提交 f1a8978d 编写于 作者: E Eugene Auduchinok 提交者: Kevin Ransom (msft)

Report builder creation warnings according to compiler args (#4125)

* Filter incremental builder creation errors according to compiler args

* Fix CompilationErrorLogger ignores WarsAsError options

* Add test for WarnAsError

* Cleanup

* Add more tests; cover WarnAsError-, no warnings at all

* Refactor tests

* Add test
上级 8e0928df
......@@ -1703,8 +1703,11 @@ type IncrementalBuilder(tcGlobals, frameworkTcImports, nonFrameworkAssemblyInput
cancellable {
// Trap and report warnings and errors from creation.
use errorScope = new ErrorScope()
let! builderOpt =
let delayedLogger = CapturingErrorLogger("IncrementalBuilderCreation")
use _unwindEL = PushErrorLoggerPhaseUntilUnwind (fun _ -> delayedLogger)
use _unwindBP = PushThreadBuildPhaseUntilUnwind BuildPhase.Parameter
let! builderOpt =
cancellable {
......@@ -1814,7 +1817,18 @@ type IncrementalBuilder(tcGlobals, frameworkTcImports, nonFrameworkAssemblyInput
return None
return builderOpt, errorScope.Diagnostics
let diagnostics =
match builderOpt with
| Some builder ->
let errorSeverityOptions = builder.TcConfig.errorSeverityOptions
let errorLogger = CompilationErrorLogger("IncrementalBuilderCreation", errorSeverityOptions)
errorLogger.GetErrors() |> List.map (fun (d, severity) -> d, severity = FSharpErrorSeverity.Error)
| _ ->
|> List.map (fun (d, isError) -> FSharpErrorInfo.CreateFromException(d, isError, range.Zero))
return builderOpt, diagnostics
static member KeepBuilderAlive (builderOpt: IncrementalBuilder option) =
match builderOpt with
......@@ -150,15 +150,14 @@ type internal CompilationErrorLogger (debugName: string, options: FSharpErrorSev
override x.DiagnosticSink(exn, isError) =
if isError || ReportWarningAsError options exn then
diagnostics.Add(exn, isError)
diagnostics.Add(exn, FSharpErrorSeverity.Error)
errorCount <- errorCount + 1
else if ReportWarning options exn then
diagnostics.Add(exn, isError)
diagnostics.Add(exn, FSharpErrorSeverity.Warning)
override x.ErrorCount = errorCount
member x.GetErrors() =
[ for (e, isError) in diagnostics -> e, (if isError then FSharpErrorSeverity.Error else FSharpErrorSeverity.Warning) ]
member x.GetErrors() = List.ofSeq diagnostics
/// This represents the global state established as each task function runs as part of the build.
......@@ -160,6 +160,23 @@ let mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, fileNames) =
let mkTestFileAndOptions source additionalArgs =
let fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ".fs")
let project = Path.GetTempFileName()
let dllName = Path.ChangeExtension(project, ".dll")
let projFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(project, ".fsproj")
let fileSource1 = "module M"
File.WriteAllText(fileName, fileSource1)
let args = Array.append (mkProjectCommandLineArgs (dllName, [fileName])) additionalArgs
let options = checker.GetProjectOptionsFromCommandLineArgs (projFileName, args)
fileName, options
let parseAndCheckFile fileName source options =
match checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(fileName, 0, source, options) |> Async.RunSynchronously with
| parseResults, FSharpCheckFileAnswer.Succeeded(checkResults) -> parseResults, checkResults
| _ -> failwithf "Parsing aborted unexpectedly..."
let parseAndCheckScript (file, input) =
......@@ -5195,3 +5195,16 @@ type A(i:int) =
| Some decl -> failwithf "unexpected declaration %A" decl
| None -> failwith "declaration list is empty"
[<TestCase(([||]: string[]), ([||]: bool[]))>]
[<TestCase([| "--times" |], [| false |])>]
[<TestCase([| "--times"; "--nowarn:75" |], ([||]: bool[]))>]
[<TestCase([| "--times"; "--warnaserror:75" |], [| true |])>]
[<TestCase([| "--times"; "--warnaserror-:75"; "--warnaserror" |], [| false |])>]
let ``#4030, Incremental builder creation warnings`` (args, errorSeverities) =
let source = "module M"
let fileName, options = mkTestFileAndOptions source args
let _, checkResults = parseAndCheckFile fileName source options
checkResults.Errors |> Array.map (fun e -> e.Severity = FSharpErrorSeverity.Error) |> shouldEqual errorSeverities
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