未验证 提交 93c135e0 编写于 作者: T Tomas Grosup 提交者: GitHub

Fixing Bulk codefix (Removed unused opens) + adding new ones in Bulk mode (#15082)

Fixing Bulk codefix (Removed unused opens) + adding new ones in Bulk mode
上级 fe29acea
......@@ -13,27 +13,13 @@ type internal FSharpAddInstanceMemberParameterCodeFixProvider() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0673" ]
static let title = SR.AddMissingInstanceMemberParameter()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let title = SR.AddMissingInstanceMemberParameter()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(context.Span.Start, 0), "x.") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.AddInstanceMemberParameter, title, [| TextChange(TextSpan(context.Span.Start, 0), "x.") |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -14,15 +14,11 @@ type internal FSharpAddMissingEqualsToTypeDefinitionCodeFixProvider() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS3360" ]
static let title = SR.AddMissingEqualsToTypeDefinition()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let! sourceText = context.Document.GetTextAsync(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -37,19 +33,14 @@ type internal FSharpAddMissingEqualsToTypeDefinitionCodeFixProvider() =
pos <- pos - 1
ch <- sourceText.[pos]
let title = SR.AddMissingEqualsToTypeDefinition()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
// 'pos + 1' is here because 'pos' is now the position of the first non-whitespace character.
// Using just 'pos' will creat uncompilable code.
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(pos + 1, 0), " =") |])
[| TextChange(TextSpan(pos + 1, 0), " =") |]
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
[<ExportCodeFixProvider(FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Name = CodeFix.AddMissingFunKeyword); Shared>]
type internal FSharpAddMissingFunKeywordCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
static let title = SR.AddMissingFunKeyword()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0010" ]
......@@ -56,22 +57,7 @@ type internal FSharpAddMissingFunKeywordCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>]
let! intendedArgSpan = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, intendedArgLexerSymbol.Range)
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let title = SR.AddMissingFunKeyword()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(intendedArgSpan.Start, 0), "fun ") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.AddMissingFunKeyword, title, [| TextChange(TextSpan(intendedArgSpan.Start, 0), "fun ") |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -3,36 +3,37 @@
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System.Composition
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
[<ExportCodeFixProvider(FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Name = CodeFix.AddNewKeyword); Shared>]
type internal FSharpAddNewKeywordCodeFixProvider() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
static let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0760" ]
static let title = SR.AddNewKeyword()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = ImmutableArray.Create "FS0760"
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
member this.GetChanges(_document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, _ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
async {
let title = SR.AddNewKeyword()
let changes =
|> Seq.map (fun d -> TextChange(TextSpan(d.Location.SourceSpan.Start, 0), "new "))
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(context.Span.Start, 0), "new ") |])
return changes
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.AddNewKeyword, title, changes)
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.AddNewKeyword this.GetChanges
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type internal FSharpAddOpenCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] (assemblyCon
fixUnderscoresInMenuText fullName,
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, qualifier) |])
[| TextChange(context.Span, qualifier) |]
let openNamespaceFix (context: CodeFixContext) ctx name ns multipleNames =
......@@ -77,12 +77,7 @@ type internal FSharpAddOpenCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] (assemblyCon
|> Seq.toList
for codeFix in openNamespaceFixes @ qualifiedSymbolFixes do
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> List.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, context.Diagnostics)
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
......@@ -14,16 +14,12 @@ type internal FSharpChangePrefixNegationToInfixSubtractionodeFixProvider() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0003" ]
static let title = SR.ChangePrefixNegationToInfixSubtraction()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let! sourceText = context.Document.GetTextAsync(context.CancellationToken)
let mutable pos = context.Span.End + 1
......@@ -39,18 +35,7 @@ type internal FSharpChangePrefixNegationToInfixSubtractionodeFixProvider() =
// Bail if this isn't a negation
do! Option.guard (ch = '-')
let title = SR.ChangePrefixNegationToInfixSubtraction()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(pos, 1), "- ") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.ChangePrefixNegationToInfixSubtraction, title, [| TextChange(TextSpan(pos, 1), "- ") |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type internal FSharpChangeRefCellDerefToNotExpressionCodeFixProvider [<Importing
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0001" ]
static let title = SR.UseNotForNegation()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
......@@ -32,22 +33,7 @@ type internal FSharpChangeRefCellDerefToNotExpressionCodeFixProvider [<Importing
let! derefRange = parseResults.TryRangeOfRefCellDereferenceContainingPos errorRange.Start
let! derefSpan = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, derefRange)
let title = SR.UseNotForNegation()
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(derefSpan, "not ") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.ChangeRefCellDerefToNotExpression, title, [| TextChange(derefSpan, "not ") |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -43,20 +43,7 @@ type internal FSharpChangeToUpcastCodeFixProvider() =
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, replacement) |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.ChangeToUpcast, title, [| TextChange(context.Span, replacement) |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -2,8 +2,14 @@
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open System.Diagnostics
open Microsoft
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
......@@ -11,63 +17,60 @@ open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor.Telemetry
module internal CodeFixHelpers =
let createTextChangeCodeFix
name: string,
title: string,
context: CodeFixContext,
computeTextChanges: unit -> Async<TextChange[] option>
) =
// Currently there should be one Id here.
