未验证 提交 29b6115c 编写于 作者: C Charles Moog 提交者: GitHub

Adds dev container and docs (#1499)

上级 28e91ba7
FROM node:12
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
curl \
iproute2 \
vim \
iptables \
net-tools \
libsecret-1-dev \
libx11-dev \
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# exec.sh opens an interactive bash session inside of a docker container
# for improved isolation during development
# if the container exists it is restarted if necessary, then reused
set -euo pipefail
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# Ensure submodules are cloned and up to date.
git submodule update --init
enter() {
echo "--- Entering $container_name"
docker exec -it $container_id /bin/bash
run() {
echo "--- Spawning $container_name"
container_id=$(docker run \
-it \
--name $container_name \
"-v=$PWD:/code-server" \
"-w=/code-server" \
"-p=" \
$([[ -t 0 ]] && echo -it || true) \
build() {
echo "--- Building $container_name"
cd ../../
docker build -t $container_name -f ./ci/dev-image/Dockerfile . > /dev/null
container_id=$(docker container inspect --format="{{.Id}}" $container_name 2> /dev/null) || true
if [ "$container_id" != "" ]; then
echo "-- Starting container"
docker start $container_id > /dev/null
exit 0
......@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@ yarn vscode
yarn watch # Visit http://localhost:8080 once completed.
To develop inside of an isolated docker container:
root@12345:/code-server# yarn
root@12345:/code-server# yarn vscode
root@12345:/code-server# yarn watch
Any changes made to the source will be live reloaded.
If changes are made to the patch and you've built previously you must manually
Markdown is supported
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