提交 970bf1eb 编写于 作者: J Jakub Majocha 提交者: Will Smith

Visual Studio Editor Options bug fixes (#5999)

* fix options ui logic and syncing between IDE instances

* add comments

* feedback
上级 efb68b8d
......@@ -119,19 +119,19 @@ type EditorOptions
store.Register CodeLensOptions.Default
store.Register FormattingOptions.Default
member __.IntelliSense : IntelliSenseOptions = store.Read()
member __.QuickInfo : QuickInfoOptions = store.Read()
member __.CodeFixes : CodeFixesOptions = store.Read()
member __.LanguageServicePerformance : LanguageServicePerformanceOptions = store.Read()
member __.Advanced: AdvancedOptions = store.Read()
member __.CodeLens: CodeLensOptions = store.Read()
member __.Formatting : FormattingOptions = store.Read()
member __.IntelliSense : IntelliSenseOptions = store.Get()
member __.QuickInfo : QuickInfoOptions = store.Get()
member __.CodeFixes : CodeFixesOptions = store.Get()
member __.LanguageServicePerformance : LanguageServicePerformanceOptions = store.Get()
member __.Advanced: AdvancedOptions = store.Get()
member __.CodeLens: CodeLensOptions = store.Get()
member __.Formatting : FormattingOptions = store.Get()
interface Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.IWorkspaceService
interface IPersistSettings with
member __.Read() = store.Read()
member __.Write(settings) = store.Write(settings)
member __.LoadSettings() = store.LoadSettings()
member __.SaveSettings(settings) = store.SaveSettings(settings)
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ open Microsoft.VisualStudio.Settings
open Newtonsoft.Json
type IPersistSettings =
abstract member Read : unit -> 't
abstract member Write : 't -> unit
abstract member LoadSettings : unit -> 't
abstract member SaveSettings : 't -> unit
type SVsSettingsPersistenceManager = class end
......@@ -18,42 +18,69 @@ type SVsSettingsPersistenceManager = class end
type SettingsStore(serviceProvider: IServiceProvider) =
let settingsManager = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof<SVsSettingsPersistenceManager>) :?> ISettingsManager
// settings quallified type names are used as keys, this should be enough to avoid collisions
let storageKey (typ: Type) = typ.Namespace + "." + typ.Name
let storageKeyVersions (typ: Type) =
// "TextEditor" prefix seems to be required for settings changes to be synced between IDE instances
[ "TextEditor.FSharp." + typ.Namespace + "." + typ.Name
// we keep this old storage key to upgrade without reverting user changes
typ.Namespace + "." + typ.Name ]
let storageKey (typ: Type) = storageKeyVersions typ |> List.head
// Each group of settings is a value of some named type, for example 'IntelliSenseOptions', 'QuickInfoOptions'
// We cache exactly one instance of each, treating them as immutable.
// This cache is updated by the SettingsStore when the user changes an option.
let cache = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<Type, obj>()
// and it is usually representing one separate option page in the UI.
// We cache exactly one immutable value of each type.
// This cache is updated by the SettingsStore when the user makes changes in the Options dialog
// or when a change is propagated from another VS IDE instance by SVsSettingsPersistenceManager.
let cache = ConcurrentDictionary<Type, obj>()
let read() =
let getCached() =
match cache.TryGetValue(typeof<'t>) with
| true, value -> value :?> 't
| _ -> failwithf "Settings %s are not registered." typeof<'t>.Name
| true, (:? 't as value) -> value
| _ -> failwithf "Settings %s are not registered." typeof<'t>.Name
let write settings = cache.[settings.GetType()] <- settings
let keepInCache settings = cache.[settings.GetType()] <- settings
// The settings record, even though immutable, is being effectively mutated in two instances:
// when it is passed to the UI (provided it is marked with CLIMutable attribute);
// when it is being populated from JSON using JsonConvert.PopulateObject;
// We make a deep copy in these instances to isolate and contain the mutation
let clone (v: 't) = JsonConvert.SerializeObject v |> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'t>
let updateFromStore settings =
let result, json = settings.GetType() |> storageKey |> settingsManager.TryGetValue
if result = GetValueResult.Success then
// if it fails we just return what we got
try JsonConvert.PopulateObject(json, settings) with _ -> ()
member __.Read() = read()
// make a deep copy so that PopulateObject does not alter the original
