提交 44bf02c1 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ version: 1.0
field: number
note: 数值类型数据
range: 100-199
prefix: "'"
postfix: "'"
loop: 2
loopfix: ","
\ No newline at end of file
loopfix: ","
prefix: "'"
postfix: "'"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -71,4 +71,8 @@ fields:
- field: field_use_instance # 引用其他的定义文件,该文件定义了多个实例。
from: system.ip.v1.yaml # 引用data/system/ip/v1.yaml
use: privateC # 使用该文件中定义的privateC和privateB两个实例。
postfix: "\t"
postfix: "==="
- field: field_use_another_file # 可以引用其他的定义文件。
config: number.yaml # 引用当前目录下面的number.yaml文件里面的定义。
postfix: "==="
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,30 +4,30 @@ author: zentao
version: 1.0
- field: field_use_instance # 引用default.xml里的嵌套字段
prefix: "[" # 复写前缀
postfix: "]" # 特殊字符加引号,否则无法解析
- field: field_use_instance
prefix: ""
postfix: "]"
- field: field_use_excel
prefix: " [" # 复写前缀
postfix: "] " # 特殊字符加引号,否则无法解析
prefix: " ["
postfix: "]==== "
- field: field_with_children
prefix: " [" # 复写前缀
postfix: "] " # 特殊字符加引号,否则无法解析
prefix: " ["
postfix: "] "
- field: field_loop # 引用default.xml里的自循环的字段
prefix: "[" # 复写前缀
postfix: "]" # 特殊字符加引号,否则无法解析
- field: field_loop
prefix: "["
postfix: "]"
- field: field_nested_range # 引用的range使用多层嵌套的use定义
from: custom.number.v1.yaml # 引用data/system/misc/number.yaml
use: all # 使用该文件中定义的privateC和privateB两个实例。
prefix: "[" # 复写前缀
postfix: "]" # 特殊字符加引号,否则无法解析
- field: field_nested_range
from: custom.test.number.v1.yaml
use: all
prefix: "["
postfix: "]"
- field: field_nested_refer # 引用的instance使用多层嵌套的use定义
from: _test.ip.private.yaml
- field: field_nested_refer
from: custom.ip.private.yaml
use: all
prefix: "["
postfix: "]"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -120,6 +120,14 @@
"id": "analyse_success",
"translation": "Success to decode data to %s."
"id": "miss_table_name",
"translation": "Parameter 'table' is needed to generate sql format output."
"id": "fail_to_generate_field",
"translation": "Fail to generate data for filed '%s'."
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ fields:
postfix: "\t"
- field: field_use_ranges # Other definition file can be referred, in which more than one ranges are defined.
from: custom.number.v1.yaml # Refer to the ranges in data/custom/number/v1.yaml.
from: custom.test.number.v1.yaml # Refer to the ranges in data/custom/number/v1.yaml.
use: medium # use medium range.
postfix: "\t"
zendata is a generic data generator. You can use YAML file to define the data format and use zendata to create it.
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"id": "start_server",
"translation": "zendata http服务已经成功运行,按CTRL+C键出。\n您可以通过http://%s:%s地址来调用,比如:\ncurl http://%s:%s/?config=demo/default.yaml&F=field_common&lines=10。"
"translation": "zendata http服务已经成功运行,按CTRL+C键退出。\n您可以通过http://%s:%s地址来调用,比如:\ncurl http://%s:%s/?config=demo/default.yaml&F=field_common&lines=10。"
"id": "server_request",
......@@ -111,6 +111,14 @@
"id": "analyse_success",
"translation": "成功解析数据到%s."
