未验证 提交 907e4392 编写于 作者: D Don Syme 提交者: GitHub

split out CheckPatterns.* (#13168)

* split out CheckPatterns.*

* split out CheckPatterns.*
上级 3b92fd2d
......@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
open Internal.Utilities.Library.ResultOrException
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.AccessibilityLogic
open FSharp.Compiler.AttributeChecking
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckExpressions
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckComputationExpressions
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckExpressions
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckPatterns
open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerGlobalState
open FSharp.Compiler.ConstraintSolver
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
......@@ -758,7 +758,9 @@ module IncrClassChecking =
// Type check arguments by processing them as 'simple' patterns
// NOTE: if we allow richer patterns here this is where we'd process those patterns
let ctorArgNames, (_, names, _) = TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType cenv true CheckCxs env tpenv (SynSimplePats.SimplePats (spats, m))
let ctorArgNames, patEnv = TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType cenv true CheckCxs env tpenv (SynSimplePats.SimplePats (spats, m))
let (TcPatLinearEnv(_, names, _)) = patEnv
// Create the values with the given names
let _, vspecs = MakeAndPublishSimpleVals cenv env names
......@@ -3232,7 +3234,10 @@ module EstablishTypeDefinitionCores =
match implicitCtorSynPats with
| None -> ()
| Some spats ->
let ctorArgNames, (_, names, _) = TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType cenv true NoCheckCxs env tpenv spats
let ctorArgNames, patEnv = TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType cenv true NoCheckCxs env tpenv spats
let (TcPatLinearEnv(_, names, _)) = patEnv
for arg in ctorArgNames do
let ty = names[arg].Type
let m = names[arg].Ident.idRange
......@@ -4113,7 +4118,10 @@ module EstablishTypeDefinitionCores =
| Some spats ->
if tycon.IsFSharpStructOrEnumTycon then
let ctorArgNames, (_, names, _) = TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType cenv true CheckCxs envinner tpenv spats
let ctorArgNames, patEnv = TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType cenv true CheckCxs envinner tpenv spats
let (TcPatLinearEnv(_, names, _)) = patEnv
for arg in ctorArgNames do
let ty = names[arg].Type
let id = names[arg].Ident
......@@ -5575,7 +5583,6 @@ let rec TcModuleOrNamespaceElementNonMutRec (cenv: cenv) parent typeNames scopem
| SynModuleDecl.NamespaceFragment(SynModuleOrNamespace(longId, isRec, kind, defs, xml, attribs, vis, m, _)) ->
if progress then dprintn ("Typecheck implementation " + textOfLid longId)
let endm = m.EndRange
do for id in longId do
......@@ -6002,6 +6009,8 @@ let CheckOneImplFile
let cenv =
cenv.Create (g, isScript, niceNameGen, amap, thisCcu, false, Option.isSome rootSigOpt,
conditionalDefines, tcSink, (LightweightTcValForUsingInBuildMethodCall g), isInternalTestSpanStackReferring,
......@@ -6128,6 +6137,8 @@ let CheckOneSigFile (g, niceNameGen, amap, thisCcu, checkForErrors, conditionalD
(g, false, niceNameGen, amap, thisCcu, true, false, conditionalDefines, tcSink,
(LightweightTcValForUsingInBuildMethodCall g), isInternalTestSpanStackReferring,
......@@ -222,6 +222,89 @@ val LightweightTcValForUsingInBuildMethodCall:
/// (i.e. are without explicit declaration).
type UnscopedTyparEnv
/// A type to represent information associated with values to indicate what explicit (declared) type parameters
/// are given and what additional type parameters can be inferred, if any.
