未验证 提交 fcffdd2e 编写于 作者: D Don Syme 提交者: GitHub

Formatting: Apply formatting to AbstractIL (#13173)

* adjust format settings

* apply formatting

* adjust code and apply formatting

* add some spacing
上级 1874b39d
......@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ service/
# Explicitly unformatted implementation files
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ src/Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler/**/*.fs
# Fantomas limitations on implementation files (to investigate)
# Fantomas limitations on signature files (to investigate)
......@@ -3,13 +3,17 @@
/// Defines an extension of the IL algebra
module internal FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILX.Types
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open Internal.Utilities.Library
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open Internal.Utilities.Library
let mkLowerName (nm: string) =
// Use the lower case name of a field or constructor as the field/parameter name if it differs from the uppercase name
let lowerName = String.uncapitalize nm
if lowerName = nm then "_" + nm else lowerName
if lowerName = nm then
"_" + nm
type IlxUnionCaseField(fd: ILFieldDef) =
......@@ -18,148 +22,169 @@ type IlxUnionCaseField(fd: ILFieldDef) =
member x.Type = x.ILField.FieldType
member x.Name = x.ILField.Name
member x.LowerName = lowerName
type IlxUnionCase =
{ altName: string
altFields: IlxUnionCaseField[]
altCustomAttrs: ILAttributes }
type IlxUnionCase =
altName: string
altFields: IlxUnionCaseField[]
altCustomAttrs: ILAttributes
member x.FieldDefs = x.altFields
member x.FieldDef n = x.altFields[n]
member x.Name = x.altName
member x.IsNullary = (x.FieldDefs.Length = 0)
member x.FieldTypes = x.FieldDefs |> Array.map (fun fd -> fd.Type)
type IlxUnionHasHelpers =
| NoHelpers
| AllHelpers
| SpecialFSharpListHelpers
| SpecialFSharpOptionHelpers
type IlxUnionRef =
| IlxUnionRef of boxity: ILBoxity * ILTypeRef * IlxUnionCase[] * bool * (* hasHelpers: *) IlxUnionHasHelpers
type IlxUnionSpec =
member x.IsNullary = (x.FieldDefs.Length = 0)
member x.FieldTypes = x.FieldDefs |> Array.map (fun fd -> fd.Type)
type IlxUnionHasHelpers =
| NoHelpers
| AllHelpers
| SpecialFSharpListHelpers
| SpecialFSharpOptionHelpers
type IlxUnionRef = IlxUnionRef of boxity: ILBoxity * ILTypeRef * IlxUnionCase[] * bool (* hasHelpers: *) * IlxUnionHasHelpers
type IlxUnionSpec =
| IlxUnionSpec of IlxUnionRef * ILGenericArgs
member x.DeclaringType = let (IlxUnionSpec(IlxUnionRef(bx, tref, _, _, _), inst)) = x in mkILNamedTy bx tref inst
member x.Boxity = let (IlxUnionSpec(IlxUnionRef(bx, _, _, _, _), _)) = x in bx
member x.TypeRef = let (IlxUnionSpec(IlxUnionRef(_, tref, _, _, _), _)) = x in tref
member x.GenericArgs = let (IlxUnionSpec(_, inst)) = x in inst
member x.AlternativesArray = let (IlxUnionSpec(IlxUnionRef(_, _, alts, _, _), _)) = x in alts
member x.IsNullPermitted = let (IlxUnionSpec(IlxUnionRef(_, _, _, np, _), _)) = x in np
member x.HasHelpers = let (IlxUnionSpec(IlxUnionRef(_, _, _, _, b), _)) = x in b
member x.DeclaringType =
let (IlxUnionSpec (IlxUnionRef (bx, tref, _, _, _), inst)) = x in mkILNamedTy bx tref inst
member x.Boxity = let (IlxUnionSpec (IlxUnionRef (bx, _, _, _, _), _)) = x in bx
member x.TypeRef = let (IlxUnionSpec (IlxUnionRef (_, tref, _, _, _), _)) = x in tref
member x.GenericArgs = let (IlxUnionSpec (_, inst)) = x in inst
member x.AlternativesArray =
