未验证 提交 9df7e677 编写于 作者: F Florian Verdonck 提交者: GitHub

Print attributes after and keyword (#13893)

* Add failing test

* Attempt to print attributes after and keyword.

* Update indentation in unit test.
Co-authored-by: NTomas Grosup <tomasgrosup@microsoft.com>
上级 55808472
......@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ module TastDefinitionPrinting =
let overallL = modifierAndMember ^^ (nameL |> addColonL) ^^ typL
layoutXmlDocOfPropInfo denv infoReader pinfo overallL
let layoutTyconDefn (denv: DisplayEnv) (infoReader: InfoReader) ad m simplified typewordL (tcref: TyconRef) =
let layoutTyconDefn (denv: DisplayEnv) (infoReader: InfoReader) ad m simplified isFirstType (tcref: TyconRef) =
let g = denv.g
// use 4-indent
let (-*) = if denv.printVerboseSignatures then (-----) else (---)
......@@ -1773,6 +1773,12 @@ module TastDefinitionPrinting =
None, tagUnknownType
let typewordL =
if isFirstType then
wordL (tagKeyword "and") ^^ layoutAttribs denv start false tycon.TypeOrMeasureKind tycon.Attribs emptyL
let nameL = ConvertLogicalNameToDisplayLayout (tagger >> mkNav tycon.DefinitionRange >> wordL) tycon.DisplayNameCore
let nameL = layoutAccessibility denv tycon.Accessibility nameL
......@@ -2124,7 +2130,7 @@ module TastDefinitionPrinting =
|> addLhs
|> layoutAttribs denv start false tycon.TypeOrMeasureKind tycon.Attribs
|> fun tdl -> if isFirstType then layoutAttribs denv start false tycon.TypeOrMeasureKind tycon.Attribs tdl else tdl
|> layoutXmlDocOfEntity denv infoReader tcref
// Layout: exception definition
......@@ -2154,8 +2160,8 @@ module TastDefinitionPrinting =
| [] -> emptyL
| [h] when h.IsFSharpException -> layoutExnDefn denv infoReader (mkLocalEntityRef h)
| h :: t ->
let x = layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m false WordL.keywordType (mkLocalEntityRef h)
let xs = List.map (mkLocalEntityRef >> layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m false (wordL (tagKeyword "and"))) t
let x = layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m false true (mkLocalEntityRef h)
let xs = List.map (mkLocalEntityRef >> layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m false false) t
aboveListL (x :: xs)
let rec fullPath (mspec: ModuleOrNamespace) acc =
......@@ -2267,7 +2273,7 @@ module TastDefinitionPrinting =
elif eref.IsFSharpException then
layoutExnDefn denv infoReader eref
layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m true WordL.keywordType eref
layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m true true eref
......@@ -2561,7 +2567,7 @@ let layoutExnDef denv infoReader x = x |> TastDefinitionPrinting.layoutExnDefn d
let stringOfTyparConstraints denv x = x |> PrintTypes.layoutConstraintsWithInfo denv SimplifyTypes.typeSimplificationInfo0 |> showL
let layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m (* width *) x = TastDefinitionPrinting.layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m true WordL.keywordType (mkLocalEntityRef x) (* |> Display.squashTo width *)
let layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m (* width *) x = TastDefinitionPrinting.layoutTyconDefn denv infoReader ad m true true (mkLocalEntityRef x) (* |> Display.squashTo width *)
let layoutEntityDefn denv infoReader ad m x = TastDefinitionPrinting.layoutEntityDefn denv infoReader ad m x
......@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
<Compile Include="Signatures\ModuleOrNamespaceTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Signatures\RecordTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Signatures\ArrayTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Signatures\TypeTests.fs" />
<Content Include="resources\**" CopyToOutputDirectory="Never" CopyToPublishDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
module FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests.Signatures.TypeTests
open Xunit
open FsUnit
open FSharp.Test.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests.Signatures.TestHelpers
let ``Recursive type with attribute`` () =
namespace Foo.Types
open System.Collections.Generic
type FormatSelectionRequest =
SourceCode: string
/// File path will be used to identify the .editorconfig options
/// Unless the configuration is passed
FilePath: string
/// Overrides the found .editorconfig.
Config: IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> option
/// Range follows the same semantics of the FSharp Compiler Range type.
Range: FormatSelectionRange
member this.IsSignatureFile = this.FilePath.EndsWith(".fsi")
and FormatSelectionRange =
val StartLine: int
val StartColumn: int
val EndLine: int
val EndColumn: int
new(startLine: int, startColumn: int, endLine: int, endColumn: int) =
{ StartLine = startLine
StartColumn = startColumn
EndLine = endLine
EndColumn = endColumn }
|> printSignatures
|> prependNewline
|> should equal
namespace Foo.Types
type FormatSelectionRequest =
SourceCode: string
/// File path will be used to identify the .editorconfig options
/// Unless the configuration is passed
FilePath: string
/// Overrides the found .editorconfig.
Config: System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<string,string> option
/// Range follows the same semantics of the FSharp Compiler Range type.
Range: FormatSelectionRange
member IsSignatureFile: bool
and [<Struct>] FormatSelectionRange =
new: startLine: int * startColumn: int * endLine: int * endColumn: int -> FormatSelectionRange
val StartLine: int
val StartColumn: int
val EndLine: int
val EndColumn: int"""
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