提交 0dc6849a 编写于 作者: J Johann Kovacs 提交者: Fabian Hueske

[FLINK-2105] Extract abstract superclass, interface from MergeMatchIterators, KeyGroupedIterators

上级 30761572
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypePairComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.IOManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.AbstractInvokable;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryAllocationException;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.NonReusingBlockResettableIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.KeyGroupedIterator;
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector;
import org.apache.flink.util.MutableObjectIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class AbstractMergeIterator<T1, T2, O> implements JoinTaskIterator<T1, T2, O> {
private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
protected TypePairComparator<T1, T2> pairComparator;
protected KeyGroupedIterator<T1> iterator1;
protected KeyGroupedIterator<T2> iterator2;
protected final TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1;
protected final TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2;
private final NonReusingBlockResettableIterator<T2> blockIt; // for N:M cross products with same key
private final IOManager ioManager;
private final MemoryManager memoryManager;
private final List<MemorySegment> memoryForSpillingIterator;
// instances for object reuse
protected T1 copy1;
protected T1 spillHeadCopy;
protected T2 copy2;
protected T2 blockHeadCopy;
public AbstractMergeIterator(MutableObjectIterator<T1> input1, MutableObjectIterator<T2> input2,
TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1, TypeComparator<T1> comparator1,
TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2, TypeComparator<T2> comparator2,
TypePairComparator<T1, T2> pairComparator,
MemoryManager memoryManager,
IOManager ioManager,
int numMemoryPages,
AbstractInvokable parentTask) throws MemoryAllocationException {
if (numMemoryPages < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Merger needs at least 2 memory pages.");
this.pairComparator = pairComparator;
this.serializer1 = serializer1;
this.serializer2 = serializer2;
this.memoryManager = memoryManager;
this.ioManager = ioManager;
this.iterator1 = createKeyGroupedIterator(input1, serializer1, comparator1.duplicate());
this.iterator2 = createKeyGroupedIterator(input2, serializer2, comparator2.duplicate());
final int numPagesForSpiller = numMemoryPages > 20 ? 2 : 1;
this.blockIt = new NonReusingBlockResettableIterator<T2>(this.memoryManager, this.serializer2,
(numMemoryPages - numPagesForSpiller), parentTask);
this.memoryForSpillingIterator = memoryManager.allocatePages(parentTask, numPagesForSpiller);
public void open() throws IOException {
public void close() {
if (this.blockIt != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Error closing block memory iterator: " + t.getMessage(), t);
public void abort() {
* Calls the <code>JoinFunction#match()</code> method for all two key-value pairs that share the same key and come
* from different inputs. The output of the <code>match()</code> method is forwarded.
* <p>
* This method first zig-zags between the two sorted inputs in order to find a common
* key, and then calls the match stub with the cross product of the values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions from the user code and the I/O system.
* @see org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator#callWithNextKey(org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction, org.apache.flink.util.Collector)
public abstract boolean callWithNextKey(final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception;
protected void crossMatchingGroup(Iterator<T1> values1, Iterator<T2> values2, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
final T1 firstV1 = values1.next();
final T2 firstV2 = values2.next();
final boolean v1HasNext = values1.hasNext();
final boolean v2HasNext = values2.hasNext();
// check if one side is already empty
// this check could be omitted if we put this in MatchTask.
// then we can derive the local strategy (with build side).
if (v1HasNext) {
if (v2HasNext) {
// both sides contain more than one value
// TODO: Decide which side to spill and which to block!
crossMwithNValues(firstV1, values1, firstV2, values2, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
crossSecond1withNValues(firstV2, firstV1, values1, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
if (v2HasNext) {
crossFirst1withNValues(firstV1, firstV2, values2, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
// both sides contain only one value
matchFunction.join(firstV1, firstV2, collector);
* Crosses a single value from the first input with N values, all sharing a common key.
* Effectively realizes a <i>1:N</i> match (join).
* @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side.
* @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side.
