提交 7b25d7f8 编写于 作者: W Will Smith 提交者: Phillip Carter

Use MemoryMappedFile API instead of p/invoke win32 calls (#7944)

* Remove win32 mmf calls. Use .NET MemoryMappedFile API instead

* Use DangerousGetHandle as it's an implementation detail

* minor cleanup
上级 2fbd4d81
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ open System.Collections.Concurrent
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Diagnostics
open System.IO
open System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open System.Text
open Internal.Utilities
......@@ -184,124 +185,6 @@ type RawMemoryFile(fileName: string, obj: obj, addr: nativeint, length: int) =
interface BinaryFile with
override __.GetView() = view :>_
/// Read from memory mapped files.
module MemoryMapping =
type HANDLE = nativeint
type ADDR = nativeint
type SIZE_T = nativeint
[<DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError=true)>]
extern bool CloseHandle (HANDLE _handler)
[<DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
extern HANDLE CreateFile (string _lpFileName,
int _dwDesiredAccess,
int _dwShareMode,
HANDLE _lpSecurityAttributes,
int _dwCreationDisposition,
int _dwFlagsAndAttributes,
HANDLE _hTemplateFile)
[<DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
extern HANDLE CreateFileMapping (HANDLE _hFile,
HANDLE _lpAttributes,
int _flProtect,
int _dwMaximumSizeLow,
int _dwMaximumSizeHigh,
string _lpName)
[<DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError=true)>]
extern ADDR MapViewOfFile (HANDLE _hFileMappingObject,
int _dwDesiredAccess,
int _dwFileOffsetHigh,
int _dwFileOffsetLow,
SIZE_T _dwNumBytesToMap)
[<DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError=true)>]
extern bool UnmapViewOfFile (ADDR _lpBaseAddress)
let INVALID_HANDLE = new IntPtr(-1)
let MAP_READ = 0x0004
let GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
let NULL_HANDLE = IntPtr.Zero
let FILE_SHARE_NONE = 0x0000
let FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x0001
let FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 0x0002
let CREATE_ALWAYS = 0x0002
let OPEN_EXISTING = 0x0003
let OPEN_ALWAYS = 0x0004
/// A view over a raw pointer to memory given by a memory mapped file.
/// NOTE: we should do more checking of validity here.
type MemoryMapView(start: nativeint) =
inherit BinaryView()
override m.ReadByte i =
Marshal.ReadByte(start + nativeint i)
override m.ReadBytes i n =
let res = Bytes.zeroCreate n
Marshal.Copy(start + nativeint i, res, 0, n)
override m.ReadInt32 i =
Marshal.ReadInt32(start + nativeint i)
override m.ReadUInt16 i =
uint16(Marshal.ReadInt16(start + nativeint i))
override m.CountUtf8String i =
let pStart = start + nativeint i
let mutable p = start
while Marshal.ReadByte p <> 0uy do
p <- p + 1n
int (p - pStart)
override m.ReadUTF8String i =
let n = m.CountUtf8String i
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(start + nativeint i, n)
/// Memory maps a file and creates a single view over the entirety of its contents. The
/// lock on the file is only released when the object is disposed.
/// For memory mapping we currently take one view and never release it.
type MemoryMapFile(fileName: string, view: MemoryMapView, hMap: MemoryMapping.HANDLE, hView: nativeint) =
do stats.memoryMapFileOpenedCount <- stats.memoryMapFileOpenedCount + 1
let mutable closed = false
static member Create fileName =
let hFile = MemoryMapping.CreateFile (fileName, MemoryMapping.GENERIC_READ, MemoryMapping.FILE_SHARE_READ_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, MemoryMapping.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, IntPtr.Zero )
if hFile.Equals MemoryMapping.INVALID_HANDLE then
failwithf "CreateFile(0x%08x)" (Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error())
let protection = 0x00000002
let hMap = MemoryMapping.CreateFileMapping (hFile, IntPtr.Zero, protection, 0, 0, null )
ignore(MemoryMapping.CloseHandle hFile)
if hMap.Equals MemoryMapping.NULL_HANDLE then
failwithf "CreateFileMapping(0x%08x)" (Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error())
let hView = MemoryMapping.MapViewOfFile (hMap, MemoryMapping.MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0n)
if hView.Equals IntPtr.Zero then
failwithf "MapViewOfFile(0x%08x)" (Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error())
let view = MemoryMapView hView
MemoryMapFile(fileName, view, hMap, hView)
member __.FileName = fileName
member __.Close() =
stats.memoryMapFileClosedCount <- stats.memoryMapFileClosedCount + 1
if not closed then
closed <- true
MemoryMapping.UnmapViewOfFile hView |> ignore
MemoryMapping.CloseHandle hMap |> ignore
interface BinaryFile with
override __.GetView() = (view :> BinaryView)
/// Read file from memory blocks
type ByteView(bytes: byte[]) =
inherit BinaryView()
......@@ -3989,19 +3872,24 @@ let createByteFileChunk opts fileName chunk =
| Some (start, length) -> File.ReadBinaryChunk(fileName, start, length)
ByteFile(fileName, bytes) :> BinaryFile
let tryMemoryMapWholeFile opts fileName =
let file =
MemoryMapFile.Create fileName :> BinaryFile
with _ ->
createByteFileChunk opts fileName None
let disposer =
{ new IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() =
match file with
| :? MemoryMapFile as m -> m.Close() // Note that the PE file reader is not required after this point for metadata-only reading
| _ -> () }
disposer, file
let createMemoryMapFile fileName =
let mmf, accessor, length =
let fileStream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
let length = fileStream.Length
let mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(fileStream, null, length, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read, HandleInheritability.None, leaveOpen=false)
mmf, mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0L, fileStream.Length, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read), length
let safeHolder =
{ new obj() with
override x.Finalize() =
(x :?> IDisposable).Dispose()
interface IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() =
GC.SuppressFinalize x
stats.memoryMapFileClosedCount <- stats.memoryMapFileClosedCount + 1 }
stats.memoryMapFileOpenedCount <- stats.memoryMapFileOpenedCount + 1
safeHolder, RawMemoryFile(fileName, safeHolder, accessor.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), int length) :> BinaryFile
let OpenILModuleReaderFromBytes fileName bytes opts =
let pefile = ByteFile(fileName, bytes) :> BinaryFile
......@@ -4067,7 +3955,7 @@ let OpenILModuleReader fileName opts =
// For metadata-only, always use a temporary, short-lived PE file reader, preferably over a memory mapped file.
// Then use the metadata blob as the long-lived memory resource.
let disposer, pefileEager = tryMemoryMapWholeFile opts fullPath
let disposer, pefileEager = createMemoryMapFile fullPath
use _disposer = disposer
let (metadataPhysLoc, metadataSize, peinfo, pectxtEager, pevEager, _pdb) = openPEFileReader (fullPath, pefileEager, None, false)
let mdfile =
......@@ -4106,7 +3994,7 @@ let OpenILModuleReader fileName opts =
// still use an in-memory ByteFile
let _disposer, pefile =
if alwaysMemoryMapFSC || stableFileHeuristicApplies fullPath then
tryMemoryMapWholeFile opts fullPath
createMemoryMapFile fullPath
let pefile = createByteFileChunk opts fullPath None
let disposer = { new IDisposable with member __.Dispose() = () }
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