未验证 提交 31fc3302 编写于 作者: S Steve 提交者: GitHub

JIT: Remove the minopts policy against cctors (#90792)

* Introduce a switch to use FullOpts for cctors

* Remove the obsolete policy around cctors

* Revert changes around the new switch
上级 2aea2440
......@@ -2434,12 +2434,6 @@ void Compiler::compInitOptions(JitFlags* jitFlags)
opts.compFlags = CLFLG_MINOPT;
// Don't optimize .cctors (except prejit) or if we're an inlinee
else if (!jitFlags->IsSet(JitFlags::JIT_FLAG_PREJIT) && ((info.compFlags & FLG_CCTOR) == FLG_CCTOR) &&
opts.compFlags = CLFLG_MINOPT;
// Default value is to generate a blend of size and speed optimizations
......@@ -2579,7 +2573,7 @@ void Compiler::compInitOptions(JitFlags* jitFlags)
pfAltJit = &JitConfig.AltJit();
if (opts.jitFlags->IsSet(JitFlags::JIT_FLAG_ALT_JIT))
if (jitFlags->IsSet(JitFlags::JIT_FLAG_ALT_JIT))
if (pfAltJit->contains(info.compMethodHnd, info.compClassHnd, &info.compMethodInfo->args))
......@@ -2605,7 +2599,7 @@ void Compiler::compInitOptions(JitFlags* jitFlags)
altJitVal = JitConfig.AltJit().list();
if (opts.jitFlags->IsSet(JitFlags::JIT_FLAG_ALT_JIT))
if (jitFlags->IsSet(JitFlags::JIT_FLAG_ALT_JIT))
// In release mode, you either get all methods or no methods. You must use "*" as the parameter, or we ignore
// it. You don't get to give a regular expression of methods to match.
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