* @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub.
private void crossFirst1withNValues(final T1 val1, final T2 firstValN,
final Iterator<T2> valsN, final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception {
T1 copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, val1, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, firstValN, collector);
// set copy and match first element
boolean more = true;
do {
final T2 nRec = valsN.next();
if (valsN.hasNext()) {
copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, val1, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nRec, collector);
} else {
matchFunction.join(val1, nRec, collector);
more = false;
while (more);
* Crosses a single value from the second side with N values, all sharing a common key.
* Effectively realizes a <i>N:1</i> match (join).
* @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side.
* @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side.
* @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub.
private void crossSecond1withNValues(T2 val1, T1 firstValN,
Iterator<T1> valsN, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
T2 copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, val1, this.copy2);
matchFunction.join(firstValN, copy2, collector);
// set copy and match first element
boolean more = true;
do {
final T1 nRec = valsN.next();
if (valsN.hasNext()) {
copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, val1, this.copy2);
matchFunction.join(nRec, copy2, collector);
} else {
matchFunction.join(nRec, val1, collector);
more = false;
while (more);
private void crossMwithNValues(final T1 firstV1, Iterator<T1> spillVals,
final T2 firstV2, final Iterator<T2> blockVals,
final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
// ==================================================
// We have one first (head) element from both inputs (firstV1 and firstV2)
// We have an iterator for both inputs.
// we make the V1 side the spilling side and the V2 side the blocking side.
// In order to get the full cross product without unnecessary spilling, we do the
// following:
// 1) cross the heads
// 2) cross the head of the spilling side against the first block of the blocking side
// 3) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the head of the block side
// 4) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the first block
// ---------------------------------------------------
// If the blocking side has more than one block, we really need to make the spilling side fully
// resettable. For each further block on the block side, we do:
// 5) cross the head of the spilling side with the next block
// 6) cross the spilling iterator with the next block.
// match the first values first
T1 copy1 = this.createCopy(serializer1, firstV1, this.copy1);
T2 blockHeadCopy = this.createCopy(serializer2, firstV2, this.blockHeadCopy);
T1 spillHeadCopy = null;
// --------------- 1) Cross the heads -------------------
matchFunction.join(copy1, firstV2, collector);
// for the remaining values, we do a block-nested-loops join
SpillingResettableIterator<T1> spillIt = null;
try {
// create block iterator on the second input
// ------------- 2) cross the head of the spilling side with the first block ------------------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
final T2 nextBlockRec = this.blockIt.next();
copy1 = this.createCopy(serializer1, firstV1, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockRec, collector);
// spilling is required if the blocked input has data beyond the current block.
// in that case, create the spilling iterator
final Iterator<T1> leftSideIter;
final boolean spillingRequired = this.blockIt.hasFurtherInput();
if (spillingRequired) {
// more data than would fit into one block. we need to wrap the other side in a spilling iterator
// create spilling iterator on first input
spillIt = new SpillingResettableIterator<T1>(spillVals, this.serializer1,
this.memoryManager, this.ioManager, this.memoryForSpillingIterator);
leftSideIter = spillIt;
spillHeadCopy = this.createCopy(serializer1, firstV1, this.spillHeadCopy);
} else {
leftSideIter = spillVals;
// cross the values in the v1 iterator against the current block
while (leftSideIter.hasNext()) {
final T1 nextSpillVal = leftSideIter.next();
copy1 = this.createCopy(serializer1, nextSpillVal, this.copy1);
// -------- 3) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the head of the block side --------
T2 copy2 = this.createCopy(serializer2, blockHeadCopy, this.copy2);
matchFunction.join(copy1, copy2, collector);
// -------- 4) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the first block --------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
T2 nextBlockRec = this.blockIt.next();
// get instances of key and block value
copy1 = this.createCopy(serializer1, nextSpillVal, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockRec, collector);
// reset block iterator
// if everything from the block-side fit into a single block, we are done.
