未验证 提交 e9b00787 编写于 作者: E Eugene Auduchinok 提交者: GitHub

Add SynType.Paren (#9241)

* Add SynType.Paren

* Review fixes: Skip -> Strip, remove `rec`

* Add test for paren types ranges

* Cleanup tests

* Update neg04 test baseline

* Cleanup
Co-authored-by: NKevin Ransom <codecutter@hotmail.com>
上级 727147aa
......@@ -515,7 +515,11 @@ type SynType =
value: SynType *
range: range
/// Gets the syntax range of this constuct
| Paren of
innerType: SynType *
range: range
/// Gets the syntax range of this construct
member x.Range =
match x with
| SynType.App (range=m)
......@@ -532,7 +536,8 @@ type SynType =
| SynType.StaticConstantNamed (range=m)
| SynType.HashConstraint (range=m)
| SynType.MeasureDivide (range=m)
| SynType.MeasurePower (range=m) -> m
| SynType.MeasurePower (range=m)
| SynType.Paren (range=m) -> m
| SynType.LongIdent lidwd -> lidwd.Range
/// Represents a syntax tree for F# expressions
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.Library
open FSharp.Compiler.ErrorLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
open FSharp.Compiler.PrettyNaming
open FSharp.Compiler.Range
open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTree
open FSharp.Compiler.Range
open FSharp.Compiler.XmlDoc
......@@ -397,6 +397,14 @@ let (|Attributes|) synAttributes =
let rangeOfNonNilAttrs (attrs: SynAttributes) =
(attrs.Head.Range, attrs.Tail) ||> unionRangeWithListBy (fun a -> a.Range)
let rec stripParenTypes synType =
match synType with
| SynType.Paren (innerType, _) -> stripParenTypes innerType
| _ -> synType
let (|StripParenTypes|) synType =
stripParenTypes synType
/// Operations related to the syntactic analysis of arguments of value, function and member definitions and signatures.
module SynInfo =
......@@ -4657,7 +4657,7 @@ and TcTypeOrMeasure optKind cenv newOk checkCxs occ env (tpenv: SyntacticUnscope
| _, TyparKind.Type ->
TcTypeApp cenv newOk checkCxs occ env tpenv m tcref [] []
| SynType.App (SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots(tc, _)), _, args, _commas, _, postfix, m) ->
| SynType.App (StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots(tc, _))), _, args, _commas, _, postfix, m) ->
let ad = env.eAccessRights
let tcref =
......@@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ and TcTypeOrMeasure optKind cenv newOk checkCxs occ env (tpenv: SyntacticUnscope
let ms2, tpenv = TcMeasure cenv newOk checkCxs occ env tpenv typ2 m
TType_measure (Measure.Prod(ms1, Measure.Inv ms2)), tpenv
| SynType.App((SynType.Var(_, m1) | SynType.MeasurePower(_, _, m1)) as arg1, _, args, _commas, _, postfix, m) ->
| SynType.App(StripParenTypes (SynType.Var(_, m1) | (SynType.MeasurePower(_, _, m1))) as arg1, _, args, _commas, _, postfix, m) ->
match optKind, args, postfix with
| (None | Some TyparKind.Measure), [arg2], true ->
let ms1, tpenv = TcMeasure cenv newOk checkCxs occ env tpenv arg1 m1
......@@ -4808,10 +4808,13 @@ and TcTypeOrMeasure optKind cenv newOk checkCxs occ env (tpenv: SyntacticUnscope
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcIllegalSyntaxInTypeExpression(), m))
NewErrorType (), tpenv
| SynType.Paren(innerType, _) ->
TcTypeOrMeasure optKind cenv newOk checkCxs occ env (tpenv: SyntacticUnscopedTyparEnv) innerType
and TcType cenv newOk checkCxs occ env (tpenv: SyntacticUnscopedTyparEnv) ty =
TcTypeOrMeasure (Some TyparKind.Type) cenv newOk checkCxs occ env tpenv ty
and TcMeasure cenv newOk checkCxs occ env (tpenv: SyntacticUnscopedTyparEnv) ty m =
and TcMeasure cenv newOk checkCxs occ env (tpenv: SyntacticUnscopedTyparEnv) (StripParenTypes ty) m =
match ty with
| SynType.Anon m ->
error(Error(FSComp.SR.tcAnonymousUnitsOfMeasureCannotBeNested(), m))
......@@ -4869,7 +4872,7 @@ and TcTyparConstraints cenv newOk checkCxs occ env tpenv wcs =
and TcStaticConstantParameter cenv (env: TcEnv) tpenv kind (v: SynType) idOpt container =
and TcStaticConstantParameter cenv (env: TcEnv) tpenv kind (StripParenTypes v) idOpt container =
let g = cenv.g
let fail() = error(Error(FSComp.SR.etInvalidStaticArgument(NicePrint.minimalStringOfType env.DisplayEnv kind), v.Range))
let record ttype =
......@@ -4938,7 +4941,7 @@ and TcStaticConstantParameter cenv (env: TcEnv) tpenv kind (v: SynType) idOpt co
