提交 907f773c 编写于 作者: P Piotr Godek 提交者: Stephan Ewen

[FLINK-2357] [web dashboard] Auto-update overview page

上级 b26ce5a3
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ mvn -DskipTests clean package
To simplify continuous development, one can use a *standalone proxy server*, together with automatic
1. Edit the file `app/scripts/index.coffee`. Comment/uncomment the lines that define the `webServer`, `jobServer`, and `newServer` URLs.
1. Edit the file `app/scripts/index.coffee`. Comment/uncomment the lines that define the `webServer`, and `jobServer` URLs.
2. Re-compile the files via `gulp`. By calling `gulp watch`, the build-tool autocompiles future changes.
3. Start the proxy server via `node server.js`
4. Access the dashboard at [`http://localhost:3000`](http://localhost:3000)
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.navbar-main
tr(ng-repeat="job in jobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })")
td {{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms
td {{job.duration}} ms
td {{job.name}}
td {{job.jid}}
......@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.navbar-main(ng-if="job")
| {{ job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss' }}
| -
| {{ job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss' }}
span(ng-if="job['end-time'] > -1")
| -
| {{ job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss' }}
| {{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms
.navbar-info.last.first(ng-if="job.duration > -1")
| {{job.duration}} ms
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
bs-label(status="{{status}}" ng-repeat="(index, status) in stateList") {{node.vertex.groupvertex[status]}}
bs-label(status="{{status}}" ng-repeat="(index, status) in stateList") {{node.vertex.tasks[status]}}
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
tr(ng-repeat="vertex in node.vertex.groupvertex.groupmembers")
td {{ vertex.vertexname | humanizeTaskName }}
td {{ vertex.name | humanizeTaskName }}
bs-label(status="{{vertex.vertexstatus}}") {{vertex.vertexstatus}}
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.navbar-main
th Start Time
th End Time
th Duration
//- th End Time
//- th Duration
th Job Name
th Job ID
th Tasks
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.navbar-main
tr(ng-repeat="job in jobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })")
td {{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms
//- td {{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
//- td {{job.duration}} ms
td {{job.name}}
td {{job.jid}}
......@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.navbar-main
th Start Time
th End Time
th Duration
//- th End Time
//- th Duration
th Job Name
th Job ID
th Tasks
......@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.navbar-main
tr(ng-repeat="job in runningJobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })")
td {{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job.duration}}
//- td {{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
//- td {{job.duration}} ms
td {{job.name}}
td {{job.jid}}
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ nav.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.navbar-main
tr(ng-repeat="job in finishedJobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })")
td {{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}
td {{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms
td {{job.duration}} ms
td {{job.name}}
td {{job.jid}}
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
@loadConfig = ->
deferred = $q.defer()
$http.get flinkConfig.newServer + "/config"
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/config"
.success (data, status, headers, config) ->
......@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ angular.module('flinkApp', ['ui.router', 'angularMoment'])
.value 'flinkConfig', {
jobServer: 'http://localhost:8081'
newServer: 'http://localhost:8081'
# jobServer: 'http://localhost:3000/new-server'
# newServer: 'http://localhost:3000/new-server'
"refresh-interval": 10000
......@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
# --------------------------------------
.controller 'JobTimelineVertexController', ($scope, $state, $stateParams, JobsService) ->
JobsService.getVertex($stateParams.jobid, $stateParams.vertexId).then (data) ->
JobsService.getVertex($stateParams.vertexId).then (data) ->
$scope.vertex = data
......@@ -35,34 +35,32 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
analyzeTime = (data) ->
testData = []
angular.forEach data.groupvertex.groupmembers, (vertex, i) ->
vTime = data.verticetimes[vertex.vertexid]
angular.forEach data.subtasks, (subtask, i) ->
testData.push {
