未验证 提交 d3571ce6 编写于 作者: H Hadrian Tang 提交者: GitHub

Deduplicate and sort error codes (#15876)

* Deduplicate and sort error codes

* Update test

* 3570 -> 3573

* 1503 -> 1003

* 3570 -> 3573

* 3217 -> 999

* Update output.1000.stderr.bsl

* Update output.200.stderr.bsl

* Update output.47.stderr.bsl

* Update output.multiemit.stderr.bsl

* Update output.off.stderr.bsl

* Update output.quiet.stderr.bsl

* Update output.stderr.bsl

* Update output.stderr.bsl

* Update output.off.stderr.bsl

* Update output.multiemit.stderr.bsl

* Update output.47.stderr.bsl

* Update output.200.stderr.bsl

* Update output.1000.stderr.bsl

* Update FSComp.txt

* Update FSComp.txt

* Update pdb04.fs

* Update output.quiet.stderr.bsl

* Add a error code sorting check

* Fix wording

* Update the script
上级 3d5e7007
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ EndProject
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{D58BFE8B-7C85-4D3B-B5F3-9A7BB90FF1EE}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
src\Compiler\FSComp.txt = src\Compiler\FSComp.txt
src\Compiler\FSCompCheck.fsx = src\Compiler\FSCompCheck.fsx
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ stages:
continueOnError: true
condition: not(succeeded())
# Check code formatting
# Check FSComp.txt error code sorting and code formatting
- job: CheckCodeFormatting
vmImage: $(UbuntuMachineQueueName)
......@@ -270,6 +270,10 @@ stages:
displayName: Install tools
- script: dotnet fsi src/Compiler/FSCompCheck.fsx
displayName: Check error code sorting in src/Compiler/FSComp.txt
- script: dotnet fantomas . -r --check
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ buildUnexpectedTypeArgs,"The non-generic type '%s' does not expect any type argu
returnUsedInsteadOfReturnBang,"Consider using 'return!' instead of 'return'."
yieldUsedInsteadOfYieldBang,"Consider using 'yield!' instead of 'yield'."
tupleRequiredInAbstractMethod,"\nA tuple type is required for one or more arguments. Consider wrapping the given arguments in additional parentheses or review the definition of the interface."
10,parsUnexpectedSymbolDot,"Unexpected symbol '.' in member definition. Expected 'with', '=' or other token."
201,tcNamespaceCannotContainValues,"Namespaces cannot contain values. Consider using a module to hold your value declarations."
202,unsupportedAttribute,"This attribute is currently unsupported by the F# compiler. Applying it will not achieve its intended effect."
203,buildInvalidWarningNumber,"Invalid warning number '%s'"
204,buildInvalidVersionString,"Invalid version string '%s'"
......@@ -199,10 +201,10 @@ ExceptionDefsNotCompatibleFieldOrderDiffers,"The exception definitions are not c
363,typrelNeedExplicitImplementation,"The interface '%s' is included in multiple explicitly implemented interface types. Add an explicit implementation of this interface."
364,typrelNamedArgumentHasBeenAssignedMoreThenOnce,"The named argument '%s' has been assigned more than one value"
365,typrelNoImplementationGiven,"No implementation was given for '%s'"
366,typrelNoImplementationGivenWithSuggestion,"No implementation was given for '%s'. Note that all interface members must be implemented and listed under an appropriate 'interface' declaration, e.g. 'interface ... with member ...'."
365,typrelNoImplementationGivenSeveral,"No implementation was given for those members: %s"
366,typrelNoImplementationGivenSeveralWithSuggestion,"No implementation was given for those members: %sNote that all interface members must be implemented and listed under an appropriate 'interface' declaration, e.g. 'interface ... with member ...'."
365,typrelNoImplementationGivenSeveralTruncated,"No implementation was given for those members (some results omitted): %s"
366,typrelNoImplementationGivenWithSuggestion,"No implementation was given for '%s'. Note that all interface members must be implemented and listed under an appropriate 'interface' declaration, e.g. 'interface ... with member ...'."
366,typrelNoImplementationGivenSeveralWithSuggestion,"No implementation was given for those members: %sNote that all interface members must be implemented and listed under an appropriate 'interface' declaration, e.g. 'interface ... with member ...'."
