tools.ps1 35.4 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# Initialize variables if they aren't already defined.
# These may be defined as parameters of the importing script, or set after importing this script.

# CI mode - set to true on CI server for PR validation build or official build.
[bool]$ci = if (Test-Path variable:ci) { $ci } else { $false }

# Build configuration. Common values include 'Debug' and 'Release', but the repository may use other names.
[string]$configuration = if (Test-Path variable:configuration) { $configuration } else { 'Debug' }

10 11 12
# Set to true to opt out of outputting binary log while running in CI
[bool]$excludeCIBinarylog = if (Test-Path variable:excludeCIBinarylog) { $excludeCIBinarylog } else { $false }

# Set to true to output binary log from msbuild. Note that emitting binary log slows down the build.
[bool]$binaryLog = if (Test-Path variable:binaryLog) { $binaryLog } else { $ci -and !$excludeCIBinarylog }
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

# Set to true to use the pipelines logger which will enable Azure logging output.
# This flag is meant as a temporary opt-opt for the feature while validate it across
# our consumers. It will be deleted in the future.
[bool]$pipelinesLog = if (Test-Path variable:pipelinesLog) { $pipelinesLog } else { $ci }

# Turns on machine preparation/clean up code that changes the machine state (e.g. kills build processes).
[bool]$prepareMachine = if (Test-Path variable:prepareMachine) { $prepareMachine } else { $false }

# True to restore toolsets and dependencies.
[bool]$restore = if (Test-Path variable:restore) { $restore } else { $true }

# Adjusts msbuild verbosity level.
[string]$verbosity = if (Test-Path variable:verbosity) { $verbosity } else { 'minimal' }
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

# Set to true to reuse msbuild nodes. Recommended to not reuse on CI.
[bool]$nodeReuse = if (Test-Path variable:nodeReuse) { $nodeReuse } else { !$ci }

# Configures warning treatment in msbuild.
[bool]$warnAsError = if (Test-Path variable:warnAsError) { $warnAsError } else { $true }

# Specifies which msbuild engine to use for build: 'vs', 'dotnet' or unspecified (determined based on presence of tools.vs in global.json).
[string]$msbuildEngine = if (Test-Path variable:msbuildEngine) { $msbuildEngine } else { $null }

# True to attempt using .NET Core already that meets requirements specified in global.json
# installed on the machine instead of downloading one.
[bool]$useInstalledDotNetCli = if (Test-Path variable:useInstalledDotNetCli) { $useInstalledDotNetCli } else { $true }

# Enable repos to use a particular version of the on-line dotnet-install scripts.
#    default URL:
[string]$dotnetInstallScriptVersion = if (Test-Path variable:dotnetInstallScriptVersion) { $dotnetInstallScriptVersion } else { 'v1' }

48 49 50
# True to use global NuGet cache instead of restoring packages to repository-local directory.
[bool]$useGlobalNuGetCache = if (Test-Path variable:useGlobalNuGetCache) { $useGlobalNuGetCache } else { !$ci }

51 52 53
# True to exclude prerelease versions Visual Studio during build
[bool]$excludePrereleaseVS = if (Test-Path variable:excludePrereleaseVS) { $excludePrereleaseVS } else { $false }

# An array of names of processes to stop on script exit if prepareMachine is true.
$processesToStopOnExit = if (Test-Path variable:processesToStopOnExit) { $processesToStopOnExit } else { @('msbuild', 'dotnet', 'vbcscompiler') }

57 58
$disableConfigureToolsetImport = if (Test-Path variable:disableConfigureToolsetImport) { $disableConfigureToolsetImport } else { $null }

set-strictmode -version 2.0
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
61 62
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

# If specifies, provides an alternate path for getting .NET Core SDKs and Runtimes. This script will still try public sources first.
64 65 66 67
[string]$runtimeSourceFeed = if (Test-Path variable:runtimeSourceFeed) { $runtimeSourceFeed } else { $null }
# Base-64 encoded SAS token that has permission to storage container described by $runtimeSourceFeed
[string]$runtimeSourceFeedKey = if (Test-Path variable:runtimeSourceFeedKey) { $runtimeSourceFeedKey } else { $null }

68 69
function Create-Directory ([string[]] $path) {
    New-Item -Path $path -Force -ItemType 'Directory' | Out-Null
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

function Unzip([string]$zipfile, [string]$outpath) {
  Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
  [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $outpath)

# This will exec a process using the console and return it's exit code.
# This will not throw when the process fails.
# Returns process exit code.
function Exec-Process([string]$command, [string]$commandArgs) {
  $startInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
  $startInfo.FileName = $command
  $startInfo.Arguments = $commandArgs
  $startInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
  $startInfo.WorkingDirectory = Get-Location