label: "#{vertex.vertexinstancename} (#{i})"
label: "#{subtask.host} (#{subtask.subtask})"
times: [
label: "Scheduled"
color: "#666"
borderColor: "#555"
starting_time: vTime["SCHEDULED"] * 100
ending_time: vTime["DEPLOYING"] * 100
starting_time: subtask.timestamps["SCHEDULED"]
ending_time: subtask.timestamps["DEPLOYING"]
type: 'regular'
label: "Deploying"
color: "#aaa"
borderColor: "#555"
starting_time: vTime["DEPLOYING"] * 100
ending_time: vTime["RUNNING"] * 100
starting_time: subtask.timestamps["DEPLOYING"]
ending_time: subtask.timestamps["RUNNING"]
type: 'regular'
label: "Running"
color: "#ddd"
borderColor: "#555"
starting_time: vTime["RUNNING"] * 100
ending_time: vTime["FINISHED"] * 100
starting_time: subtask.timestamps["RUNNING"]
ending_time: subtask.timestamps["FINISHED"]
type: 'regular'
......@@ -115,26 +113,21 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
label: "Scheduled"
color: "#cccccc"
borderColor: "#555"
starting_time: data.oldV["SCHEDULED"]
ending_time: data.oldV["SCHEDULED"] + 1
# link: vertex.groupvertexid
starting_time: data.timestamps["CREATED"]
ending_time: data.timestamps["CREATED"] + 1
type: 'scheduled'
angular.forEach data.oldV.groupvertices, (vertex) ->
vTime = data.oldV.groupverticetimes[vertex.groupvertexid]
# console.log vTime, vertex.groupvertexid
angular.forEach data.vertices, (vertex) ->
times: [
label: translateLabel(vertex.groupvertexname)
label: translateLabel(vertex.name)
color: "#d9f1f7"
borderColor: "#62cdea"
starting_time: vTime["STARTED"]
ending_time: vTime["ENDED"]
link: vertex.groupvertexid
starting_time: vertex['start-time']
ending_time: vertex['end-time']
link: vertex.id
type: 'regular'
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
@listJobs = ->
deferred = $q.defer()
$http.get flinkConfig.newServer + "/joboverview"
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/joboverview"
.success (data, status, headers, config) ->
angular.forEach data, (list, listKey) ->
......@@ -80,11 +80,6 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
when 'cancelled' then jobs.cancelled = list
when 'failed' then jobs.failed = list
# angular.forEach list, (jobid, index) ->
# $http.get flinkConfig.newServer + "/jobs/" + jobid
# .success (details) ->
# list[index] = details
......@@ -100,23 +95,28 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
currentJob = null
deferreds.job = $q.defer()
$http.get flinkConfig.newServer + "/jobs/" + jobid
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobs/" + jobid
.success (data, status, headers, config) ->
data.time = Date.now()
# data.time = Date.now()
$http.get flinkConfig.newServer + "/jobs/" + jobid + "/vertices"
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobs/" + jobid + "/vertices"
.success (vertices) ->
data = angular.extend(data, vertices)
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobsInfo?get=job&job=" + jobid
.success (oldVertices) ->
data.oldV = oldVertices[0]
# $http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobsInfo?get=job&job=" + jobid
# .success (oldVertices) ->
# data.oldV = oldVertices[0]
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobs/" + jobid + "/config"
.success (jobConfig) ->
data = angular.extend(data, jobConfig)
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobs/" + jobid + "/config"
.success (jobConfig) ->
data = angular.extend(data, jobConfig)
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobs/" + jobid + "/exceptions"
.success (exceptions) ->
data.exceptions = exceptions
currentJob = data
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
currentPlan = null
deferreds.plan = $q.defer()
$http.get flinkConfig.newServer + "/jobs/" + jobid + "/plan"
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobs/" + jobid + "/plan"
.success (data) ->
currentPlan = data
......@@ -142,33 +142,38 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
deferred = $q.defer()
# if currentPlan
# deferred.resolve(seekNode(nodeid, currentPlan.nodes))
# else
# # deferreds.plan.promise.then (data) ->
# $q.all([deferreds.plan.promise, deferreds.job.promise]).then (data) ->
# console.log 'resolving getNode'
# deferred.resolve(seekNode(nodeid, currentPlan.nodes))
deferred = $q.defer()
$q.all([deferreds.plan.promise, deferreds.job.promise]).then (data) =>
foundNode = seekNode(nodeid, currentPlan.nodes)
# @getVertex(currentJob.jid, currentJob.oldV.groupvertices[0].groupvertexid).then (vertex) ->
@getVertex(currentJob.jid, nodeid).then (vertex) ->
foundNode.vertex = vertex
# $http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobsInfo?get=groupvertex&job=" + currentJob.jid + "&groupvertex=" + nodeid
foundNode.vertex = @seekVertex(nodeid)
@seekVertex = (nodeid) ->