// Keeping it this way to be error- and futureproof
// as the underlying API does allow multiple Ids here.
let ids = context.Diagnostics |> Seq.map (fun d -> d.Id) |> String.concat ","
let private reportCodeFixTelemetry (diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>) (doc: Document) (staticName: string) (additionalProps) =
let ids =
diagnostics |> Seq.map (fun d -> d.Id) |> Seq.distinct |> String.concat ","
let props: (string * obj) list =
"name", name
@ [
"name", staticName
"ids", ids
// The following can help building a unique but anonymized codefix target:
// #projectid#documentid#span
// Then we can check if the codefix was actually activated after its creation.
"context.document.project.id", context.Document.Project.Id.Id.ToString()
"context.document.id", context.Document.Id.Id.ToString()
"context.span", context.Span.ToString()
"context.document.project.id", doc.Project.Id.Id.ToString()
"context.document.id", doc.Id.Id.ToString()
"context.diagnostics.count", diagnostics.Length
TelemetryReporter.reportEvent "codefixregistered" props
TelemetryReporter.reportEvent "codefixactivated" props
let createFixAllProvider name getChanges =
FixAllProvider.Create(fun fixAllCtx doc allDiagnostics ->
backgroundTask {
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
let! (changes: seq<TextChange>) = getChanges (doc, allDiagnostics, fixAllCtx.CancellationToken)
let! text = doc.GetTextAsync(fixAllCtx.CancellationToken)
let doc = doc.WithText(text.WithChanges(changes))
[ "scope", fixAllCtx.Scope.ToString(); "elapsedMs", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds ]
return doc
let createTextChangeCodeFix (name: string, title: string, context: CodeFixContext, changes: TextChange seq) =
(fun (cancellationToken: CancellationToken) ->
async {
let! sourceText = context.Document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
let! changesOpt = computeTextChanges ()
match changesOpt with
| None -> return context.Document
| Some textChanges ->
// Note: "activated" doesn't mean "applied".
// It's one step prior to that:
// e.g. when one clicks (Ctrl + .) and looks at the potential change.
TelemetryReporter.reportEvent "codefixactivated" props
return context.Document.WithText(sourceText.WithChanges(textChanges))
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask(cancellationToken)),
backgroundTask {
let! sourceText = context.Document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken)
let doc = context.Document.WithText(sourceText.WithChanges(changes))
reportCodeFixTelemetry context.Diagnostics context.Document name []
return doc
module internal CodeFixExtensions =
type CodeFixProvider with
member this.GetPrunedDiagnostics(context: CodeFixContext) =
context.Diagnostics.RemoveAll(fun x -> this.FixableDiagnosticIds.Contains(x.Id) |> not)
type CodeFixContext with
member this.RegisterFix(name, title, context: CodeFixContext, fixChange) =
let replaceCodeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (name, title, context, (fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| fixChange |]))
member ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(staticName, title, changes, ?diagnostics) =
let codeAction =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (staticName, title, ctx, changes)
context.RegisterCodeFix(replaceCodeFix, this.GetPrunedDiagnostics(context))
let diag = diagnostics |> Option.defaultValue ctx.Diagnostics
ctx.RegisterCodeFix(codeAction, diag)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertCSharpLambdaToFSharpLambdaCodeFixProvider [<Importing
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0039"; "FS0043" ]
static let title = SR.UseFSharpLambda()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context =
......@@ -38,22 +38,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertCSharpLambdaToFSharpLambdaCodeFixProvider [<Importing
let bodyText = sourceText.GetSubText(lambdaBodySpan).ToString()
TextChange(fullParenSpan, "fun " + argText + " -> " + bodyText)
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let title = SR.UseFSharpLambda()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| replacement |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.ConvertCSharpLambdaToFSharpLambda, title, [| replacement |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0039"; "FS0201" ]
static let title = SR.ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen()
let usingLength = "using".Length
let isCSharpUsingShapeWithPos (context: CodeFixContext) (sourceText: SourceText) =
......@@ -39,34 +40,17 @@ type internal FSharpConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
let slice = sourceText.GetSubText(span).ToString()
struct (slice = "using", start)
let registerCodeFix (context: CodeFixContext) (diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>) (str: string) (span: TextSpan) =
let registerCodeFix (context: CodeFixContext) (str: string) (span: TextSpan) =
let replacement =
let str = str.Replace("using", "open").Replace(";", "")
TextChange(span, str)
let title = SR.ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| replacement |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen, title, [| replacement |])
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context =
asyncMaybe {
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
do! Option.guard (diagnostics.Length > 0)
let! sourceText = context.Document.GetTextAsync(context.CancellationToken)
// TODO: handle single-line case?