// note that in this special case, we did not create a spilling iterator at all
if (!spillingRequired) {
// here we are, because we have more blocks on the block side
// loop as long as there are blocks from the blocked input
while (this.blockIt.nextBlock()) {
// rewind the spilling iterator
// ------------- 5) cross the head of the spilling side with the next block ------------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
copy1 = this.createCopy(serializer1, spillHeadCopy, this.copy1);
final T2 nextBlockVal = blockIt.next();
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockVal, collector);
// -------- 6) cross the spilling iterator with the next block. ------------------
while (spillIt.hasNext()) {
// get value from resettable iterator
final T1 nextSpillVal = spillIt.next();
// cross value with block values
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
// get instances of key and block value
final T2 nextBlockVal = this.blockIt.next();
copy1 = this.createCopy(serializer1, nextSpillVal, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockVal, collector);
// reset block iterator
// reset v1 iterator
} finally {
if (spillIt != null) {
protected abstract <T> KeyGroupedIterator<T> createKeyGroupedIterator(MutableObjectIterator<T> input, TypeSerializer<T> serializer, TypeComparator<T> comparator);
* Copies an instance of the given type, potentially reusing the object passed as the reuse parameter, which may be null.
protected abstract <T> T createCopy(TypeSerializer<T> serializer, T value, T reuse);
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypePairComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.IOManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.AbstractInvokable;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryAllocationException;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryManager;
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector;
import org.apache.flink.util.MutableObjectIterator;
import java.util.Iterator;
* An implementation of the {@link org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator} that realizes the
* matching through a sort-merge join strategy.
public abstract class AbstractMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> extends AbstractMergeIterator<T1, T2, O> {
public AbstractMergeMatchIterator(MutableObjectIterator<T1> input1, MutableObjectIterator<T2> input2,
TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1, TypeComparator<T1> comparator1,
TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2, TypeComparator<T2> comparator2,
TypePairComparator<T1, T2> pairComparator,
MemoryManager memoryManager,
IOManager ioManager,
int numMemoryPages,
AbstractInvokable parentTask)
throws MemoryAllocationException {
super(input1, input2, serializer1, comparator1, serializer2, comparator2, pairComparator, memoryManager, ioManager, numMemoryPages, parentTask);
* Calls the <code>JoinFunction#match()</code> method for all two key-value pairs that share the same key and come
* from different inputs. The output of the <code>match()</code> method is forwarded.
* <p>
* This method first zig-zags between the two sorted inputs in order to find a common
* key, and then calls the match stub with the cross product of the values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions from the user code and the I/O system.
* @see org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator#callWithNextKey(org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction, org.apache.flink.util.Collector)
public boolean callWithNextKey(final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception {
if (!this.iterator1.nextKey() || !this.iterator2.nextKey()) {
// consume all remaining keys (hack to prevent remaining inputs during iterations, lets get rid of this soon)
while (this.iterator1.nextKey()) ;
while (this.iterator2.nextKey()) ;
return false;
final TypePairComparator<T1, T2> comparator = this.pairComparator;
T2 current2 = this.iterator2.getCurrent();
// zig zag
while (true) {
// determine the relation between the (possibly composite) keys
final int comp = comparator.compareToReference(current2);
if (comp == 0) {
if (comp < 0) {
if (!this.iterator2.nextKey()) {
return false;
current2 = this.iterator2.getCurrent();
} else {
if (!this.iterator1.nextKey()) {
return false;
// here, we have a common key! call the match function with the cross product of the
// values
final Iterator<T1> values1 = this.iterator1.getValues();
final Iterator<T2> values2 = this.iterator2.getValues();
crossMatchingGroup(values1, values2, matchFunction, collector);
return true;
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
......@@ -18,60 +18,19 @@
package org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypePairComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.IOManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.AbstractInvokable;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryAllocationException;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.NonReusingBlockResettableIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.KeyGroupedIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator;
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector;
import org.apache.flink.util.MutableObjectIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* An implementation of the {@link org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator} that realizes the
* matching through a sort-merge join strategy.
public class NonReusingMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> implements JoinTaskIterator<T1, T2, O> {
* The log used by this iterator to log messages.