for vertex in currentJob.vertices
return vertex if vertex.id is nodeid
return null
@getVertex = (jobId, vertexId) ->
@getVertex = (vertexid) ->
deferred = $q.defer()
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobsInfo?get=groupvertex&job=" + jobId + "&groupvertex=" + vertexId
.success (data) ->
$q.all([deferreds.job.promise]).then (data) =>
vertex = @seekVertex(vertexid)
$http.get flinkConfig.jobServer + "/jobs/" + currentJob.jid + "/vertices/" + vertexid + "/subtasktimes"
.success (data) ->
vertex.subtasks = data.subtasks
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
.controller 'OverviewController', ($scope, OverviewService, JobsService) ->
.controller 'OverviewController', ($scope, OverviewService, JobsService, $interval, flinkConfig) ->
$scope.jobObserver = ->
$scope.runningJobs = JobsService.getJobs('running')
$scope.finishedJobs = JobsService.getJobs('finished')
......@@ -31,3 +31,11 @@ angular.module('flinkApp')
OverviewService.loadOverview().then (data) ->
$scope.overview = data
refresh = $interval ->
OverviewService.loadOverview().then (data) ->
$scope.overview = data
, flinkConfig["refresh-interval"]
$scope.$on '$destroy', ->
因为 它太大了无法显示 source diff 。你可以改为 查看blob
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ limitations under the License.
<tr ng-repeat="job in jobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })">
<td>{{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td>{{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td>{{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms</td>
<td>{{job.duration}} ms</td>
<td class="label-group">
......@@ -28,12 +28,10 @@ limitations under the License.
<bs-label status="{{status}}" ng-repeat="(status, value) in job.tasks">{{value}}</bs-label>
<div class="navbar-info first last hidden-xs hidden-sm">
{{ job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss' }}
{{ job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss' }}
<div class="navbar-info last first">{{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms</div>
<div class="navbar-info first last hidden-xs hidden-sm">{{ job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss' }}<span ng-if="job['end-time'] &gt; -1">
{{ job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss' }}</span></div>
<div ng-if="job.duration &gt; -1" class="navbar-info last first">{{job.duration}} ms</div>
<nav ng-if="job" class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top navbar-main-additional">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ limitations under the License.
<div class="panel-info first">ID: {{ node.id }}</div>
<div ng-if="node.description" class="panel-info">
<div class="label-group">
<bs-label status="{{status}}" ng-repeat="(index, status) in stateList">{{node.vertex.groupvertex[status]}}</bs-label>
<bs-label status="{{status}}" ng-repeat="(index, status) in stateList">{{node.vertex.tasks[status]}}</bs-label>
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ limitations under the License.
<tr ng-repeat="vertex in node.vertex.groupvertex.groupmembers">
<td>{{ vertex.vertexname | humanizeTaskName }}</td>
<td>{{ vertex.name | humanizeTaskName }}</td>
<bs-label status="{{vertex.vertexstatus}}">{{vertex.vertexstatus}}</bs-label>
......@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ limitations under the License.
<th>Start Time</th>
<th>End Time</th>
<th>Job Name</th>
<th>Job ID</th>
......@@ -37,8 +35,6 @@ limitations under the License.
<tr ng-repeat="job in jobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })">
<td>{{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td>{{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td>{{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms</td>
<td class="label-group">
......@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ limitations under the License.
<th>Start Time</th>
<th>End Time</th>
<th>Job Name</th>
<th>Job ID</th>
......@@ -94,8 +92,6 @@ limitations under the License.
<tr ng-repeat="job in runningJobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })">
<td>{{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td>{{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td class="label-group">
......@@ -130,7 +126,7 @@ limitations under the License.
<tr ng-repeat="job in finishedJobs" ui-sref="single-job.plan({ jobid: job.jid })">
<td>{{job['start-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td>{{job['end-time'] | amDateFormat:'YYYY-MM-DD, H:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td>{{job['end-time'] - job['start-time']}} ms</td>
<td>{{job.duration}} ms</td>
<td class="label-group">
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