......@@ -83,7 +67,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
&& statementWithSemicolon.EndsWith(";"))
registerCodeFix context diagnostics statementWithSemicolon statementWithSemicolonSpan
registerCodeFix context statementWithSemicolon statementWithSemicolonSpan
// Only the identifier being opened has a diagnostic, so we try to find the rest of the statement
let struct (isCSharpUsingShape, start) =
......@@ -93,7 +77,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
let len = (context.Span.Start - start) + statementWithSemicolonSpan.Length
let fullSpan = TextSpan(start, len)
let str = sourceText.GetSubText(fullSpan).ToString()
registerCodeFix context diagnostics str fullSpan
registerCodeFix context str fullSpan
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertToNotEqualsEqualityExpressionCodeFixProvider() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0043" ]
static let title = SR.ConvertToNotEqualsEqualityExpression()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
......@@ -24,23 +25,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertToNotEqualsEqualityExpressionCodeFixProvider() =
// We're converting '!=' into '<>', a common new user mistake.
// If this is an FS00043 that is anything other than that, bail out
do! Option.guard (text = "!=")
let title = SR.ConvertToNotEqualsEqualityExpression()
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, "<>") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.ConvertToNotEqualsEqualityExpression, title, [| TextChange(context.Span, "<>") |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertToSingleEqualsEqualityExpressionCodeFixProvider() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0043" ]
static let title = SR.ConvertToSingleEqualsEqualityExpression()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
......@@ -24,23 +25,7 @@ type internal FSharpConvertToSingleEqualsEqualityExpressionCodeFixProvider() =
// We're converting '==' into '=', a common new user mistake.
// If this is an FS00043 that is anything other than that, bail out
do! Option.guard (text = "==")
let title = SR.ConvertToSingleEqualsEqualityExpression()
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, "=") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.ConvertToSingleEqualsEqualityExpression, title, [| TextChange(context.Span, "=") |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System.Composition
open System.Collections.Immutable
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
......@@ -14,48 +16,40 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
type internal LegacyFsharpFixAddDotToIndexerAccess() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS3217" ]
static let title = CompilerDiagnostics.GetErrorMessage FSharpDiagnosticKind.AddIndexerDot
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
async {
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toList
if not (List.isEmpty diagnostics) then
let! sourceText = context.Document.GetTextAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
|> Seq.iter (fun diagnostic ->
let diagnostics = ImmutableArray.Create diagnostic
let span, replacement =
let mutable span = context.Span
let notStartOfBracket (span: TextSpan) =
let t = sourceText.GetSubText(TextSpan(span.Start, span.Length + 1))
t.[t.Length - 1] <> '['
// skip all braces and blanks until we find [
while span.End < sourceText.Length && notStartOfBracket span do
span <- TextSpan(span.Start, span.Length + 1)
span, sourceText.GetSubText(span).ToString()
with _ ->
context.Span, sourceText.GetSubText(context.Span).ToString()
let codefix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
CompilerDiagnostics.GetErrorMessage FSharpDiagnosticKind.AddIndexerDot,
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(span, replacement.TrimEnd() + ".") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codefix, diagnostics))
let! sourceText = context.Document.GetTextAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
|> Seq.iter (fun diagnostic ->
let span, replacement =
let mutable span = context.Span
let notStartOfBracket (span: TextSpan) =
let t = sourceText.GetSubText(TextSpan(span.Start, span.Length + 1))
t.[t.Length - 1] <> '['
// skip all braces and blanks until we find [
while span.End < sourceText.Length && notStartOfBracket span do
span <- TextSpan(span.Start, span.Length + 1)
span, sourceText.GetSubText(span).ToString()
with _ ->
context.Span, sourceText.GetSubText(context.Span).ToString()
[| TextChange(span, replacement.TrimEnd() + ".") |],
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -67,12 +61,21 @@ type internal FsharpFixRemoveDotFromIndexerAccessOptIn() as this =
static let title =
CompilerDiagnostics.GetErrorMessage FSharpDiagnosticKind.RemoveIndexerDot