/// The declared type parameters, e.g. let f<'a> (x:'a) = x, plus an indication
/// of whether additional polymorphism may be inferred, e.g. let f<'a, ..> (x:'a) y = x
type ExplicitTyparInfo = ExplicitTyparInfo of rigidCopyOfDeclaredTypars: Typars * declaredTypars: Typars * infer: bool
val permitInferTypars: ExplicitTyparInfo
val dontInferTypars: ExplicitTyparInfo
type ArgAndRetAttribs = ArgAndRetAttribs of Attribs list list * Attribs
val noArgOrRetAttribs: ArgAndRetAttribs
/// Indicates whether constraints should be checked when checking syntactic types
type CheckConstraints =
| CheckCxs
| NoCheckCxs
/// Represents the ValReprInfo for a value, before the typars are fully inferred
type PrelimValReprInfo = PrelimValReprInfo of curriedArgInfos: ArgReprInfo list list * returnInfo: ArgReprInfo
/// Holds the initial ValMemberInfo and other information before it is fully completed
type PrelimMemberInfo = PrelimMemberInfo of memberInfo: ValMemberInfo * logicalName: string * compiledName: string
/// Represents the results of the first phase of preparing simple values from a pattern
type PrelimVal1 =
| PrelimVal1 of
id: Ident *
explicitTyparInfo: ExplicitTyparInfo *
prelimType: TType *
prelimValReprInfo: PrelimValReprInfo option *
memberInfoOpt: PrelimMemberInfo option *
isMutable: bool *
inlineFlag: ValInline *
baseOrThisInfo: ValBaseOrThisInfo *
argAttribs: ArgAndRetAttribs *
visibility: SynAccess option *
isCompGen: bool
member Type: TType
member Ident: Ident
/// The results of applying let-style generalization after type checking.
type PrelimVal2 =
| PrelimVal2 of
id: Ident *
prelimType: GeneralizedType *
prelimValReprInfo: PrelimValReprInfo option *
memberInfoOpt: PrelimMemberInfo option *
isMutable: bool *
inlineFlag: ValInline *
baseOrThisInfo: ValBaseOrThisInfo *
argAttribs: ArgAndRetAttribs *
visibility: SynAccess option *
isCompGen: bool *
hasDeclaredTypars: bool
/// Translation of patterns is split into three phases. The first collects names.
/// The second is run after val_specs have been created for those names and inference
/// has been resolved. The second phase is run by applying a function returned by the
/// first phase. The input to the second phase is a List.map that gives the Val and type scheme
/// for each value bound by the pattern.
type TcPatPhase2Input =
| TcPatPhase2Input of NameMap<Val * GeneralizedType> * bool
member WithRightPath: unit -> TcPatPhase2Input
/// Represents the context flowed left-to-right through pattern checking
type TcPatLinearEnv = TcPatLinearEnv of tpenv: UnscopedTyparEnv * names: NameMap<PrelimVal1> * takenNames: Set<string>
/// Represents the flags passsed to TcPat regarding the binding location
type TcPatValFlags =
| TcPatValFlags of
inlineFlag: ValInline *
explicitTyparInfo: ExplicitTyparInfo *
argAndRetAttribs: ArgAndRetAttribs *
isMutable: bool *
visibility: SynAccess option *
isCompilerGenerated: bool
/// Represents the compilation environment for typechecking a single file in an assembly.
[<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
type TcFileState =
......@@ -282,6 +365,27 @@ type TcFileState =
isInternalTestSpanStackReferring: bool
// forward call
TcPat: WarnOnUpperFlag
-> TcFileState
-> TcEnv
-> PrelimValReprInfo option
-> TcPatValFlags
-> TcPatLinearEnv
-> TType
-> SynPat
-> (TcPatPhase2Input -> Pattern) * TcPatLinearEnv
// forward call
TcSimplePats: TcFileState
-> bool
-> CheckConstraints
-> TType
-> TcEnv
-> TcPatLinearEnv
-> SynSimplePats
-> string list * TcPatLinearEnv
// forward call
TcSequenceExpressionEntry: TcFileState
-> TcEnv
......@@ -321,6 +425,8 @@ type TcFileState =
tcSink: TcResultsSink *
tcVal: TcValF *
isInternalTestSpanStackReferring: bool *
tcPat: (WarnOnUpperFlag -> TcFileState -> TcEnv -> PrelimValReprInfo option -> TcPatValFlags -> TcPatLinearEnv -> TType -> SynPat -> (TcPatPhase2Input -> Pattern) * TcPatLinearEnv) *
tcSimplePats: (TcFileState -> bool -> CheckConstraints -> TType -> TcEnv -> TcPatLinearEnv -> SynSimplePats -> string list * TcPatLinearEnv) *
