提交 237456bc 编写于 作者: DCloud-WZF's avatar DCloud-WZF 💬

feat(components): 通用属性 通用事件

上级 7cd60733
const PAGE_PATH = '/pages/component/view/general-attribute'
describe('general attribute', () => {
let page
beforeAll(async () => {
page = await program.navigateTo(PAGE_PATH)
await page.waitFor(1000)
it('screenshot', async () => {
const image = await program.screenshot()
it('validateGeneralAttributes', async () => {
const button = await page.$('.btn')
await button.tap()
expect(await button.text()).toBe('基础属性验证成功')
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<scroll-view style="flex: 1">
<!-- #endif -->
<page-head :title="title"></page-head>
<view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt container">
<view :id="generalId" :class="generalClass" :name="generalName" :title="generalTitle" :data-test="generalData" style="background-color: aqua" ref="general-target"> </view>
<button class="btn uni-common-mt" @click="validateGeneralAttributes">{{ validateGeneralAttrText }}</button>
<view class="view-class" :hover-class="hoverClass" ref="view-target">
<text>按下 50 ms 后背景变红</text>
<text>抬起 400 ms 后背景恢复</text>
<view class="view-class" :hover-class="hoverClass" :hover-start-time="1000" :hover-stay-time="1000" ref="view-target">
<text>按下 1000 ms 后背景变红</text>
<text>抬起 1000 ms 后背景恢复</text>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<!-- #endif -->
<script lang="uts">
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'general-attribute',
generalId: 'general-id',
generalClass: 'general-class',
generalName: 'general-name',
generalTitle: 'general-title',
generalData: 'general-data',
validateGeneralAttrText: '验证基础属性',
hoverClass: 'hover-class',
validateViewAttrText: '验证 view 属性',
methods: {
validateGeneralAttributes() {
const generalTarget = this.$refs.get('general-target') as INode
const generalId = generalTarget.getAttribute('id')
if (generalId != this.generalId) {
this.validateGeneralAttrText = '基础属性 id 验证失败'
const classList = generalTarget.ext['classList'] as string[]
if (!classList.includes('general-class')) {
this.validateGeneralAttrText = '基础属性 class 验证失败'
const generalName = generalTarget.getAttribute('name')
if (generalName != this.generalName) {
this.validateGeneralAttrText = '基础属性 name 验证失败'
const generalTitle = generalTarget.getAttribute('title')
if (generalTitle != this.generalTitle) {
this.validateGeneralAttrText = '基础属性 title 验证失败'
const generalData = generalTarget.getAttribute('data-test')
if (generalData != this.generalData) {
this.validateGeneralAttrText = '基础属性 data-test 验证失败'
this.validateGeneralAttrText = '基础属性验证成功'
.general-class {
margin: 20px 0 0 50px;
width: 240px;
height: 100px;
background-color: antiquewhite;
.view-class {
margin: 20px 0 0 50px;
padding: 10px;
width: 240px;
height: 100px;
background-color: antiquewhite;
.view-class text {
text-align: center;
.hover-class {
background-color: red;
const PAGE_PATH = '/pages/component/view/general-event'
describe('event trigger sequence', () => {
let page
let el
beforeAll(async () => {
page = await program.navigateTo(PAGE_PATH)
await page.waitFor(1000)
el = await page.$('.target')
it('touch', async () => {
await el.touchstart({
touches: [
identifier: 1,
pageX: 100,
pageY: 100,
changedTouches: [
identifier: 1,
pageX: 100,
pageY: 100,
await el.touchmove({
touches: [
identifier: 1,
pageX: 100,
pageY: 100,
changedTouches: [
identifier: 1,
pageX: 101,
pageY: 101,
await el.touchend({
touches: [],
changedTouches: [
identifier: 1,
pageX: 101,
pageY: 101,
const data = await page.data()
it('click', async () => {
await el.tap()
const data = await page.data()
it('longPress', async () => {
const now = Date.now()
await el.longpress()
const data = await page.data()
......@@ -5,111 +5,66 @@
<page-head :title="title"></page-head>
<view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt container">
<view v-if="clickEvent !== null">
<text class="title1">click Event: </text>
<text>x: {{ clickEvent!.x }}, y: {{ clickEvent!.y }}</text>
<view class="target" @touchstart="onTouchStart" @touchmove="onTouchMove" @touchend="onTouchEnd" @tap="onTap" @click="onClick" @longpress="onLongPress"></view>
<view v-if="touchStartEvent !== null">
<text class="title1">touchStart Event: </text>
<text class="title2">touches: </text>
v-for="(touch, index) in touchStartEvent!.touches"
<template v-for="(touch, index) in touchStartEvent!.touches" :key="index">
<text class="title3">touch[{{ index }}]:</text>
<text>pageX: {{ touch.pageX }}, pageY: {{ touch.pageY }}</text>
>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text
>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text
<text>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text>
<text>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text>
<text class="title2 uni-common-mt">changedTouches: </text>
v-for="(touch, index) in touchStartEvent!.changedTouches"
<template v-for="(touch, index) in touchStartEvent!.changedTouches" :key="index">
<text class="title3">touch[{{ index }}]:</text>
<text>pageX: {{ touch.pageX }}, pageY: {{ touch.pageY }}</text>
>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text
>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text
