article.go 8.5 KB
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package service

import (
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5 6 7
	constant ""
	fileUtils ""
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	stringUtils ""
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
	_ ""

const (
	strLeft = "“"
	strRight = "”"

	expLeft = "("
	expRight = ")"

	table = "words.v1"
var (
	compares = []string{"=", "!=", ">", "<"}

func ConvertArticle(src, dist string) {
	files := make([]string, 0)
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	if !fileUtils.IsDir(src) { //  file
33 34 35
		pth, _ := filepath.Abs(src)
		files = append(files, pth)

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		if dist == "" { dist = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(path.Dir(pth)) }
37 38
	} else {
		fileUtils.GetFilesInDir(src, ".txt", &files)
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		if dist == "" { dist = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(src) }
40 41 42

	for _, filePath := range files {
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		yamlPaths := convertSentYaml(filePath, dist)
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		convertMainYaml(yamlPaths, filePath, dist)
45 46 47

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48 49
func convertSentYaml(filePath, dist string) (yamlPaths []string) {
	article := fileUtils.ReadFile(filePath)
	sections := parseSections(article)
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	paragraphs := groupSections(sections)

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	for paragIndex, parag := range paragraphs {

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55 56
		for sentIndex, sent := range parag {
			fileSeq := fmt.Sprintf("p%02d-s%02d", paragIndex + 1, sentIndex + 1)

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			conf := createDef(constant.ConfigTypeArticle, table, fileUtils.GetRelatPath(filePath))

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60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
			prefix := ""
			for sectIndex, sect := range sent { // each sent saved as a yaml file
				fieldSeq := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", paragIndex + 1, sentIndex + 1, sectIndex + 1)
				if sect.Type == "exp" {
					fields := createFields(fieldSeq, prefix, sect.Val)
					conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, fields...)

					prefix = ""
				} else {
					prefix += sect.Val

					if prefix != "" && sectIndex == len(sent) - 1 { // last section
						field := model.DefFieldExport{Field: fieldSeq, Prefix: prefix}
						conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, field)
						prefix = ""
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78 79

			bytes, _ := yaml.Marshal(&conf)
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			content := stringUtils.ConvertYamlStringToMapFormat(bytes)
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81 82 83 84 85 86
			content = strings.Replace(content, "xfields", "\nfields", -1)

			yamlPath := fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(dist) +
				fileUtils.ChangeFileExt(path.Base(filePath), "-") + fileSeq + ".yaml"
			fileUtils.WriteFile(yamlPath, content)

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			yamlPaths = append(yamlPaths, yamlPath)
88 89 90

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91 92 93 94 95 96 97

func convertMainYaml(yamlPaths []string, filePath, dist string) {
	conf := createArticle(constant.ConfigTypeArticle, fileUtils.GetRelatPath(filePath))

	for index, file := range yamlPaths {
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98 99
		path := strings.TrimPrefix(file, dist)
		field := model.ArticleField{Field: strconv.Itoa(index + 1), Range: path}
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100 101 102
		conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, field)

	bytes, _ := yaml.Marshal(&conf)
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	content := string(bytes)
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

	// convert yaml format by using a map
	m := make(map[string]interface{})
	yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(content), &m)
	bytes, _ = yaml.Marshal(&m)
	content = string(bytes)
	content = strings.Replace(content, "xfields", "\nfields", -1)

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113 114 115 116 117
	yamlPath := fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(dist) + fileUtils.ChangeFileExt(path.Base(filePath), ".yaml")
	fileUtils.WriteFile(yamlPath, content)

	relatPath := fileUtils.GetRelatPath(yamlPath)
	yamlPaths = append(yamlPaths, relatPath)
118 119 120

func createDef(typ, table, filePath string) (conf model.DefExport) {
	conf.Title = "文章句子"
	conf.Author = "ZenData"
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	conf.Type = typ
	conf.Desc = "Generated from " + filePath
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125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133

	if table != "" {
		conf.From = table


func createArticle(typ, filePath string) (conf model.Article) {
	conf.Title = "文章主文件"
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	conf.Author = "ZenData"
	conf.Type = typ
	conf.Desc = "Generated from " + filePath
138 139 140 141


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func createFields(seq string, prefix, exp string) (fields []model.DefFieldExport) {
	field := model.DefFieldExport{}
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	field.Field = seq
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
	field.Prefix = prefix
	field.Rand = true
	field.Limit = 1