  $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
  $process.StartInfo = $startInfo
  $process.Start() | Out-Null

  $finished = $false
  try {
    while (-not $process.WaitForExit(100)) {
      # Non-blocking loop done to allow ctr-c interrupts

    $finished = $true
    return $global:LASTEXITCODE = $process.ExitCode
  finally {
    # If we didn't finish then an error occurred or the user hit ctrl-c.  Either
102 103 104 105 106 107 108
    # way kill the process
    if (-not $finished) {

109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
# Take the given block, print it, print what the block probably references from the current set of
# variables using low-effort string matching, then run the block.
# This is intended to replace the pattern of manually copy-pasting a command, wrapping it in quotes,
# and printing it using "Write-Host". The copy-paste method is more readable in build logs, but less
# maintainable and less reliable. It is easy to make a mistake and modify the command without
# properly updating the "Write-Host" line, resulting in misleading build logs. The probability of
# this mistake makes the pattern hard to trust when it shows up in build logs. Finding the bug in
# existing source code can also be difficult, because the strings are not aligned to each other and
# the line may be 300+ columns long.
# By removing the need to maintain two copies of the command, Exec-BlockVerbosely avoids the issues.
# In Bash (or any posix-like shell), "set -x" prints usable verbose output automatically.
# "Set-PSDebug" appears to be similar at first glance, but unfortunately, it isn't very useful: it
# doesn't print any info about the variables being used by the command, which is normally the
# interesting part to diagnose.
function Exec-BlockVerbosely([scriptblock] $block) {
  Write-Host "--- Running script block:"
  $blockString = $block.ToString().Trim()
  Write-Host $blockString

  Write-Host "--- List of variables that might be used:"
  # For each variable x in the environment, check the block for a reference to x via simple "$x" or
  # "@x" syntax. This doesn't detect other ways to reference variables ("${x}" nor "$variable:x",
  # among others). It only catches what this function was originally written for: simple
  # command-line commands.
  $variableTable = Get-Variable |
    Where-Object {
      $blockString.Contains("`$$($_.Name)") -or $blockString.Contains("@$($_.Name)")
    } |
    Format-Table -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders -Wrap |
  Write-Host $variableTable.Trim()

  Write-Host "--- Executing:"
  & $block
  Write-Host "--- Done running script block!"

149 150 151 152
# createSdkLocationFile parameter enables a file being generated under the toolset directory
# which writes the sdk's location into. This is only necessary for cmd --> powershell invocations
# as dot sourcing isn't possible.
function InitializeDotNetCli([bool]$install, [bool]$createSdkLocationFile) {
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
  if (Test-Path variable:global:_DotNetInstallDir) {
    return $global:_DotNetInstallDir

  # Don't resolve runtime, shared framework, or SDK from other locations to ensure build determinism

  # Disable first run since we do not need all ASP.NET packages restored.

  # Disable telemetry on CI.
  if ($ci) {

  # Source Build uses DotNetCoreSdkDir variable
  if ($env:DotNetCoreSdkDir -ne $null) {
    $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR = $env:DotNetCoreSdkDir

  # Find the first path on %PATH% that contains the dotnet.exe
  if ($useInstalledDotNetCli -and (-not $globalJsonHasRuntimes) -and ($env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR -eq $null)) {
175 176 177
    $dotnetExecutable = GetExecutableFileName 'dotnet'
    $dotnetCmd = Get-Command $dotnetExecutable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186
    if ($dotnetCmd -ne $null) {
      $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR = Split-Path $dotnetCmd.Path -Parent

  $dotnetSdkVersion = $

  # Use dotnet installation specified in DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR if it contains the required SDK version,
  # otherwise install the dotnet CLI and SDK to repo local .dotnet directory to avoid potential permission issues.
  if ((-not $globalJsonHasRuntimes) -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR)) -and (Test-Path(Join-Path $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR "sdk\$dotnetSdkVersion"))) {
188 189
    $dotnetRoot = $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR
  } else {
    $dotnetRoot = Join-Path $RepoRoot '.dotnet'
191 192 193 194 195

    if (-not (Test-Path(Join-Path $dotnetRoot "sdk\$dotnetSdkVersion"))) {
      if ($install) {
        InstallDotNetSdk $dotnetRoot $dotnetSdkVersion
      } else {
        Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message "Unable to find dotnet with SDK version '$dotnetSdkVersion'"
197 198 199 200 201 202 203
        ExitWithExitCode 1