366,typrelNoImplementationGivenSeveralTruncatedWithSuggestion,"No implementation was given for those members (some results omitted): %sNote that all interface members must be implemented and listed under an appropriate 'interface' declaration, e.g. 'interface ... with member ...'."
367,typrelMemberDoesNotHaveCorrectNumberOfArguments,"The member '%s' does not have the correct number of arguments. The required signature is '%s'."
368,typrelMemberDoesNotHaveCorrectNumberOfTypeParameters,"The member '%s' does not have the correct number of method type parameters. The required signature is '%s'."
......@@ -436,7 +438,6 @@ parsAttributesMustComeBeforeVal,"Attributes should be placed before 'val'"
568,parsAllEnumFieldsRequireValues,"All enum fields must be given values"
569,parsInlineAssemblyCannotHaveVisibilityDeclarations,"Accessibility modifiers are not permitted on inline assembly code types"
571,parsUnexpectedIdentifier,"Unexpected identifier: '%s'"
10,parsUnexpectedSymbolDot,"Unexpected symbol '.' in member definition. Expected 'with', '=' or other token."
572,parsUnionCasesCannotHaveVisibilityDeclarations,"Accessibility modifiers are not permitted on union cases. Use 'type U = internal ...' or 'type U = private ...' to give an accessibility to the whole representation."
573,parsEnumFieldsCannotHaveVisibilityDeclarations,"Accessibility modifiers are not permitted on enumeration fields"
parsConsiderUsingSeparateRecordType,"Consider using a separate record type instead"
......@@ -493,7 +494,6 @@ tcUnexpectedConstByteArray,"Unexpected Const_bytearray"
640,tcParameterRequiresName,"A parameter with attributes must also be given a name, e.g. '[<Attribute>] Name : Type'"
641,tcReturnValuesCannotHaveNames,"Return values cannot have names"
tcMemberKindPropertyGetSetNotExpected,"SynMemberKind.PropertyGetSet only expected in parse trees"
201,tcNamespaceCannotContainValues,"Namespaces cannot contain values. Consider using a module to hold your value declarations."
644,tcNamespaceCannotContainExtensionMembers,"Namespaces cannot contain extension members except in the same file and namespace declaration group where the type is defined. Consider using a module to hold declarations of extension members."
645,tcMultipleVisibilityAttributes,"Multiple visibility attributes have been specified for this identifier"
646,tcMultipleVisibilityAttributesWithLet,"Multiple visibility attributes have been specified for this identifier. 'let' bindings in classes are always private, as are any 'let' bindings inside expressions."
......@@ -839,6 +839,8 @@ ilDynamicInvocationNotSupported,"Dynamic invocation of %s is not supported"
992,ilStructLayoutAttributeCouldNotBeDecoded,"The StructLayout attribute could not be decoded"
993,ilDefaultAugmentationAttributeCouldNotBeDecoded,"The DefaultAugmentation attribute could not be decoded"
994,ilReflectedDefinitionsCannotUseSliceOperator,"Reflected definitions cannot contain uses of the prefix splice operator '%%'"
998,packageManagerUnknown,"Package manager key '%s' was not registered in %s. Currently registered: %s. To learn more about extensions, visit: https://aka.ms/dotnetdepmanager"
1000,optsProblemWithCodepage,"Problem with codepage '%d': %s"
optsCopyright,"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved."
optsCopyrightCommunity,"Freely distributed under the MIT Open Source License. https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharp/blob/master/License.txt"
......@@ -867,7 +869,7 @@ optsNowin32manifest,"Do not include the default Win32 manifest"
optsEmbedAllSource,"Embed all source files in the portable PDB file"
optsEmbedSource,"Embed specific source files in the portable PDB file"
optsSourceLink,"Source link information file to embed in the portable PDB file"
1503,optsPdbMatchesOutputFileName,"The pdb output file name cannot match the build output filename use --pdb:filename.pdb"
1001,optsPdbMatchesOutputFileName,"The pdb output file name cannot match the build output filename use --pdb:filename.pdb"
srcFileTooLarge,"Source file is too large to embed in a portable PDB"
optsResource,"Embed the specified managed resource"
optsLinkresource,"Link the specified resource to this assembly where the resinfo format is <file>[,<string name>[,public|private]]"
