1. 30 8月, 2019 8 次提交
  2. 29 8月, 2019 4 次提交
  3. 28 8月, 2019 4 次提交
    • R
      dependencies/devDependencies updates · 2865815c
      REJack 提交于
      - updated dependencies
        - `@fortawesome/fontawesome-free` to 5.10.2
        - `@fullcalendar/bootstrap` to 4.3.0
        - `@fullcalendar/core` to 4.3.1
        - `@fullcalendar/daygrid` to 4.3.0
        - `@fullcalendar/interaction` to 4.3.0
        - `@fullcalendar/timegrid` to 4.3.0
        - `bootstrap-slider` to 10.6.2
        - `flot` to 3.2.9
        - `overlayscrollbars` to 1.9.1
        - `raphael` to 2.3.0
        - `select2` to 4.0.10
        - `sweetalert2` to 8.16.3
      - replaced dependencies
        - `jqvmap` with `jqvmap-novulnerability` (removes git requirement on `npm i`)
      - added new dependencies
        - `datatables.net-autofill-bs4` to 2.3.3
        - `datatables.net-bs4` to 1.10.19
        - `datatables.net-buttons-bs4` to 1.5.6
        - `datatables.net-colreorder-bs4` to 1.5.1
        - `datatables.net-fixedcolumns-bs4` to 3.2.6
        - `datatables.net-fixedheader-bs4` to 3.1.5
        - `datatables.net-keytable-bs4` to 2.5.0
        - `datatables.net-responsive-bs4` to 2.2.3
        - `datatables.net-rowgroup-bs4` to 1.1.0
        - `datatables.net-rowreorder-bs4` to 1.2.5
        - `datatables.net-scroller-bs4` to 2.0.0
        - `datatables.net-select-bs4` to 1.3.0
        - `jszip` to 3.2.2
        - `pdfmake` to 0.1.58
      - updated devDependencies
        - `@babel/cli` to 7.5.5
        - `@babel/core` to 7.5.5
        - `@babel/preset-env` to 7.5.5
        - `css-loader` to 3.2.0
        - `rollup"` to .20.2
        - `terser` to 4.2.1
      - removed old plugins
        - `morris`
    • R
      created new gallery page · e3888aee
      REJack 提交于
      - added filterizr to plugins
      - created gallery demo
    • R
      updated demo sidebar menu · ce9734ef
      REJack 提交于
      - fixed timeline link in pages/calendar & pages/widgets
      - added ribbons link after timeline link
    • R
      enhanced buttons · 6a85e9c5
      REJack 提交于
      - added btn-xs class
      - added btn-xs demo in pages/UI/buttons.html
      - enhanced dropdown-hover for button dropdowns
      - fixed dropdown examples in pages/UI/buttons.html
  4. 27 8月, 2019 3 次提交
  5. 26 8月, 2019 12 次提交
  6. 23 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  7. 22 8月, 2019 2 次提交
  8. 20 8月, 2019 6 次提交