let (IlxUnionSpec (IlxUnionRef (_, _, alts, _, _), _)) = x in alts
member x.IsNullPermitted =
let (IlxUnionSpec (IlxUnionRef (_, _, _, np, _), _)) = x in np
member x.HasHelpers = let (IlxUnionSpec (IlxUnionRef (_, _, _, _, b), _)) = x in b
member x.Alternatives = Array.toList x.AlternativesArray
member x.Alternative idx = x.AlternativesArray[idx]
member x.FieldDef idx fidx = x.Alternative(idx).FieldDef(fidx)
type IlxClosureLambdas =
type IlxClosureLambdas =
| Lambdas_forall of ILGenericParameterDef * IlxClosureLambdas
| Lambdas_lambda of ILParameter * IlxClosureLambdas
| Lambdas_return of ILType
type IlxClosureApps =
| Apps_tyapp of ILType * IlxClosureApps
| Apps_app of ILType * IlxClosureApps
| Apps_done of ILType
type IlxClosureApps =
| Apps_tyapp of ILType * IlxClosureApps
| Apps_app of ILType * IlxClosureApps
| Apps_done of ILType
let rec instAppsAux n inst apps =
match apps with
| Apps_tyapp (ty, rest) -> Apps_tyapp(instILTypeAux n inst ty, instAppsAux n inst rest)
| Apps_app (dty, rest) -> Apps_app(instILTypeAux n inst dty, instAppsAux n inst rest)
| Apps_done retTy -> Apps_done(instILTypeAux n inst retTy)
| Apps_app (dty, rest) -> Apps_app(instILTypeAux n inst dty, instAppsAux n inst rest)
| Apps_done retTy -> Apps_done(instILTypeAux n inst retTy)
let rec instLambdasAux n inst lambdas =
match lambdas with
| Lambdas_forall (gpdef, bodyTy) ->
Lambdas_forall(gpdef, instLambdasAux n inst bodyTy)
| Lambdas_lambda (pdef, bodyTy) ->
Lambdas_lambda({ pdef with Type=instILTypeAux n inst pdef.Type}, instLambdasAux n inst bodyTy)
| Lambdas_return retTy -> Lambdas_return(instILTypeAux n inst retTy)
| Lambdas_forall (gpdef, bodyTy) -> Lambdas_forall(gpdef, instLambdasAux n inst bodyTy)
| Lambdas_lambda (pdef, bodyTy) ->
{ pdef with
Type = instILTypeAux n inst pdef.Type
instLambdasAux n inst bodyTy
| Lambdas_return retTy -> Lambdas_return(instILTypeAux n inst retTy)
let instLambdas i t = instLambdasAux 0 i t
type IlxClosureFreeVar =
{ fvName: string
fvType: ILType }
type IlxClosureFreeVar =
fvName: string
fvCompilerGenerated: bool
fvType: ILType
let mkILFreeVar (name, compgen, ty) =
{ fvName=name
fvType=ty }
let mkILFreeVar (name, compgen, ty) =
fvName = name
fvCompilerGenerated = compgen
fvType = ty
type IlxClosureRef =
| IlxClosureRef of ILTypeRef * IlxClosureLambdas * IlxClosureFreeVar[]
type IlxClosureSpec =
type IlxClosureRef = IlxClosureRef of ILTypeRef * IlxClosureLambdas * IlxClosureFreeVar[]
type IlxClosureSpec =
| IlxClosureSpec of IlxClosureRef * ILGenericArgs * ILType * useStaticField: bool
member x.TypeRef = let (IlxClosureRef(tref, _, _)) = x.ClosureRef in tref
member x.TypeRef = let (IlxClosureRef (tref, _, _)) = x.ClosureRef in tref
member x.ILType = let (IlxClosureSpec(_, _, ty, _)) = x in ty
member x.ILType = let (IlxClosureSpec (_, _, ty, _)) = x in ty
member x.ClosureRef = let (IlxClosureSpec(cloref, _, _, _)) = x in cloref
member x.ClosureRef = let (IlxClosureSpec (cloref, _, _, _)) = x in cloref
member x.FormalFreeVars = let (IlxClosureRef(_, _, fvs)) = x.ClosureRef in fvs
member x.FormalFreeVars = let (IlxClosureRef (_, _, fvs)) = x.ClosureRef in fvs
member x.FormalLambdas = let (IlxClosureRef(_, lambdas, _)) = x.ClosureRef in lambdas
member x.FormalLambdas = let (IlxClosureRef (_, lambdas, _)) = x.ClosureRef in lambdas
member x.GenericArgs = let (IlxClosureSpec(_, inst, _, _)) = x in inst
member x.GenericArgs = let (IlxClosureSpec (_, inst, _, _)) = x in inst
static member Create (cloref, inst, useStaticField) =
