提交 ade228d2 编写于 作者: M Martyna


上级 27a4babb
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Make buttons look inactive to show that an action is possible once the user meet
{% include example.html code=code wrapper="btn-list" centered=true %}
## Color variations
## Colour variations
Choose the right colour for your button to make it go well with your design and draw users' attention. Button colours can have a big influence on users' decisions, which is why it's important to choose them based on the intended purpose.
title: Steps
menu: docs.steps
description: Steps are used to guide users through complex processes, making them easier and more intuitive. Breaking a multi-step process into smaller parts and tracking progress along the way helps users complete it successfully.
new: true
## Default markup
Steps are progress indicators of a sequence of task steps.
Steps show users where they are within a process, what steps they have already completed and what they are expected to complete. Making multi-step processes more user-friendly facilitates users' interaction with your interface.
## Default markup
Use the `steps` class to create the default progress tracker and name the steps accordingly.
{% capture code %}
{% include ui/steps.html show-title=true %}
......@@ -19,13 +20,17 @@ Steps are progress indicators of a sequence of task steps.
## Tooltips
Add tooltips, if you want to provide users with additional information about the steps they are expected to complete. Tooltips will display when a user hovers over a given step and help clarify what might not be clear from the interface.
{% capture code %}
{% include ui/steps.html show-title=true show-tooltip=true %}
{% endcapture %}
{% include example.html code=code %}
## Color
## Colour
You can customise the default progress indicator by changing the colour to one that better suits your design. Click [here]({% docs_url colors %}) to see the range of available colours.
{% capture code %}
{% include ui/steps.html color="green" show-title=true %}
......@@ -36,6 +41,8 @@ Steps are progress indicators of a sequence of task steps.
## Steps without title
For designs with limited space, use progress indicators without titles and add tooltips to provide the necessary details.
{% capture code %}
{% include ui/steps.html show-tooltip=true %}
{% endcapture %}
......@@ -44,6 +51,8 @@ Steps are progress indicators of a sequence of task steps.
## Steps with numbers
Use the `steps-counter` class to create a progress tracker with numbers instead of titles and change the colour to customise it.
{% capture code %}
{% include ui/steps.html count=5 active=2 numbers=true color="lime" %}
{% endcapture %}
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