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NonReusingMergeMatchIterator.class);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private TypePairComparator<T1, T2> comp;
private NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T1> iterator1;
private NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T2> iterator2;
private final TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1;
private final TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2;
private final NonReusingBlockResettableIterator<T2> blockIt; // for N:M cross products with same key
private final List<MemorySegment> memoryForSpillingIterator;
private final MemoryManager memoryManager;
private final IOManager ioManager;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public class NonReusingMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> extends AbstractMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> {
public NonReusingMergeMatchIterator(
MutableObjectIterator<T1> input1,
......@@ -83,341 +42,18 @@ public class NonReusingMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> implements JoinTaskIterator
IOManager ioManager,
int numMemoryPages,
AbstractInvokable parentTask)
throws MemoryAllocationException
if (numMemoryPages < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Merger needs at least 2 memory pages.");
this.comp = pairComparator;
this.serializer1 = serializer1;
this.serializer2 = serializer2;
this.memoryManager = memoryManager;
this.ioManager = ioManager;
this.iterator1 = new NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T1>(input1, comparator1.duplicate());
this.iterator2 = new NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T2>(input2, comparator2.duplicate());
final int numPagesForSpiller = numMemoryPages > 20 ? 2 : 1;
this.blockIt = new NonReusingBlockResettableIterator<T2>(this.memoryManager, this.serializer2,
(numMemoryPages - numPagesForSpiller), parentTask);
this.memoryForSpillingIterator = memoryManager.allocatePages(parentTask, numPagesForSpiller);
throws MemoryAllocationException {
super(input1, input2, serializer1, comparator1, serializer2, comparator2, pairComparator, memoryManager, ioManager, numMemoryPages, parentTask);
public void open() throws IOException {}
public void close() {
if (this.blockIt != null) {
try {
catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Error closing block memory iterator: " + t.getMessage(), t);
public void abort() {
protected <T> KeyGroupedIterator<T> createKeyGroupedIterator(MutableObjectIterator<T> input, TypeSerializer<T> serializer, TypeComparator<T> comparator) {
return new NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T>(input, comparator);
* Calls the <code>JoinFunction#match()</code> method for all two key-value pairs that share the same key and come
* from different inputs. The output of the <code>match()</code> method is forwarded.
* <p>
* This method first zig-zags between the two sorted inputs in order to find a common
* key, and then calls the match stub with the cross product of the values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions from the user code and the I/O system.
* @see org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator#callWithNextKey(org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction, org.apache.flink.util.Collector)
public boolean callWithNextKey(final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
if (!this.iterator1.nextKey() || !this.iterator2.nextKey()) {
// consume all remaining keys (hack to prevent remaining inputs during iterations, lets get rid of this soon)
while (this.iterator1.nextKey());
while (this.iterator2.nextKey());
return false;
final TypePairComparator<T1, T2> comparator = this.comp;
T2 current2 = this.iterator2.getCurrent();
// zig zag
while (true) {
// determine the relation between the (possibly composite) keys
final int comp = comparator.compareToReference(current2);
if (comp == 0) {
if (comp < 0) {
if (!this.iterator2.nextKey()) {
return false;
current2 = this.iterator2.getCurrent();
else {
if (!this.iterator1.nextKey()) {
return false;
// here, we have a common key! call the match function with the cross product of the
// values
final NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T1>.ValuesIterator values1 = this.iterator1.getValues();
final NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T2>.ValuesIterator values2 = this.iterator2.getValues();
final T1 firstV1 = values1.next();
final T2 firstV2 = values2.next();
final boolean v1HasNext = values1.hasNext();
final boolean v2HasNext = values2.hasNext();
// check if one side is already empty
// this check could be omitted if we put this in MatchTask.
// then we can derive the local strategy (with build side).
if (v1HasNext) {
if (v2HasNext) {
// both sides contain more than one value
// TODO: Decide which side to spill and which to block!
crossMwithNValues(firstV1, values1, firstV2, values2, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
crossSecond1withNValues(firstV2, firstV1, values1, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
if (v2HasNext) {
crossFirst1withNValues(firstV1, firstV2, values2, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
// both sides contain only one value
matchFunction.join(firstV1, firstV2, collector);
return true;
* Crosses a single value from the first input with N values, all sharing a common key.
* Effectively realizes a <i>1:N</i> match (join).