......@@ -906,9 +908,6 @@ optsStaticlink,"Statically link the given assembly and all referenced DLLs that
optsResident,"Use a resident background compilation service to improve compiler startup times."
optsPdb,"Name the output debug file"
optsSimpleresolution,"Resolve assembly references using directory-based rules rather than MSBuild resolution"
1048,optsUnrecognizedTarget,"Unrecognized target '%s', expected 'exe', 'winexe', 'library' or 'module'"
1049,optsUnrecognizedDebugType,"Unrecognized debug type '%s', expected 'pdbonly' or 'full'"
1050,optsInvalidWarningLevel,"Invalid warning level '%d'"
optsShortFormOf,"Short form of '%s'"
optsClirootDeprecatedMsg,"The command-line option '--cliroot' has been deprecated. Use an explicit reference to a specific copy of mscorlib.dll instead."
optsClirootDescription,"Use to override where the compiler looks for mscorlib.dll and framework components"
......@@ -920,9 +919,6 @@ optsHelpBannerAdvanced,"- ADVANCED -"
optsHelpBannerMisc,"- MISCELLANEOUS -"
optsHelpBannerLanguage,"- LANGUAGE -"
optsHelpBannerErrsAndWarns,"- ERRORS AND WARNINGS -"
1063,optsUnknownArgumentToTheTestSwitch,"Unknown --test argument: '%s'"
1064,optsUnknownPlatform,"Unrecognized platform '%s', valid values are 'x86', 'x64', 'Arm', 'Arm64', 'Itanium', 'anycpu32bitpreferred', and 'anycpu'. The default is anycpu."
1065,optsUnknownChecksumAlgorithm,"Algorithm '%s' is not supported"
optsInternalNoDescription,"The command-line option '%s' is for test purposes only"
optsDCLONoDescription,"The command-line option '%s' has been deprecated"
optsDCLODeprecatedSuggestAlternative,"The command-line option '%s' has been deprecated. Use '%s' instead."
......@@ -938,8 +934,14 @@ optsSignatureData,"Include F# interface information, the default is file. Essent
1046,optsUnknownSignatureData,"Invalid value '%s' for --interfacedata, valid value are: none, file, compress."
optsOptimizationData,"Specify included optimization information, the default is file. Important for distributed libraries."
1047,optsUnknownOptimizationData,"Invalid value '%s' for --optimizationdata, valid value are: none, file, compress."
1048,optsUnrecognizedTarget,"Unrecognized target '%s', expected 'exe', 'winexe', 'library' or 'module'"
1049,optsUnrecognizedDebugType,"Unrecognized debug type '%s', expected 'pdbonly' or 'full'"
1050,optsInvalidWarningLevel,"Invalid warning level '%d'"
1051,optsInvalidSubSystemVersion,"Invalid version '%s' for '--subsystemversion'. The version must be 4.00 or greater."
1052,optsInvalidTargetProfile,"Invalid value '%s' for '--targetprofile', valid values are 'mscorlib', 'netcore' or 'netstandard'."
1063,optsUnknownArgumentToTheTestSwitch,"Unknown --test argument: '%s'"
1064,optsUnknownPlatform,"Unrecognized platform '%s', valid values are 'x86', 'x64', 'Arm', 'Arm64', 'Itanium', 'anycpu32bitpreferred', and 'anycpu'. The default is anycpu."
1065,optsUnknownChecksumAlgorithm,"Algorithm '%s' is not supported"
typeInfoFullName,"Full name"
# typeInfoType,"type"
# typeInfoInherits,"inherits"
......@@ -1390,8 +1392,6 @@ tcGlobalsSystemTypeNotFound,"The system type '%s' was required but no referenced
3213,typrelMemberHasMultiplePossibleDispatchSlots,"The member '%s' matches multiple overloads of the same method.\nPlease restrict it to one of the following:%s."
3214,methodIsNotStatic,"Method or object constructor '%s' is not static"
3215,parsUnexpectedSymbolEqualsInsteadOfIn,"Unexpected symbol '=' in expression. Did you intend to use 'for x in y .. z do' instead?"
3216,packageManagerUnknown,"Package manager key '%s' was not registered in %s. Currently registered: %s. To learn more about extensions, visit: https://aka.ms/dotnetdepmanager"
tcAnonRecdInvalid,"Invalid Anonymous Record type declaration."
tcAnonRecdCcuMismatch,"Two anonymous record types are from different assemblies '%s' and '%s'"
tcAnonRecdFieldNameMismatch,"This anonymous record does not exactly match the expected shape. Add the missing fields %s and remove the extra fields %s."
......@@ -1530,10 +1530,11 @@ notAFunctionButMaybeDeclaration,"This value is not a function and cannot be appl
3343,tcRequireMergeSourcesOrBindN,"The 'let! ... and! ...' construct may only be used if the computation expression builder defines either a '%s' method or appropriate 'MergeSources' and 'Bind' methods"