    $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR = $dotnetRoot

204 205 206 207
  # Creates a temporary file under the toolset dir.
  # The following code block is protecting against concurrent access so that this function can
  # be called in parallel.
  if ($createSdkLocationFile) {
    do {
      $sdkCacheFileTemp = Join-Path $ToolsetDir $([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
211 212
    until (!(Test-Path $sdkCacheFileTemp))
    Set-Content -Path $sdkCacheFileTemp -Value $dotnetRoot

    try {
      Move-Item -Force $sdkCacheFileTemp (Join-Path $ToolsetDir 'sdk.txt')
216 217 218 219 220 221
    } catch {
      # Somebody beat us
      Remove-Item -Path $sdkCacheFileTemp

222 223 224 225 226
  # Add dotnet to PATH. This prevents any bare invocation of dotnet in custom
  # build steps from using anything other than what we've downloaded.
  # It also ensures that VS msbuild will use the downloaded sdk targets.
  $env:PATH = "$dotnetRoot;$env:PATH"

  # Make Sure that our bootstrapped dotnet cli is available in future steps of the Azure Pipelines build
  Write-PipelinePrependPath -Path $dotnetRoot

230 231 232 233 234 235
  Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP' -Value '0'
  Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE' -Value '1'

  return $global:_DotNetInstallDir = $dotnetRoot

236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
function Retry($downloadBlock, $maxRetries = 5) {
  $retries = 1

  while($true) {
    try {
      & $downloadBlock
    catch {
      Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message $_

    if (++$retries -le $maxRetries) {
      $delayInSeconds = [math]::Pow(2, $retries) - 1 # Exponential backoff
      Write-Host "Retrying. Waiting for $delayInSeconds seconds before next attempt ($retries of $maxRetries)."
      Start-Sleep -Seconds $delayInSeconds
    else {
      Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message "Unable to download file in $maxRetries attempts."


function GetDotNetInstallScript([string] $dotnetRoot) {
  $installScript = Join-Path $dotnetRoot 'dotnet-install.ps1'
  if (!(Test-Path $installScript)) {
264 265
    Create-Directory $dotnetRoot
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Don't display the console progress UI - it's a huge perf hit
    $uri = "$dotnetInstallScriptVersion/dotnet-install.ps1"

268 269 270 271
      Write-Host "GET $uri"
      Invoke-WebRequest $uri -OutFile $installScript

274 275 276
  return $installScript

277 278
function InstallDotNetSdk([string] $dotnetRoot, [string] $version, [string] $architecture = '', [switch] $noPath) {
  InstallDotNet $dotnetRoot $version $architecture '' $false $runtimeSourceFeed $runtimeSourceFeedKey -noPath:$noPath
279 280

281 282 283 284 285 286
function InstallDotNet([string] $dotnetRoot,
  [string] $version,
  [string] $architecture = '',
  [string] $runtime = '',
  [bool] $skipNonVersionedFiles = $false,
  [string] $runtimeSourceFeed = '',
287 288
  [string] $runtimeSourceFeedKey = '',
  [switch] $noPath) {

290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298
  $installScript = GetDotNetInstallScript $dotnetRoot
  $installParameters = @{
    Version = $version
    InstallDir = $dotnetRoot

  if ($architecture) { $installParameters.Architecture = $architecture }
  if ($runtime) { $installParameters.Runtime = $runtime }
  if ($skipNonVersionedFiles) { $installParameters.SkipNonVersionedFiles = $skipNonVersionedFiles }
  if ($noPath) { $installParameters.NoPath = $True }

301 302
  $variations = @()
  $variations += @($installParameters)

304 305 306
  $dotnetBuilds = $installParameters.Clone()
  $dotnetbuilds.AzureFeed = ""
  $variations += @($dotnetBuilds)

308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322
  if ($runtimeSourceFeed) {
    $runtimeSource = $installParameters.Clone()
    $runtimeSource.AzureFeed = $runtimeSourceFeed
    if ($runtimeSourceFeedKey) {
      $decodedBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($runtimeSourceFeedKey)
      $decodedString = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($decodedBytes)
      $runtimeSource.FeedCredential = $decodedString
    $variations += @($runtimeSource)

  $installSuccess = $false
  foreach ($variation in $variations) {
    if ($variation | Get-Member AzureFeed) {
      $location = $variation.AzureFeed
    } else {
324 325 326 327 328 329 330
      $location = "public location";
    Write-Host "Attempting to install dotnet from $location."
    try {
      & $installScript @variation
      $installSuccess = $true
332 333 334 335 336 337 338
    catch {
      Write-Host "Failed to install dotnet from $location."
  if (-not $installSuccess) {
    Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message "Failed to install dotnet from any of the specified locations."
    ExitWithExitCode 1
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353