and CrackStaticConstantArgs cenv env tpenv (staticParameters: Tainted<ProvidedParameterInfo>[], args: SynType list, container, containerName, m) =
let args =
args |> List.map (function
| SynType.StaticConstantNamed(SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([id], _)), v, _) -> Some id, v
| StripParenTypes (SynType.StaticConstantNamed(StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([id], _))), v, _)) -> Some id, v
| v -> None, v)
let unnamedArgs = args |> Seq.takeWhile (fst >> Option.isNone) |> Seq.toArray |> Array.map snd
......@@ -15343,9 +15346,9 @@ module EstablishTypeDefinitionCores =
let private (|TyconCoreAbbrevThatIsReallyAUnion|_|) (hasMeasureAttr, envinner, id: Ident) synTyconRepr =
let private (|TyconCoreAbbrevThatIsReallyAUnion|_|) (hasMeasureAttr, envinner, id: Ident) (synTyconRepr) =
match synTyconRepr with
| SynTypeDefnSimpleRepr.TypeAbbrev(_, SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([unionCaseName], _)), m)
| SynTypeDefnSimpleRepr.TypeAbbrev(_, StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([unionCaseName], _))), m)
(not hasMeasureAttr &&
(isNil (LookupTypeNameInEnvNoArity OpenQualified unionCaseName.idText envinner.eNameResEnv) ||
......@@ -15628,11 +15631,11 @@ module EstablishTypeDefinitionCores =
/// Get the items on the r.h.s. of a 'type X = ABC<...>' definition
let private TcTyconDefnCore_GetGenerateDeclaration_Rhs rhsType =
let private TcTyconDefnCore_GetGenerateDeclaration_Rhs (StripParenTypes rhsType) =
match rhsType with
| SynType.App (SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots(tc, _)), _, args, _commas, _, _postfix, m) -> Some(tc, args, m)
| SynType.App (StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots(tc, _))), _, args, _commas, _, _postfix, m) -> Some(tc, args, m)
| SynType.LongIdent (LongIdentWithDots(tc, _) as lidwd) -> Some(tc, [], lidwd.Range)
| SynType.LongIdentApp (SynType.LongIdent (LongIdentWithDots(tc, _)), LongIdentWithDots(longId, _), _, args, _commas, _, m) -> Some(tc@longId, args, m)
| SynType.LongIdentApp (StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent (LongIdentWithDots(tc, _))), LongIdentWithDots(longId, _), _, args, _commas, _, m) -> Some(tc@longId, args, m)
| _ -> None
/// Check whether 'type X = ABC<...>' is a generative provided type definition
......@@ -17147,7 +17150,7 @@ module TcDeclarations =
memberFlags.MemberKind=MemberKind.Constructor &&
// REVIEW: This is a syntactic approximation
(match valSpfn.SynType, valSpfn.SynInfo.ArgInfos with
| SynType.Fun (SynType.LongIdent (LongIdentWithDots([id], _)), _, _), [[_]] when id.idText = "unit" -> true
| StripParenTypes (SynType.Fun (StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent (LongIdentWithDots([id], _))), _, _)), [[_]] when id.idText = "unit" -> true
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false)
......@@ -4956,12 +4956,12 @@ atomType:
{ SynType.Anon (lhs parseState) }
| LPAREN typ rparen
{ $2 }
| LPAREN typ rparen
{ SynType.Paren ($2, lhs parseState) }
| LPAREN typ recover
{ reportParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 1) (FSComp.SR.parsUnmatchedParen())
$2 }
| LPAREN typ recover
{ reportParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 1) (FSComp.SR.parsUnmatchedParen ())
SynType.Paren ($2, lhs parseState) }
| STRUCT LPAREN appType STAR tupleOrQuotTypeElements rparen
{ SynType.Tuple(true, (false, $3) :: $5, lhs parseState) }
......@@ -603,7 +603,8 @@ module ParsedInput =
and walkType = function
| SynType.Array (_, t, _)
| SynType.HashConstraint (t, _)
| SynType.MeasurePower (t, _, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.MeasurePower (t, _, _)
| SynType.Paren (t, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.Fun (t1, t2, _)
| SynType.MeasureDivide (t1, t2, _) -> walkType t1; walkType t2
| SynType.LongIdent ident -> addLongIdentWithDots ident
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.Library
open FSharp.Compiler.Range
open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTree
open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTreeOps
......@@ -112,8 +113,8 @@ type InterfaceData =
member x.TypeParameters =
match x with
