提交 59ce5cca 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

support Playwright and Puppeteer

上级 f76f2f89
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ export const unitTestTypesDef = [
label: 'GTest',
value: 'gtest',
cmd: 'ztf gtest -p product_id ./build/bin/unit_tests --gtest_output=xml:testresults.xml',
cmd: 'ztf gtest -p product_id ./build/bin/unit_tests --gtest_output=xml:testresults.xml',
label: 'QTest',
......@@ -114,22 +114,22 @@ export const unitTestTypesDef = [
label: 'CppUnit',
value: 'cppunit',
cmd: ' ztf cppunit -p product_id ./MathTest',
cmd: 'ztf cppunit -p product_id ./MathTest',
label: 'Cypress',
value: 'cypress',
cmd: ' ztf cypress -p product_id --verbose yarn cypress:run --spec "cypress/integration/test/baidu.spec.js" --reporter junit --reporter-options "mochaFile=results/test_output.xml,toConsole=true"',
cmd: 'ztf cypress -p product_id --verbose yarn cypress:run --spec "cypress/integration/test/baidu.spec.js" --reporter junit --reporter-options "mochaFile=results/test_output.xml,toConsole=true"',
label: 'Playwright',
value: 'playwright',
cmd: ' ztf playwright -p product_id PLAYWRIGHT_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME=testresults.xml npx playwright test --project=chromium --headed --reporter=junit',
cmd: 'ztf playwright -p product_id PLAYWRIGHT_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME=results/testresults.xml npx playwright test --project=chromium --headed --reporter=junit',
label: 'Puppeteer',
value: 'puppeteer',
cmd: ' ztf puppeteer -p product_id mocha tests/example.js --reporter xunit --reporter-options output=results/testresults.xml -t 30000',
cmd: 'ztf puppeteer -p product_id mocha tests/example.js --reporter xunit --reporter-options output=results/testresults.xml -t 30000',
......@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ export const testToolMap = {
robotframework: 'RobotFramework',
cypress: 'Cypress',
playwright: 'Playwright',
puppeteer: 'Puppeteer',
autoit: 'AutoIt',
selenium: 'Selenium',
appium: 'Appium',
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