提交 ae9298ec 编写于 作者: DCloud_JSON's avatar DCloud_JSON

Update swiper-vertical-video.uvue

上级 55ac563c
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<view class="page">
<swiper class="swiper" :current="current" :circular="index != 0" :vertical="true" @change="onSwiperChange" @transition="onTransition">
<swiper-item class="swiper-item" v-for="(item,i) in visibleList" :key="i">
<video :ref="'video-'+i" class="video-box" :id="item._id" :src="item.src" :poster="item.poster_src" :show-center-play-btn="false" :autoplay="false" :controls="false" :loop="true" @play="onPlay(i)" @pause="onPause(i)"></video>
<video ref="video" class="video-box" :id="item._id" :src="item.src" :poster="item.poster_src" :show-center-play-btn="false" :autoplay="false" :controls="false" :loop="true" @play="onPlay(i)" @pause="onPause(i)"></video>
<view class="video-cover" @click="changeState(i)">
<image v-if="!state[i]" class="play-btn" src="/static/template/swiper-vertical-video/play.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<view class="debug-info">
<view class="debug-info" v-if="0">
<text class="status-text">debug-info 播放状态:</text>
<text class="status-text" v-for="(value,index) in state">第{{index+1}}个:{{value?'播放中':'已暂停'}}</text>
......@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
doPlay(index : number) {
console.log("doPlay video-" + index,this.$refs["video-" + index]);
(this.$refs["video-" + index] as VideoNode).play()
// console.log("doPlay video" + index,(this.$refs["video"] as VideoNode[])[0] );
(this.$refs["video"] as VideoNode[])[index].play()
doPause(index : number) {
(this.$refs["video-" + index] as VideoNode).pause()
(this.$refs["video"] as VideoNode[])[index].pause()
console.log("doPause video-" + index);
onPause(index : number) {
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
let index = this.list.length + i;
let listItem : ListItem = {
"_id": "a00" + index,
"content": "这是第" + index + "条数据" + videoUrlList[i % 3],
"content": "这是第" + index + "条数据,url地址" + videoUrlList[i % 3],
"src": videoUrlList[i % 3],
"poster_src": posterSrcList[i % 3]
......@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
position: fixed;
width: 750rpx;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
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