let (IlxClosureRef(tref, _, _)) = cloref
static member Create(cloref, inst, useStaticField) =
let (IlxClosureRef (tref, _, _)) = cloref
IlxClosureSpec(cloref, inst, mkILBoxedType (mkILTySpec (tref, inst)), useStaticField)
member x.Constructor =
member x.Constructor =
let cloTy = x.ILType
let fields = x.FormalFreeVars
mkILCtorMethSpecForTy (cloTy, fields |> Array.map (fun fv -> fv.fvType) |> Array.toList)
member x.UseStaticField =
let (IlxClosureSpec(_, _, _, useStaticField)) = x
member x.UseStaticField =
let (IlxClosureSpec (_, _, _, useStaticField)) = x
member x.GetStaticFieldSpec() =
member x.GetStaticFieldSpec() =
assert x.UseStaticField
let formalCloTy = mkILFormalBoxedTy x.TypeRef (mkILFormalTypars x.GenericArgs)
mkILFieldSpecInTy (x.ILType, "@_instance", formalCloTy)
// Define an extension of the IL algebra of type definitions
type IlxClosureInfo =
{ cloStructure: IlxClosureLambdas
cloFreeVars: IlxClosureFreeVar[]
cloCode: Lazy<ILMethodBody>
cloUseStaticField: bool}
type IlxClosureInfo =
cloStructure: IlxClosureLambdas
cloFreeVars: IlxClosureFreeVar[]
cloCode: Lazy<ILMethodBody>
cloUseStaticField: bool
type IlxUnionInfo =
UnionCasesAccessibility: ILMemberAccess
type IlxUnionInfo =
UnionCasesAccessibility: ILMemberAccess
HelpersAccessibility: ILMemberAccess
HelpersAccessibility: ILMemberAccess
HasHelpers: IlxUnionHasHelpers
HasHelpers: IlxUnionHasHelpers
GenerateDebugProxies: bool
GenerateDebugProxies: bool
DebugDisplayAttributes: ILAttribute list
DebugDisplayAttributes: ILAttribute list
UnionCases: IlxUnionCase[]
UnionCases: IlxUnionCase[]
IsNullPermitted: bool
IsNullPermitted: bool
DebugPoint: ILDebugPoint option
DebugPoint: ILDebugPoint option
DebugImports: ILDebugImports option
DebugImports: ILDebugImports option
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define these as extensions of the IL types
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
let destTyFuncApp = function Apps_tyapp (b, c) -> b, c | _ -> failwith "destTyFuncApp"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
let mkILFormalCloRef gparams csig useStaticField = IlxClosureSpec.Create(csig, mkILFormalGenericArgs 0 gparams, useStaticField)
let destTyFuncApp =
| Apps_tyapp (b, c) -> b, c
| _ -> failwith "destTyFuncApp"
let actualTypOfIlxUnionField (cuspec : IlxUnionSpec) idx fidx =
instILType cuspec.GenericArgs (cuspec.FieldDef idx fidx).Type
let mkILFormalCloRef gparams csig useStaticField =
IlxClosureSpec.Create(csig, mkILFormalGenericArgs 0 gparams, useStaticField)
let actualTypOfIlxUnionField (cuspec: IlxUnionSpec) idx fidx =
instILType cuspec.GenericArgs (cuspec.FieldDef idx fidx).Type
......@@ -1947,9 +1947,13 @@ let MakeAndPublishSimpleValsForMergedScope (cenv: cenv) env m (names: NameMap<_>
notifyNameResolution (pos, item, itemGroup, itemTyparInst, occurence, nenv, ad, m, replacing)
member _.NotifyExprHasType(_, _, _, _) = assert false // no expr typings in MakeAndPublishSimpleVals
member _.NotifyFormatSpecifierLocation(_, _) = ()
member _.NotifyOpenDeclaration _ = ()
member _.CurrentSourceText = None
member _.FormatStringCheckContext = None }
use _h = WithNewTypecheckResultsSink(sink, cenv.tcSink)
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ open System
open System.Threading
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
#nowarn "57"
/// Represents encoded information for the end-of-line continuation of lexing
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