• T
    [FLINK-11064] [table] Setup a new flink-table module structure · 0ab1549f
    Timo Walther 提交于
    This commit splits the flink-table module into multiple submodules in
    accordance with FLIP-32 (step 1).
    The new module structure looks as follows:
    flink-table-api-java <------- flink-table-api-scala
           ^                                 ^
           |                                 |
    flink-table-api-java-bridge    flink-table-api-scala-bridge
    The module structure assumes that the type system has been reworked such
    that only one table environment exists for both Java and Scala users.
    The module `flink-table-planner` contains the content of the old
    `flink-table` module. From there we can distribute ported classes to
    their final module without breaking backwards compatibility or
    force users to update their dependencies again.
    For example, if a user wants to implement a pure table program in Scala,
    `flink-table-api-scala` and `flink-table-planner` need to be
    added to the project.
    Until we support pure table programs, `flink-table-api-scala/java-bridge`
    and `flink-table-planner` need to be added to the project.
    This closes #7587.
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