未验证 提交 e8fc5fb1 编写于 作者: D Don Syme 提交者: GitHub

remove whitespace prior to formatting (#13172)

上级 cccdfb1d
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
namespace FSharp.Compiler
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
module internal SR =
let private resources = lazy (System.Resources.ResourceManager("fsstrings", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()))
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let GetString(name:string) =
let s = resources.Force().GetString(name, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)
module internal SR =
let private resources = lazy (System.Resources.ResourceManager("fsstrings", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()))
let GetString(name:string) =
let s = resources.Force().GetString(name, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)
if null = s then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**RESOURCE ERROR**: Resource token %s does not exist!" name)
if null = s then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**RESOURCE ERROR**: Resource token %s does not exist!" name)
module internal DiagnosticMessage =
module internal DiagnosticMessage =
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicOperators
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicOperators
let mkFunctionValue (tys: System.Type[]) (impl:obj->obj) =
FSharpValue.MakeFunction(FSharpType.MakeFunctionType(tys[0],tys[1]), impl)
let mkFunctionValue (tys: System.Type[]) (impl:obj->obj) =
FSharpValue.MakeFunction(FSharpType.MakeFunctionType(tys[0],tys[1]), impl)
let funTyC = typeof<obj -> obj>.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
let mkFunTy a b = funTyC.MakeGenericType([| a;b |])
let funTyC = typeof<obj -> obj>.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
let mkFunTy a b = funTyC.MakeGenericType([| a;b |])
let isNamedType(ty:System.Type) = not (ty.IsArray || ty.IsByRef || ty.IsPointer)
let isFunctionType (ty1:System.Type) =
isNamedType(ty1) && ty1.IsGenericType && (ty1.GetGenericTypeDefinition()).Equals(funTyC)
let isNamedType(ty:System.Type) = not (ty.IsArray || ty.IsByRef || ty.IsPointer)
let isFunctionType (ty1:System.Type) =
isNamedType(ty1) && ty1.IsGenericType && (ty1.GetGenericTypeDefinition()).Equals(funTyC)
let rec destFunTy (ty:System.Type) =
if isFunctionType ty then
ty, ty.GetGenericArguments()
match ty.BaseType with
| null -> failwith "destFunTy: not a function type"
| b -> destFunTy b
let rec destFunTy (ty:System.Type) =
if isFunctionType ty then
ty, ty.GetGenericArguments()
let buildFunctionForOneArgPat (ty: System.Type) impl =
let _,tys = destFunTy ty
let rty = tys[1]
// PERF: this technique is a bit slow (e.g. in simple cases, like 'sprintf "%x"')
mkFunctionValue tys (fun inp -> impl rty inp)
let capture1 (fmt:string) i args ty (go : obj list -> System.Type -> int -> obj) : obj =
match fmt[i] with
| '%' -> go args ty (i+1)
| 'd'
| 'f'
| 's' -> buildFunctionForOneArgPat ty (fun rty n -> go (n :: args) rty (i+1))
| _ -> failwith "bad format specifier"
// newlines and tabs get converted to strings when read from a resource file
// this will preserve their original intention
let postProcessString (s : string) =
let createMessageString (messageString : string) (fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) : 'T =
let fmt = fmt.Value // here, we use the actual error string, as opposed to the one stored as fmt
let len = fmt.Length
/// Function to capture the arguments and then run.
let rec capture args ty i =
if i >= len || (fmt[i] = '%' && i+1 >= len) then
let b = System.Text.StringBuilder()
b.AppendFormat(messageString, (Array.ofList (List.rev args))) |> ignore
// REVIEW: For these purposes, this should be a nop, but I'm leaving it
// in case we ever decide to support labels for the error format string
// E.g., "<name>%s<foo>%d"
elif System.Char.IsSurrogatePair(fmt,i) then
capture args ty (i+2)
match ty.BaseType with
| null -> failwith "destFunTy: not a function type"
| b -> destFunTy b
let buildFunctionForOneArgPat (ty: System.Type) impl =
let _,tys = destFunTy ty
let rty = tys[1]
// PERF: this technique is a bit slow (e.g. in simple cases, like 'sprintf "%x"')
mkFunctionValue tys (fun inp -> impl rty inp)
let capture1 (fmt:string) i args ty (go : obj list -> System.Type -> int -> obj) : obj =
match fmt[i] with
| '%' -> go args ty (i+1)
| 'd'
| 'f'
| 's' -> buildFunctionForOneArgPat ty (fun rty n -> go (n :: args) rty (i+1))
| _ -> failwith "bad format specifier"
// newlines and tabs get converted to strings when read from a resource file
// this will preserve their original intention
let postProcessString (s : string) =
let createMessageString (messageString : string) (fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) : 'T =
let fmt = fmt.Value // here, we use the actual error string, as opposed to the one stored as fmt
let len = fmt.Length
/// Function to capture the arguments and then run.
