tasks.bash 7.7 KB
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set -euo pipefail

function log() {
	local message="${1}" ; shift
	local level="${1:-info}"
	if [[ "${level}" == "error" ]] ; then
		>&2 echo "${message}"
		echo "${message}"

function exit-if-ci() {
	if [[ -n "${ci}" ]] ; then
		log "Pre-built VS Code ${vscodeVersion}-${target}-${arch} is incorrectly built" "error"
		exit 1

# Copy code-server into VS Code along with its dependencies.
function copy-server() {
	local serverPath="${vscodeSourcePath}/src/vs/server"
	rm -rf "${serverPath}"
	mkdir -p "${serverPath}"

	log "Copying server code"

	cp "${rootPath}"/*.{ts,js} "${serverPath}"
	cp "${rootPath}/package.json" "${serverPath}"
	cp "${rootPath}/yarn.lock" "${serverPath}"

	if [[ -d "${rootPath}/node_modules" ]] ; then
		log "Copying dependencies"
		cp -r "${rootPath}/node_modules" "${serverPath}"
		log "Installing dependencies"
		cd "${serverPath}"
		rm -r node_modules/@types/node # I keep getting type conflicts

# Copy code-server into VS Code then build it.
function build-code-server() {

	# TODO: look into making it do the full minified build for just our code
	# (basically just want to skip extensions, target our server code, and get
	# the same type of build you get with the vscode-linux-x64-min task).
	# Something like: yarn gulp "vscode-server-${target}-${arch}-min"
	cd "${vscodeSourcePath}"
	yarn gulp compile-client

	rm -rf "${codeServerBuildPath}"
	mkdir -p "${codeServerBuildPath}"

	cp -r "${vscodeBuildPath}/resources/app/extensions" "${codeServerBuildPath}"
59 60
	jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' "${vscodeBuildPath}/resources/app/package.json" "${rootPath}/scripts/package.json" > "${codeServerBuildPath}/package.json"
	jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' "${vscodeBuildPath}/resources/app/product.json" "${rootPath}/scripts/product.json" > "${codeServerBuildPath}/product.json"
Asher 已提交
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	cp -r "${vscodeSourcePath}/out" "${codeServerBuildPath}"
	rm -rf "${codeServerBuildPath}/out/vs/server/node_modules"
	cp -r "${vscodeSourcePath}/remote/node_modules" "${codeServerBuildPath}"

	log "Final build: ${codeServerBuildPath}"

# Build VS Code if it hasn't already been built. If we're in the CI and it's
# not fully built, error and exit.
function build-vscode() {
	if [[ ! -d "${vscodeSourcePath}" ]] ; then
		log "${vscodeSourceName} does not exist, cloning"
		git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vscode --quiet \
			--branch "${vscodeVersion}" --single-branch --depth=1 \
		log "${vscodeSourceName} already exists, skipping clone"

	cd "${vscodeSourcePath}"

	if [[ ! -d "${vscodeSourcePath}/node_modules" ]] ; then
		log "Installing VS Code dependencies"
		# Not entirely sure why but there seem to be problems with native modules.
		# Also vscode-ripgrep keeps complaining after the rebuild that the
		# node_modules directory doesn't exist, so we're ignoring that for now.
		npm rebuild || true

		# Keep just what we need to keep the pre-built archive smaller.
		rm -rf "${vscodeSourcePath}/.git"
		rm -rf "${vscodeSourcePath}/test"
		log "${vscodeSourceName}/node_modules already exists, skipping install"

	if [[ ! -d "${vscodeBuildPath}" ]] ; then
		log "${vscodeBuildName} does not exist, building"
		local builtPath="${buildPath}/VSCode-${target}-${arch}"
		rm -rf "${builtPath}"
		yarn gulp "vscode-${target}-${arch}-min" --max-old-space-size=32384
		mkdir -p "${vscodeBuildPath}/resources/app"
		# Copy just what we need to keep the pre-built archive smaller.
		mv "${builtPath}/resources/app/extensions" "${vscodeBuildPath}/resources/app"
		mv "${builtPath}/resources/app/"*.json "${vscodeBuildPath}/resources/app"
		rm -rf "${builtPath}"
		log "${vscodeBuildName} already exists, skipping build"

# Download VS Code with either curl or wget depending on which is available.
function download-vscode() {
	cd "${buildPath}"
	if command -v wget &> /dev/null ; then
		log "Attempting to download ${tarName} with wget"
		wget "${vsSourceUrl}" --quiet
		log "Attempting to download ${tarName} with curl"
		curl "${vsSourceUrl}" --silent --fail --output "${tarName}"