* @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side.
* @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side.
* @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub.
private void crossFirst1withNValues(final T1 val1, final T2 firstValN,
final Iterator<T2> valsN, final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
T1 copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(val1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, firstValN, collector);
// set copy and match first element
boolean more = true;
do {
final T2 nRec = valsN.next();
if (valsN.hasNext()) {
copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(val1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nRec, collector);
} else {
matchFunction.join(val1, nRec, collector);
more = false;
while (more);
* Crosses a single value from the second side with N values, all sharing a common key.
* Effectively realizes a <i>N:1</i> match (join).
* @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side.
* @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side.
* @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub.
private void crossSecond1withNValues(T2 val1, T1 firstValN,
Iterator<T1> valsN, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
T2 copy2 = this.serializer2.copy(val1);
matchFunction.join(firstValN, copy2, collector);
// set copy and match first element
boolean more = true;
do {
final T1 nRec = valsN.next();
if (valsN.hasNext()) {
copy2 = this.serializer2.copy(val1);
matchFunction.join(nRec, copy2, collector);
} else {
matchFunction.join(nRec, val1, collector);
more = false;
while (more);
protected <T> T createCopy(TypeSerializer<T> serializer, T value, T reuse) {
return serializer.copy(value);
* @param firstV1
* @param spillVals
* @param firstV2
* @param blockVals
private void crossMwithNValues(final T1 firstV1, Iterator<T1> spillVals,
final T2 firstV2, final Iterator<T2> blockVals,
final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
// ==================================================
// We have one first (head) element from both inputs (firstV1 and firstV2)
// We have an iterator for both inputs.
// we make the V1 side the spilling side and the V2 side the blocking side.
// In order to get the full cross product without unnecessary spilling, we do the
// following:
// 1) cross the heads
// 2) cross the head of the spilling side against the first block of the blocking side
// 3) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the head of the block side
// 4) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the first block
// ---------------------------------------------------
// If the blocking side has more than one block, we really need to make the spilling side fully
// resettable. For each further block on the block side, we do:
// 5) cross the head of the spilling side with the next block
// 6) cross the spilling iterator with the next block.
// match the first values first
T1 copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(firstV1);
T2 blockHeadCopy = this.serializer2.copy(firstV2);
T1 spillHeadCopy = null;
// --------------- 1) Cross the heads -------------------
matchFunction.join(copy1, firstV2, collector);
// for the remaining values, we do a block-nested-loops join
SpillingResettableIterator<T1> spillIt = null;
try {
// create block iterator on the second input
// ------------- 2) cross the head of the spilling side with the first block ------------------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
final T2 nextBlockRec = this.blockIt.next();
copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(firstV1);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockRec, collector);
// spilling is required if the blocked input has data beyond the current block.
// in that case, create the spilling iterator
final Iterator<T1> leftSideIter;
final boolean spillingRequired = this.blockIt.hasFurtherInput();
if (spillingRequired)
// more data than would fit into one block. we need to wrap the other side in a spilling iterator
// create spilling iterator on first input
spillIt = new SpillingResettableIterator<T1>(spillVals, this.serializer1,
this.memoryManager, this.ioManager, this.memoryForSpillingIterator);
leftSideIter = spillIt;
spillHeadCopy = this.serializer1.copy(firstV1);
else {
leftSideIter = spillVals;
// cross the values in the v1 iterator against the current block
while (leftSideIter.hasNext()) {
final T1 nextSpillVal = leftSideIter.next();
copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(nextSpillVal);
// -------- 3) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the head of the block side --------
T2 copy2 = this.serializer2.copy(blockHeadCopy);
matchFunction.join(copy1, copy2, collector);
// -------- 4) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the first block --------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
T2 nextBlockRec = this.blockIt.next();
// get instances of key and block value
copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(nextSpillVal);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockRec, collector);
// reset block iterator
// if everything from the block-side fit into a single block, we are done.