member this.GetChanges(_document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, _ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let changes =
diagnostics |> Seq.map (fun x -> TextChange(x.Location.SourceSpan, ""))
return changes
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
let relevantDiagnostics = this.GetPrunedDiagnostics(context)
if not relevantDiagnostics.IsEmpty then
this.RegisterFix(CodeFix.RemoveIndexerDotBeforeBracket, title, context, TextChange(context.Span, ""))
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.RemoveIndexerDotBeforeBracket, title, changes)
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.RemoveIndexerDotBeforeBracket this.GetChanges
......@@ -16,15 +16,12 @@ type internal FSharpMakeDeclarationMutableFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] (
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0027" ]
static let title = SR.MakeDeclarationMutable()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let document = context.Document
do! Option.guard (not (isSignatureFile document.FilePath))
......@@ -65,18 +62,7 @@ type internal FSharpMakeDeclarationMutableFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] (
// Bail if it's a parameter, because like, that ain't allowed
do! Option.guard (not (parseFileResults.IsPositionContainedInACurriedParameter declRange.Start))
let title = SR.MakeDeclarationMutable()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(span.Start, 0), "mutable ") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.MakeDeclarationMutable, title, [| TextChange(TextSpan(span.Start, 0), "mutable ") |])
| _ -> ()
|> Async.Ignore
......@@ -40,23 +40,15 @@ type internal FSharpMakeOuterBindingRecursiveCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstruc
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let title =
String.Format(SR.MakeOuterBindingRecursive(), sourceText.GetSubText(outerBindingNameSpan).ToString())
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(outerBindingNameSpan.Start, 0), "rec ") |])
[| TextChange(TextSpan(outerBindingNameSpan.Start, 0), "rec ") |]
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ type internal FSharpRemoveReturnOrYieldCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>]
let! exprRange = parseResults.TryRangeOfExprInYieldOrReturn errorRange.Start
let! exprSpan = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, exprRange)
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let title =
let text = sourceText.GetSubText(context.Span).ToString()
......@@ -42,15 +37,12 @@ type internal FSharpRemoveReturnOrYieldCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>]
elif text.StartsWith("yield!") then SR.RemoveYieldBang()
else SR.RemoveYield()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, sourceText.GetSubText(exprSpan).ToString()) |])
[| TextChange(context.Span, sourceText.GetSubText(exprSpan).ToString()) |]
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System.Composition
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
......@@ -15,38 +19,47 @@ type internal RemoveSuperflousCaptureForUnionCaseWithNoDataProvider [<ImportingC
inherit CodeFixProvider()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray [ "FS0725"; "FS3548" ]
static let title = SR.RemoveUnusedBinding()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = ImmutableArray.Create("FS0725", "FS3548")
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
do! Option.guard context.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedDeclarationsEnabled
member this.GetChanges(document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let document = context.Document
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(context.CancellationToken)
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(ct)
let! _, checkResults = document.GetFSharpParseAndCheckResultsAsync(CodeFix.RemoveSuperfluousCapture)
let! _, checkResults =
document.GetFSharpParseAndCheckResultsAsync(nameof (RemoveSuperflousCaptureForUnionCaseWithNoDataProvider))
|> liftAsync
let changes =
seq {
for d in diagnostics do
let textSpan = d.Location.SourceSpan
let m = RoslynHelpers.TextSpanToFSharpRange(document.FilePath, textSpan, sourceText)
let classifications = checkResults.GetSemanticClassification(Some m)
let m =
RoslynHelpers.TextSpanToFSharpRange(document.FilePath, context.Span, sourceText)
let unionCaseItem =
|> Array.tryFind (fun c -> c.Type = SemanticClassificationType.UnionCase)
let classifications = checkResults.GetSemanticClassification(Some m)
match unionCaseItem with
| None -> ()
| Some unionCaseItem ->
// The error/warning captures entire pattern match, like "Ns.Type.DuName bindingName". We want to keep type info when suggesting a replacement, and only remove "bindingName".