	// deal with exp like S:名词-姓+名词-名字=F
	exp = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(exp))
	expArr := []rune(exp)

	if string(expArr[0]) == "s" && (string(expArr[1]) == ":" || string(expArr[1]) == ":") {
		exp = string(expArr[2:])
		expArr = expArr[2:]

	if strings.Index(exp, "=") == len(exp) - 2 {
		exp = string(expArr[:len(expArr) - 2])
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160 161
		field.Select = exp
		field.Where = string(expArr[len(expArr) - 1])
	} else {
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163 164
		field.Select = exp
		field.Where = ""
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174

	if strings.Index(field.Select, "+") < 0 {
		fields = append(fields, field)
	} else if strings.Index(field.Select, "+") > 0 { // include more than one field, split to two
		items := strings.Split(field.Select, "+")
		for _, item := range items {
			var objClone interface{} = field
			fieldClone := objClone.(model.DefFieldExport)
			fieldClone.Select = item
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			fieldClone.Where = field.Where
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183

			fields = append(fields, fieldClone)


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func parseSections(content string) (sections []model.ArticleSent) {
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
	strStart := false
	expStart := false

	content = strings.TrimSpace(content)
	runeArr := []rune(content)

	section := ""
	for i := 0; i < len(runeArr); i++ {
		item := runeArr[i]
		str := string(item)

		isCouple, duplicateStr := isCouple(i, runeArr)
		if isCouple {
			section += duplicateStr
			i += 1
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200 201 202 203 204

			if i == len(runeArr) - 1 {
				addSection(section, "str", &sections)

205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230
		} else if strStart && str == strRight { // str close
			addSection(section, "str", &sections)

			strStart = false
			section = ""
		} else if expStart && str == expRight { // exp close
			addSection(section, "exp", &sections)

			expStart = false
			section = ""
		} else if !strStart && !expStart && str == strLeft { // str start
			if section != "" && strings.TrimSpace(section) != "+" {
				addSection(section, "str", &sections)

			strStart = true
			section = ""
		} else if !strStart && !expStart && str == expLeft { // exp start
			if section != "" && strings.TrimSpace(section) != "+" {
				addSection(section, "str", &sections)

			expStart = true
			section = ""
		} else {
			section += str
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			if str == "。" {
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				if i < len(runeArr) - 1 && string(runeArr[i+1]) == strRight {
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					i += 1
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					strStart = false
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236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261

				addSection(section, "str", &sections)

				expStart = false
				section = ""
			} else if str == "\n" {
				// get all \n
				for j := i+1; j < len(runeArr); j++ {
					if string(runeArr[j]) == "\n" {
						section += str
						i = j
					} else {

				addSection(section, "str", &sections)

				strStart = false
				expStart = false
				section = ""
			} else if i == len(runeArr) - 1 {
				addSection(section, "str", &sections)
262 263 264 265 266


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267 268 269
func groupSections(sectionArr []model.ArticleSent) (paragraphs [][][]model.ArticleSent) {
	sections := make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
	sentences := make([][]model.ArticleSent, 0)

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271 272 273
	for index := 0; index < len(sectionArr); index++ {
		section := sectionArr[index]
		sections = append(sections, section)

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		if section.IsParag || index == len(sectionArr) - 1 {
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276 277
			sentences = append(sentences, sections)
			paragraphs = append(paragraphs, sentences)

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279 280 281 282 283 284 285
			sentences = make([][]model.ArticleSent, 0)
			sections = make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
		} else if section.IsSent {
			if index < len(sectionArr) - 1 && sectionArr[index+1].IsParag {
				sections = append(sections, sectionArr[index+1])
				sentences = append(sentences, sections)
				paragraphs = append(paragraphs, sentences)

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287 288
				sections = make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
				sentences = make([][]model.ArticleSent, 0)
289 290 291

				index += 1
			} else {
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292 293 294
				sentences = append(sentences, sections)
				if index == len(sectionArr) - 1 {
					paragraphs = append(paragraphs, sentences)
295 296

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				sections = make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305



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306 307 308 309
func addSection(str, typ string, arr *[]model.ArticleSent) {
	sent := model.ArticleSent{}
	sent.Type = typ
	sent.Val = str

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311 312 313
	runeArr := []rune(str)
	end := runeArr[len(runeArr) - 1]
	if string(end) == "\n" {
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		sent.IsParag = true
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	} else if string(end) == "。" {
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		sent.IsSent = true
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317 318

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	*arr = append(*arr, sent)
320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339

func isCouple(i int, arr []rune) (isCouple bool, duplicateStr string) {
	if string(arr[i]) == strLeft && (i + 1 < len(arr) && string(arr[i + 1]) == strLeft) {
		isCouple = true
		duplicateStr = string(arr[i])
	} else if string(arr[i]) == strRight && (i + 1 < len(arr) && string(arr[i + 1]) == strRight) {
		isCouple = true
		duplicateStr = string(arr[i])
	} else if string(arr[i]) == expLeft && (i + 1 < len(arr) && string(arr[i + 1]) == expLeft) {
		isCouple = true
		duplicateStr = string(arr[i])
	} else if string(arr[i]) == expRight && (i + 1 < len(arr) && string(arr[i + 1]) == expRight) {
		isCouple = true
		duplicateStr = string(arr[i])