| InterfaceData.Interface(ty, _)
| InterfaceData.ObjExpr(ty, _) ->
| InterfaceData.Interface(StripParenTypes ty, _)
| InterfaceData.ObjExpr(StripParenTypes ty, _) ->
let rec (|RationalConst|) = function
| SynRationalConst.Integer i ->
string i
......@@ -158,6 +159,8 @@ type InterfaceData =
Some (sprintf "%s^%s" typeName power)
| SynType.MeasureDivide(TypeIdent numerator, TypeIdent denominator, _) ->
Some (sprintf "%s/%s" numerator denominator)
| SynType.Paren(TypeIdent typeName, _) ->
Some typeName
| _ ->
match ty with
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ type FSharpNoteworthyParamInfoLocations(longId: string list, longIdRange: range,
module internal NoteworthyParamInfoLocationsImpl =
let isStaticArg a =
match a with
let isStaticArg (StripParenTypes synType) =
match synType with
| SynType.StaticConstant _ | SynType.StaticConstantExpr _ | SynType.StaticConstantNamed _ -> true
| SynType.LongIdent _ -> true // NOTE: this is not a static constant, but it is a prefix of incomplete code, e.g. "TP<42, Arg3" is a prefix of "TP<42, Arg3=6>" and Arg3 shows up as a LongId
| _ -> false
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module internal NoteworthyParamInfoLocationsImpl =
| Found of openParen: pos * commasAndCloseParen: (pos * string option) list * hasClosedParen: bool
| NotFound
let digOutIdentFromStaticArg synType =
let digOutIdentFromStaticArg (StripParenTypes synType) =
match synType with
| SynType.StaticConstantNamed(SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([id], _)), _, _) -> Some id.idText
| SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([id], _)) -> Some id.idText // NOTE: again, not a static constant, but may be a prefix of a Named in incomplete code
......@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ module internal NoteworthyParamInfoLocationsImpl =
NotFound, Some inner
| _ -> NotFound, Some inner
let (|StaticParameters|_|) pos synType =
let (|StaticParameters|_|) pos (StripParenTypes synType) =
match synType with
| SynType.App(SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots(lid, _) as lidwd), Some(openm), args, commas, closemOpt, _pf, wholem) ->
| SynType.App(StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots(lid, _) as lidwd)), Some(openm), args, commas, closemOpt, _pf, wholem) ->
let lidm = lidwd.Range
let betweenTheBrackets = mkRange wholem.FileName openm.Start wholem.End
if AstTraversal.rangeContainsPosEdgesExclusive betweenTheBrackets pos && args |> List.forall isStaticArg then
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ namespace FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open FSharp.Compiler.Range
open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTree
open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTreeOps
/// A range of utility functions to assist with traversing an AST
module public AstTraversal =
......@@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ module public AstTraversal =
visitor.VisitPat (defaultTraverse, pat)
and traverseSynType (ty: SynType) =
and traverseSynType (StripParenTypes ty) =
let defaultTraverse ty =
match ty with
| SynType.App (typeName, _, typeArgs, _, _, _, _)
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ type FSharpParseFileResults(errors: FSharpErrorInfo[], input: ParsedInput option
| SynMemberDefn.AutoProperty(_attribs, _isStatic, _id, _tyOpt, _propKind, _, _xmlDoc, _access, synExpr, _, _) -> yield! walkExpr true synExpr
| SynMemberDefn.ImplicitCtor(_, _, _, _, m) -> yield! checkRange m
| SynMemberDefn.Member(bind, _) -> yield! walkBind bind
| SynMemberDefn.Interface(_synty, Some membs, _) -> for m in membs do yield! walkMember m
| SynMemberDefn.Interface(_, Some membs, _) -> for m in membs do yield! walkMember m
| SynMemberDefn.Inherit(_, _, m) ->
// can break on the "inherit" clause
yield! checkRange m
......@@ -810,6 +810,7 @@ module UntypedParseImpl =
| SynType.HashConstraint(t, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.MeasureDivide(t1, t2, _) -> walkType t1 |> Option.orElse (walkType t2)
| SynType.MeasurePower(t, _, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.Paren(t, _) -> walkType t
| _ -> None
and walkClause (Clause(pat, e1, e2, _, _)) =
