未验证 提交 e353fd02 编写于 作者: D dawe 提交者: GitHub

use xml doc from signature if non present in impl (#14920)

* use xml doc from signature if non present in impl for DU and DU case

* Implement the docs fallback for RecdField

* format

* implement Modules

* clean up tests
上级 ea212a9c
......@@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ type Checker(g, amap, denv, remapInfo: SignatureRepackageInfo, checkingSig) =
and checkTypeDef (aenv: TypeEquivEnv) (infoReader: InfoReader) (implTycon: Tycon) (sigTycon: Tycon) =
let m = implTycon.Range
// Propagate defn location information from implementation to signature .
sigTycon.SetOtherRange (implTycon.Range, true)
implTycon.SetOtherRange (sigTycon.Range, false)
......@@ -365,7 +367,9 @@ type Checker(g, amap, denv, remapInfo: SignatureRepackageInfo, checkingSig) =
| _ ->
(errorR (err FSComp.SR.ExceptionDefsNotCompatibleExceptionDeclarationsDiffer); false)
and checkUnionCase aenv infoReader (enclosingTycon: Tycon) implUnionCase sigUnionCase =
and checkUnionCase aenv infoReader (enclosingTycon: Tycon) (implUnionCase: UnionCase) (sigUnionCase: UnionCase) =
let err f = errorR(UnionCaseNotContained(denv, infoReader, enclosingTycon, implUnionCase, sigUnionCase, f));false
sigUnionCase.OtherRangeOpt <- Some (implUnionCase.Range, true)
implUnionCase.OtherRangeOpt <- Some (sigUnionCase.Range, false)
......@@ -376,6 +380,8 @@ type Checker(g, amap, denv, remapInfo: SignatureRepackageInfo, checkingSig) =
else checkAttribs aenv implUnionCase.Attribs sigUnionCase.Attribs (fun attribs -> implUnionCase.Attribs <- attribs)
and checkField aenv infoReader (enclosingTycon: Tycon) implField sigField =
let err f = errorR(FieldNotContained(denv, infoReader, enclosingTycon, implField, sigField, f)); false
sigField.rfield_other_range <- Some (implField.Range, true)
implField.rfield_other_range <- Some (sigField.Range, false)
......@@ -646,7 +652,8 @@ type Checker(g, amap, denv, remapInfo: SignatureRepackageInfo, checkingSig) =
allPairsOk && not someNotOk)
and checkModuleOrNamespace aenv (infoReader: InfoReader) implModRef sigModRef =
and checkModuleOrNamespace aenv (infoReader: InfoReader) implModRef sigModRef =
// Propagate defn location information from implementation to signature .
sigModRef.SetOtherRange (implModRef.Range, true)
implModRef.Deref.SetOtherRange (sigModRef.Range, false)
......@@ -563,6 +563,9 @@ type EntityOptionalData =
// MUTABILITY: only for unpickle linkage
mutable entity_xmldoc: XmlDoc
/// the signature xml doc for an item in an implementation file.
mutable entity_other_xmldoc : XmlDoc option
/// The XML document signature for this entity
mutable entity_xmldocsig: string
......@@ -651,7 +654,8 @@ type Entity =
{ entity_compiled_name = None
entity_other_range = None
entity_kind = TyparKind.Type
entity_xmldoc = XmlDoc.Empty
entity_xmldoc = XmlDoc.Empty
entity_other_xmldoc = None
entity_xmldocsig = ""
entity_tycon_abbrev = None
entity_tycon_repr_accessibility = TAccess []
......@@ -764,6 +768,11 @@ type Entity =
match x.entity_opt_data with
| Some optData -> optData.entity_other_range <- Some m
| _ -> x.entity_opt_data <- Some { Entity.NewEmptyEntityOptData() with entity_other_range = Some m }
member x.SetOtherXmlDoc xmlDoc =
match x.entity_opt_data with
| Some optData -> optData.entity_other_xmldoc <- Some xmlDoc
| _ -> x.entity_opt_data <- Some { Entity.NewEmptyEntityOptData() with entity_other_xmldoc = Some xmlDoc }
/// A unique stamp for this module, namespace or type definition within the context of this compilation.