3344,tcAndBangNotSupported,"This feature is not supported in this version of F#. You may need to add /langversion:preview to use this feature."
3345,tcInvalidUseBangBindingNoAndBangs,"use! may not be combined with and!"
3349,chkFeatureNotSupportedInLibrary,"Feature '%s' requires the F# library for language version %s or greater."
3350,chkFeatureNotLanguageSupported,"Feature '%s' is not available in F# %s. Please use language version %s or greater."
3351,chkFeatureNotRuntimeSupported,"Feature '%s' is not supported by target runtime."
3352,typrelInterfaceMemberNoMostSpecificImplementation,"Interface member '%s' does not have a most specific implementation."
3353,chkFeatureNotSupportedInLibrary,"Feature '%s' requires the F# library for language version %s or greater."
3353,fsiInvalidDirective,"Invalid directive '#%s %s'"
useSdkRefs,"Use reference assemblies for .NET framework references when available (Enabled by default)."
optsGetLangVersions,"Display the allowed values for language version."
optsSetLangVersion,"Specify language version such as 'latest' or 'preview'."
......@@ -1588,7 +1589,6 @@ featureChkNotTailRecursive,"Raises warnings if a member or function has the 'Tai
featureWhileBang,"'while!' expression"
featureExtendedFixedBindings,"extended fixed bindings for byref and GetPinnableReference"
featurePreferStringGetPinnableReference,"prefer String.GetPinnableReference in fixed bindings"
3353,fsiInvalidDirective,"Invalid directive '#%s %s'"
3354,tcNotAFunctionButIndexerNamedIndexingNotYetEnabled,"This value supports indexing, e.g. '%s.[index]'. The syntax '%s[index]' requires /langversion:preview. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-index-notation."
3354,tcNotAFunctionButIndexerIndexingNotYetEnabled,"This expression supports indexing, e.g. 'expr.[index]'. The syntax 'expr[index]' requires /langversion:preview. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-index-notation."
3355,tcNotAnIndexerNamedIndexingNotYetEnabled,"The value '%s' is not a function and does not support index notation."
......@@ -1635,7 +1635,6 @@ forFormatInvalidForInterpolated4,"Interpolated strings used as type IFormattable
3387,tcAmbiguousImplicitConversion,"This expression has type '%s' and is only made compatible with type '%s' through an ambiguous implicit conversion. Consider using an explicit call to 'op_Implicit'. The applicable implicit conversions are:%s"
3388,tcSubsumptionImplicitConversionUsed,"This expression implicitly converts type '%s' to type '%s'. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-implicit-convs."
3389,tcBuiltInImplicitConversionUsed,"This expression uses a built-in implicit conversion to convert type '%s' to type '%s'. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-implicit-convs."
3391,tcImplicitConversionUsedForNonMethodArg,"This expression uses the implicit conversion '%s' to convert type '%s' to type '%s'. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-implicit-convs. This warning may be disabled using '#nowarn \"3391\"."
3390,xmlDocBadlyFormed,"This XML comment is invalid: '%s'"
3390,xmlDocMissingParameterName,"This XML comment is invalid: missing 'name' attribute for parameter or parameter reference"
3390,xmlDocMissingCrossReference,"This XML comment is invalid: missing 'cref' attribute for cross-reference"
......@@ -1643,6 +1642,7 @@ forFormatInvalidForInterpolated4,"Interpolated strings used as type IFormattable
3390,xmlDocDuplicateParameter,"This XML comment is invalid: multiple documentation entries for parameter '%s'"
3390,xmlDocUnresolvedCrossReference,"This XML comment is invalid: unresolved cross-reference '%s'"
3390,xmlDocMissingParameter,"This XML comment is incomplete: no documentation for parameter '%s'"
3391,tcImplicitConversionUsedForNonMethodArg,"This expression uses the implicit conversion '%s' to convert type '%s' to type '%s'. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-implicit-convs. This warning may be disabled using '#nowarn \"3391\"."
3392,containerDeprecated,"The 'AssemblyKeyNameAttribute' has been deprecated. Use 'AssemblyKeyFileAttribute' instead."
3393,containerSigningUnsupportedOnThisPlatform,"Key container signing is not supported on this platform."