# Download pre-built VS Code if necessary. Build if there is no available
# download but not when in the CI. The pre-built package basically just
# provides us the dependencies and extensions so we don't have to install and
# build them respectively which takes a long time.
function prepare-vscode() {
	if [[ ! -d "${vscodeBuildPath}" || ! -d "${vscodeSourcePath}" ]] ; then
		mkdir -p "${buildPath}"
		local tarName="vstar-${vscodeVersion}-${target}-${arch}.tar.gz"
		local vsSourceUrl="https://codesrv-ci.cdr.sh/${tarName}"
		if download-vscode ; then
			cd "${buildPath}"
			rm -rf "${vscodeBuildPath}"
			tar -xzf "${tarName}"
			rm "${tarName}"
		elif [[ -n "${ci}" ]] ; then
			log "Pre-built VS Code ${vscodeVersion}-${target}-${arch} does not exist" "error"
			exit 1
			log "${tarName} does not exist, building"
		log "VS Code is already downloaded or built"

	log "Ensuring VS Code is fully built"

function build-task() {

function vstar-task() {
	local archivePath="${releasePath}/vstar-${vscodeVersion}-${target}-${arch}.tar.gz"
	rm -f "${archivePath}"
	mkdir -p "${releasePath}"
	tar -C "${buildPath}" -czf "${archivePath}" "${vscodeSourceName}" "${vscodeBuildName}"
	log "Archive: ${archivePath}"

function package-task() {
	local version="${1}" ; shift

	log " version: ${version}"

	local archiveName="code-server${version}-vsc${vscodeVersion}-${target}-${arch}"
	local archivePath="${releasePath}/${archiveName}"
	rm -rf "${archivePath}"
	mkdir -p "${archivePath}"

	cp "${buildPath}/code-server" "${archivePath}"
	cp "${rootPath}/README.md" "${archivePath}"
	cp "${vscodeSourcePath}/LICENSE.txt" "${archivePath}"
	cp "${vscodeSourcePath}/ThirdPartyNotices.txt" "${archivePath}"

	cd "${releasePath}"
	if [[ "${target}" == "linux" ]] ; then
		tar -czf "${archiveName}.tar.gz" "${archiveName}"
		zip -r "${archiveName}.zip" "${archiveName}"

	log "Archive: ${archivePath}"

# Package built code into a binary.
function binary-task() {
	# I had trouble getting VS Code to build with the @coder/nbin dependency due
	# to the types it installs (tons of conflicts), so for now it's a global
	# dependency.
	cd "${rootPath}"
	npm link @coder/nbin
	node "${rootPath}/scripts/nbin.js" "${target}" "${arch}" "${codeServerBuildPath}"
	rm node_modules/@coder/nbin
	mv "${codeServerBuildPath}/code-server" "${buildPath}"
	log "Binary at ${buildPath}/code-server"

function main() {
	local task="${1}" ; shift
	local vscodeVersion="${1}" ; shift
	local target="${1}" ; shift
	local arch="${1}" ; shift
	local ci="${CI:-}"

	local relativeRootPath
	local rootPath
	relativeRootPath="$(dirname "${0}")/.."
	rootPath="$(realpath "${relativeRootPath}")"

	# This lets you build in a separate directory since building within this
	# directory while developing makes it hard to keep developing since compiling
	# will compile everything in the build directory as well.
	local outPath="${OUT:-${rootPath}}"

	local releasePath="${outPath}/release"
	local buildPath="${outPath}/build"

	local vscodeSourceName="vscode-${vscodeVersion}-source"
	local vscodeBuildName="vscode-${vscodeVersion}-${target}-${arch}-built"
	local vscodeSourcePath="${buildPath}/${vscodeSourceName}"
	local vscodeBuildPath="${buildPath}/${vscodeBuildName}"

	local codeServerBuildName="code-server-${target}-${arch}-built"
	local codeServerBuildPath="${buildPath}/${codeServerBuildName}"

	log "Running ${task} task"
	log " rootPath: ${rootPath}"
	log " outPath: ${outPath}"
	log " vscodeVersion: ${vscodeVersion}"
	log " target: ${target}"
	log " arch: ${arch}"
	if [[ -n "${ci}" ]] ; then
		log " CI: yes"
		log " CI: no"

	"${task}-task" "$@"

main "$@"