提交 ed176405 编写于 作者: 李光春's avatar 李光春

- update service wechat

上级 dd690f8d
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"ext-bcmath": "*",
"ext-iconv": "*",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"topthink/framework": "^6.0.0",
"topthink/think-orm": "^2.0",
"topthink/think-view": "^1.0",
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ThinkLibrary 6.0 for ThinkPhP 6.0
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 版权所有 2017~2020 [ https://www.dtapp.net ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 官方网站: https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 开源协议 ( https://mit-license.org )
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// | gitee 仓库地址 :https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// | github 仓库地址 :https://github.com/GC0202/ThinkLibrary
// | Packagist 地址 :https://packagist.org/packages/liguangchun/think-library
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat;
* error code 说明.
* <ul>
* <li>-40001: 签名验证错误</li>
* <li>-40002: xml解析失败</li>
* <li>-40003: sha加密生成签名失败</li>
* <li>-40004: encodingAesKey 非法</li>
* <li>-40005: appid 校验错误</li>
* <li>-40006: aes 加密失败</li>
* <li>-40007: aes 解密失败</li>
* <li>-40008: 解密后得到的buffer非法</li>
* <li>-40009: base64加密失败</li>
* <li>-40010: base64解密失败</li>
* <li>-40011: 生成xml失败</li>
* </ul>
* Class ErrorCode
* @package DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat
class ErrorCode
public static $OK = 0;
public static $ValidateSignatureError = -40001;
public static $ParseXmlError = -40002;
public static $ComputeSignatureError = -40003;
public static $IllegalAesKey = -40004;
public static $ValidateAppidError = -40005;
public static $EncryptAESError = -40006;
public static $DecryptAESError = -40007;
public static $IllegalBuffer = -40008;
public static $EncodeBase64Error = -40009;
public static $DecodeBase64Error = -40010;
public static $GenReturnXmlError = -40011;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ThinkLibrary 6.0 for ThinkPhP 6.0
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 版权所有 2017~2020 [ https://www.dtapp.net ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 官方网站: https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 开源协议 ( https://mit-license.org )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | gitee 仓库地址 :https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// | github 仓库地址 :https://github.com/GC0202/ThinkLibrary
// | Packagist 地址 :https://packagist.org/packages/liguangchun/think-library
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat;
* 提供基于PKCS7算法的加解密接口
* Class PKCS7Encoder
* @package DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat
class PKCS7Encoder
public static $block_size = 32;
* 对需要加密的明文进行填充补位
* @param $text 需要进行填充补位操作的明文
* @return 补齐明文字符串
function encode($text)
$block_size = PKCS7Encoder::$block_size;
$text_length = strlen($text);
$amount_to_pad = PKCS7Encoder::$block_size - ($text_length % PKCS7Encoder::$block_size);
if ($amount_to_pad == 0) {
$amount_to_pad = PKCS7Encoder::block_size;
$pad_chr = chr($amount_to_pad);
$tmp = "";
for ($index = 0; $index < $amount_to_pad; $index++) {
$tmp .= $pad_chr;
return $text . $tmp;
* 对解密后的明文进行补位删除
* @param decrypted 解密后的明文
* @return 删除填充补位后的明文
function decode($text)
$pad = ord(substr($text, -1));
if ($pad < 1 || $pad > 32) {
$pad = 0;
return substr($text, 0, (strlen($text) - $pad));
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ThinkLibrary 6.0 for ThinkPhP 6.0
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 版权所有 2017~2020 [ https://www.dtapp.net ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 官方网站: https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 开源协议 ( https://mit-license.org )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | gitee 仓库地址 :https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// | github 仓库地址 :https://github.com/GC0202/ThinkLibrary
// | Packagist 地址 :https://packagist.org/packages/liguangchun/think-library
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat;
* 提供接收和推送给公众平台消息的加解密接口
* Class Prpcrypt
* @package DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat
class Prpcrypt
public $key;
function Prpcrypt($k)
$this->key = base64_decode($k . "=");
* 对明文进行加密
* @param string $text 需要加密的明文
* @param $appid
* @return array 加密后的密文
public function encrypt($text, $appid)
try {
$random = $this->getRandomStr();
$text = $random . pack("N", strlen($text)) . $text . $appid;
// 网络字节序
$size = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
$module = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
$iv = substr($this->key, 0, 16);
$pkc_encoder = new PKCS7Encoder;
$text = $pkc_encoder->encode($text);
mcrypt_generic_init($module, $this->key, $iv);
