提交 9512ed16 编写于 作者: S Steffen Forkmann 提交者: Kevin Ransom (msft)

Better error message for list/array init (#3161)

* Better error message for list/array init

* add comma
上级 5989c78c
......@@ -623,15 +623,11 @@ let OutputPhasedErrorR (os:StringBuilder) (err:PhasedDiagnostic) =
os.Append(ConstraintSolverMissingConstraintE().Format (NicePrint.stringOfTyparConstraint denv (tpr,tpc))) |> ignore
if m.StartLine <> m2.StartLine then
os.Append(SeeAlsoE().Format (stringOfRange m)) |> ignore
| ConstraintSolverTypesNotInEqualityRelation(denv,(TType_measure _ as t1),(TType_measure _ as t2),m,m2,contextInfo) ->
| ConstraintSolverTypesNotInEqualityRelation(denv,(TType_measure _ as t1),(TType_measure _ as t2),m,m2,_) ->
// REVIEW: consider if we need to show _cxs (the type parameter constraints)
let t1, t2, _cxs = NicePrint.minimalStringsOfTwoTypes denv t1 t2
match contextInfo with
| ContextInfo.IfExpression range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.ifExpression(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.OmittedElseBranch range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.missingElseBranch(t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.ElseBranchResult range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.elseBranchHasWrongType(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| _ -> os.Append(ConstraintSolverTypesNotInEqualityRelation1E().Format t1 t2 ) |> ignore
os.Append(ConstraintSolverTypesNotInEqualityRelation1E().Format t1 t2 ) |> ignore
if m.StartLine <> m2.StartLine then
os.Append(SeeAlsoE().Format (stringOfRange m)) |> ignore
......@@ -641,6 +637,11 @@ let OutputPhasedErrorR (os:StringBuilder) (err:PhasedDiagnostic) =
match contextInfo with
| ContextInfo.IfExpression range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.ifExpression(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.CollectionElement (isArray,range) when range = m ->
if isArray then
os.Append(FSComp.SR.arrayElementHasWrongType(t1,t2)) |> ignore
os.Append(FSComp.SR.listElementHasWrongType(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.OmittedElseBranch range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.missingElseBranch(t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.ElseBranchResult range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.elseBranchHasWrongType(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| _ -> os.Append(ConstraintSolverTypesNotInEqualityRelation2E().Format t1 t2) |> ignore
......@@ -667,6 +668,11 @@ let OutputPhasedErrorR (os:StringBuilder) (err:PhasedDiagnostic) =
let t1,t2,tpcs = NicePrint.minimalStringsOfTwoTypes denv t1 t2
match contextInfo with
| ContextInfo.IfExpression range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.ifExpression(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.CollectionElement (isArray,range) when range = m ->
if isArray then
os.Append(FSComp.SR.arrayElementHasWrongType(t1,t2)) |> ignore
os.Append(FSComp.SR.listElementHasWrongType(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.OmittedElseBranch range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.missingElseBranch(t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.ElseBranchResult range when range = m -> os.Append(FSComp.SR.elseBranchHasWrongType(t1,t2)) |> ignore
| ContextInfo.TupleInRecordFields ->
......@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ type ContextInfo =
| RecordFields
/// The type equation comes from the verification of a tuple in record fields.
| TupleInRecordFields
/// The type equation comes from a list or array constructor
| CollectionElement of bool * range
/// The type equation comes from a return in a computation expression.
| ReturnInComputationExpression
/// The type equation comes from a yield in a computation expression.
......@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ type ContextInfo =
| RecordFields
/// The type equation comes from the verification of a tuple in record fields.
| TupleInRecordFields
/// The type equation comes from a list or array constructor
| CollectionElement of bool * range
/// The type equation comes from a return in a computation expression.
| ReturnInComputationExpression
/// The type equation comes from a yield in a computation expression.
......@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ undefinedNameSuggestionsIntro,"Maybe you want one of the following:"
undefinedNameTypeParameter,"The type parameter %s is not defined."
undefinedNamePatternDiscriminator,"The pattern discriminator '%s' is not defined."
replaceWithSuggestion,"Replace with '%s'"
listElementHasWrongType,"All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type '%s', but here has type '%s'."
arrayElementHasWrongType,"All elements of an array constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type '%s', but here has type '%s'."
missingElseBranch,"The 'if' expression is missing an 'else' branch. The 'then' branch has type '%s'. Because 'if' is an expression, and not a statement, add an 'else' branch which returns a value of the same type."
ifExpression,"The 'if' expression needs to have type '%s' to satisfy context type requirements. It currently has type '%s'."
elseBranchHasWrongType,"All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type '%s' but here has type '%s'."