# Locates Visual Studio MSBuild installation.
# The preference order for MSBuild to use is as follows:
#   1. MSBuild from an active VS command prompt
#   2. MSBuild from a compatible VS installation
#   3. MSBuild from the xcopy tool package
# Returns full path to msbuild.exe.
# Throws on failure.
function InitializeVisualStudioMSBuild([bool]$install, [object]$vsRequirements = $null) {
354 355 356 357
  if (-not (IsWindowsPlatform)) {
    throw "Cannot initialize Visual Studio on non-Windows"

358 359 360 361
  if (Test-Path variable:global:_MSBuildExe) {
    return $global:_MSBuildExe

362 363
  # Minimum VS version to require.
  $vsMinVersionReqdStr = '16.8'
364 365
  $vsMinVersionReqd = [Version]::new($vsMinVersionReqdStr)

366 367
  # If the version of msbuild is going to be xcopied,
  # use this version. Version matches a package here:
368 369
  $defaultXCopyMSBuildVersion = '17.4.1'

371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378
  if (!$vsRequirements) {
    if (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name 'vs') {
      $vsRequirements = $
    else {
      $vsRequirements = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ version = $vsMinVersionReqdStr }
  $vsMinVersionStr = if ($vsRequirements.version) { $vsRequirements.version } else { $vsMinVersionReqdStr }
380 381 382 383
  $vsMinVersion = [Version]::new($vsMinVersionStr)

  # Try msbuild command available in the environment.
  if ($env:VSINSTALLDIR -ne $null) {
    $msbuildCmd = Get-Command 'msbuild.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
385 386 387
    if ($msbuildCmd -ne $null) {
      # Workaround for
      # Due to this issue $msbuildCmd.Version returns for msbuild.exe 16.2+
      $msbuildVersion = [Version]::new((Get-Item $msbuildCmd.Path).VersionInfo.ProductVersion.Split([char[]]@('-', '+'))[0])
389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401

      if ($msbuildVersion -ge $vsMinVersion) {
        return $global:_MSBuildExe = $msbuildCmd.Path

      # Report error - the developer environment is initialized with incompatible VS version.
      throw "Developer Command Prompt for VS $($env:VisualStudioVersion) is not recent enough. Please upgrade to $vsMinVersionStr or build from a plain CMD window"

  # Locate Visual Studio installation or download x-copy msbuild.
  $vsInfo = LocateVisualStudio $vsRequirements
  if ($vsInfo -ne $null) {
402 403
    # Ensure vsInstallDir has a trailing slash
    $vsInstallDir = Join-Path $vsInfo.installationPath "\"
404 405 406 407 408
    $vsMajorVersion = $vsInfo.installationVersion.Split('.')[0]

    InitializeVisualStudioEnvironmentVariables $vsInstallDir $vsMajorVersion
  } else {

    if (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name 'xcopy-msbuild') {
410 411 412
      $xcopyMSBuildVersion = $'xcopy-msbuild'
      $vsMajorVersion = $xcopyMSBuildVersion.Split('.')[0]
    } else {
      #if vs version provided in global.json is incompatible (too low) then use the default version for xcopy msbuild download
      if($vsMinVersion -lt $vsMinVersionReqd){
415 416
        Write-Host "Using xcopy-msbuild version of $defaultXCopyMSBuildVersion since VS version $vsMinVersionStr provided in global.json is not compatible"
        $xcopyMSBuildVersion = $defaultXCopyMSBuildVersion
        $vsMajorVersion = $xcopyMSBuildVersion.Split('.')[0]
418 419
420 421 422 423
        # If the VS version IS compatible, look for an xcopy msbuild package
        # with a version matching VS.
        # Note: If this version does not exist, then an explicit version of xcopy msbuild
        # can be specified in global.json. This will be required for pre-release versions of msbuild.
424 425
        $vsMajorVersion = $vsMinVersion.Major
        $vsMinorVersion = $vsMinVersion.Minor
        $xcopyMSBuildVersion = "$vsMajorVersion.$vsMinorVersion.0"

430 431 432
    $vsInstallDir = $null
    if ($xcopyMSBuildVersion.Trim() -ine "none") {
        $vsInstallDir = InitializeXCopyMSBuild $xcopyMSBuildVersion $install
433 434 435
        if ($vsInstallDir -eq $null) {
            throw "Could not xcopy msbuild. Please check that package 'RoslynTools.MSBuild @ $xcopyMSBuildVersion' exists on feed 'dotnet-eng'."
    if ($vsInstallDir -eq $null) {
      throw 'Unable to find Visual Studio that has required version and components installed'
439 440 441 442

  $msbuildVersionDir = if ([int]$vsMajorVersion -lt 16) { "$vsMajorVersion.0" } else { "Current" }
443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452