/// Note that because of signatures, there are situations where in a single compilation the "same"
......@@ -787,7 +796,13 @@ type Entity =
| _ ->
match x.entity_opt_data with
| Some optData -> optData.entity_xmldoc
| Some optData ->
if not optData.entity_xmldoc.IsEmpty then
match optData.entity_other_xmldoc with
| Some xmlDoc -> xmlDoc
| None -> XmlDoc.Empty
| _ -> XmlDoc.Empty
/// The XML documentation sig-string of the entity, if any, to use to lookup an .xml doc file. This also acts
......@@ -1046,6 +1061,7 @@ type Entity =
entity_kind = tg.entity_kind
entity_xmldoc = tg.entity_xmldoc
entity_xmldocsig = tg.entity_xmldocsig
entity_other_xmldoc = tg.entity_other_xmldoc
entity_tycon_abbrev = tg.entity_tycon_abbrev
entity_tycon_repr_accessibility = tg.entity_tycon_repr_accessibility
entity_accessibility = tg.entity_accessibility
......@@ -1659,7 +1675,10 @@ type UnionCase =
ReturnType: TType
/// Documentation for the case
XmlDoc: XmlDoc
OwnXmlDoc: XmlDoc
/// Documentation for the case from signature file
mutable OtherXmlDoc: XmlDoc
/// XML documentation signature for the case
mutable XmlDocSig: string
......@@ -1679,7 +1698,14 @@ type UnionCase =
// MUTABILITY: used when propagating signature attributes into the implementation.
mutable Attribs: Attribs
/// Documentation for the case
member uc.XmlDoc: XmlDoc =
if not uc.OwnXmlDoc.IsEmpty then
/// Get the declaration location of the union case
member uc.Range = uc.Id.idRange
......@@ -1695,6 +1721,9 @@ type UnionCase =
| Some (m, false) -> m
| _ -> uc.Range
member x.SetOtherXmlDoc xmlDoc =
x.OtherXmlDoc <- xmlDoc
/// Get the logical name of the union case
member uc.LogicalName = uc.Id.idText
......@@ -1751,6 +1780,9 @@ type RecdField =
/// Documentation for the field
rfield_xmldoc: XmlDoc
/// Documentation for the field from signature file
mutable rfield_otherxmldoc: XmlDoc
/// XML Documentation signature for the field
mutable rfield_xmldocsig: string
......@@ -1843,7 +1875,14 @@ type RecdField =
member v.FormalType = v.rfield_type
/// XML Documentation signature for the field
member v.XmlDoc = v.rfield_xmldoc
member v.XmlDoc =
if not v.rfield_xmldoc.IsEmpty then
member v.SetOtherXmlDoc (xmlDoc: XmlDoc) =
v.rfield_otherxmldoc <- xmlDoc
/// Get or set the XML documentation signature for the field
member v.XmlDocSig
......@@ -3491,7 +3530,15 @@ type EntityRef =
/// then this _does_ include this documentation. If the entity is backed by Abstract IL metadata
/// or comes from another F# assembly then it does not (because the documentation will get read from
/// an XML file).
member x.XmlDoc = x.Deref.XmlDoc
member x.XmlDoc =
if not (x.Deref.XmlDoc.IsEmpty) then
|> Option.bind (fun d -> d.entity_other_xmldoc)
|> Option.defaultValue XmlDoc.Empty
member x.SetOtherXmlDoc (xmlDoc: XmlDoc) = x.Deref.SetOtherXmlDoc(xmlDoc)
/// The XML documentation sig-string of the entity, if any, to use to lookup an .xml doc file. This also acts
/// as a cache for this sig-string computation.
......@@ -5844,7 +5891,8 @@ type Construct() =
/// Create a new union case node
static member NewUnionCase id tys retTy attribs docOption access: UnionCase =
{ Id = id
XmlDoc = docOption
OwnXmlDoc = docOption
OtherXmlDoc = XmlDoc.Empty
XmlDocSig = ""
Accessibility = access
FieldTable = Construct.MakeRecdFieldsTable tys
......@@ -5883,7 +5931,8 @@ type Construct() =
rfield_const = konst
rfield_access = access
rfield_secret = secret
rfield_xmldoc = docOption
rfield_xmldoc = docOption
rfield_otherxmldoc = XmlDoc.Empty
rfield_xmldocsig = ""
rfield_id = id
rfield_name_generated = nameGenerated
......@@ -353,6 +353,9 @@ type EntityOptionalData =
/// The declared documentation for the type or module
mutable entity_xmldoc: XmlDoc
/// the signature xml doc for an item in an implementation file.