<text>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text>
<text>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text>
<view v-if="touchMoveEvent !== null">
<text class="title1">touchMove Event: </text>
<text class="title2">touches: </text>
v-for="(touch, index) in touchMoveEvent!.touches"
<template v-for="(touch, index) in touchMoveEvent!.touches" :key="index">
<text class="title3">touch[{{ index }}]:</text>
<text>pageX: {{ touch.pageX }}, pageY: {{ touch.pageY }}</text>
>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text
>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text
<text>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text>
<text>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text>
<text class="title2 uni-common-mt">changedTouches: </text>
v-for="(touch, index) in touchMoveEvent!.changedTouches"
<template v-for="(touch, index) in touchMoveEvent!.changedTouches" :key="index">
<text class="title3">touch[{{ index }}]:</text>
<text>pageX: {{ touch.pageX }}, pageY: {{ touch.pageY }}</text>
>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text
>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text
<text>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text>
<text>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text>
<view v-if="touchEndEvent !== null">
<text class="title1">touchEnd Event: </text>
<text class="title2">touches: </text>
v-if="touchEndEvent!.touches.length > 0"
v-for="(touch, index) in touchEndEvent!.touches"
<template v-if="touchEndEvent!.touches.length > 0" v-for="(touch, index) in touchEndEvent!.touches" :key="index">
<text class="title3">touch[{{ index }}]:</text>
<text>pageX: {{ touch.pageX }}, pageY: {{ touch.pageY }}</text>
>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text
>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text
<text>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text>
<text>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text>
<text class="title2 uni-common-mt">changedTouches: </text>
v-for="(touch, index) in touchEndEvent!.changedTouches"
<template v-for="(touch, index) in touchEndEvent!.changedTouches" :key="index">
<text class="title3">touch[{{ index }}]:</text>
<text>pageX: {{ touch.pageX }}, pageY: {{ touch.pageY }}</text>
>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text
>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text
<text>clientX: {{ touch.clientX }}, clientY: {{ touch.clientY }}</text>
<text>screenX: {{ touch.screenX }}, screenY: {{ touch.screenY }}</text>
<view v-if="tapEvent !== null">
<text class="title1">tap Event: </text>
<text>x: {{ tapEvent!.x }}, y: {{ tapEvent!.y }}</text>
<view v-if="clickEvent !== null">
<text class="title1">click Event: </text>
<text>x: {{ clickEvent!.x }}, y: {{ clickEvent!.y }}</text>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
......@@ -121,25 +76,49 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'general-event',
clickEvent: null as MouseEvent | null,
onTouchStartTime: 0,
touchStartEvent: null as TouchEvent | null,
onTouchMoveTime: 0,
touchMoveEvent: null as TouchEvent | null,
onTouchEndTime: 0,
touchEndEvent: null as TouchEvent | null,
onTapTime: 0,
tapEvent: null as MouseEvent | null,
onClickTime: 0,
clickEvent: null as MouseEvent | null,
onLongPressTime: 0,
methods: {
onClick(e: MouseEvent){
this.clickEvent = e
onTouchStart(e: TouchEvent){
this.touchStartEvent = e
this.onTouchStartTime = Date.now()
console.warn('onTouchStart', this.onTouchStartTime)
onTouchMove(e: TouchEvent){
this.touchMoveEvent = e
this.onTouchMoveTime = Date.now()
console.warn('onTouchMove', this.onTouchMoveTime)
onTouchEnd(e: TouchEvent){
this.touchEndEvent = e
this.onTouchEndTime = Date.now()
console.warn('onTouchEnd', this.onTouchEndTime)
onTap(e: MouseEvent){
this.tapEvent = e
this.onTapTime = Date.now()
console.warn('onTap', this.onTapTime)
onClick(e: MouseEvent){
this.clickEvent = e
this.onClickTime = Date.now()
console.warn('onClick', this.onClickTime)
this.onLongPressTime = Date.now()
console.warn('onLongPress', this.onLongPressTime)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<!-- #endif -->
<page-head title="view"></page-head>
<view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt">
<view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt uni-common-mb">
<text class="uni-hello-text">
......@@ -232,6 +232,8 @@
<button class="uni-common-mt" @click="goGeneralAttribute">更多属性测试</button>
<button class="uni-common-mt" @click="goGeneralEvent">更多事件测试</button>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
......@@ -240,9 +242,18 @@
export default {
data() {
return {}
methods: {
url: '/pages/component/view/general-attribute'
url: '/pages/component/view/general-event'
......@@ -263,23 +263,6 @@ export default {
pages: [] as Page[]
id: 'general-attr-event',
name: '通用属性和事件',
open: false,
pages: [
name: '通用属性',
url: 'general-attr',
enable: false,
name: '通用事件',
url: '/pages/component/general-event/general-event',
enable: true,
] as Page[],
] as ListItem[],
arrowUpIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-up.png',
arrowDownIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-down.png',
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