3394,parsNewExprMemberAccess,"This member access is ambiguous. Please use parentheses around the object creation, e.g. '(new SomeType(args)).MemberName'"
......@@ -1712,14 +1712,14 @@ featureInformationalObjInferenceDiagnostic,"Diagnostic 3559 (warn when obj infer
featureStaticLetInRecordsDusEmptyTypes,"Allow static let bindings in union, record, struct, non-incremental-class types"
3566,tcMultipleRecdTypeChoice,"Multiple type matches were found:\n%s\nThe type '%s' was used. Due to the overlapping field names\n%s\nconsider using type annotations or change the order of open statements."
3567,parsMissingMemberBody,"Expecting member body"
3572,parsConstraintIntersectionSyntaxUsedWithNonFlexibleType,"Constraint intersection syntax may only be used with flexible types, e.g. '#IDisposable & #ISomeInterface'."
3568,parsMissingKeyword,"Missing keyword '%s'"
3569,chkNotTailRecursive,"The member or function '%s' has the 'TailCallAttribute' attribute, but is not being used in a tail recursive way."
3570,tcAmbiguousDiscardDotLambda,"The meaning of _ is ambiguous here. It cannot be used for a discarded variable and a function shorthand in the same scope."
3571,parsUnderScoreDotLambdaNonAtomic," _. shorthand syntax for lambda functions can only be used with atomic expressions. That means expressions with no whitespace unless enclosed in parentheses."
featureAccessorFunctionShorthand,"underscore dot shorthand for accessor only function"
3569,chkNotTailRecursive,"The member or function '%s' has the 'TailCallAttribute' attribute, but is not being used in a tail recursive way."
3570,tcStaticBindingInExtrinsicAugmentation,"Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead."
3571,pickleFsharpCoreBackwardsCompatible,"Newly added pickle state cannot be used in FSharp.Core, since it must be working in older compilers+tooling as well. The time window is at least 3 years after feature introduction. Violation: %s . Context: \n %s "
3572,parsConstraintIntersectionSyntaxUsedWithNonFlexibleType,"Constraint intersection syntax may only be used with flexible types, e.g. '#IDisposable & #ISomeInterface'."
3573,tcStaticBindingInExtrinsicAugmentation,"Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead."
3574,pickleFsharpCoreBackwardsCompatible,"Newly added pickle state cannot be used in FSharp.Core, since it must be working in older compilers+tooling as well. The time window is at least 3 years after feature introduction. Violation: %s . Context: \n %s "
3577,tcOverrideUsesMultipleArgumentsInsteadOfTuple,"This override takes a tuple instead of multiple arguments. Try to add an additional layer of parentheses at the method definition (e.g. 'member _.Foo((x, y))'), or remove parentheses at the abstract method declaration (e.g. 'abstract member Foo: 'a * 'b -> 'c')."
featureUnmanagedConstraintCsharpInterop,"Interop between C#'s and F#'s unmanaged generic constraint (emit additional modreq)"
3578,chkCopyUpdateSyntaxInAnonRecords,"This expression is an anonymous record, use {{|...|}} instead of {{...}}."
let digits = set { '0' .. '9' }
let rec intStringEndIndex i s =
if i >= String.length s then
String.length s - 1
elif Set.contains s[i] digits then
intStringEndIndex (i + 1) s
i - 1
__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/FSComp.txt"
|> System.IO.File.ReadAllLines
|> Seq.fold
(fun counters line ->
let line = line.TrimStart [| ' '; '#' |]
let intStringEndIndex = intStringEndIndex 0 line
if intStringEndIndex >= 0 then // Line starts with an integer (error code)
let errorCode = line[..intStringEndIndex] |> int
match counters with
| [] -> [ errorCode ] // Initialise a counter
| head :: tail when errorCode >= head -> errorCode :: tail // Increment current counter
| _ -> errorCode :: counters // Start a new counter
|> function
| [] -> failwith "FSComp.txt contained no error codes but expected at least one"
| [ _finalErrorCode ] -> () // Expected: One counter counted to the end
| _finalErrorCode :: counters ->
failwith $"Error codes not sorted in FSComp.txt, break(s) happened after {List.rev counters}"
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ let ``Static let extension to builtin type`` compilation =
|> typecheck
|> shouldFail