tcSequenceExpressionEntry: (TcFileState -> TcEnv -> OverallTy -> UnscopedTyparEnv -> bool * SynExpr -> range -> Expr * UnscopedTyparEnv) *
tcArrayOrListSequenceExpression: (TcFileState -> TcEnv -> OverallTy -> UnscopedTyparEnv -> bool * SynExpr -> range -> Expr * UnscopedTyparEnv) *
tcComputationExpression: (TcFileState -> TcEnv -> OverallTy -> UnscopedTyparEnv -> range * Expr * TType * SynExpr -> Expr * UnscopedTyparEnv) ->
......@@ -400,11 +506,6 @@ type ImplicitlyBoundTyparsAllowed =
| NewTyparsOK
| NoNewTypars
/// Indicates whether constraints should be checked when checking syntactic types
type CheckConstraints =
| CheckCxs
| NoCheckCxs
/// Indicates if a member binding is an object expression binding
type IsObjExprBinding =
| ObjExprBinding
......@@ -418,12 +519,6 @@ type RecDefnBindingInfo =
declKind: DeclKind *
synBinding: SynBinding
/// Represents the ValReprInfo for a value, before the typars are fully inferred
type PrelimValReprInfo = PrelimValReprInfo of curriedArgInfos: ArgReprInfo list list * returnInfo: ArgReprInfo
/// Holds the initial ValMemberInfo and other information before it is fully completed
type PrelimMemberInfo = PrelimMemberInfo of memberInfo: ValMemberInfo * logicalName: string * compiledName: string
/// The result of checking a value or member signature
type ValSpecResult =
| ValSpecResult of
......@@ -439,13 +534,6 @@ type ValSpecResult =
/// An empty environment of type variables with implicit scope
val emptyUnscopedTyparEnv: UnscopedTyparEnv
/// A type to represent information associated with values to indicate what explicit (declared) type parameters
/// are given and what additional type parameters can be inferred, if any.
/// The declared type parameters, e.g. let f<'a> (x:'a) = x, plus an indication
/// of whether additional polymorphism may be inferred, e.g. let f<'a, ..> (x:'a) y = x
type ExplicitTyparInfo = ExplicitTyparInfo of rigidCopyOfDeclaredTypars: Typars * declaredTypars: Typars * infer: bool
/// NormalizedBindingRhs records the r.h.s. of a binding after some munging just before type checking.
type NormalizedBindingRhs =
| NormalizedBindingRhs of
......@@ -492,12 +580,6 @@ type RecursiveBindingInfo =
member EnclosingDeclaredTypars: Typar list
member Index: int
/// Represents the results of the first phase of preparing simple values from a pattern
type PrelimVal1 =
member Ident: Ident
member Type: TType
/// Represents the results of the first phase of preparing bindings
type CheckedBindingInfo
......@@ -963,6 +1045,9 @@ val TcNewExpr:
mWholeExprOrObjTy: range ->
Expr * UnscopedTyparEnv
/// Check a 'nameof' expression
val TcNameOfExpr: cenv: TcFileState -> env: TcEnv -> tpenv: UnscopedTyparEnv -> synArg: SynExpr -> Expr
/// Check the application of a provided type to static args
val TcProvidedTypeAppToStaticConstantArgs:
......@@ -976,16 +1061,6 @@ val TcProvidedTypeAppToStaticConstantArgs:
bool * Tainted<ProvidedType> * (unit -> unit)
/// Check a set of simple patterns, e.g. the declarations of parameters for an implicit constructor.
val TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType:
cenv: TcFileState ->
optionalArgsOK: bool ->
checkConstraints: CheckConstraints ->
env: TcEnv ->
tpenv: UnscopedTyparEnv ->
synSimplePats: SynSimplePats ->
string list * (UnscopedTyparEnv * NameMap<PrelimVal1> * Set<string>)
/// Check a set of explicitly declared constraints on type parameters
val TcTyparConstraints:
cenv: TcFileState ->
......@@ -1064,6 +1139,67 @@ val TranslatePartialValReprInfo: tps: Typar list -> PrelimValReprInfo -> ValRepr
/// Constrain two types to be equal within this type checking context
val UnifyTypes: cenv: TcFileState -> env: TcEnv -> m: range -> actualTy: TType -> expectedTy: TType -> unit
val TcRuntimeTypeTest:
isCast: bool ->
isOperator: bool ->
cenv: TcFileState ->
denv: DisplayEnv ->
m: range ->
tgtTy: TType ->
srcTy: TType ->
/// Allow the inference of structness from the known type, e.g.