"id": "miss_table_name",
"translation": "以sql格式输出时,需要指定table参数。"
"id": "fail_to_generate_field",
"translation": "为Field %s生成数据失败。"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ fields:
postfix: "\t"
- field: field_use_ranges # 引用內置的定义文件,该文件定义了多个range,他们共享了一些field层面的属性。
from: custom.number.v1.yaml # 引用data/custom/number/v1.yaml文件里面的ranges定义。
from: custom.test.number.v1.yaml # 引用data/custom/number/v1.yaml文件里面的ranges定义。
use: medium # 使用该文件中定义的medium分组。
postfix: "\t"
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
logUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/log"
stringUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/string"
......@@ -38,13 +39,16 @@ func Generate(defaultFile string, configFile string, total int, fieldsToExportSt
vari.Total = total
rows, colIsNumArr := gen.GenerateForDefinition(defaultFile, configFile, &fieldsToExport, total)
rows, colIsNumArr, err := gen.GenerateForDefinition(defaultFile, configFile, &fieldsToExport, total)
if err != nil {
Print(rows, format, table, colIsNumArr, fieldsToExport)
entTime := time.Now().Unix()
if vari.RunMode == constant.RunModeServerRequest {
logUtils.PrintTo(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("server_response", len(rows), entTime - startTime))
//if vari.RunMode == constant.RunModeServerRequest {
logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("server_response", len(rows), entTime - startTime), color.FgCyan)
func Print(rows [][]string, format string, table string, colIsNumArr []bool, fields []string) {
......@@ -130,8 +134,6 @@ func RowToJson(cols []string, fieldsToExport []string) string {
return respJson
func genSqlLine(valuesForSql string, i int, length int) string {
temp := ""
......@@ -226,6 +228,18 @@ func getValForPlaceholder(placeholderStr string, count int) []string {
return strs
func PrintErrMsg(msg string) {
//if vari.RunMode == constant.RunModeServerRequest {
// mp := map[string]string{}
// mp["msg"] = msg
// json, _ := json.Marshal(mp)
// PrintToHttp(string(json))
//} else {
logUtils.PrintToWithColor(msg, color.FgCyan)
func printLine(line string) {
if FileWriter != nil {
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func ParseSql(file string, out string) {
content := string(bytes)
if out != "" {
out = fileUtils.UpdateDir(out)
out = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(out)
outFile := out + tableName + ".yaml"
WriteToFile(outFile, content)
} else {
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
i118Utils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/i118"
logUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/log"
......@@ -16,36 +17,38 @@ func LoadConfigDef(defaultFile, configFile string, fieldsToExport *[]string) mod
configDef := model.DefData{}
// load defaultDef
path := vari.ExeDir + defaultFile
if defaultFile != "" {
defaultContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(defaultFile)
defaultContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
defaultContent = ReplaceSpecialChars(defaultContent)
if err != nil {
logUtils.PrintTo(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_read_file", defaultFile))
logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_read_file", path), color.FgCyan)
return defaultDef
err = yaml.Unmarshal(defaultContent, &defaultDef)
if err != nil {
logUtils.PrintTo(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_read_file", defaultFile))
logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_read_file", path), color.FgCyan)
return defaultDef
// load configDef
yamlContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)
path = vari.ExeDir + configFile
yamlContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
yamlContent = ReplaceSpecialChars(yamlContent)
if err != nil {
logUtils.PrintTo(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_read_file", configFile))
logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_read_file", path), color.FgCyan)
return configDef
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlContent, &configDef)
if err != nil {
logUtils.PrintTo(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_parse_file", configFile))
logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_parse_file", path), color.FgCyan)
return configDef
// use all fields as default
// use all fields from default
if len(*fieldsToExport) == 0 {
for _, field := range configDef.Fields {
for _, field := range defaultDef.Fields {
*fieldsToExport = append(*fieldsToExport, field.Field)