$encrypted = mcrypt_generic($module, $text);
return array(ErrorCode::$OK, base64_encode($encrypted));
} catch (Exception $e) {
//print $e;
return array(ErrorCode::$EncryptAESError, null);
* 对密文进行解密
* @param string $encrypted 需要解密的密文
* @return array
public function decrypt($encrypted, $appid)
try {
$ciphertext_dec = base64_decode($encrypted);
$module = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
$iv = substr($this->key, 0, 16);
mcrypt_generic_init($module, $this->key, $iv);
$decrypted = mdecrypt_generic($module, $ciphertext_dec);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array(ErrorCode::$DecryptAESError, null);
try {
$pkc_encoder = new PKCS7Encoder;
$result = $pkc_encoder->decode($decrypted);
if (strlen($result) < 16)
return "";
$content = substr($result, 16, strlen($result));
$len_list = unpack("N", substr($content, 0, 4));
$xml_len = $len_list[1];
$xml_content = substr($content, 4, $xml_len);
$from_appid = substr($content, $xml_len + 4);
} catch (Exception $e) {
//print $e;
return array(ErrorCode::$IllegalBuffer, null);
if ($from_appid != $appid)
return array(ErrorCode::$ValidateAppidError, null);
return array(0, $xml_content);
* 随机生成16位字符串
* @return string 生成的字符串
function getRandomStr()
$str = "";
$str_pol = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$max = strlen($str_pol) - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
$str .= $str_pol[mt_rand(0, $max)];
return $str;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ThinkLibrary 6.0 for ThinkPhP 6.0
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 版权所有 2017~2020 [ https://www.dtapp.net ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 官方网站: https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 开源协议 ( https://mit-license.org )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | gitee 仓库地址 :https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// | github 仓库地址 :https://github.com/GC0202/ThinkLibrary
// | Packagist 地址 :https://packagist.org/packages/liguangchun/think-library
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat;
use Exception;
* 计算公众平台的消息签名接口
* Class SHA1
* @package DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat
class SHA1
* 用SHA1算法生成安全签名
* @param string $token 票据
* @param string $timestamp 时间戳
* @param string $nonce 随机字符串
* @param $encrypt_msg
* @return array
public function getSHA1($token, $timestamp, $nonce, $encrypt_msg)
try {
$array = array($encrypt_msg, $token, $timestamp, $nonce);
sort($array, SORT_STRING);
$str = implode($array);
return array(ErrorCode::$OK, sha1($str));
} catch (Exception $e) {
//print $e . "\n";
return array(ErrorCode::$ComputeSignatureError, null);
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ThinkLibrary 6.0 for ThinkPhP 6.0
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 版权所有 2017~2020 [ https://www.dtapp.net ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 官方网站: https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 开源协议 ( https://mit-license.org )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | gitee 仓库地址 :https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// | github 仓库地址 :https://github.com/GC0202/ThinkLibrary
// | Packagist 地址 :https://packagist.org/packages/liguangchun/think-library
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat;
class WXBizMsgCryptService
private $token;
private $encodingAesKey;
private $appId;
* 构造函数
* @param $token string 公众平台上,开发者设置的token
* @param $encodingAesKey string 公众平台上,开发者设置的EncodingAESKey
* @param $appId string 公众平台的appId
public function WXBizMsgCrypt($token, $encodingAesKey, $appId)
$this->token = $token;
$this->encodingAesKey = $encodingAesKey;
$this->appId = $appId;
* 将公众平台回复用户的消息加密打包.
* <ol>
* <li>对要发送的消息进行AES-CBC加密</li>
* <li>生成安全签名</li>
* <li>将消息密文和安全签名打包成xml格式</li>
* </ol>
* @param $replyMsg string 公众平台待回复用户的消息,xml格式的字符串
* @param $timeStamp string 时间戳,可以自己生成,也可以用URL参数的timestamp
* @param $nonce string 随机串,可以自己生成,也可以用URL参数的nonce
* @param &$encryptMsg string 加密后的可以直接回复用户的密文,包括msg_signature, timestamp, nonce, encrypt的xml格式的字符串,
* 当return返回0时有效
* @return int 成功0,失败返回对应的错误码
public function encryptMsg($replyMsg, $timeStamp, $nonce, &$encryptMsg)
$pc = new Prpcrypt($this->encodingAesKey);
$array = $pc->encrypt($replyMsg, $this->appId);
$ret = $array[0];
if ($ret != 0) {
return $ret;
if ($timeStamp == null) {
$timeStamp = time();
$encrypt = $array[1];
$sha1 = new SHA1;
$array = $sha1->getSHA1($this->token, $timeStamp, $nonce, $encrypt);
$ret = $array[0];
if ($ret != 0) {
return $ret;
$signature = $array[1];
$xmlparse = new XMLParse;
$encryptMsg = $xmlparse->generate($encrypt, $signature, $timeStamp, $nonce);
return ErrorCode::$OK;
* 检验消息的真实性,并且获取解密后的明文.