let rec capture args ty i =
if i >= len || (fmt[i] = '%' && i+1 >= len) then
let b = System.Text.StringBuilder()
b.AppendFormat(messageString, (Array.ofList (List.rev args))) |> ignore
// REVIEW: For these purposes, this should be a nop, but I'm leaving it
// in case we ever decide to support labels for the error format string
// E.g., "<name>%s<foo>%d"
elif System.Char.IsSurrogatePair(fmt,i) then
capture args ty (i+2)
match fmt[i] with
| '%' ->
let i = i+1
capture1 fmt i args ty capture
| _ ->
capture args ty (i+1)
(unbox (capture [] typeof<'T> 0) : 'T)
type ResourceString<'T>(fmtString : string, fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) =
member _.Format =
createMessageString fmtString fmt
let DeclareResourceString (messageID : string,fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) =
let mutable messageString = SR.GetString(messageID)
match fmt[i] with
| '%' ->
let i = i+1
capture1 fmt i args ty capture
| _ ->
capture args ty (i+1)
(unbox (capture [] typeof<'T> 0) : 'T)
type ResourceString<'T>(fmtString : string, fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) =
member _.Format =
createMessageString fmtString fmt
let DeclareResourceString (messageID : string,fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) =
let mutable messageString = SR.GetString(messageID)
// validate that the message string exists
let fmtString = fmt.Value
// validate that the message string exists
let fmtString = fmt.Value
if null = messageString then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**DECLARED MESSAGE ERROR** String resource %s does not exist" messageID)
messageString <- ""
// validate the formatting specifiers
let countFormatHoles (s : string) =
// remove escaped format holes
let s = s.Replace("{{","").Replace("}}","")
let len = s.Length - 2
let mutable pos = 0
let mutable nHoles = 0
let mutable order = Set.empty<int>
while pos < len do
if s[pos] = '{' then
let mutable pos' = pos+1
while System.Char.IsNumber(s[pos']) do
pos' <- pos' + 1
if pos' > pos+1 && s[pos'] = '}' then
nHoles <- nHoles + 1
let ordern = int s[(pos+1) .. (pos'-1)]
order <- order.Add(ordern)
pos <- pos'
pos <- pos + 1
// the sort should be unnecessary, but better safe than sorry
nHoles,Set.toList order |> List.sortDescending
let countFormatPlaceholders (s : string) =
// strip any escaped % characters - yes, this will fail if given %%%...
let s = s.Replace("%%","")
if null = messageString then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**DECLARED MESSAGE ERROR** String resource %s does not exist" messageID)
messageString <- ""
// validate the formatting specifiers
let countFormatHoles (s : string) =
// remove escaped format holes
let s = s.Replace("{{","").Replace("}}","")
let len = s.Length - 2
if s = "" then
let len = s.Length - 1
let mutable pos = 0
let mutable nHoles = 0
let mutable order = Set.empty<int>
let mutable nFmt = 0
while pos < len do
if s[pos] = '{' then
let mutable pos' = pos+1
while System.Char.IsNumber(s[pos']) do
pos' <- pos' + 1
if pos' > pos+1 && s[pos'] = '}' then
nHoles <- nHoles + 1
let ordern = int s[(pos+1) .. (pos'-1)]
order <- order.Add(ordern)
pos <- pos'
pos <- pos + 1
// the sort should be unnecessary, but better safe than sorry
nHoles,Set.toList order |> List.sortDescending
let countFormatPlaceholders (s : string) =
// strip any escaped % characters - yes, this will fail if given %%%...
let s = s.Replace("%%","")
if s = "" then
let len = s.Length - 1
let mutable pos = 0
let mutable nFmt = 0
if s[pos] = '%' &&
(s[pos+1] = 'd' || s[pos+1] = 's' || s[pos+1] = 'f') then
nFmt <- nFmt + 1
pos <- pos + 2 ;
pos <- pos + 1 ;
while pos < len do
if s[pos] = '%' &&
(s[pos+1] = 'd' || s[pos+1] = 's' || s[pos+1] = 'f') then
nFmt <- nFmt + 1
pos <- pos + 2 ;
pos <- pos + 1 ;
let nHoles,holes = countFormatHoles messageString
let nPlaceholders = countFormatPlaceholders fmtString
let nHoles,holes = countFormatHoles messageString
let nPlaceholders = countFormatPlaceholders fmtString
// first, verify that the number of holes in the message string does not exceed the
// largest hole reference
if holes <> [] && holes[0] > nHoles - 1 then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**DECLARED MESSAGE ERROR** Message string %s contains %d holes, but references hole %d" messageID nHoles holes[0])
// first, verify that the number of holes in the message string does not exceed the
// largest hole reference
if holes <> [] && holes[0] > nHoles - 1 then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**DECLARED MESSAGE ERROR** Message string %s contains %d holes, but references hole %d" messageID nHoles holes[0])
// next, verify that the number of format placeholders is the same as the number of holes
if nHoles <> nPlaceholders then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**DECLARED MESSAGE ERROR** Message string %s contains %d holes, but its format specifier contains %d placeholders" messageID nHoles nPlaceholders)
messageString <- postProcessString messageString
new ResourceString<'T>(messageString, fmt)
// next, verify that the number of format placeholders is the same as the number of holes
if nHoles <> nPlaceholders then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "**DECLARED MESSAGE ERROR** Message string %s contains %d holes, but its format specifier contains %d placeholders" messageID nHoles nPlaceholders)
messageString <- postProcessString messageString
new ResourceString<'T>(messageString, fmt)
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