提交 2bb5799c 编写于 作者: S Stephan Ewen

[dist] Bring LICENSE file up to speed

上级 a1bbcfd5
......@@ -219,15 +219,13 @@ The Apache Flink project bundles the following files under the MIT License:
- jQuery v2.1.0. (http://jquery.com) - Copyright 2014 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- Sizzle.js (http://sizzlejs.com) - Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
- jCanvas 13.11.21 (http://calebevans.me/projects/jcanvas/) - Copyright 2014 Caleb Evans
- Bootstrap 3.1.0 (http://getbootstrap.com) - Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Twitter, Inc
- Bootstrap 3.1.1 (http://getbootstrap.com) - Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Twitter, Inc
- normalize.css v3.0.0 (http://git.io/normalize) - Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal
- D3 dagre renderer (https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre-d3) - Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Chris Pettitt
- Rickshaw (https://github.com/shutterstock/rickshaw) - Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Shutterstock Images, LLC
- Angular.JS v1.3.17 (http://angularjs.org) - Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Google, Inc.
- Angular.JS v1.3.15 (http://angularjs.org) - Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Google, Inc.
- Angular Moment v0.9.2 (http://www.momentjs.com) - Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, Uri Shaked <uri@urish.org>
- Angular UI Router v0.2.15 (http://angular-ui.github.io) - Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The AngularUI Team, Karsten Sperling
- Angular UI Router v0.2.13 (http://angular-ui.github.io) - Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The AngularUI Team, Karsten Sperling
- Bootstrap v3.3.5 (http://getbootstrap.com) - Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc
- D3 timeline (https://github.com/jiahuang/d3-timeline) - Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Jia Huang
- dagre v0.7.3 (https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre) - Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Chris Pettitt
......@@ -238,6 +236,7 @@ The Apache Flink project bundles the following files under the MIT License:
- lodash v3.10.0 (http://dojofoundation.org) - Copyright 2012-2015 The Dojo Foundation
- moment.js v2.9.0 (http://momentjs.com/docs/) - Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
- moment-duration-format v1.3.0 (https://github.com/jsmreese/moment-duration-format) - Copyright (c) 2013 John Madhavan-Reese
- qtip2 v2.2.1 (http://qtip2.com) - Copyright (c) 2012 Craig Michael Thompson
All rights reserved.
......@@ -267,6 +266,7 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
The Apache Flink project bundles the following files under BSD licenses:
(3-clause BSD license)
- D3 v3.4.6 (http://d3js.org/) - Copyright (c) 2010-2014, Michael Bostock
- D3 v3.5.6 (http://d3js.org/) - Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Michael Bostock
All rights reserved.
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