let typeInfoLength = unionCaseItem.Range.EndColumn - m.StartColumn
let unionCaseItem =
|> Array.tryFind (fun c -> c.Type = SemanticClassificationType.UnionCase)
let reminderSpan =
new TextSpan(textSpan.Start + typeInfoLength, textSpan.Length - typeInfoLength)
match unionCaseItem with
| None -> ()
| Some unionCaseItem ->
// The error/warning captures entire pattern match, like "Ns.Type.DuName bindingName". We want to keep type info when suggesting a replacement, and only remove "bindingName".
let typeInfoLength = unionCaseItem.Range.EndColumn - m.StartColumn
yield TextChange(reminderSpan, "")
let reminderSpan =
new TextSpan(context.Span.Start + typeInfoLength, context.Span.Length - typeInfoLength)
return changes
this.RegisterFix(CodeFix.RemoveSuperfluousCapture, SR.RemoveUnusedBinding(), context, TextChange(reminderSpan, ""))
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
if ctx.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedDeclarationsEnabled then
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.RemoveSuperfluousCapture, title, changes)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.RemoveSuperfluousCapture this.GetChanges
......@@ -4,67 +4,71 @@ namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System
open System.Composition
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices
[<ExportCodeFixProvider(FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Name = CodeFix.RemoveUnusedBinding); Shared>]
type internal FSharpRemoveUnusedBindingCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS1182" ]
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
// Don't show code fixes for unused values, even if they are compiler-generated.
do! Option.guard context.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedDeclarationsEnabled
static let title = SR.RemoveUnusedBinding()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = ImmutableArray.Create("FS1182")
let document = context.Document
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(context.CancellationToken)
member this.GetChanges(document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let! parseResults =
context.Document.GetFSharpParseResultsAsync(nameof (FSharpRemoveUnusedBindingCodeFixProvider))
|> liftAsync
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(ct)
let! parseResults = document.GetFSharpParseResultsAsync(nameof (FSharpRemoveUnusedBindingCodeFixProvider))
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let changes =
seq {
for d in diagnostics do
let textSpan = d.Location.SourceSpan
let symbolRange =
RoslynHelpers.TextSpanToFSharpRange(document.FilePath, context.Span, sourceText)
let symbolRange =
RoslynHelpers.TextSpanToFSharpRange(document.FilePath, textSpan, sourceText)
let! rangeOfBinding = parseResults.TryRangeOfBindingWithHeadPatternWithPos(symbolRange.Start)
let! spanOfBinding = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, rangeOfBinding)
let spanOfBindingOpt =
|> Option.bind (fun rangeOfBinding -> RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, rangeOfBinding))
let keywordEndColumn =
let rec loop ch pos =
if not (Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) then
loop sourceText.[pos - 1] (pos - 1)
match spanOfBindingOpt with
| Some spanOfBinding ->
let keywordEndColumn =
let rec loop ch pos =
if not (Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) then
loop sourceText.[pos - 1] (pos - 1)
loop sourceText.[spanOfBinding.Start - 1] (spanOfBinding.Start - 1)
loop sourceText.[spanOfBinding.Start - 1] (spanOfBinding.Start - 1)
// This is safe, since we could never have gotten here unless there was a `let` or `use`
let keywordStartColumn = keywordEndColumn - 2
let fullSpan = TextSpan(keywordStartColumn, spanOfBinding.End - keywordStartColumn)
// This is safe, since we could never have gotten here unless there was a `let` or `use`
let keywordStartColumn = keywordEndColumn - 2
let fullSpan = TextSpan(keywordStartColumn, spanOfBinding.End - keywordStartColumn)
let prefixTitle = SR.RemoveUnusedBinding()
yield TextChange(fullSpan, "")
| None -> ()
let removalCodeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(fullSpan, "") |])
return changes
context.RegisterCodeFix(removalCodeFix, diagnostics)
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
if ctx.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedDeclarationsEnabled then
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.RemoveUnusedBinding, title, changes)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.RemoveUnusedBinding this.GetChanges
......@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System.Composition
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess.FSharp.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
......@@ -15,37 +19,35 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Text
type internal FSharpRemoveUnusedOpensCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds =
[ FSharpIDEDiagnosticIds.RemoveUnnecessaryImportsDiagnosticId ]
static let title = SR.RemoveUnusedOpens()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds =
ImmutableArray.Create FSharpIDEDiagnosticIds.RemoveUnnecessaryImportsDiagnosticId
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
let document = context.Document
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync()
let! unusedOpens = UnusedOpensDiagnosticAnalyzer.GetUnusedOpenRanges(document)
member this.GetChanges(document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(ct)
let changes =
|> List.map (fun m ->
let span = sourceText.Lines.[Line.toZ m.StartLine].SpanIncludingLineBreak
TextChange(span, ""))
|> List.toArray