// note that in this special case, we did not create a spilling iterator at all
if (!spillingRequired) {
// here we are, because we have more blocks on the block side
// loop as long as there are blocks from the blocked input
while (this.blockIt.nextBlock())
// rewind the spilling iterator
// ------------- 5) cross the head of the spilling side with the next block ------------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(spillHeadCopy);
final T2 nextBlockVal = blockIt.next();
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockVal, collector);
// -------- 6) cross the spilling iterator with the next block. ------------------
while (spillIt.hasNext())
// get value from resettable iterator
final T1 nextSpillVal = spillIt.next();
// cross value with block values
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
// get instances of key and block value
final T2 nextBlockVal = this.blockIt.next();
copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(nextSpillVal);
matchFunction.join(copy1, nextBlockVal, collector);
// reset block iterator
// reset v1 iterator
finally {
if (spillIt != null) {
......@@ -18,70 +18,20 @@
package org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypePairComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.IOManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.AbstractInvokable;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryAllocationException;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memorymanager.MemoryManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.NonReusingBlockResettableIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.resettable.SpillingResettableIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.KeyGroupedIterator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.ReusingKeyGroupedIterator;
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector;
import org.apache.flink.util.MutableObjectIterator;
* An implementation of the {@link JoinTaskIterator} that realizes the
* matching through a sort-merge join strategy.
public class ReusingMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> implements JoinTaskIterator<T1, T2, O> {
* The log used by this iterator to log messages.
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReusingMergeMatchIterator.class);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private TypePairComparator<T1, T2> comp;
private ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T1> iterator1;
private ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T2> iterator2;
private final TypeSerializer<T1> serializer1;
private final TypeSerializer<T2> serializer2;
private T1 copy1;
private T1 spillHeadCopy;
private T2 copy2;
private T2 blockHeadCopy;
private final NonReusingBlockResettableIterator<T2> blockIt; // for N:M cross products with same key
private final List<MemorySegment> memoryForSpillingIterator;
private final MemoryManager memoryManager;
public class ReusingMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> extends AbstractMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> {
private final IOManager ioManager;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public ReusingMergeMatchIterator(
MutableObjectIterator<T1> input1,
MutableObjectIterator<T2> input2,
......@@ -92,344 +42,23 @@ public class ReusingMergeMatchIterator<T1, T2, O> implements JoinTaskIterator<T1
IOManager ioManager,
int numMemoryPages,
AbstractInvokable parentTask)
throws MemoryAllocationException
if (numMemoryPages < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Merger needs at least 2 memory pages.");
this.comp = pairComparator;
this.serializer1 = serializer1;
this.serializer2 = serializer2;
throws MemoryAllocationException {
super(input1, input2, serializer1, comparator1, serializer2, comparator2, pairComparator, memoryManager, ioManager, numMemoryPages, parentTask);
this.copy1 = serializer1.createInstance();
this.spillHeadCopy = serializer1.createInstance();
this.copy2 = serializer2.createInstance();
this.blockHeadCopy = serializer2.createInstance();
this.memoryManager = memoryManager;
this.ioManager = ioManager;
this.iterator1 = new ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T1>(input1, this.serializer1, comparator1.duplicate());
this.iterator2 = new ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T2>(input2, this.serializer2, comparator2.duplicate());
final int numPagesForSpiller = numMemoryPages > 20 ? 2 : 1;
this.blockIt = new NonReusingBlockResettableIterator<T2>(this.memoryManager, this.serializer2,
(numMemoryPages - numPagesForSpiller), parentTask);
this.memoryForSpillingIterator = memoryManager.allocatePages(parentTask, numPagesForSpiller);
public void open() throws IOException {}
public void close() {
if (this.blockIt != null) {
try {
catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Error closing block memory iterator: " + t.getMessage(), t);
public void abort() {
protected <T> KeyGroupedIterator<T> createKeyGroupedIterator(MutableObjectIterator<T> input, TypeSerializer<T> serializer, TypeComparator<T> comparator) {
return new ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T>(input, serializer, comparator);
* Calls the <code>JoinFunction#match()</code> method for all two key-value pairs that share the same key and come
* from different inputs. The output of the <code>match()</code> method is forwarded.
* <p>
* This method first zig-zags between the two sorted inputs in order to find a common
* key, and then calls the match stub with the cross product of the values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions from the user code and the I/O system.