......@@ -69,11 +72,10 @@ func mergerDefine(defaultDef, configDef *model.DefData) {
sortedKeys := make([]string, 0)
for i := range defaultDef.Fields {
CreatePathToFieldMap(&defaultDef.Fields[i], defaultFieldMap, nil)
CreatePathToFieldMap(&defaultDef.Fields[i], defaultFieldMap, &sortedKeys)
for i := range configDef.Fields {
CreatePathToFieldMap(&configDef.Fields[i], configFieldMap, &sortedKeys)
CreatePathToFieldMap(&configDef.Fields[i], configFieldMap, nil)
// overwrite
......@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ func mergerDefine(defaultDef, configDef *model.DefData) {
// append
for _, key := range sortedKeys {
field := configFieldMap[key]
if strings.Index(field.Path, "~~") > -1 { continue } // ignore no-top fields
if field == nil || strings.Index(field.Path, "~~") > -1 { continue } // ignore no-top fields
_, exist := defaultFieldMap[field.Path]
if !exist {
......@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ func ConvertExcelToSQLiteIfNeeded(dbName string, path string) {
for _, sheet := range excel.GetSheetList() {
rows, err := excel.GetRows(sheet)
if len(rows) == 0 {
dropTemplate := `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;`
ddlTemplate := `CREATE TABLE %s (
package gen
import (
fileUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/file"
i118Utils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/i118"
logUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/log"
stringUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/string"
func GenerateForDefinition(defaultFile, configFile string, fieldsToExport *[]string, total int) ([][]string, []bool) {
func GenerateForDefinition(defaultFile, configFile string, fieldsToExport *[]string,
total int) (rows [][]string, colIsNumArr []bool, err error) {
vari.DefaultDir = fileUtils.GetAbsDir(defaultFile)
vari.ConfigDir = fileUtils.GetAbsDir(configFile)
vari.Def = LoadConfigDef(defaultFile, configFile, fieldsToExport)
if len(vari.Def.Fields) == 0 {
err = errors.New("")
vari.Res = LoadResDef(*fieldsToExport)
topFieldNameToValuesMap := map[string][]string{}
colIsNumArr := make([]bool, 0)
// 为每个field生成值列表
for index, field := range vari.Def.Fields {
......@@ -44,9 +53,9 @@ func GenerateForDefinition(defaultFile, configFile string, fieldsToExport *[]str
childValues := topFieldNameToValuesMap[child.Field]
arrOfArr = append(arrOfArr, childValues)
rows = putChildrenToArr(arrOfArr, total)
rows := putChildrenToArr(arrOfArr, total)
return rows, colIsNumArr
func GenerateForField(field *model.DefField, total int, withFix bool) (values []string) {
......@@ -87,10 +96,12 @@ func GenerateForField(field *model.DefField, total int, withFix bool) (values []
values = LoopSubFields(field, values, total, true)
} else if field.Config != "" { // refer to another define
} else if field.Config != "" { // refer to config
groupValues := vari.Res[field.Config]
values = append(values, groupValues["all"]...)
values = LoopSubFields(field, values, total, true)
} else { // leaf field
values = GenerateFieldItemsFromDefinition(field)
......@@ -195,7 +206,10 @@ func GenerateFieldValWithFix(field *model.DefField, fieldValue model.FieldWithVa
loopStr = loopStr + field.Loopfix
str := GenerateFieldVal(*field, fieldValue, indexOfRow)
str, err := GenerateFieldVal(*field, fieldValue, indexOfRow)
if err != nil {
str = "N/A"
loopStr = loopStr + str
......@@ -217,8 +231,14 @@ func GenerateFieldValWithFix(field *model.DefField, fieldValue model.FieldWithVa
func GenerateFieldVal(field model.DefField, fieldValue model.FieldWithValues, index *int) (val string) {
func GenerateFieldVal(field model.DefField, fieldValue model.FieldWithValues, index *int) (val string, err error) {
// 叶节点
if len(fieldValue.Values) == 0 {
logUtils.PrintToWithColor(i118Utils.I118Prt.Sprintf("fail_to_generate_field", field.Field), color.FgCyan)
err = errors.New("")
idx := *index % len(fieldValue.Values)
str := fieldValue.Values[idx]
val = GetFieldValStr(field, str)
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
......@@ -46,12 +45,10 @@ func getResProp(from string) (string, string) { // from resource
resFile := ""
resType := ""
sep := string(os.PathSeparator)
index := strings.LastIndex(from, ".yaml")
if index > -1 { // yaml, system.ip.v1.yaml
left := from[:index]
left = strings.ReplaceAll(left, ".", sep)
left = strings.ReplaceAll(left, ".", constant.PthSep)
resFile = left + ".yaml"
resType = "yaml"
......@@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ func getResProp(from string) (string, string) { // from resource
index = strings.LastIndex(from, ".")