mutable entity_other_xmldoc: XmlDoc option
/// The XML document signature for this entity
mutable entity_xmldocsig: string
......@@ -460,6 +463,8 @@ type Entity =
member SetOtherRange: m: (range * bool) -> unit
member SetOtherXmlDoc: xmlDoc: XmlDoc -> unit
member SetTypeAbbrev: tycon_abbrev: TType option -> unit
member SetTypeOrMeasureKind: kind: TyparKind -> unit
......@@ -1114,7 +1119,10 @@ type UnionCase =
ReturnType: TType
/// Documentation for the case
XmlDoc: XmlDoc
OwnXmlDoc: XmlDoc
/// Documentation for the case from signature file
mutable OtherXmlDoc: XmlDoc
/// XML documentation signature for the case
mutable XmlDocSig: string
......@@ -1133,6 +1141,8 @@ type UnionCase =
mutable Attribs: Attribs
member XmlDoc: XmlDoc
/// Get a field of the union case by position
member GetFieldByIndex: n: int -> RecdField
......@@ -1184,6 +1194,8 @@ type UnionCase =
/// Get the signature location of the union case
member SigRange: range
member SetOtherXmlDoc: xmlDoc: XmlDoc -> unit
/// Represents a class, struct, record or exception field in an F# type, exception or union-case definition.
/// This may represent a "field" in either a struct, class, record or union.
[<NoEquality; NoComparison; StructuredFormatDisplay("{DebugText}")>]
......@@ -1196,6 +1208,9 @@ type RecdField =
/// Documentation for the field
rfield_xmldoc: XmlDoc
/// Documentation for the field from signature file
mutable rfield_otherxmldoc: XmlDoc
/// XML Documentation signature for the field
mutable rfield_xmldocsig: string
......@@ -1294,6 +1309,8 @@ type RecdField =
/// Get or set the XML documentation signature for the field
member XmlDocSig: string with get, set
member SetOtherXmlDoc: xmlDoc: XmlDoc -> unit
/// Represents the implementation of an F# exception definition.
[<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
type ExceptionInfo =
......@@ -2640,6 +2657,8 @@ type EntityRef =
/// an XML file).
member XmlDoc: XmlDoc
member SetOtherXmlDoc: XmlDoc -> unit
/// The XML documentation sig-string of the entity, if any, to use to lookup an .xml doc file. This also acts
/// as a cache for this sig-string computation.
member XmlDocSig: string
......@@ -2046,7 +2046,8 @@ and u_unioncase_spec st =
XmlDoc= defaultArg xmldoc XmlDoc.Empty
OwnXmlDoc= defaultArg xmldoc XmlDoc.Empty
OtherXmlDoc = XmlDoc.Empty
OtherRangeOpt=None }
......@@ -2088,6 +2089,7 @@ and u_recdfield_spec st =
rfield_xmldoc= defaultArg xmldoc XmlDoc.Empty
rfield_otherxmldoc = XmlDoc.Empty
rfield_name_generated = d.idRange.IsSynthetic
......@@ -10,27 +10,15 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices
open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
open NUnit.Framework
let ``Display XML doc of signature file if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource line colAtEndOfNames lineText names (expectedContent: string) =
let files =
[| "A.fsi",
module Foo
SourceText.ofString sigSource
/// Great XML doc comment
val bar: a: int -> b: int -> int
module Foo
// No XML doc here because the signature file has one right?