......@@ -1140,7 +1141,7 @@ module UntypedParseImpl =
| (SynExpr.New (_, SynType.LongIdent typeName, arg, _)) ->
// new A()
Some (endOfLastIdent typeName, findSetters arg)
| (SynExpr.New (_, SynType.App(SynType.LongIdent typeName, _, _, _, mGreaterThan, _, _), arg, _)) ->
| (SynExpr.New (_, SynType.App(StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent typeName), _, _, _, mGreaterThan, _, _), arg, _)) ->
// new A<_>()
Some (endOfClosingTokenOrLastIdent mGreaterThan typeName, findSetters arg)
| (SynExpr.App (_, false, SynExpr.Ident id, arg, _)) ->
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ is not compatible with type
neg04.fs(144,10,144,25): typecheck error FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type
neg04.fs(144,10,144,26): typecheck error FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type
'int * int'
is not compatible with type
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ is not compatible with type
neg04.fs(150,10,150,26): typecheck error FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type
neg04.fs(150,10,150,27): typecheck error FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type
'int -> int'
is not compatible with type
......@@ -368,6 +368,9 @@ let assertHasSymbolUsages (names: string list) (results: FSharpCheckFileResults)
for name in names do
Assert.That(Set.contains name symbolNames, name)
let getRangeCoords (r: range) =
(r.StartLine, r.StartColumn), (r.EndLine, r.EndColumn)
let coreLibAssemblyName =
......@@ -130,16 +130,11 @@ let foo7 = ()
let foo8 = ()
let (SynModuleOrNamespace (_, _, _, decls, _, _, _, _)) = parseSourceCodeAndGetModule source
let (SynModuleOrNamespace (decls = decls)) = parseSourceCodeAndGetModule source
decls |> List.map (fun decl ->
match decl with
| SynModuleDecl.Let (_,[Binding(_,_,_,_,attributeLists,_,_,_,_,_,_,_)],_) ->
attributeLists |> List.map (fun list ->
let r = list.Range
((r.StartLine, r.StartColumn), (r.EndLine, r.EndColumn)))
| SynModuleDecl.Let (_, [Binding (attributes = attributeLists)], _) ->
attributeLists |> List.map (fun list -> list.Attributes.Length, getRangeCoords list.Range)
| _ -> failwith "Could not get binding")
|> shouldEqual
[ [ (1, ((2, 0), (2, 5))) ]
......@@ -152,16 +147,59 @@ let foo8 = ()
[ (1, ((24, 0), (24, 6))) ] ]
let rec getParenTypes (synType: SynType): SynType list =
[ match synType with
| SynType.Paren (innerType, _) ->
yield synType
yield! getParenTypes innerType
| SynType.Fun (argType, returnType, _) ->
yield! getParenTypes argType
yield! getParenTypes returnType
| SynType.Tuple (_, types, _) ->
for _, synType in types do
yield! getParenTypes synType
| SynType.AnonRecd (_, fields, _) ->
for _, synType in fields do
yield! getParenTypes synType
| SynType.App (typeName = typeName; typeArgs = typeArgs)
| SynType.LongIdentApp (typeName = typeName; typeArgs = typeArgs) ->
yield! getParenTypes typeName
for synType in typeArgs do
yield! getParenTypes synType
| _ -> () ]
let ``SynType.Paren ranges`` () =
let source = """
((): int * (int * int))
((): (int -> int) -> int)
((): ((int)))
let (SynModuleOrNamespace (decls = decls)) = parseSourceCodeAndGetModule source
decls |> List.map (fun decl ->
match decl with
| SynModuleDecl.DoExpr (expr = SynExpr.Paren (expr = SynExpr.Typed (_, synType ,_))) ->
getParenTypes synType
|> List.map (fun synType -> getRangeCoords synType.Range)
| _ -> failwith "Could not get binding")
|> shouldEqual
[ [ (2, 11), (2, 22) ]
[ (3, 5), (3, 17) ]
[ (4, 5), (4, 12); (4, 6), (4, 11) ] ]
module TypeMemberRanges =
let getTypeMemberRange source =
let (SynModuleOrNamespace (_, _, _, decls, _, _, _, _)) = parseSourceCodeAndGetModule source
let (SynModuleOrNamespace (decls = decls)) = parseSourceCodeAndGetModule source
match decls with
| [ SynModuleDecl.Types ([ TypeDefn (_, SynTypeDefnRepr.ObjectModel (_, memberDecls, _), _, _) ], _) ] ->
memberDecls |> List.map (fun memberDecl ->
let range = memberDecl.Range
(range.StartLine, range.StartColumn), (range.EndLine, range.EndColumn))
memberDecls |> List.map (fun memberDecl -> getRangeCoords memberDecl.Range)
| _ -> failwith "Could not get member"
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