left := from[:index]
left = strings.ReplaceAll(left, ".", sep)
left = strings.ReplaceAll(left, ".", constant.PthSep)
resFile = left + ".xlsx"
resType = "excel"
......@@ -72,10 +69,10 @@ func getResProp(from string) (string, string) { // from resource
if !filepath.IsAbs(resPath) {
resPath = vari.ConfigDir + resFile
if !fileUtils.FileExist(resPath) { // res in the same folder with passed config file
if !fileUtils.FileExist(resPath) { // in same folder with passed config file
resPath = vari.ExeDir + constant.ResDir + resFile
if !fileUtils.FileExist(resPath) { // res in res file
if !fileUtils.FileExist(resPath) { // in res file
resPath = ""
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
......@@ -20,74 +19,83 @@ const (
func ListRes() {
res := map[string][size]string{}
path := vari.ExeDir + "data" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "system"
res := map[string][][size]string{}
path := vari.ExeDir + "data"
GetFilesAndDirs(path, &res)
msg := ""
names := make([]string, 0)
nameWidth := 0
titleWidth := 0
for key, arr := range res {
path := arr[0]
if key == "yaml" {
arr[2], arr[3] = readYamlInfo(path)
} else if key == "excel" {
arr[2], arr[3] = readExcelInfo(path)
for key, arrOfArr := range res {
for index, arr := range arrOfArr {
path := arr[0]
if key == "yaml" {
arr[2], arr[3] = readYamlInfo(path)
} else if key == "excel" {
arr[2], arr[3] = readExcelInfo(path)
res[key] = arr
name := pathToName(arr[1])
names = append(names, name)
lent := runewidth.StringWidth(name)
if lent > nameWidth {
nameWidth = lent
res[key][index] = arr
name := pathToName(arr[1])
names = append(names, name)
lent := runewidth.StringWidth(name)
if lent > nameWidth {
nameWidth = lent
if key == "excel" {
sheets := strings.Split(arr[2], "|")
for _, sheet := range sheets {
lent2 := runewidth.StringWidth(sheet)
if key == "excel" {
sheets := strings.Split(arr[2], "|")
for _, sheet := range sheets {
lent2 := runewidth.StringWidth(sheet)
if lent2 > titleWidth {
titleWidth = lent2
} else {
lent2 := runewidth.StringWidth(arr[2])
if lent2 > titleWidth {
titleWidth = lent2
} else {
lent2 := runewidth.StringWidth(arr[2])
if lent2 > titleWidth {
titleWidth = lent2
sysMsg := ""
customMsg := ""
idx := 0
for _, arr := range res {
name := names[idx]
for _, arrOfArr := range res {
for _, arr := range arrOfArr {
name := names[idx]
titleStr := arr[2]
titles := strings.Split(titleStr, "|")
titleStr := arr[2]
titles := strings.Split(titleStr, "|")
idx2 := 0
for _, title := range titles {
if idx2 > 0 {
name = ""
name = name + strings.Repeat(" ", nameWidth - runewidth.StringWidth(name))
idx2 := 0
for _, title := range titles {
if idx2 > 0 {
name = ""
name = name + strings.Repeat(" ", nameWidth - runewidth.StringWidth(name))
title = title + strings.Repeat(" ", titleWidth - runewidth.StringWidth(title))
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s\n", name, title, arr[3])
if strings.Index(name, "system") > -1 {
sysMsg = sysMsg + msg
} else {
customMsg = sysMsg + msg
title = title + strings.Repeat(" ", titleWidth - runewidth.StringWidth(title))
msg = msg + fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s\n", name, title, arr[3])
logUtils.PrintTo(sysMsg + "\n" + customMsg)
func GetFilesAndDirs(path string, res *map[string][size]string) {
func GetFilesAndDirs(path string, res *map[string][][size]string) {
dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
......@@ -101,12 +109,16 @@ func GetFilesAndDirs(path string, res *map[string][size]string) {
arr := [size]string{}
if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".yaml") {
arr[0] = path + constant.PthSep + name
arr[1] = path[strings.LastIndex(path, "system"):] + constant.PthSep + name
(*res)["yaml"] = arr
arr[1] = path[strings.LastIndex(path, "data"):] + constant.PthSep + name
arr[1] = strings.Trim(arr[1], "data"+constant.PthSep)
(*res)["yaml"] = append((*res)["yaml"], arr)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".xlsx") {
arr[0] = path + constant.PthSep + name
arr[1] = path[strings.LastIndex(path, "system"):] + constant.PthSep + name
(*res)["excel"] = arr
arr[1] = path[strings.LastIndex(path, "data"):] + constant.PthSep + name
arr[1] = strings.Trim(arr[1], "data"+constant.PthSep)
(*res)["excel"] = append((*res)["excel"], arr)
......@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ import (
func ParseRequestParams(req *http.Request) (root, defaultFile, yamlFile, fields string, count int,
func ParseRequestParams(req *http.Request) (defaultFile, yamlFile, fields string, count int,
human string, format, table string, decode bool, input, output string) {
query := req.URL.Query()
root = GetRequestParams(query,"root", "R")
defaultFile = GetRequestParams(query,"default", "d")
yamlFile = GetRequestParams(query,"config", "c")
countStr := GetRequestParams(query,"lines", "n")
if countStr == "" {
countStr = "10"
count, _ = strconv.Atoi(countStr)
fields = GetRequestParams(query,"field", "F")
package fileUtils
import (
commonUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/common"
constant "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/const"
......@@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ func AbosutePath(pth string) string {
pth, _ = filepath.Abs(pth)
pth = UpdateDir(pth)
pth = AddSepIfNeeded(pth)
return pth
......@@ -91,7 +88,7 @@ func IsAbosutePath(pth string) bool {
strings.Index(pth, ":") == 1 // windows
func UpdateDir(pth string) string {
func AddSepIfNeeded(pth string) string {
sepa := string(os.PathSeparator)
if strings.LastIndex(pth, sepa) < len(pth)-1 {
......@@ -100,28 +97,6 @@ func UpdateDir(pth string) string {
return pth
func GetFilesFromParams(arguments []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, 0)
for _, arg := range arguments {
if strings.Index(arg, "-") != 0 {
if arg == "." {
arg = AbosutePath(".")