  $local:BinFolder = Join-Path $vsInstallDir "MSBuild\$msbuildVersionDir\Bin"
  $local:Prefer64bit = if (Get-Member -InputObject $vsRequirements -Name 'Prefer64bit') { $vsRequirements.Prefer64bit } else { $false }
  if ($local:Prefer64bit -and (Test-Path(Join-Path $local:BinFolder "amd64"))) {
    $global:_MSBuildExe = Join-Path $local:BinFolder "amd64\msbuild.exe"
  } else {
    $global:_MSBuildExe = Join-Path $local:BinFolder "msbuild.exe"

  return $global:_MSBuildExe
453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470

function InitializeVisualStudioEnvironmentVariables([string] $vsInstallDir, [string] $vsMajorVersion) {
  $env:VSINSTALLDIR = $vsInstallDir
  Set-Item "env:VS$($vsMajorVersion)0COMNTOOLS" (Join-Path $vsInstallDir "Common7\Tools\")

  $vsSdkInstallDir = Join-Path $vsInstallDir "VSSDK\"
  if (Test-Path $vsSdkInstallDir) {
    Set-Item "env:VSSDK$($vsMajorVersion)0Install" $vsSdkInstallDir
    $env:VSSDKInstall = $vsSdkInstallDir

function InstallXCopyMSBuild([string]$packageVersion) {
  return InitializeXCopyMSBuild $packageVersion -install $true

function InitializeXCopyMSBuild([string]$packageVersion, [bool]$install) {
  $packageName = 'RoslynTools.MSBuild'
472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
  $packageDir = Join-Path $ToolsDir "msbuild\$packageVersion"
  $packagePath = Join-Path $packageDir "$packageName.$packageVersion.nupkg"

  if (!(Test-Path $packageDir)) {
    if (!$install) {
      return $null

    Create-Directory $packageDir

    Write-Host "Downloading $packageName $packageVersion"
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Don't display the console progress UI - it's a huge perf hit
484 485 486 487
      Invoke-WebRequest "$packageName/$packageVersion/$packageName.$packageVersion.nupkg" -OutFile $packagePath

488 489 490
    Unzip $packagePath $packageDir

  return Join-Path $packageDir 'tools'
492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507

# Locates Visual Studio instance that meets the minimal requirements specified by tools.vs object in global.json.
# The following properties of tools.vs are recognized:
#   "version": "{major}.{minor}"
#       Two part minimal VS version, e.g. "15.9", "16.0", etc.
#   "components": ["componentId1", "componentId2", ...]
#       Array of ids of workload components that must be available in the VS instance.
#       See e.g.
# Returns JSON describing the located VS instance (same format as returned by vswhere),
# or $null if no instance meeting the requirements is found on the machine.
function LocateVisualStudio([object]$vsRequirements = $null){
508 509 510 511
  if (-not (IsWindowsPlatform)) {
    throw "Cannot run vswhere on non-Windows platforms."

  if (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name 'vswhere') {
513 514
    $vswhereVersion = $
  } else {
    $vswhereVersion = '2.5.2'
516 517 518

  $vsWhereDir = Join-Path $ToolsDir "vswhere\$vswhereVersion"
  $vsWhereExe = Join-Path $vsWhereDir 'vswhere.exe'
520 521 522

  if (!(Test-Path $vsWhereExe)) {
    Create-Directory $vsWhereDir
    Write-Host 'Downloading vswhere'
524 525 526
      Invoke-WebRequest "$vswhereVersion/vswhere.exe" -OutFile $vswhereExe
527 528 529

  if (!$vsRequirements) { $vsRequirements = $ }
530 531 532 533 534
  $args = @('-latest', '-format', 'json', '-requires', 'Microsoft.Component.MSBuild', '-products', '*')

  if (!$excludePrereleaseVS) {
    $args += '-prerelease'

536 537
  if (Get-Member -InputObject $vsRequirements -Name 'version') {
    $args += '-version'
538 539 540
    $args += $vsRequirements.version

  if (Get-Member -InputObject $vsRequirements -Name 'components') {
    foreach ($component in $vsRequirements.components) {
      $args += '-requires'
544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559
      $args += $component

