提交 53e457fd 编写于 作者: W wwccss

* rewrite the synatx.

上级 feb20660
......@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$config = new stdclass();
$config->timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai';
$config->skipfiles = 'exe,dll,gif,jpg,png,bmp';
$config->casePrefix = 'TC';
$config->casePostfix = 'TC';
/* Ansi control codes. */
$config->ansi = new stdclass();
......@@ -492,12 +490,8 @@ class zentaotest
$interpreter = strtolower(pathinfo($script, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if($interpreter and strpos($this->config->skipfiles, $interpreter) !== false) continue;
/* Has TC_BEGIN in the script, save it. */
if(strpos(file_get_contents($script), $this->config->casePrefix) !== false)
$this->scripts[] = realpath($script);
if($interpreter) $this->interpreters[$interpreter] = $interpreter;
$this->scripts[] = realpath($script);
if($interpreter) $this->interpreters[$interpreter] = $interpreter;
......@@ -616,47 +610,15 @@ class zentaotest
$begin = microtime(true);
$this->current->time = microtime(true) - $begin;
* Parse the script to extract the case definations.
* @param string $script
* @access public
* @return void
public function parseScript($script)
/* Extract the yaml defination. */
$contents = trim(file_get_contents($script));
$begin = strpos($contents, $this->config->casePrefix) + strlen($this->config->casePrefix);
$end = strpos($contents, $this->config->casePostfix);
$yaml = substr($contents, $begin, $end - $begin);
/* Parse the yaml. */
$this->current = (object)spyc::yamlLoadString($yaml);
/* Set the default value of expect. */
if(!isset($this->current->expect)) $this->current->expect = '';
/* Append the script file name and interpreter. */
$this->current = new stdclass();
$this->current->script = $script;
$this->current->interpreter = pathinfo($script, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
/* Check whether the expect file exists. */
$path = pathinfo($script);
$expectFile = str_replace($path['basename'], '.' . $path['basename'], $script);
$expectFile = str_replace('.'. $path['extension'], '.et', $expectFile);
if(is_file($expectFile)) return $this->current->expect = trim($this->dos2unix(file_get_contents($expectFile)));
$this->current->interpreter = pathinfo($script, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
/* Check whether the expectx file exists. */
$expectxFile = str_replace('.et', '.ex', $expectFile);
if(is_file($expectxFile)) return $this->current->expectx = trim($this->dos2unix(file_get_contents($expectxFile)));
$this->current->time = microtime(true) - $begin;
......@@ -709,55 +671,110 @@ class zentaotest
* Compute the result by comparing the expect and output.
* Parse the output into yaml format and ste title, steps to current script object.
* @access public
* @return void
public function parseOutput()
$output = (object)spyc::yamlLoadString($this->current->output);
$this->current->title = $output->title;
$this->current->steps = $output->steps;
* Compute the result of current case.
* @access public
* @return void
public function computeCaseResult()
/* First to check the case skip or not. */
if(strpos($this->current->output, 'skip') !== false)
$this->current->result = 'skip';
$this->results['skip'] ++;
return true;
$diff = '';
$result = 'pass';
/* Compute result of every step. */
foreach($this->current->steps as $step)
$step = (object)$step;
if($step->result == 'fail')
$result = 'fail';
if($result == 'fail')
$this->current->result = 'fail';
$this->results['fail'] ++;
$this->failedScripts[] = $this->current;
return false;
$this->current->result = 'pass';
$this->results['pass'] ++;
return true;
* Compute result of a step by comparing the expect and output of every step.
* @access public
* @return void
public function computeResult()
public function computeStepResult($step)
if(!isset($step->expect)) $step->expect = '';
/* If the output is skip, skip this script. */
if($this->current->output == 'skip')
if($step->output == 'skip')
$this->current->result = 'skip';
$this->results['skip'] ++;
$step->result = 'skip';
return true;
/* First try to compare the expect and output. */
if(strcmp($this->current->expect, $this->current->output) === 0)
if(strcmp($step->expect, $step->output) === 0)
$this->current->result = 'pass';
$this->results['pass'] ++;
$step->result = 'pass';
return true;
/* Then try to get regular from expectx or try convert format chars in expect field.. */
$regulars = '';
$regulars = $this->current->expectx;
$regulars = $step->expectx;
elseif(strpos($this->current->expect, '%') !== false)
elseif(strpos($step->expect, '%') !== false)
$expect = $this->convertFormat2REG($this->current->expect);
if($expect != $this->current->expect) $regulars = $expect;
$expect = $this->convertFormat2REG($step->expect);
if($expect != $step->expect) $regulars = $expect;
/* No regulars found, fail. */
$this->current->result = 'fail';
$this->current->diff = $this->diff($this->current->expect, $this->current->output) . "\n";
$this->failedScripts[] = $this->current;
$this->results['fail'] ++;
$step->result = 'fail';
$step->diff = $this->diff($step->expect, $step->output) . "\n";
return false;
/* Compare the results by regular. */
$regulars = explode("\n", $regulars);
$output = explode("\n", $this->current->output);
$output = explode("\n", $step->output);
foreach($regulars as $line => $regular)
if(isset($output[$line]) and preg_match("/^$regular$/s", $output[$line])) $regulars[$line] = $output[$line];
......@@ -765,19 +782,16 @@ class zentaotest
if($regulars == $output)
$this->current->result = 'pass';
$this->results['pass'] ++;
$step->result = 'pass';
return true;
if(isset($this->current->expectx)) $diff = $this->diff(join("\n", $regulars), join("\n", $output));
if(!isset($this->current->expectx)) $diff = $this->diff($this->current->expect, $this->current->output);
if(isset($step->expectx)) $diff = $this->diff(join("\n", $regulars), join("\n", $output));
if(!isset($step->expectx)) $diff = $this->diff($step->expect, $step->output);
$this->current->result = 'fail';
$this->current->diff = $diff;
$this->failedScripts[] = $this->current;
$this->results['fail'] ++;
$step->result = 'fail';
$step->diff = $diff;
return false;
......@@ -964,10 +978,19 @@ class zentaotest
$this->reportInfo .= "\n";
foreach($this->failedScripts as $script)
$expect = isset($script->expectx) ? $script->expectx : $script->expect;
$script->expect = '';
$script->output = '';
foreach($script->steps as $step)
$step = (object)$step;
$script->expect .= (isset($step->expectx) ? $step->expectx : $step->expect) . "\n";
$script->output .= $step->output . "\n";
$script->diff = $this->diff($script->expect, $script->output);
$this->reportInfo .= "\n{{===\nfailed $script->script <$script->title>}}\n";
$this->reportInfo .= "[expect]\n$expect\n\n";
$this->reportInfo .= "[output]\n$script->output\n\n";
$this->reportInfo .= "[expect]\n$script->expect\n";
$this->reportInfo .= "[output]\n$script->output\n";
$this->reportInfo .= "[diff]\n$script->diff";
$this->reportInfo .= "\n===}}\n";
......@@ -1034,7 +1057,6 @@ class zentaotest
return str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $string);
* Process lang item, if the charset is not utf-8, convert it.
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