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> List.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let title = SR.RemoveUnusedOpens()
let codefix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (CodeFix.RemoveUnusedOpens, title, context, (fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return changes))
|> Seq.map (fun d ->
|> Seq.map (fun span -> TextChange(span, ""))
return changes
context.RegisterCodeFix(codefix, diagnostics)
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
if ctx.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedOpensEnabled then
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.RemoveUnusedOpens, title, changes)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
override _.GetFixAllProvider() = WellKnownFixAllProviders.BatchFixer
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.RemoveUnusedOpens this.GetChanges
......@@ -2,14 +2,18 @@
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System.Collections.Immutable
open System.Composition
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor.SymbolHelpers
open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.Tokenization.FSharpKeywords
......@@ -18,57 +22,61 @@ type internal FSharpRenameParamToMatchSignature [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = [ "FS3218" ]
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> List.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toList
| [ diagnostic ] ->
let message = diagnostic.GetMessage()
let parts =
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(message, ".+'(.+)'.+'(.+)'.+")
if parts.Success then
let diagnostics = ImmutableArray.Create diagnostic
let suggestion = parts.Groups.[1].Value
let replacement = NormalizeIdentifierBackticks suggestion
let computeChanges () =
asyncMaybe {
let document = context.Document
let! cancellationToken = Async.CancellationToken |> liftAsync
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken)
let! symbolUses = getSymbolUsesOfSymbolAtLocationInDocument (document, context.Span.Start)
let changes =
for symbolUse in symbolUses do
match RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, symbolUse.Range) with
| None -> ()
| Some span ->
let textSpan = Tokenizer.fixupSpan (sourceText, span)
yield TextChange(textSpan, replacement)
return changes
let title =
CompilerDiagnostics.GetErrorMessage(FSharpDiagnosticKind.ReplaceWithSuggestion suggestion)
let codefix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (CodeFix.FSharpRenameParamToMatchSignature, title, context, computeChanges)
context.RegisterCodeFix(codefix, diagnostics)
| _ -> ()
let getSuggestion (d: Diagnostic) =
let parts = Regex.Match(d.GetMessage(), ".+'(.+)'.+'(.+)'.+")
if parts.Success then
ValueSome parts.Groups.[1].Value
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = ImmutableArray.Create("FS3218")
member this.GetChanges(document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(ct)
let! changes =
seq {
for d in diagnostics do
let suggestionOpt = getSuggestion d
match suggestionOpt with
| ValueSome suggestion ->
let replacement = NormalizeIdentifierBackticks suggestion
async {
let! symbolUses = getSymbolUsesOfSymbolAtLocationInDocument (document, d.Location.SourceSpan.Start)
let symbolUses = symbolUses |> Option.defaultValue [||]
for symbolUse in symbolUses do
match RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, symbolUse.Range) with
| None -> ()
| Some span ->
let textSpan = Tokenizer.fixupSpan (sourceText, span)
yield TextChange(textSpan, replacement)
| ValueNone -> ()
|> Async.Parallel
return (changes |> Seq.concat)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
let title = ctx.Diagnostics |> Seq.head |> getSuggestion
match title with
| ValueSome title ->
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.FSharpRenameParamToMatchSignature, title, changes)
| ValueNone -> ()
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.FSharpRenameParamToMatchSignature this.GetChanges
......@@ -4,90 +4,162 @@ namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System
open System.Composition
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess.FSharp.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
[<ExportCodeFixProvider(FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Name = CodeFix.RenameUnusedValue); Shared>]
type internal FSharpRenameUnusedValueCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
module UnusedCodeFixHelper =
let getUnusedSymbol (sourceText: SourceText) (textSpan: TextSpan) (document: Document) =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let ident = sourceText.ToString(textSpan)
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS1182" ]
// Prefixing operators and backticked identifiers does not make sense.
// We have to use the additional check for backtickes
if PrettyNaming.IsIdentifierName ident then
asyncMaybe {
let! lexerSymbol =
document.TryFindFSharpLexerSymbolAsync(textSpan.Start, SymbolLookupKind.Greedy, false, false, CodeFix.RenameUnusedValue)
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
let m = RoslynHelpers.TextSpanToFSharpRange(document.FilePath, textSpan, sourceText)
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
// Don't show code fixes for unused values, even if they are compiler-generated.
do! Option.guard context.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedDeclarationsEnabled
let lineText = (sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition textSpan.Start).ToString()
let document = context.Document
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(context.CancellationToken)
let ident = sourceText.ToString(context.Span)
let! _, checkResults =
|> liftAsync
// Prefixing operators and backticked identifiers does not make sense.