} else if strings.Index(arg, "."+string(os.PathSeparator)) == 0 {
arg = AbosutePath(".") + arg[2:]
} else if !IsAbosutePath(arg) {
arg = AbosutePath(".") + arg
ret = append(ret, arg)
} else {
return ret
func ReadResData(path string) string {
isRelease := commonUtils.IsRelease()
......@@ -151,53 +126,20 @@ func GetExeDir() string { // where zd.exe file in
dir, _ = filepath.Abs(dir)
dir = UpdateDir(dir)
dir = AddSepIfNeeded(dir)
//fmt.Printf("Debug: Launch %s in %s \n", arg1, dir)
return dir
func GetWorkDir() string { // where run command in
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
dir, _ = filepath.Abs(dir)
dir = UpdateDir(dir)
return dir
func getLogNumb(numb int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%03s", strconv.Itoa(numb))
func CopyFile(src, dst string) (int64, error) {
sourceFileStat, err := os.Stat(src)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !sourceFileStat.Mode().IsRegular() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a regular file", src)
source, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer source.Close()
destination, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer destination.Close()
nBytes, err := io.Copy(destination, source)
return nBytes, err
func GetAbsDir(path string) string {
abs, _ := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(path))
abs = UpdateDir(abs)
abs := ""
if !IsAbosutePath(path) {
path = vari.ExeDir + path
abs, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(path))
abs = AddSepIfNeeded(abs)
return abs
......@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ func main() {
flagSet.StringVar(&output, "o", "", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&output, "output", "", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&table, "t", "table_name", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&table, "table", "table_name", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&table, "t", "", "")
flagSet.StringVar(&table, "table", "", "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&listRes, "l", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&listRes, "list", false, "")
......@@ -159,6 +159,16 @@ func main() {
func toGen() {
if vari.RunMode == constant.RunModeServer {
if root != "" {
if fileUtils.IsAbosutePath(root) {
vari.ExeDir = root
} else {
vari.ExeDir = vari.ExeDir + root
vari.ExeDir = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(vari.ExeDir)
constant.SqliteSource = strings.Replace(constant.SqliteSource, "file:", "file:" + vari.ExeDir, 1)
} else if vari.RunMode == constant.RunModeServerRequest {
format = constant.FormatJson
......@@ -166,9 +176,6 @@ func toGen() {
} else if vari.RunMode == constant.RunModeParse {
action.ParseSql(input, output)
} else if vari.RunMode == constant.RunModeGen {
if root != "" {
vari.ExeDir = root
if vari.HeadSep != "" {
vari.WithHead = true
......@@ -187,6 +194,11 @@ func toGen() {
if format == constant.FormatSql && table == "" {
action.Generate(defaultFile, configFile, count, fields, output, format, table)
......@@ -210,7 +222,7 @@ func StartServer() {
func DataHandler(writer http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
action.HttpWriter = writer
root, defaultFile, configFile, fields, count, vari.HeadSep,
defaultFile, configFile, fields, count, vari.HeadSep,
format, table, decode, input, output = service.ParseRequestParams(req)
if decode {
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