* @see org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.JoinTaskIterator#callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction, Collector)
public boolean callWithNextKey(final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
if (!this.iterator1.nextKey() || !this.iterator2.nextKey()) {
// consume all remaining keys (hack to prevent remaining inputs during iterations, lets get rid of this soon)
while (this.iterator1.nextKey());
while (this.iterator2.nextKey());
return false;
final TypePairComparator<T1, T2> comparator = this.comp;
T2 current2 = this.iterator2.getCurrent();
// zig zag
while (true) {
// determine the relation between the (possibly composite) keys
final int comp = comparator.compareToReference(current2);
if (comp == 0) {
if (comp < 0) {
if (!this.iterator2.nextKey()) {
return false;
current2 = this.iterator2.getCurrent();
else {
if (!this.iterator1.nextKey()) {
return false;
// here, we have a common key! call the match function with the cross product of the
// values
final ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T1>.ValuesIterator values1 = this.iterator1.getValues();
final ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<T2>.ValuesIterator values2 = this.iterator2.getValues();
final T1 firstV1 = values1.next();
final T2 firstV2 = values2.next();
final boolean v1HasNext = values1.hasNext();
final boolean v2HasNext = values2.hasNext();
// check if one side is already empty
// this check could be omitted if we put this in MatchTask.
// then we can derive the local strategy (with build side).
if (v1HasNext) {
if (v2HasNext) {
// both sides contain more than one value
// TODO: Decide which side to spill and which to block!
crossMwithNValues(firstV1, values1, firstV2, values2, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
crossSecond1withNValues(firstV2, firstV1, values1, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
if (v2HasNext) {
crossFirst1withNValues(firstV1, firstV2, values2, matchFunction, collector);
} else {
// both sides contain only one value
matchFunction.join(firstV1, firstV2, collector);
return true;
protected <T> T createCopy(TypeSerializer<T> serializer, T value, T reuse) {
return serializer.copy(value, reuse);
* Crosses a single value from the first input with N values, all sharing a common key.
* Effectively realizes a <i>1:N</i> match (join).
* @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side.
* @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side.
* @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub.
private void crossFirst1withNValues(final T1 val1, final T2 firstValN,
final Iterator<T2> valsN, final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(val1, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, firstValN, collector);
// set copy and match first element
boolean more = true;
do {
final T2 nRec = valsN.next();
if (valsN.hasNext()) {
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(val1, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, nRec, collector);
} else {
matchFunction.join(val1, nRec, collector);
more = false;
while (more);
* Crosses a single value from the second side with N values, all sharing a common key.
* Effectively realizes a <i>N:1</i> match (join).
* @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side.
* @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side.
* @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values.
* @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub.
private void crossSecond1withNValues(T2 val1, T1 firstValN,
Iterator<T1> valsN, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
this.copy2 = this.serializer2.copy(val1, this.copy2);
matchFunction.join(firstValN, this.copy2, collector);
// set copy and match first element
boolean more = true;
do {
final T1 nRec = valsN.next();
if (valsN.hasNext()) {
this.copy2 = this.serializer2.copy(val1, this.copy2);
} else {
matchFunction.join(nRec, val1, collector);
more = false;
while (more);
* @param firstV1
* @param spillVals
* @param firstV2
* @param blockVals
private void crossMwithNValues(final T1 firstV1, Iterator<T1> spillVals,
final T2 firstV2, final Iterator<T2> blockVals,
final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> matchFunction, final Collector<O> collector)
throws Exception
// ==================================================
// We have one first (head) element from both inputs (firstV1 and firstV2)
// We have an iterator for both inputs.
// we make the V1 side the spilling side and the V2 side the blocking side.
// In order to get the full cross product without unnecessary spilling, we do the
// following:
// 1) cross the heads
// 2) cross the head of the spilling side against the first block of the blocking side
// 3) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the head of the block side
// 4) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the first block
// ---------------------------------------------------
// If the blocking side has more than one block, we really need to make the spilling side fully
// resettable. For each further block on the block side, we do:
// 5) cross the head of the spilling side with the next block
// 6) cross the spilling iterator with the next block.