elseBranchHasWrongType,"All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type '%s', but here has type '%s'."
commaInsteadOfSemicolonInRecord,"A ';' is used to separate field values in records. Consider replacing ',' with ';'."
derefInsteadOfNot,"The '!' operator is used to dereference a ref cell. Consider using 'not expr' here."
buildUnexpectedTypeArgs,"The non-generic type '%s' does not expect any type arguments, but here is given %d type argument(s)"
......@@ -5715,7 +5715,15 @@ and TcExprUndelayed cenv overallTy env tpenv (expr: SynExpr) =
// Always allow subsumption if a nominal type is known prior to type checking any arguments
let flex = not (isTyparTy cenv.g argty)
let args',tpenv = List.mapFold (TcExprFlex cenv flex argty env) tpenv args
let first = ref true
let getInitEnv m =
if !first then
first := false
{ env with eContextInfo = ContextInfo.CollectionElement (isArray,m) }
let args',tpenv = List.mapFold (fun tpenv (x:SynExpr) -> TcExprFlex cenv flex argty (getInitEnv x.Range) tpenv x) tpenv args
let expr =
if isArray then Expr.Op(TOp.Array, [argty],args',m)
......@@ -69,35 +69,17 @@ neg20.fs(53,38,53,39): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to h
but here has type
neg20.fs(60,26,60,33): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
neg20.fs(60,26,60,33): typecheck error FS0001: All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'B', but here has type 'A'.
neg20.fs(61,27,61,35): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
neg20.fs(61,27,61,35): typecheck error FS0001: All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'B1', but here has type 'B2'.
neg20.fs(62,26,62,33): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
neg20.fs(62,26,62,33): typecheck error FS0001: All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'C', but here has type 'B'.
neg20.fs(66,25,66,32): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
neg20.fs(66,25,66,32): typecheck error FS0001: All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'A', but here has type 'B'.
neg20.fs(67,27,67,34): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
neg20.fs(67,27,67,34): typecheck error FS0001: All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'B', but here has type 'C'.
neg20.fs(70,31,70,38): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
neg20.fs(70,31,70,38): typecheck error FS0001: All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'B', but here has type 'C'.
neg20.fs(71,34,71,42): typecheck error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
'A list'
......@@ -128,7 +110,7 @@ but given a
'B list'
The type 'A' does not match the type 'B'
neg20.fs(83,47,83,54): typecheck error FS0001: All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'B' but here has type 'C'.
neg20.fs(83,47,83,54): typecheck error FS0001: All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'B', but here has type 'C'.
neg20.fs(87,54,87,61): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
......@@ -150,10 +132,7 @@ neg20.fs(97,26,97,33): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to h
but here has type
neg20.fs(99,26,99,33): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
neg20.fs(99,26,99,33): typecheck error FS0001: All elements of a list constructor expression must have the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'B', but here has type 'A'.
neg20.fs(108,12,108,16): typecheck error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
'B * B -> 'a'
......@@ -17,23 +17,11 @@ but given a
'float<s ^ 4>'
The unit of measure 's ^ 3' does not match the unit of measure 's ^ 4'
neg21.fs(19,59,19,67): typecheck error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
'float<m ^ 3>'
The unit of measure 'sqrm' does not match the unit of measure 'm ^ 3'
neg21.fs(19,59,19,67): typecheck error FS0001: The unit of measure 'sqrm' does not match the unit of measure 'm ^ 3'
neg21.fs(20,36,20,44): typecheck error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
'float<m ^ 3>'
The unit of measure 'sqrm' does not match the unit of measure 'm ^ 3'
neg21.fs(20,36,20,44): typecheck error FS0001: The unit of measure 'sqrm' does not match the unit of measure 'm ^ 3'
neg21.fs(21,53,21,59): typecheck error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
'float<s ^ 2>'
but given a
The unit of measure 's ^ 2' does not match the unit of measure 'm'
neg21.fs(21,53,21,59): typecheck error FS0001: The unit of measure 's ^ 2' does not match the unit of measure 'm'
neg21.fs(22,17,22,21): typecheck error FS0001: The unit of measure 's ^ 4' does not match the unit of measure 'sqrm'
// #Warnings
//<Expects status="Error" span="(7,10)" id="FS0001">All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'string' but here has type 'int'.</Expects>
//<Expects status="Error" span="(7,10)" id="FS0001">All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'string', but here has type 'int'.</Expects>
let test = 100
let y =
// #Warnings
//<Expects status="Error" id="FS0001">All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'string' but here has type 'int'.</Expects>
//<Expects status="Error" id="FS0001">All branches of an 'if' expression must return the same type. This expression was expected to have type 'string', but here has type 'int'.</Expects>
let test = 100
let f x = test
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