|> withDiagnostics [Error 3570, Line 4, Col 5, Line 4, Col 51, "Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead."]
|> withDiagnostics [Error 3573, Line 4, Col 5, Line 4, Col 51, "Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead."]
[<Theory; Directory(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, Includes=[|"QuotationsForStaticLetRecords.fs"|])>]
let ``Static let - quotations support for records`` compilation =
......@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ x |> Seq.iter(fun r ->
let report errorType code message =
match errorType with
| ErrorReportType.Error ->
if code = 3217 then foundCorrectError <- true
if code = 999 then foundCorrectError <- true
else foundWrongError <- true
| ErrorReportType.Warning -> printfn "PackageManagementWarning %d : %s" code message
ResolvingErrorReport (report)
......@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ x |> Seq.iter(fun r ->
let report errorType code message =
match errorType with
| ErrorReportType.Error ->
if code = 3217 then foundCorrectError <- true
if code = 999 then foundCorrectError <- true
else foundWrongError <- true
| ErrorReportType.Warning -> printfn "PackageManagementWarning %d : %s" code message
ResolvingErrorReport (report)
......@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ x |> Seq.iter(fun r ->
let report errorType code message =
match errorType with
| ErrorReportType.Error ->
if code = 3217 then foundCorrectError <- true
if code = 999 then foundCorrectError <- true
else foundWrongError <- true
| ErrorReportType.Warning -> printfn "PackageManagementWarning %d : %s" code message
ResolvingErrorReport (report)
neg46.fs(6,8,6,26): typecheck error FS0912: This declaration element is not permitted in an augmentation
neg46.fs(10,8,10,40): typecheck error FS3570: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(10,8,10,40): typecheck error FS3573: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(14,8,14,26): typecheck error FS3570: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(14,8,14,26): typecheck error FS3573: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(18,8,19,21): typecheck error FS3570: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(18,8,19,21): typecheck error FS3573: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(23,8,23,32): typecheck error FS3570: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(23,8,23,32): typecheck error FS3573: Static bindings cannot be added to extrinsic augmentations. Consider using a 'static member' instead.
neg46.fs(27,8,27,25): typecheck error FS0912: This declaration element is not permitted in an augmentation
......@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ neg46.fs(64,8,64,26): typecheck error FS0912: This declaration element is not pe
neg46.fs(68,18,68,36): typecheck error FS0909: All implemented interfaces should be declared on the initial declaration of the type
neg46.fs(73,18,73,36): typecheck error FS0909: All implemented interfaces should be declared on the initial declaration of the type
\ No newline at end of file
neg46.fs(73,18,73,36): typecheck error FS0909: All implemented interfaces should be declared on the initial declaration of the type
// #Regression #NoMT #CompilerOptions #NoMono
// Regression test for FSharp1.0:3204 - Compiler throws exception when trying to use option "-g --pdb" on a locked file (or any non-accessible file)
//<Expects id="FS1503" status="error">The pdb output file name cannot match the build output filename use --pdb:filename.pdb</Expects>
//<Expects id="FS1001" status="error">The pdb output file name cannot match the build output filename use --pdb:filename.pdb</Expects>
exit 1
//<Expects status="Error" span="(4,1)" id="FS3216">Package manager key 'unk' was not registered</Expects>
//<Expects status="Error" span="(4,1)" id="FS3217">Processing of a script fragment has stopped because an exception has been raised</Expects>
//<Expects status="Error" span="(4,1)" id="FS0998">Package manager key 'unk' was not registered</Expects>
//<Expects status="Error" span="(4,1)" id="FS0999">Processing of a script fragment has stopped because an exception has been raised</Expects>
#r "unk: blubblub"
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