// We have to use the additional check for backtickes
if PrettyNaming.IsIdentifierName ident then
let! lexerSymbol =
nameof (FSharpRenameUnusedValueCodeFixProvider)
return! checkResults.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(m.StartLine, m.EndColumn, lineText, lexerSymbol.FullIsland)
let m =
RoslynHelpers.TextSpanToFSharpRange(document.FilePath, context.Span, sourceText)
async { return None }
let lineText = (sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition context.Span.Start).ToString()
[<ExportCodeFixProvider(FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Name = CodeFix.PrefixUnusedValue); Shared>]
type internal FSharpPrefixUnusedValueWithUnderscoreCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
let! _, checkResults =
document.GetFSharpParseAndCheckResultsAsync(nameof (FSharpRenameUnusedValueCodeFixProvider))
|> liftAsync
inherit CodeFixProvider()
static let title (symbolName: string) =
String.Format(SR.PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore(), symbolName)
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = ImmutableArray.Create("FS1182")
member this.GetChanges(document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(ct)
let! changes =
seq {
for d in diagnostics do
let textSpan = d.Location.SourceSpan
async {
let! symbolUse = UnusedCodeFixHelper.getUnusedSymbol sourceText textSpan document
seq {
match symbolUse with
| None -> ()
| Some symbolUse ->
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue -> yield TextChange(TextSpan(textSpan.Start, 0), "_")
| _ -> ()
|> Async.Parallel
return (changes |> Seq.concat)
let! symbolUse = checkResults.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(m.StartLine, m.EndColumn, lineText, lexerSymbol.FullIsland)
let symbolName = symbolUse.Symbol.DisplayName
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as func ->
let prefixTitle = String.Format(SR.PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore(), symbolName)
let prefixCodeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(context.Span.Start, 0), "_") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(prefixCodeFix, diagnostics)
if func.IsValue then
let replaceTitle = String.Format(SR.RenameValueToUnderscore(), symbolName)
let replaceCodeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, "_") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(replaceCodeFix, diagnostics)
| _ -> ()
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
if ctx.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedDeclarationsEnabled then
let! sourceText = ctx.Document.GetTextAsync(ctx.CancellationToken)
let! unusedSymbol = UnusedCodeFixHelper.getUnusedSymbol sourceText ctx.Span ctx.Document
match unusedSymbol with
| None -> ()
| Some symbolUse ->
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
let prefixTitle = title symbolUse.Symbol.DisplayName
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.PrefixUnusedValue, prefixTitle, changes)
| _ -> ()
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.PrefixUnusedValue this.GetChanges
[<ExportCodeFixProvider(FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Name = CodeFix.RenameUnusedValue); Shared>]
type internal FSharpRenameUnusedValueWithUnderscoreCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>] () =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
static let title (symbolName: string) =
String.Format(SR.RenameValueToUnderscore(), symbolName)
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = ImmutableArray.Create("FS1182")
member this.GetChanges(document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(ct)
let! changes =
seq {
for d in diagnostics do
let textSpan = d.Location.SourceSpan
async {
let! symbolUse = UnusedCodeFixHelper.getUnusedSymbol sourceText textSpan document
seq {
match symbolUse with
| None -> ()
| Some symbolUse ->
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as func when func.IsValue -> yield TextChange(textSpan, "_")
| _ -> ()
|> Async.Parallel
return (changes |> Seq.concat)
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
if ctx.Document.Project.IsFSharpCodeFixesUnusedDeclarationsEnabled then
let! sourceText = ctx.Document.GetTextAsync(ctx.CancellationToken)
let! unusedSymbol = UnusedCodeFixHelper.getUnusedSymbol sourceText ctx.Span ctx.Document
match unusedSymbol with
| None -> ()
| Some symbolUse ->
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as func when func.IsValue ->
let prefixTitle = title symbolUse.Symbol.DisplayName
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.RenameUnusedValue, prefixTitle, changes)
| _ -> ()
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.RenameUnusedValue this.GetChanges
......@@ -51,23 +51,15 @@ type internal FSharpReplaceWithSuggestionCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConstructor>
for item in declInfo.Items do
addToBuffer item.NameInList
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
for suggestion in CompilerDiagnostics.GetSuggestedNames addNames unresolvedIdentifierText do
let replacement = PrettyNaming.NormalizeIdentifierBackticks suggestion
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
CompilerDiagnostics.GetErrorMessage(FSharpDiagnosticKind.ReplaceWithSuggestion suggestion),