// match the first values first
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(firstV1, this.copy1);
this.blockHeadCopy = this.serializer2.copy(firstV2, this.blockHeadCopy);
// --------------- 1) Cross the heads -------------------
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, firstV2, collector);
// for the remaining values, we do a block-nested-loops join
SpillingResettableIterator<T1> spillIt = null;
try {
// create block iterator on the second input
// ------------- 2) cross the head of the spilling side with the first block ------------------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
final T2 nextBlockRec = this.blockIt.next();
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(firstV1, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, nextBlockRec, collector);
// spilling is required if the blocked input has data beyond the current block.
// in that case, create the spilling iterator
final Iterator<T1> leftSideIter;
final boolean spillingRequired = this.blockIt.hasFurtherInput();
if (spillingRequired)
// more data than would fit into one block. we need to wrap the other side in a spilling iterator
// create spilling iterator on first input
spillIt = new SpillingResettableIterator<T1>(spillVals, this.serializer1,
this.memoryManager, this.ioManager, this.memoryForSpillingIterator);
leftSideIter = spillIt;
this.spillHeadCopy = this.serializer1.copy(firstV1, this.spillHeadCopy);
else {
leftSideIter = spillVals;
// cross the values in the v1 iterator against the current block
while (leftSideIter.hasNext()) {
final T1 nextSpillVal = leftSideIter.next();
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(nextSpillVal, this.copy1);
// -------- 3) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the head of the block side --------
this.copy2 = this.serializer2.copy(this.blockHeadCopy, this.copy2);
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, this.copy2, collector);
// -------- 4) cross the iterator of the spilling side with the first block --------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
T2 nextBlockRec = this.blockIt.next();
// get instances of key and block value
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(nextSpillVal, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, nextBlockRec, collector);
// reset block iterator
// if everything from the block-side fit into a single block, we are done.
// note that in this special case, we did not create a spilling iterator at all
if (!spillingRequired) {
// here we are, because we have more blocks on the block side
// loop as long as there are blocks from the blocked input
while (this.blockIt.nextBlock())
// rewind the spilling iterator
// ------------- 5) cross the head of the spilling side with the next block ------------
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(this.spillHeadCopy, this.copy1);
final T2 nextBlockVal = blockIt.next();
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, nextBlockVal, collector);
// -------- 6) cross the spilling iterator with the next block. ------------------
while (spillIt.hasNext())
// get value from resettable iterator
final T1 nextSpillVal = spillIt.next();
// cross value with block values
while (this.blockIt.hasNext()) {
// get instances of key and block value
final T2 nextBlockVal = this.blockIt.next();
this.copy1 = this.serializer1.copy(nextSpillVal, this.copy1);
matchFunction.join(this.copy1, nextBlockVal, collector);
// reset block iterator
// reset v1 iterator
finally {
if (spillIt != null) {
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.runtime.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
public interface KeyGroupedIterator<E> {
boolean nextKey() throws IOException;
E getCurrent();
Iterator<E> getValues();
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import org.apache.flink.util.TraversableOnceException;
* The key grouped iterator returns a key and all values that share the same key.
public final class NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<E> {
public final class NonReusingKeyGroupedIterator<E> implements KeyGroupedIterator<E> {
private final MutableObjectIterator<E> iterator;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import org.apache.flink.util.TraversableOnceException;
* The KeyValueIterator returns a key and all values that belong to the key (share the same key).
public final class ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<E> {
public final class ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<E> implements KeyGroupedIterator<E> {
private final MutableObjectIterator<E> iterator;
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ public final class ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<E> {
* @return true if the input iterator has an other group of key-value pairs that share the same key.
public boolean nextKey() throws IOException
// first element (or empty)
......@@ -139,6 +140,7 @@ public final class ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<E> {
return this.comparator;
public E getCurrent() {
return this.current;
......@@ -150,6 +152,7 @@ public final class ReusingKeyGroupedIterator<E> {
* @return Iterator over all values that belong to the current key.
public ValuesIterator getValues() {
return this.valuesIterator;
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