/// let (x: struct (int * int)) = (3,4)
val UnifyTupleTypeAndInferCharacteristics:
contextInfo: ContextInfo ->
cenv: TcFileState ->
denv: DisplayEnv ->
m: range ->
knownTy: TType ->
isExplicitStruct: bool ->
'T list ->
TupInfo * TTypes
/// Helper used to check both record expressions and record patterns
val BuildFieldMap:
cenv: TcFileState ->
env: TcEnv ->
isPartial: bool ->
ty: TType ->
((Ident list * Ident) * 'T) list ->
m: range ->
TypeInst * TyconRef * Map<string, 'T> * (string * 'T) list
/// Check a long identifier 'Case' or 'Case argsR' that has been resolved to an active pattern case
val TcPatLongIdentActivePatternCase:
warnOnUpper: WarnOnUpperFlag ->
cenv: TcFileState ->
env: TcEnv ->
vFlags: TcPatValFlags ->
patEnv: TcPatLinearEnv ->
ty: TType ->
lidRange: range * item: Item * apref: ActivePatternElemRef * args: SynPat list * m: range ->
(TcPatPhase2Input -> Pattern) * TcPatLinearEnv
/// The pattern syntax can also represent active pattern arguments. This routine
/// converts from the pattern syntax to the expression syntax.
/// Note we parse arguments to parameterized pattern labels as patterns, not expressions.
/// This means the range of syntactic expression forms that can be used here is limited.
val ConvSynPatToSynExpr: synPat: SynPat -> SynExpr
val TcVal:
checkAttributes: bool ->
cenv: TcFileState ->
env: TcEnv ->
tpenv: UnscopedTyparEnv ->
vref: ValRef ->
instantiationInfoOpt: (ValUseFlag * (UnscopedTyparEnv -> TyparKind list -> TypeInst * UnscopedTyparEnv)) option ->
optAfterResolution: AfterResolution option ->
m: range ->
Typar list * Expr * bool * TType * TType list * UnscopedTyparEnv
module GeneralizationHelpers =
/// Given an environment, compute the set of inference type variables which may not be
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
module internal FSharp.Compiler.CheckPatterns
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckExpressions
open FSharp.Compiler.NameResolution
open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTree
open FSharp.Compiler.PatternMatchCompilation
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
/// Check a set of simple patterns, e.g. the declarations of parameters for an implicit constructor.
val TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType:
cenv: TcFileState ->
optionalArgsOK: bool ->
checkConstraints: CheckConstraints ->
env: TcEnv ->
tpenv: UnscopedTyparEnv ->
synSimplePats: SynSimplePats ->
string list * TcPatLinearEnv
// Check a pattern, e.g. for a binding or a match clause
val TcPat:
warnOnUpper: WarnOnUpperFlag ->
cenv: TcFileState ->
env: TcEnv ->
valReprInfo: PrelimValReprInfo option ->
vFlags: TcPatValFlags ->
patEnv: TcPatLinearEnv ->
ty: TType ->
synPat: SynPat ->
(TcPatPhase2Input -> Pattern) * TcPatLinearEnv
// Check a list of simple patterns, e.g. for the arguments of a function or a class constructor
val TcSimplePats:
cenv: TcFileState ->
optionalArgsOK: bool ->
checkConstraints: CheckConstraints ->
ty: TType ->
env: TcEnv ->
patEnv: TcPatLinearEnv ->
synSimplePats: SynSimplePats ->
string list * TcPatLinearEnv
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ open System
open System.Threading
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
#nowarn "57"
/// Represents encoded information for the end-of-line continuation of lexing
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