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, replacement) |])
[| TextChange(context.Span, replacement) |]
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -3,36 +3,45 @@
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open System.Composition
open System.Collections.Immutable
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Collections.Immutable
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess.FSharp.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
[<ExportCodeFixProvider(FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Name = CodeFix.SimplifyName); Shared>]
type internal FSharpSimplifyNameCodeFixProvider() =
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticId = FSharpIDEDiagnosticIds.SimplifyNamesDiagnosticId
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = ImmutableArray.Create(fixableDiagnosticId)
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync(context: CodeFixContext) : Task =
async {
for diagnostic in context.Diagnostics |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Id = fixableDiagnosticId) do
let title =
match diagnostic.Properties.TryGetValue(SimplifyNameDiagnosticAnalyzer.LongIdentPropertyKey) with
| true, longIdent -> sprintf "%s '%s'" (SR.SimplifyName()) longIdent
| _ -> SR.SimplifyName()
let codefix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(context.Span, "") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codefix, ImmutableArray.Create(diagnostic))
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds =
member this.GetChanges(_document: Document, diagnostics: ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>, _ct: CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let changes =
diagnostics |> Seq.map (fun d -> TextChange(d.Location.SourceSpan, ""))
return changes
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
override this.RegisterCodeFixesAsync ctx : Task =
backgroundTask {
let diag = ctx.Diagnostics |> Seq.head
let title =
match diag.Properties.TryGetValue(SimplifyNameDiagnosticAnalyzer.LongIdentPropertyKey) with
| true, longIdent -> sprintf "%s '%s'" (SR.SimplifyName()) longIdent
| _ -> SR.SimplifyName()
let! changes = this.GetChanges(ctx.Document, ctx.Diagnostics, ctx.CancellationToken)
ctx.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.SimplifyName, title, changes)
override this.GetFixAllProvider() =
CodeFixHelpers.createFixAllProvider CodeFix.SimplifyName this.GetChanges
......@@ -17,16 +17,11 @@ type internal FSharpUseMutationWhenValueIsMutableFixProvider [<ImportingConstruc
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = set [ "FS0020" ]
static let title = SR.UseMutationWhenValueIsMutable()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task =
asyncMaybe {
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> Set.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let document = context.Document
do! Option.guard (not (isSignatureFile document.FilePath))
......@@ -68,7 +63,6 @@ type internal FSharpUseMutationWhenValueIsMutableFixProvider [<ImportingConstruc
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as mfv when mfv.IsMutable || mfv.HasSetterMethod ->
let title = SR.UseMutationWhenValueIsMutable()
let! symbolSpan = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, symbolUse.Range)
let mutable pos = symbolSpan.End
let mutable ch = sourceText.[pos]
......@@ -78,15 +72,7 @@ type internal FSharpUseMutationWhenValueIsMutableFixProvider [<ImportingConstruc
pos <- pos + 1
ch <- sourceText.[pos]
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| TextChange(TextSpan(pos + 1, 1), "<-") |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.UseMutationWhenValueIsMutable, title, [| TextChange(TextSpan(pos + 1, 1), "<-") |])
| _ -> ()
|> Async.Ignore
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type internal FSharpUseTripleQuotedInterpolationCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConst
inherit CodeFixProvider()
let fixableDiagnosticIds = [ "FS3373" ]
static let title = SR.UseTripleQuotedInterpolation()
override _.FixableDiagnosticIds = Seq.toImmutableArray fixableDiagnosticIds
override _.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context =
......@@ -33,22 +33,7 @@ type internal FSharpUseTripleQuotedInterpolationCodeFixProvider [<ImportingConst
let interpolation = sourceText.GetSubText(interpolationSpan).ToString()
TextChange(interpolationSpan, "$\"\"" + interpolation.[1..] + "\"\"")
let diagnostics =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> List.contains x.Id)
|> Seq.toImmutableArray
let title = SR.UseTripleQuotedInterpolation()
let codeFix =
CodeFixHelpers.createTextChangeCodeFix (
(fun () -> asyncMaybe.Return [| replacement |])
context.RegisterCodeFix(codeFix, diagnostics)
do context.RegisterFsharpFix(CodeFix.UseTripleQuotedInterpolation, title, [| replacement |])
|> Async.Ignore
|> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(context.CancellationToken)
......@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ module internal CodeFix =
let RenameUnusedValue = "RenameUnusedValue"
let PrefixUnusedValue = "PrefixUnusedValue"
let FixIndexerAccess = "FixIndexerAccess"
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