let copy = clone settings
// if the new key is not found by ISettingsManager, we try the old keys
// so that user settings are not lost
settings.GetType() |> storageKeyVersions
|> Seq.map (settingsManager.TryGetValue)
|> Seq.tryPick ( function GetValueResult.Success, json -> Some json | _ -> None )
|> Option.iter (fun json -> try JsonConvert.PopulateObject(json, copy) with _ -> ())
member __.Write settings =
write settings
// we replace default serialization with Newtonsoft.Json for easy schema evolution
member __.Get() = getCached()
// Used by the AbstractOptionPage to populate dialog controls.
// We always have the latest value in the cache so we just return
// cloned value here because it may be altered by the UI if declared with [<CLIMutable>]
member __.LoadSettings() = getCached() |> clone
member __.SaveSettings settings =
// We replace default serialization with Newtonsoft.Json for easy schema evolution.
// For example, if we add a new bool field to the record, representing another checkbox in Options dialog
// deserialization will still work fine. When we pass default value to JsonConvert.PopulateObject it will
// fill just the known fields.
settingsManager.SetValueAsync(settings.GetType() |> storageKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject settings, false)
|> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.StartImmediate
|> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Start
member __.Register (defaultSettings : 'options) =
defaultSettings |> updateFromStore |> write
// This is the point we retrieve the initial value and subscribe to watch for changes
member __.Register (defaultSettings : 'options) =
defaultSettings |> updateFromStore |> keepInCache
let subset = defaultSettings.GetType() |> storageKey |> settingsManager.GetSubset
// this event is also raised when a setting change occurs in another VS instance, so we can keep everything in sync
PropertyChangedAsyncEventHandler ( fun _ _ ->
(read() :'options) |> updateFromStore |> write
(getCached(): 'options) |> updateFromStore |> keepInCache
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CompletedTask )
|> subset.add_SettingChangedAsync
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@ module internal OptionsUIHelpers =
type AbstractOptionPage<'options>() as this =
inherit UIElementDialogPage()
// this replicates the logic used by Roslyn option pages. Some following comments have been copied from
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/5b125935f891b3c20405459f8f7e1cdfdc2cfa3d/src/VisualStudio/Core/Impl/Options/AbstractOptionPage.cs
let mutable needsLoadOnNextActivate = true
let view = lazy this.CreateView()
let optionService =
// lazy, so GetService is called from UI thread
......@@ -25,11 +29,33 @@ module internal OptionsUIHelpers =
override this.Child = upcast view.Value
override this.OnActivate _ =
if needsLoadOnNextActivate then
// It looks like the bindings do not always pick up new source, unless we cycle the DataContext like this
view.Value.DataContext <- DependencyProperty.UnsetValue
view.Value.DataContext <- optionService.Value.LoadSettings<'options>()
needsLoadOnNextActivate <- false
override this.SaveSettingsToStorage() =
downcast view.Value.DataContext |> optionService.Value.Write<'options>
downcast view.Value.DataContext |> optionService.Value.SaveSettings<'options>
// Make sure we load the next time the page is activated, in case if options changed
// programmatically between now and the next time the page is activated
needsLoadOnNextActivate <- true
override this.LoadSettingsFromStorage() =
view.Value.DataContext <- optionService.Value.Read<'options>()
override this.LoadSettingsFromStorage() =
// This gets called in two situations:
// 1) during the initial page load when you first activate the page, before OnActivate
// is called.
// 2) during the closing of the dialog via Cancel/close when options don't need to be
// saved. The intent here is the settings get reloaded so the next time you open the
// page they are properly populated.
// This second one is tricky, because we don't actually want to update our controls
// right then, because they'd be wrong the next time the page opens -- it's possible
// they may have been changed programmatically. Therefore, we'll set a flag so we load
// next time
needsLoadOnNextActivate <- true
//data binding helpers
let radioButtonCoverter =
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