  $vsInfo =& $vsWhereExe $args | ConvertFrom-Json

  if ($lastExitCode -ne 0) {
    return $null

  # use first matching instance
  return $vsInfo[0]

function InitializeBuildTool() {
  if (Test-Path variable:global:_BuildTool) {
560 561
    # If the requested msbuild parameters do not match, clear the cached variables.
    if($global:_BuildTool.Contains('ExcludePrereleaseVS') -and $global:_BuildTool.ExcludePrereleaseVS -ne $excludePrereleaseVS) {
      Remove-Item variable:global:_BuildTool
563 564 565 566
      Remove-Item variable:global:_MSBuildExe
    } else {
      return $global:_BuildTool
567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574

  if (-not $msbuildEngine) {
    $msbuildEngine = GetDefaultMSBuildEngine

  # Initialize dotnet cli if listed in 'tools'
  $dotnetRoot = $null
  if (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name 'dotnet') {
576 577 578
    $dotnetRoot = InitializeDotNetCli -install:$restore

  if ($msbuildEngine -eq 'dotnet') {
    if (!$dotnetRoot) {
      Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message "/global.json must specify 'tools.dotnet'."
582 583
      ExitWithExitCode 1
    $dotnetPath = Join-Path $dotnetRoot (GetExecutableFileName 'dotnet')
    $buildTool = @{ Path = $dotnetPath; Command = 'msbuild'; Tool = 'dotnet'; Framework = 'net8.0' }
586 587 588 589
  } elseif ($msbuildEngine -eq "vs") {
    try {
      $msbuildPath = InitializeVisualStudioMSBuild -install:$restore
    } catch {
      Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message $_
591 592 593
      ExitWithExitCode 1

    $buildTool = @{ Path = $msbuildPath; Command = ""; Tool = "vs"; Framework = "net472"; ExcludePrereleaseVS = $excludePrereleaseVS }
  } else {
    Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message "Unexpected value of -msbuildEngine: '$msbuildEngine'."
597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604
    ExitWithExitCode 1

  return $global:_BuildTool = $buildTool

function GetDefaultMSBuildEngine() {
  # Presence of tools.vs indicates the repo needs to build using VS msbuild on Windows.
605 606
  if (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name 'vs') {
    return 'vs'
607 608

609 610
  if (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name 'dotnet') {
    return 'dotnet'
611 612

  Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message "-msbuildEngine must be specified, or /global.json must specify 'tools.dotnet' or 'tools.vs'."
614 615 616 617 618
  ExitWithExitCode 1

function GetNuGetPackageCachePath() {
  if ($env:NUGET_PACKAGES -eq $null) {
    # Use local cache on CI to ensure deterministic build.
    # Avoid using the http cache as workaround for
    # use global cache in dev builds to avoid cost of downloading packages.
    # For directory normalization, see also:
    if ($useGlobalNuGetCache) {
      $env:NUGET_PACKAGES = Join-Path $env:UserProfile '.nuget\packages\'
    } else {
      $env:NUGET_PACKAGES = Join-Path $RepoRoot '.packages\'
      $env:RESTORENOCACHE = $true
628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639

  return $env:NUGET_PACKAGES

# Returns a full path to an Arcade SDK task project file.
function GetSdkTaskProject([string]$taskName) {
  return Join-Path (Split-Path (InitializeToolset) -Parent) "SdkTasks\$taskName.proj"

function InitializeNativeTools() {
  if (-Not (Test-Path variable:DisableNativeToolsetInstalls) -And (Get-Member -InputObject $GlobalJson -Name "native-tools")) {
641 642 643 644 645 646
    $nativeArgs= @{}
    if ($ci) {
      $nativeArgs = @{
        InstallDirectory = "$ToolsDir"
    if ($env:NativeToolsOnMachine) {
648 649 650
      Write-Host "Variable NativeToolsOnMachine detected, enabling native tool path promotion..."
      $nativeArgs += @{ PathPromotion = $true }
651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672
    & "$PSScriptRoot/init-tools-native.ps1" @nativeArgs

function InitializeToolset() {
  if (Test-Path variable:global:_ToolsetBuildProj) {
    return $global:_ToolsetBuildProj

  $nugetCache = GetNuGetPackageCachePath

  $toolsetVersion = $GlobalJson.'msbuild-sdks'.'Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk'
  $toolsetLocationFile = Join-Path $ToolsetDir "$toolsetVersion.txt"

  if (Test-Path $toolsetLocationFile) {
    $path = Get-Content $toolsetLocationFile -TotalCount 1
    if (Test-Path $path) {
      return $global:_ToolsetBuildProj = $path

  if (-not $restore) {
    Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'InitializeToolset' -Message "Toolset version $toolsetVersion has not been restored."
674 675 676 677 678
    ExitWithExitCode 1

  $buildTool = InitializeBuildTool

679 680
  $proj = Join-Path $ToolsetDir 'restore.proj'
  $bl = if ($binaryLog) { '/bl:' + (Join-Path $LogDir 'ToolsetRestore.binlog') } else { '' }
681 682 683 684 685

