提交 2b521bc1 编写于 作者: 祝玉林

feat: time step format extend

The time step format has been expanded from only supporting second(s)
to supporting year(Y),month(M),day(D),week(w),hour(h),minute(m),second(s)
上级 a7d0d83d
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func createTimestampSectionValue(section string, values *[]interface{}) {
desc, step := parseTsSection(section)
start, end := parseTsDesc(desc)
if step > 0 && start > end {
if (step > 0 && start > end) || (step < 0 && start < end) {
step *= -1
......@@ -77,12 +77,23 @@ func parseTsSection(section string) (desc string, step int) {
sectionArr := strings.Split(section, ":")
desc = sectionArr[0]
step = 1
units := []string{"Y", "M", "D", "w", "h", "m", "s"}
if len(sectionArr) > 1 {
stepStr := sectionArr[1]
stepTemp, err := strconv.Atoi(stepStr)
if err == nil {
step = stepTemp
if len(stepStr) <= 0 {
if !strings.HasPrefix(stepStr, "+") && !strings.HasPrefix(stepStr, "-") {
stepStr = "+" + stepStr
unit := string(stepStr[len(stepStr)-1])
found, _ := stringUtils.FindInArr(unit, units)
if !found {
stepStr += "s"
stepTemp := increment(0, stepStr)
if step != 0 {
step = int(stepTemp)
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