* <ol>
* <li>利用收到的密文生成安全签名,进行签名验证</li>
* <li>若验证通过,则提取xml中的加密消息</li>
* <li>对消息进行解密</li>
* </ol>
* @param $msgSignature string 签名串,对应URL参数的msg_signature
* @param $timestamp string 时间戳 对应URL参数的timestamp
* @param $nonce string 随机串,对应URL参数的nonce
* @param $postData string 密文,对应POST请求的数据
* @param &$msg string 解密后的原文,当return返回0时有效
* @return int 成功0,失败返回对应的错误码
public function decryptMsg($msgSignature, $timestamp = null, $nonce, $postData, &$msg)
if (strlen($this->encodingAesKey) != 43) {
return ErrorCode::$IllegalAesKey;
$pc = new Prpcrypt($this->encodingAesKey);
$xmlparse = new XMLParse;
$array = $xmlparse->extract($postData);
$ret = $array[0];
if ($ret != 0) {
return $ret;
if ($timestamp == null) {
$timestamp = time();
$encrypt = $array[1];
$touser_name = $array[2];
$sha1 = new SHA1;
$array = $sha1->getSHA1($this->token, $timestamp, $nonce, $encrypt);
$ret = $array[0];
if ($ret != 0) {
return $ret;
$signature = $array[1];
if ($signature != $msgSignature) {
return ErrorCode::$ValidateSignatureError;
$result = $pc->decrypt($encrypt, $this->appId);
if ($result[0] != 0) {
return $result[0];
$msg = $result[1];
return ErrorCode::$OK;
......@@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ class WebApps extends Service
public function share()
$this->grant_type = "client_credential";
// 获取数据
$accessToken = $this->getAccessToken();
if (!isset($accessToken['access_token'])) throw new WeChatException("获取access_token错误," . $accessToken['errmsg']);
......@@ -264,6 +263,7 @@ class WebApps extends Service
private function getAccessToken()
$this->grant_type = "client_credential";
// 文件名
$file = "{$this->app->getRootPath()}runtime/{$this->app_id}_access_token.json";
// 获取数据
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ThinkLibrary 6.0 for ThinkPhP 6.0
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 版权所有 2017~2020 [ https://www.dtapp.net ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 官方网站: https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 开源协议 ( https://mit-license.org )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | gitee 仓库地址 :https://gitee.com/liguangchun/ThinkLibrary
// | github 仓库地址 :https://github.com/GC0202/ThinkLibrary
// | Packagist 地址 :https://packagist.org/packages/liguangchun/think-library
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat;
use Exception;
* 提供提取消息格式中的密文及生成回复消息格式的接口
* Class XMLParse
* @package DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service\WeChat
class XMLParse
* 提取出xml数据包中的加密消息
* @param string $xmltext 待提取的xml字符串
* @return array 提取出的加密消息字符串
public function extract($xmltext)
try {
$xml = new \DOMDocument();
$array_e = $xml->getElementsByTagName('Encrypt');
$array_a = $xml->getElementsByTagName('ToUserName');
$encrypt = $array_e->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tousername = $array_a->item(0)->nodeValue;
return array(0, $encrypt, $tousername);
} catch (Exception $e) {
//print $e . "\n";
return array(ErrorCode::$ParseXmlError, null, null);
* 生成xml消息
* @param string $encrypt 加密后的消息密文
* @param string $signature 安全签名
* @param string $timestamp 时间戳
* @param string $nonce 随机字符串
* @return string
public function generate($encrypt, $signature, $timestamp, $nonce)
$format = "<xml>
return sprintf($format, $encrypt, $signature, $timestamp, $nonce);
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