  '<Project Sdk="Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk"/>' | Set-Content $proj

  MSBuild-Core $proj $bl /t:__WriteToolsetLocation /clp:ErrorsOnly`;NoSummary /p:__ToolsetLocationOutputFile=$toolsetLocationFile

  $path = Get-Content $toolsetLocationFile -Encoding UTF8 -TotalCount 1
687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700
  if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
    throw "Invalid toolset path: $path"

  return $global:_ToolsetBuildProj = $path

function ExitWithExitCode([int] $exitCode) {
  if ($ci -and $prepareMachine) {
  exit $exitCode

701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711
# Check if $LASTEXITCODE is a nonzero exit code (NZEC). If so, print a Azure Pipeline error for
# diagnostics, then exit the script with the $LASTEXITCODE.
function Exit-IfNZEC([string] $category = "General") {
  Write-Host "Exit code $LASTEXITCODE"
  if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
    $message = "Last command failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE."
    Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Force -Category $category -Message $message
    ExitWithExitCode $LASTEXITCODE

function Stop-Processes() {
  Write-Host 'Killing running build processes...'
714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726
  foreach ($processName in $processesToStopOnExit) {
    Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process

# Executes msbuild (or 'dotnet msbuild') with arguments passed to the function.
# The arguments are automatically quoted.
# Terminates the script if the build fails.
function MSBuild() {
  if ($pipelinesLog) {
    $buildTool = InitializeBuildTool

    if ($ci -and $buildTool.Tool -eq 'dotnet') {
729 730 731 732 733 734
      Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'NUGET_PLUGIN_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS' -Value '20'
      Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'NUGET_PLUGIN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS' -Value '20'


    $toolsetBuildProject = InitializeToolset
738 739 740 741 742 743 744
    $basePath = Split-Path -parent $toolsetBuildProject
    $possiblePaths = @(
      # new scripts need to work with old packages, so we need to look for the old names/versions
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path $buildTool.Framework 'Microsoft.DotNet.ArcadeLogging.dll')),
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path $buildTool.Framework 'Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk.dll')),
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path netcoreapp2.1 'Microsoft.DotNet.ArcadeLogging.dll')),
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path netcoreapp2.1 'Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk.dll'))
745 746
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path netcoreapp3.1 'Microsoft.DotNet.ArcadeLogging.dll')),
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path netcoreapp3.1 'Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk.dll'))
747 748
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path net7.0 'Microsoft.DotNet.ArcadeLogging.dll')),
      (Join-Path $basePath (Join-Path net7.0 'Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk.dll'))
749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759
    $selectedPath = $null
    foreach ($path in $possiblePaths) {
      if (Test-Path $path -PathType Leaf) {
        $selectedPath = $path
    if (-not $selectedPath) {
      Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'Build' -Message 'Unable to find arcade sdk logger assembly.'
      ExitWithExitCode 1
    $args += "/logger:$selectedPath"
762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773

  MSBuild-Core @args

# Executes msbuild (or 'dotnet msbuild') with arguments passed to the function.
# The arguments are automatically quoted.
# Terminates the script if the build fails.
function MSBuild-Core() {
  if ($ci) {
774 775
    if (!$binaryLog -and !$excludeCIBinarylog) {
      Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'Build' -Message 'Binary log must be enabled in CI build, or explicitly opted-out from with the -excludeCIBinarylog switch.'
776 777 778 779
      ExitWithExitCode 1

    if ($nodeReuse) {
      Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'Build' -Message 'Node reuse must be disabled in CI build.'
781 782 783 784
      ExitWithExitCode 1

785 786

787 788 789 790 791
  $buildTool = InitializeBuildTool

  $cmdArgs = "$($buildTool.Command) /m /nologo /clp:Summary /v:$verbosity /nr:$nodeReuse /p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=$ci"

  if ($warnAsError) {
    $cmdArgs += ' /warnaserror /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true'
  else {
    $cmdArgs += ' /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false'
797 798

  foreach ($arg in $args) {
799 800 801 802
    if ($null -ne $arg -and $arg.Trim() -ne "") {
      if ($arg.EndsWith('\')) {
        $arg = $arg + "\"
803 804 805 806
      $cmdArgs += " `"$arg`""

807 808
  $env:ARCADE_BUILD_TOOL_COMMAND = "$($buildTool.Path) $cmdArgs"

809 810 811
  $exitCode = Exec-Process $buildTool.Path $cmdArgs

  if ($exitCode -ne 0) {
812 813 814
    # We should not Write-PipelineTaskError here because that message shows up in the build summary
    # The build already logged an error, that's the reason it failed. Producing an error here only adds noise.
    Write-Host "Build failed with exit code $exitCode. Check errors above." -ForegroundColor Red
815 816