let bar a b = a - b
""" |]
SourceText.ofString implSource |]
let documentSource fileName = Map.tryFind fileName files
......@@ -49,25 +37,230 @@ let bar a b = a - b
match checkResult with
| _, FSharpCheckFileAnswer.Succeeded(checkResults) ->
let barSymbol = findSymbolByName "bar" checkResults
match barSymbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as mfv -> Assert.True mfv.HasSignatureFile
| _ -> Assert.Fail "Expected to find a symbol FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue that HasSignatureFile"
// Get the tooltip for `bar` in the implementation file
// Get the tooltip for (line, colAtEndOfNames) in the implementation file
let (ToolTipText tooltipElements) =
checkResults.GetToolTip(4, 4, "let bar a b = a - b", [ "bar" ], FSharpTokenTag.Identifier)
checkResults.GetToolTip(line, colAtEndOfNames, lineText, names, FSharpTokenTag.Identifier)
match tooltipElements with
| [ ToolTipElement.Group [ element ] ] ->
| ToolTipElement.Group [ element ] :: _ ->
match element.XmlDoc with
| FSharpXmlDoc.FromXmlText xmlDoc -> Assert.True xmlDoc.NonEmpty
| FSharpXmlDoc.FromXmlText xmlDoc ->
Assert.True xmlDoc.NonEmpty
Assert.True (xmlDoc.UnprocessedLines[0].Contains(expectedContent))
| xmlDoc -> Assert.Fail $"Expected FSharpXmlDoc.FromXmlText, got {xmlDoc}"
| elements -> Assert.Fail $"Expected a single tooltip group element, got {elements}"
| elements -> Assert.Fail $"Expected at least one tooltip group element, got {elements}"
| _ -> Assert.Fail "Expected checking to succeed."
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for let if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
/// Great XML doc comment
val bar: a: int -> b: int -> int
let implSource =
module Foo
// No XML doc here because the signature file has one right?
let bar a b = a - b
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 4 4 "let bar a b = a - b" [ "bar" ] "Great XML doc comment"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for partial AP if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
/// Some Sig Doc on IsThree
val (|IsThree|_|): x: int -> int option
let implSource =
module Foo
// No XML doc here because the signature file has one right?
let (|IsThree|_|) x = if x = 3 then Some x else None
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 4 4 "let (|IsThree|_|) x = if x = 3 then Some x else None" [ "IsThree" ] "Some Sig Doc on IsThree"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for DU if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
/// Some sig comment on the disc union type
type Bar =
| Case1 of int * string
| Case2 of string
let implSource =
module Foo
// No XML doc here because the signature file has one right?
type Bar =
| Case1 of int * string
| Case2 of string
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 4 7 "type Bar =" [ "Bar" ] "Some sig comment on the disc union type"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for DU case if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
type Bar =
| BarCase1 of int * string
/// Some sig comment on the disc union case
| BarCase2 of string
let implSource =
module Foo
type Bar =
| BarCase1 of int * string
// No XML doc here because the signature file has one right?
| BarCase2 of string
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 7 14 " | BarCase2 of string" [ "BarCase2" ] "Some sig comment on the disc union case"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for record type if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
/// Some sig comment on record type
type Bar = {
SomeField: int
let implSource =
module Foo
type Bar = {
SomeField: int
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 3 9 "type Bar = {" [ "Bar" ] "Some sig comment on record type"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for record field if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
type Bar = {
/// Some sig comment on record field
SomeField: int
let implSource =
module Foo
type Bar = {
SomeField: int
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 5 9 " SomeField: int" [ "SomeField" ] "Some sig comment on record field"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for class type if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
/// Some sig comment on class type
type Bar =
new: unit -> Bar
member Foo: string
let implSource =
module Foo
type Bar() =
member val Foo = "bla" with get, set
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 3 9 "type Bar() =" [ "Bar" ] "Some sig comment on class type"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for class member if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
module Foo
type Bar =
new: unit -> Bar
/// Some sig comment on auto property
member Foo: string
/// Some sig comment on class member
member Func: int -> int -> int
let implSource =
module Foo
type Bar() =
member val Foo = "bla" with get, set
member _.Func x y = x * y
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 6 30 " member _.Func x y = x * y" [ "_"; "Func" ] "Some sig comment on class member"
let ``Display XML doc of signature file for module if implementation doesn't have one`` () =
let sigSource =
/// Some sig comment on module
module Foo
val a: int
let implSource =
module Foo
let a = 23
testXmlDocFallbackToSigFileWhileInImplFile sigSource implSource 2 10 "module Foo" [ "Foo" ] "Some sig comment on module"
let testToolTipSquashing source line colAtEndOfNames lineText names tokenTag =
let files =
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