
$i ++;
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
$charset = isset($charsets[$input - 1]) ? $charsets[$input - 1] : '';
if(!$charset) continue;
/* Update the settings. */
$this->settings->lang = $langCode;
$this->settings->charset = $charset;
global $lang;
$this->lang = $lang->{$this->settings->lang};
* Set current working directory.
......@@ -345,7 +438,7 @@ class zentaotest
public function setReportFile()
$this->reportFile = $this->temp . DS . date('Ymd.Hi') . '.log';
$this->reportFile = $this->temp . date('Ymd.Hi') . '.log';
......@@ -498,7 +591,7 @@ class zentaotest
public function printTotal()
$totalInfo = date('n/j G:i:s') . " found " . $this->colorString(count($this->scripts), $this->config->ansi->yellow) . " scripts.\n\n";
$totalInfo = sprintf($this->processLang($this->lang->foundScripts), date('n/j G:i:s'), $this->colorString(count($this->scripts), $this->config->ansi->yellow));
(print($totalInfo)) && $this->reportInfo .= $totalInfo;
......@@ -814,7 +907,7 @@ class zentaotest
/* Print info of failed scripts. */
$failedInfo = "\nFailed scripts:\n";
$failedInfo = $this->processLang($this->lang->failedScripts);
(print($failedInfo)) && $this->reportInfo .= $failedInfo;
foreach($this->failedScripts as $script)
......@@ -834,8 +927,10 @@ class zentaotest
public function printSummary()
$summary = "\n" . date("n/j G:i:s") . ' run ' . $this->colorString(count($this->scripts), $this->config->ansi->yellow) . ' scripts ';
$summary .= "in " . round($this->end - $this->begin, 2) . 's. ';
$now = date("n/j G:i:s");
$scripts = $this->colorString(count($this->scripts), $this->config->ansi->yellow);
$seconds = round($this->end - $this->begin, 2);
$summary = sprintf($this->processLang($this->lang->summary), $now, $scripts, $seconds);
$passRate = '(' . round($this->results['pass'] / count($this->scripts), 3) * 100 . '%' . ')';
$failRate = '(' . round($this->results['fail'] / count($this->scripts), 3) * 100 . '%' . ')';
......@@ -872,7 +967,7 @@ class zentaotest
file_put_contents($this->reportFile, $this->removeColor($this->reportInfo));
echo 'Report: ' . $this->colorString($this->reportFile, $this->config->ansi->yellow) . " .\n";
printf($this->processLang($this->lang->reportFile), $this->colorString($this->reportFile, $this->config->ansi->yellow));
......@@ -919,9 +1014,17 @@ class zentaotest
return str_replace("\r", '', $string);
public function printIconv($string)
* Process lang item, if the charset is not utf-8, convert it.
* @param string $string
* @access public
* @return string
public function processLang($string)
echo iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $string);
if(!function_exists('iconv') or $this->settings->charset == 'utf-8') return $string;
return iconv('utf-8', $this->settings->charset, $string);
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