    $buildLog = GetMSBuildBinaryLogCommandLineArgument $args
    if ($null -ne $buildLog) {
818 819 820
      Write-Host "See log: $buildLog" -ForegroundColor DarkGray

821 822
    # When running on Azure Pipelines, override the returned exit code to avoid double logging.
    if ($ci -and $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT -ne $null) {
823 824 825 826 827 828 829
      Write-PipelineSetResult -Result "Failed" -Message "msbuild execution failed."
      # Exiting with an exit code causes the azure pipelines task to log yet another "noise" error
      # The above Write-PipelineSetResult will cause the task to be marked as failure without adding yet another error
      ExitWithExitCode 0
    } else {
      ExitWithExitCode $exitCode
830 831 832 833 834 835 836

function GetMSBuildBinaryLogCommandLineArgument($arguments) {
  foreach ($argument in $arguments) {
    if ($argument -ne $null) {
      $arg = $argument.Trim()
837 838
      if ($arg.StartsWith('/bl:', "OrdinalIgnoreCase")) {
        return $arg.Substring('/bl:'.Length)
839 840

841 842
      if ($arg.StartsWith('/binaryLogger:', 'OrdinalIgnoreCase')) {
        return $arg.Substring('/binaryLogger:'.Length)
843 844 845 846 847 848 849

  return $null

850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862
function GetExecutableFileName($baseName) {
  if (IsWindowsPlatform) {
    return "$baseName.exe"
  else {
    return $baseName

function IsWindowsPlatform() {
  return [environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq [PlatformID]::Win32NT

863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872
function Get-Darc($version) {
  $darcPath  = "$TempDir\darc\$(New-Guid)"
  if ($version -ne $null) {
    & $PSScriptRoot\darc-init.ps1 -toolpath $darcPath -darcVersion $version | Out-Host
  } else {
    & $PSScriptRoot\darc-init.ps1 -toolpath $darcPath | Out-Host
  return "$darcPath\darc.exe"

873 874
. $PSScriptRoot\pipeline-logging-functions.ps1

$RepoRoot = Resolve-Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..\..\')
876 877 878 879 880 881 882
$EngRoot = Resolve-Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..')
$ArtifactsDir = Join-Path $RepoRoot 'artifacts'
$ToolsetDir = Join-Path $ArtifactsDir 'toolset'
$ToolsDir = Join-Path $RepoRoot '.tools'
$LogDir = Join-Path (Join-Path $ArtifactsDir 'log') $configuration
$TempDir = Join-Path (Join-Path $ArtifactsDir 'tmp') $configuration
$GlobalJson = Get-Content -Raw -Path (Join-Path $RepoRoot 'global.json') | ConvertFrom-Json
883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894
# true if global.json contains a "runtimes" section
$globalJsonHasRuntimes = if ($ -Match 'runtimes') { $true } else { $false }

Create-Directory $ToolsetDir
Create-Directory $TempDir
Create-Directory $LogDir

Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Artifacts' -Value $ArtifactsDir
Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Artifacts.Toolset' -Value $ToolsetDir
Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Artifacts.Log' -Value $LogDir
Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'TEMP' -Value $TempDir
Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'TMP' -Value $TempDir
895 896 897

# Import custom tools configuration, if present in the repo.
# Note: Import in global scope so that the script set top-level variables without qualification.
if (!$disableConfigureToolsetImport) {
  $configureToolsetScript = Join-Path $EngRoot 'configure-toolset.ps1'
  if (Test-Path $configureToolsetScript) {
901 902 903 904 905 906 907
    . $configureToolsetScript
    if ((Test-Path variable:failOnConfigureToolsetError) -And $failOnConfigureToolsetError) {
      if ((Test-Path variable:LastExitCode) -And ($LastExitCode -ne 0)) {
        Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'Build' -Message 'configure-toolset.ps1 returned a non-zero exit code'
        ExitWithExitCode $LastExitCode

911 912 913 914 915 916
# If $ci flag is set, turn on (and log that we did) special environment variables for improved Nuget client retry logic.
function Enable-Nuget-EnhancedRetry() {
    if ($ci) {
      Write-Host "Setting NUGET enhanced retry environment variables"
917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924
      $env:NUGET_RETRY_HTTP_429 = 'true'
      Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'NUGET_ENABLE_ENHANCED_HTTP_RETRY' -Value 'true'
      Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'NUGET_ENHANCED_MAX_NETWORK_TRY_COUNT' -Value '6'
      Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'NUGET_ENHANCED_NETWORK_RETRY_DELAY_MILLISECONDS' -Value '1000'
      Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'NUGET_RETRY_HTTP_429' -Value 'true'
925 926